Face 2 Face (2013) Poster


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Interesting look into a healing journey
llmvt30 June 2012
Face2Face is the documentary by Hollywood Director Katherine Brooks. It is a travelogue of a woman who after major Surgery, Literally was isolated from actual contact, while surrounded on the internet with 5000 followers battled bouts of Depressionand eventually attempted Suicide. the survival triggered a desire to re-connect with people..the first 50 who agreed to be filmed were picked, routes made and the Doc was off.

The individuals all have stories of loss. fear, isolation and ultimately redemption. The film shows the Journey taken by so many behind closed doors. The Director discloses her personal tragedies and tries to find the answers to her questions about her values, her art, and her future without xanax.

I enjoyed the journey and felt it gave a real face to mental illness and the need to de-stigmatize the universal need for help. In the negative side we meet only a few of the 50 and i feel poorer for that.

Overall very good Documentary, perfect for a Sunday afternoon.

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A Must See!!
itsmejulie30 June 2012
This is a very inspirational touching piece of work it makes you stop and think we are all connected we all have our life stories of struggles,triumphs victory's,happiness, sadness, REAL LIFE adventures.This made me laugh made me cry and made me think we are all here for a reason. let it be. Thanks Kat for not holding back and for making this happen I always look forward to all of your ideas. I admire you.I always look forward to seeing whats next.I loved watching this and craved for more more more.I am sure I will watch this movie again and again.I will recommend it to my friends. Congratulations Kat on making such an outstanding film and I look forward to many more to come.
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Face 2 Face Resonates
pixelblast900012 August 2012
This is one of the most brilliant, honest, REAL, heart-wrenching, gentle, soulful, graceful, funny, and powerful things I've seen in easily a decade. The director Kat Brooks is wondrous in this exploration of herself, the lives around her, and the relationship between them.

It's also touching to see how earnestly she really wants her work to mean something positive for the larger world, touch people's hearts, and make them think more consciously about their relative impact on each other. That's really the whole game in Hollywood (and the Arts more broadly) - the real challenge that every business force in the industry actually tries to prevent you from succeeding at because of the mindless fears the profit motive exacerbates, but which conversely is the most important to achieve. She wasn't finding that connection in oxymoronic "scripted reality television", and as a genuine documentarian, the dishonesty of that was truly driving her nuts.

She risks quite a bit revealing her jumble of feelings from hurt, to scared, to loving, to angry, to caring, to flat-out confused, to self-deprecatingly funny. Kat has some truly horrible emotional wounds, but ultimately has not been conquered by them - though she came frighteningly close to the edge, largely due to the carelessness of others. However, her personal challenges have made her well-placed to not just sympathize, but empathize with others, and that informs this work. As one of the friends she finds along the 11,000 mile journey simply says, "Good job."

In a world that is increasingly isolating while claiming to be hyper-connected thanks to our technological advances, I guarantee that this movie will resonate with you.

Kat GETS IT. Get the movie "Face 2 Face", then get connected for REAL. You are not alone.
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Face2Face is not just a movie, it is a movement!
kellysines_snap2 July 2012
6 months ago I discovered Director Katherine Brooks and her film, Face 2 Face, on Twitter. At that time I was not an active part of society and hadn't been years. I was battling anxiety and depression, and I was losing the battle. After seeing Face 2 Face I was inspired to get off of my couch, conquer my demons and begin to truly live my life. I am eternally grateful to Katherine for her willingness to openly share her experiences with us in Face 2 Face. If you have ever felt alone, unloved, under-appreciated or just want to be inspired you must watch this film – you will not be disappointed and you will understand why Face 2 Face is not just a movie, it is a movement!
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Face 2 Face
jo-constanzo30 June 2012
Face 2 Face is something raw and real. Director Katherine Brooks throws the Hollywood rule book out of the window and makes a true meaningful movie. You will see things that will make you smile, you will see things that make you laugh, you will even see things that make you question if you are truly living your life. There is no sugar coating anything in this film. There is no script, no cue cards. Just people and a camera. The movie discusses problems society is to afraid to bring up. I recommend everyone check out this movie. You will laugh, and you will cry. Katherine Brooks does not hold back and because of that something wonderful was put out there. I've never seen anything like Face 2 Face before. I can't praise it enough. Go see it!!!
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A life-changing piece of film making.
TyraRocks10 July 2012
You rarely find directors who use their work to pursue what they truly believe in. 'Hollywood' tends to be seen to be dominated by money and the desire for 'success' and NOT focusing on what is important - a connection and the truth.

Katherine Brooks is somebody I admire so greatly, and this project just reaffirms that.

Face 2 Face focuses on the issues of mental health and re-connecting with a world that is lost within the depths of social media. As a sufferer of anxiety and depression, this documentary moved me to a place beyond words of a review. The screener came at a perfect time for me due to a relapse, but seeing it brings the life changing message, YANA - you are not alone.

Society stigmatises mental health but F2F shows the intricacies and complexity of depression that hopefully makes those who do not suffer with mental health issues, think twice before they judge someone. Despite myself being judged a lot, F2F also shows that even if you are misunderstood by the world, you will never be completely alone.

This is the most inspirational piece of work I have ever seen. It is raw, it is emotional, it is REAL. Kat pushes the boundaries, and just creates magic.

I can't help but wonder what my life would be like if Kat didn't run away to Hollywood and start making movies, I know I would be a whole lot more misunderstood and unhappy.

