Baby Blue (2023) Poster


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Nothing New, Been Done Before
soulcrisis2824 June 2023
The premise is old, tired, and played out. What truly sucks about it and is its major downfall in my opinion is this annoying, slobbering, caveman looking kid, Cyrus Arnold. Someone never taught him how to swallow his spit and anytime he gets erratic, which is often unfortunately, he starts drooling every where. Also, when he talks, his mouth sounds like it's full of his spit 24/7. Last, he is one ugly dude, hence the caveman reference earlier. So, sucks looking at him, sucks listening to him talk, makes him a weak link.

Aside from that, it's like every other pile of garbage coming out these days with a young/teen leading cast, full of angst and piss and vinegar which keeps the viewer from connecting with the character or giving 2 squirts about what happens to them or if they live or die.

Of course there's the other "admirable" trait the "ask Google" generation oozes, the know everything when really knowing nothing mentality because they are almost solely educated on Google and the internet. Which makes them think they know everything with the ease and speed of merely looking something up on their smartphone for any and all answers which, anyone with half a brain cell knows you can't believe or trust anything on the internet without taking a grain of salt with it, except for the Gen Z/ask Google generation, they take it all in full stride.

So, if these kinda things don't bother you or your just a young reader of this review, feel free to watch this, there's far worse out there trust me, just don't pay to watch it, it's free on Tubi.
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WAY better than I was expecting!
FreakyDarling25 June 2023
Honestly this was one of the best independent films I've seen in while. It truly had me jump a couple times and was well edited.

I wanted to watch this to see Cyrus Arnold. Loved him in Mr. Harrigan's Phone, and wanted to see him in a less mean role. He did amazingly! He sold it on the fear factor and just hit it out of the ballpark on his choices for his character's reactions.

The other cast members were great too! The siblings played well off each other. Baby Blue just was fantastic with his serial killer vibes. He kind of reminded me a bit of Ricardo "the Night Stalker" Ramirez meets Henry Bowers.
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Nightmare on elm Street meets the ring..
wesman-2422724 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It... what can I say.. was ok.. the acting was ok.. the storyline was promising if not familiar. As I said .. take the ring and mash it with nightmare on elm Street. And you get Baby blue. A dead serial killer who.. after watching a cursed video... can kill you. They even paid homage to the ring by mentioning it in the film. And oh yeah.. he comes at night.. and let's not forget the found footage genre as they film everything.

I'm not going to go into the details on this movie. I can only say if you are bored one night and want to see an ok "horror" movie. Check out Baby blue. Not good.. but certainly not bad.
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wakeupat4 July 2023
I am not sure what movie everyone else in the reviews watched, but it was not this one. I am willing to bet that the reviews praising it are either friends of if not the actual people who worked on the film, because besides cinematography, it was terrible. This movie is a amalgamation of several tropes that make other movies good, essentially trying to be 3 separate movies...and fails on all fronts.

The film references way better movies like "The Ring" and "The Shinning", the director stating something along the lines of this being a love letter to the genre... nope. As a mess of a film that can not seem to figure out what it wants to be, and can not seem to keep it's own plotlines coherent or consistent. Referencing or nodding to better films does not make yours any better. Even as a student film it would be subpar. The film attempts so many potentially great things, yet somehow can not deliver.

If "edging" was a movie, this is it. Go watch a classic horror, or a gritty crime drama. Would have rather put toothpicks under my toenails and kicked a wall than watch this again. Trash movie, garbage story, sad credit for all involved. Unfortunately, it isn't even a "The Room" kind of movie that is "so bad its it's good" and will becomes a cult classic. It's just plain bad in all aspects, besides the cinematography.

If it seems like I am ranting or hating on the movie, I am. I have no skin in the game, but the fact that this is my first review in my entire life, and the only film I walked away feeling like I wasted my time...that should say something.

The final scene was seemingly thrown in last second in hope's of a sequel, although fitting as it was a terrible ending.
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Baby Blue
BandSAboutMovies29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Director Adam Mason said that this film is "a love letter to the kind of books and movies I grew up loving, particularly the Stephen King novels that I loved so much as a teenager. It felt like no one was making those kinds of films for the YA market, and the teenage me would be really missing out today. That's why I wanted to make Baby Blue."

A group of teens has discovered the story of Baby Blue, a serial killer who killed himself rather than be caught. But now, years later, his murders have never stopped. Is he killing from beyond? And wouldn't that be a great story for their true crime show?

Nothing bad is going to happen, right?

Mason also wrote Play Dead, which just started. On Tubi last week, as well as the films Pig and Songbird. He co-wrote this script with Simon Boyes, who has teamed with Mason on several other projects.

