Flight/Risk (2022) Poster


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CEO's, Do They Make Too Much Money???
wandernn1-81-68327428 November 2022
It's a pretty sad story of the military industrial complex, which really doesn't care about human life at all, just profits.

Bottom line here is 346 people died in 2 crashes and the Boeing CEO who made 30 million a year had to resign. His replacement started with a salary of 1.4 million a year with lots of incentives to aim for. His most immediate incentive? Restore the failure of Boeing Max to flight status worldwide. Which took him around a year, and he got a bonus of 7 MILLION DOLLARS.

You see how this crap works? It's disgusting. And really is the plane design safe now? The jury is still out.

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Solid documentary that's gets itself distracted
lfc35711 September 2022
The story of the 737max is a definitely a cautionary tale for all manufacturer's to learn. Boeing got itself lost in a battle with Airbus and made tragic mistakes. Had this documentary focused solely on those mistakes and people who lost loved ones as result, it would have been a powerful and honest film. Unfortunately the director and producer couldn't help himself and let his leftist anti capitalism seep through. This isn't a failure of capitalism, but a failure of upper management to listen to their people and the failure of the FAA to provide oversight. This film is definitely worth watching, just a shame for what it could have been.....
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danielcereto9 October 2022
The documentary is based on two airplane accidents between 2018-2019 were almost 300 hundred people died.

The point here is the why. Were those planes ready to flight?

The documentary shows the raw reality of the family of the victims and the long justice battle of them and helped by an important ex Boeing worker, trying to make justice.

But there is a problem, the huge and powerful company tries to avoid any responsibility.

The documentary is pretty well done and it shows perfectly the point. Could have been better but could have been worse. I like it. I buy most of the story and now I understand the power of big corporations like Boeing, and their priorities. Money first. Security next.
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Too big to fail.
FIoret11 September 2022
Boeing is one of those "too big to fail" or "too big to be held accountable" companies impart thanks to the total ineptitude of the FAA.

Not a single person fired or punished? Both of them operate much like the law enforcement in America.... they regulate and investigate themselves - with no serious oversight to hold them accountable.

Extremely informative and distressing documentary. By the end I was left with the complete certainty that this will happen again and again.

A highlight of the documentary is watching the lawyers for the families relentlessly championing for them. The Seattle reporter who didn't stop till the truth is uncovered. And the young woman in the UK who lost her father. She handles her grief with such strength and grace.

My disappointment with Boeing and FAA is slightly less maddening knowing there are people out there that are still honest, ethical and are doing what's RIGHT instead of what they want.
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Very biased and unintelligent
yogi-3552217 September 2022
I wanted to know if the plane is safe to fly. This documentary is just corporate bashing not technically informative.

This is not journalism, it feels more like a dramatic movie. It's very unfortunate that this happened but this movie doesn't do any justice to look forward. It felt just one sided or documentaries supposed to be just facts. How did my own research and found out that most pilots love flying this airplane and most experts approve of the changes. It's unfair to the audience as well as the Boeing company. There is a Frontline documentary which is way better and way more informative than this.
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Incredibly moving, beautifully filmed
faiza_slika26 September 2022
Not all heroes wear capes, and seeing people putting their lives and career on the line, with so much grace is incredibly powerful. The whistleblower deserves honors.

And for once we are taken into this scandal through the experience of the families victims. It could happen to any of us, we could all be victims of big corporations greed.

It's just so sad that they kept on going, it's an insult to the hundreds of families who lost loved ones. Well done Amazon for bringing this story to light.

Also, congratulations to the directors and producers for capturing the emotions of the families and the bravery of the whistleblower.
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One Sided Corporate Bash
mwangler12 September 2022
Yes Boeing and the FAA Failed - that could have been documented in about 15 minutes without liberal nonsense that makes up the rest of this mocumentary. Why Boeing and the FAA Failed never got answered and even more - why the Lawyers got most of the 2.5 Billion dollar settlement and victims families were compensated in some cases less than 100 Thousand dollars each per death is the most sickening part of this Video.