For anyone who has ever felt misunderstood, hurt, sad, heartbroken, just any type of emotion, WATCH THIS and begin the healing. This woman will change your life. She changed mine.
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An amazing journey
panyky30 June 2012
I was able to see this film last night and it was amazingly touching. Kat's bravery at showing who she is and how hard the journey can be was inspirational to me. There are a lot of similarities between the feelings that she was dealing with and what I have had to deal with in my life too, and I find that so reassuring, as I'm sure it will be to anyone that has been to the depths and clawed their way back up to the light. I think that the subjects and feelings touched upon in this movie are universal and I highly recommend that everyone watch this so that we can all connect in a real way, not just a virtual way. Thank you, Kat!
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A woman with 5000 FB Friends goes across country to meet 50 of them
caligal504 July 2012
This film has the heart and soul of Kat Brooks right out there for all to see . In the process of her 11000+ mile trip across America to come Face2Face with some of her online friends the stories she shares touch our hearts and souls. She unfolds her difficult heart wrenching past. I cried and found parts of myself there as well. This is a film that will change everyone who sees it for the better as it reminds us we're all more alike than different. We are never alone. She discusses her near successful attempt at ending her own life. This was a very brave disclosure which she made despite advise to the contrary by her manager and lawyer. She once again proves to her fanbase that she will always be herself, honest and true. Some of the friends she meets are going through times of stress and turmoil, Kats ability to empathsize is a gift they all embrace.
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Katherine Brooks a true inspiration to us ALL --Must See!!!
berries_8111 July 2012
Feeling alone, but yet you have all these 'friends' on Facebook? –Are they really your friends or just a number, how would you know unless you go FACE TO FACE and spend time with them. Do we have real emotions or are they embedded in this object called a COMPUTER. Katherine Brooks feeling depressed and battling between staying alive or calling it quits one day decided that it was time to meet 50 of her friends on Facebook and received a HUG in person since she has not had a hug in months, even after facing a major surgery. Join her on this inspirational journey that will keep you drawn into the film from start to finish……EVEN Hollywood was against the film!! –SHE 'KAT' is a real person with real struggles and real emotions, nothing she hides!! FACE TO FACE is a must see a TRUE reality into the life of a Katherine 'Kat' Brooks!!
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great project
alejandracool10 July 2012
this movie was so inspirational and so refreshing of what we see on regular movies. The journey that Kat made, and what it meant about living and breathing trough technology, and that we are so detach from the real people, was really well proved. I admire Kat because trough the movie we can see her own journey looking for some resolution to her life, and I think most of the people who watched this feel something like that, and feel some kind of loneliness, and to think that the only thing to make it better is just to talk to real people instead of a screen... I learned a lot from this. I think this movie deserves real recognition and everyone should watch this.
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Touching Film Explores Various Dimensions of the Human Spirit
andy-420-16154611 July 2012
Was touched by this movie's ability to shed light on a number of dimensions of the human spirit (and experience) by exploring new relationships and how deep a stranger can go in connecting with strangers.....depression, anxiety, travel, work, and social media are also elements woven into this story. A must-see for anyone who has a curious mind and/or is questioning their role on this planet. These experiences are in front of us everyday if we just look for them....special and unique experiences with individuals we knew (or hardly know) can lead to more interesting life lessons being learned, new friendships developed, new connections/networks to connect people to, and eye-opening experiences in general.
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Face2Face is a must see!
callen68911 July 2012
What an amazing movie! I found it very inspiring to watch Kat Brooks on her journey. It's not often that a movie has truly touched my soul. It reminded me that life really is about personal relationships and the rolls we can play in each others lives.Relationships that are at their best when they are Face2Face. Kat travels around the country to spend a day with the first 50 of her face book friends to respond to her post. She bravely shares her personal struggle with depression and addiction. There are very real moments that make you want to provide the hug she longs for at the beginning of the movie. Witnessing the raw emotion of her interactions was captivating. I've begun to reflect on my own relationship, refusing to rely on social media for those interactions. i can't wait to own this movie!
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Please watch!
tinajadams11 July 2012
Katherine Brooks is a great director. Loving Annabelle is my favorite movie ever. When I heard about the concept for this movie it sounded very interesting. I was given the opportunity to see this film one evening and I didn't take my eyes off the screen until the credits rolled. I find it amazing that a director would just hop in a car and spend a day with 50 of her online friends to connect with them. I couldn't imagine someone so successful could feel so alone in her real life. I know she found out she is not alone. Please watch this movie, it is very touching and real. You do need Kleenex though. It is very brave to reveal yourself to people, but also to see what others are going through and have compassion for them and their sufferings. She was so very sweet and kind to a young lady in the film who was undergoing therapy. That tells a lot about someone. Real life connecting is so much more fulfilling, but it requires putting yourself out there. Watch her interesting journey. It's a great film in every way!
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REAL, a must see!
happygirlvera9 July 2012
I heard/read about face2face about 7 months ago. I was interested in it because when I was little we all played outside. We didn't have mobile phone's, computers and all that kind of stuff. We were always outside. When I look at kids now they have like all kind of technology and they spend a lot of time indoors and on computers. Not face2face anymore.

When I saw little parts of it I just needed to see it. It is an journey with high emotions, laughter and ups and downs. It just is so real. Katherine Brooks is open and REAL. She goes her own way and does what she thinks is right. After I saw the movie I really could not pick words for it. I still can't. Its just a must see. It will make you think about a lot of stuff.
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