Baby Blue (Dylan Sprayberry) looks a lot like Bill Paxton in Near Dark and he acts a lot like a direct-to-video Freddy rip-off, so think 976-Evil. Except he doesn't have to torture anyone while they're asleep. He can do it while they're awake, so many of his victims -- after his death -- have been seen on video, Cecil Hotel-style, murdering themselves while his spirit is conveniently unseen.

I'm going to give the true crime podcasters of the world some advice. If you are invited into the home of the mother of a serial killer -- Mama (Ellen Karsten) -- and things start getting weird, like say she starts describing how she has to break down her fecal matter by hand because their plumbing is bad, you should just leave the house while you still can. Or you can always end up there tied to a bed and having her spray rancid milk out of her three breasts all over your face.

Oh yeah, if that isn't enough, this also has a cursed found footage video that keeps the killing going, in case anyone was hoping that this could unite Elm Street with The Ring and both of them had an intimate threeway with Barbarian.

The baby will be the inevitable sequel.

There are a lot of people complaining about the acting in this movie, so I ask you, fellow movie watchers, tell me you didn't rent tons of direct-to-video horror in the 90s without telling me. Keep on bringing me goofy stuff, Tubi.
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Very Good for a Low Budget Indie Horror
zack_gideon28 June 2023
This is a cross between Smile, It Follows, The Ring and even Barbarian believe it or not. It's also a combination of tech horror/found footage/reality. It's really unpredictable and well paced, thoroughly enjoyable film!

So for once Tubi puts its hat in the ring for a (probably licensed after finished) movie that's actually good! Yay!

The plot is simple, like many neo-slashers, this is about an entity that kills. For those that haven't seen it THE ENTITY (1981) is fantastic and ahead of it's time.

No spoilers, but the movie is quick paced, funny at parts and the plot is well constructed as well and has some good creepy and scary moments. 6.9/10!
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A good indie movie.
hellfire1014-840-8322031 August 2023
Been wanting to start writing reviews. Not a slasher movie. More them trying to fix their mistake. Poor August. The first few minutes I was being critical to, and It doesn't take long to take off. It is entertaining, and keeps you watching. I'm sure this will be a cult classic one day. Tubis actually got a nice original. No I'm not a family member, or staff cousin. If there's a "little secret" behind the credits Tubi won't pop up a new movie. I know I just said I'm not a family member, but I wouldn't mind watching more of these lol. Got all here. Laughs, creeps, cool characters. 34 yo was a indie fan back in the day. Well I thought that was max character limits.... I personally thought it was great.
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Loved it! Spoilers in review
lmckissack-7851130 June 2023
Some things I liked: 1. I thought all of the cast of the teenage video crew were great - good acting makes the difference in a low budget film between being a fun, raw, cultish flick and something unwatchable. Yes, Cyrus is kind of goofy, but he pulled off the rage and the fight in the end and I really ended up liking his character.

2. They were smart to cover the baby-faced killer's face in blood throughout the movie. Otherwise it would have been hard to picture him as a killer.

3. The story was recycled, sure, but with a bunch of fun twists and retelling.

4. The little Easter Egg of mama's third t*t. That whole scene was gross, but funny.

Things that missed the mark for me: 1. Nobody seems to give a crap what happened to hutch, and there's no follow through.

2. The very last scene - Come on!
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Fresh Audacity.
influxtwo9 July 2023
I thought this was fun to watch! And entertaining enough to sustain my attention, draw me in, and engage the horror trivia fan in me. Especially since the film's horror references were right down my alley.

The aesthetic, editing, acting, writing, and pacing all landed pretty well for me. This was impressive quality suspense in some respects, with a pretty consistent uphold, though the genre does blend & vary.

It's a fresh hybrid at a break-neck pace that uses simple and done-before tropes and contrivances with such earnest tribute for storytelling, and quirky acting, that it may suspend your disbelief just enough to enjoy it.

This is a techno-horror film that references films like 'The Ring', while imitating other films like the original asian 'One Missed Call', & a slew of American horror motifs & references.

This is a modern horror vehicle for a horror film less traveled these days. And it even teeters in to comedy and surrealism. It never tries too hard, and the editing is sharp and neat.

The music drew me in, and the plot twists came with a dose of fun and squirmy suspense.

I would definitely recommend to horror fans who are willing to enjoy a wacky thrill ride, not to be scared, but just to test your knowledge of popular horror tropes seldom seen with this kind of fresh and raw audacity.

Won't blow your mind but it's certainly a bit different compared to much of the modern free nap-fuel out there these days especially in this genre. A crazy dark horror comedy with an edge. Thank you Tubi & the creators.
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So the movie Baby Blue...
violet-1607724 July 2023
The plot was great. I kind of knew that it would be a good movie because Anthony Turpel was there (and c'mon, look at him). But that suspense was WOW!. It was so hook grabbing that midway I almost forgot about Turpel and just enjoyed the film. I have to say the best part of these movies is the realism they bring compared to big Hollywood movies. They kind of create a documentary/curiosity feel that's never too tense so you can rest easy at night. However, I have never cursed (no pun intended) out so many people while watching a horror movie in my life. I wanted to punch each character in the face or become Baby Blue so that I can make them punch themselves. I really do praise the directors for articulating the best annoying hipster character they could. They deserve a raise. But other than that, really great movie. And there was no sarcasm in this review (literally) 😐.
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Surprising little indie horror
johannes2000-123 March 2024
It's a clearly low-budgeted little indie horror flick, but they really got the most out of the moderate means. The premise is not that original (a group of not so bright youngsters who want to make it in the world of internet vlogs go on a ghost-hunting trip), it's a bit like Ghostbusters with a camera, or a Scooby-Doo episode without Scooby-Doo. But they still made a pretty decent story of it, with a serious sinister undertone and a creepy atmosphere. The few VFX were convincing enough, it has a good pace, and the acting was fine (although the annoying August character went way over the top!). Just a pity that the actor they used for the killer didn't look in any way as menacing and horrifying as was intended, in spite of covering his face with blood smears; the sunglasses and cigarets made him look almost cute, like some defiant teen.

If anything, the writing was a bit unbalanced. The dead, but still haunting serial killer didn't get any serious background or motives for his acts. The unfortunately killed Hutch seemed to be forgotten by everyone, including the writers, as was the sister of Baby Blue who apparently still hovers in that house (or I missed some clue). Her sudden change of sides from obedient daughter to the savior of the victims came totally out of the blue. And the very last scene in the car impressed as an afterthought of the writers: hey, let's throw in something that we could use for a sequel! But there were some pretty strong scenes too: the blinded guy in the basement looked great, and the whole sequence with the deranged mother from hell and her milk-obsession was absolutely top notch!
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I like :)
zesoza27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That was a kind of a movie I like. Some supernatural and mysterious. And a cursed video tape.

Plot was easy to understand at least in my opinion. I don't know but somehow I like movies with "smart" characters.

And movie wasn't too unbelieveable: The curse of video got inside the victim's head.

There wasn't anything invincible things, there was a way to stop the curse, they did it, but.. :D

And they mentioned "The Ring" :) And at the start I was like "this movie somehow reminds me of The Ring".

Dunno what else to say it was great, I liked it and and.. that was my first review I ever wrote :D.
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An overall fun if somewhat flawed genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder11 December 2023
Trying to stay relevant, a group of friends desperate for their big break in the video content-producing industry decide to look into a local true crime case, but the more they investigate the situation the more they come to believe the thought-dead serial killer has targeted them and must stop his rampage.

For the most part, this was a generally decent and enjoyable effort. One of the finer points of this one is the overall setup in place that serves the film incredibly well. The idea of the group being forced into tackling the true crime case to continue their career is clunky but worthwhile enough for this kind of effort, and the backstory featured here of the case involving the fate of the figure they're working with is quite chilling. The exploits at the hotel where the victim lived and bring them into contact with the real nature of the curse and how that continues against the series of ritualistic occurrences ties everything together under the curse. This sets up the rather fun storyline where the supernatural figure starts to insert himself into the group's life and torment them for the resurrection angle that brought him back. The series of interactions with the supernatural figure appearing out of nowhere playing mind games or instructing victims to graphically kill themselves while the rest of the group heads off into a five series of investigative processes on how to stop the curse is all handled quite nicely. It all leads to the twist-laden finale as the participants in league with the killer get introduced and start providing some vicious confrontations with the killer and his targets that allow for some fun gore and action to have some positive aspects. There are some flaws to be had with this one. The biggest drawback to be had here is the troublesome antics of the cursed brother who we're supposed to find funny yet everything he does is lame and unfunny. The jokes and quips about a learning disability aren't an excuse for the type of setup here that goes for some laughably immature and ends up causing more trouble for the group to have to deal with as he is directly responsible for continuing the struggle which makes him hard to like. That's also the cause for the killer who's a completely non-threatening figure with his faux-greaser style, baby-face looks, and goofy motivation that leaves everything incredibly underwhelming which all lowers the film overall.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Extreme Graphic Language, and Brief Nudity.
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