Here is a hint: Follow the Money! Expalin why several law firms earned millions in filing lawsuits - yest the actual compensation paid to the families was only a fraction of what was paid out. The viewer is left with more questions than answers - and glaring oversights. The hard work wasn't done here. Fifteen minutes on Wikipedia will tell you more about this story than will this video.
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Anyone who has to fly should watch this
orchidami26 January 2023
This was really an excellent documentary. It moves quickly and clearly and to the point. If you are part of the public that has to fly on a regular basis I would recommend you watch this, if you are a concerned citizen and tired of BIG BUSINESS controlling our world and our government you should watch this and even if you don't care about either you should watch this. They hit on all the points without getting muddy and boring. Points out clearly that as a human being you mean NOTHING to large corporations or the greedy people that run them and the FAA that one would think cares but really doesn't. The whistle blowers of this world should be hailed as the true rock stars of our society they deserve adulation and all the respect. Too bad $ is always the winner in our universe.
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Whiny, incomplete recap.
edwmeier13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film focuses on family's grief, the whistle blowers who were ignored, and the journey to hold Boeing criminally accountable, which they deserved. (Compare Volkswagen's "clean" diesel exhaust scam.) A strong case is made that the FAA was complicit in the cover up. But the film fails to fully explain exactly what happened. There is no mention of Boeing execs relying on one sensor for this critical piece. (Using two would have required recertification as per FAA rules.)

It bounces back and forth between stories of families recovering and reflecting, the technical explanation, and the legal team. It can be difficult to remember where the previous story left off. So I would call it choppy.

This is not a good addition to the story of this tragedy.

The federal hearings are captured well. And president Trump is not made out to be a fool for a change.
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Great effort but leaves unanswered questions
ericadamslives28 September 2022
Flight/Risk is directed from the perspective of a journalist-and as a journalistic effort I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up.

The documentary examines the back-to-back deadly crashes of Boeing 737 MAX airplanes, first near Indonesia and five months later in Ethiopia.

Whistleblowers, a journalist and others seek to hold Boeing accountable for the loss of human life, and contend that the 300+ lives lost were due to economic concerns rather than pilot safety.

The documentary follows a journalist at the Seattle Times as he seeks to piece together the mismanagement and indecision at Boeing that may have impacted the ultimate decision by the FAA to ground all MAX planes. A lawyer representing the plaintiffs and victims is also followed as he seeks justice.

The documentary is very good and shot in 4K UHD, and reveals the complacency and-yes-culpability of the Federal government and its regulators in the hierarchy of accountability.

The movie poses some serious questions about the impact that Wall Street and the Dow Jones Industrial Average has on management decisions at American megacorporations.
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The Victims & Public Deserve More
AudioFileZ9 November 2022
Films like this tug at your emotions. Afterall, how dare a huge corporate entity, with government oversight, murder hundred of people with the potential to kill many more? Well, if every story has multiple sides this film pretty much narrows it down to incriminating Boeing, only topically exploring the hubris, callousness, and possible criminal actions of the Boeing corporate management.

No one went to jail curiously...and, I deduce by various sources on the web, the lawyers for the victims made off individually much better than bereaved relatives. As dark as the corporate greed was, it turns a blind eye to the equally questionable supposed compensation process.

The viewer, and I believe, victims would be better served by a surgical and methodical look into the many aspects creating the perfect storm where Boeing went from being the premier producer of safe and dependable aircraft to a company making sub-standard, and un-safe, aircraft in service of milking Wall Street, and airline clients, for obscenely massive monetary gain.

This was preventable, yet all of the early employees sounding quality control issues were literally erased by Boeing (see an pre-Max expose on CBS 60-Minutes where alarm bells over the 787 "Dreamliner" quality predicted future deadly crashes). In this film we see a few latter-day Boeing employee whistleblowers - basically too little, too late to stop the deadly wheels already in motion. The whole terrible tragedy could have been caught earlier, much earlier. This is a big ommission to a better understanding of a deadly corporate climate.

As such, Flight/Risk simply makes Boeing look evil and the lawyers seeking compensation like some kind of saints. I hardly believe this serves the victims in the most reverent sense. And, the Max is back in the air, perhaps safer, yet still highly flawed, which no one seems to want to explore in depth. Something still smells bad in this whole terrible tragedy and this film ignores it. Maybe one day a really hard-hitting, courageously in-depth probe will tell a more balanced accounting. One that truly exposes how a revered and respected Boeing became a criminal organization able to reduce the FAA to the level of a lachey accomplice.
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dsouzakriston15 March 2023
Never seen the other side of Boeing until these 2 crashes and this documentary takes you on a ride with the people who showed the other side of Boeing and the FAA with so much depth. These people really bought justice if not full justice to the victim's families. The main culprit's are the CEO FAA and the Senior managers who managed to escape. I hope Boeing and FAA has learned from their mistakes and prevent this incident in the future. Being an Avgeek I never thought Boeing will go for such an extent for Profits at the cost of 346 innocent lives. This documentary really shows the pain of the victim's families. The Best Documentary I've ever seen hand's down.
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Lazy uninformed
warrior-236 October 2022
Absolute garbage, this documentary is very misleading and doesn't hone in on exactly what the problem with the 737max airplane was.

The main reason why the planes crashed was an aerodynamic design flaw that was augmented with software to compensate these design flaws. The documentary would lead you to believe it was a production qualify control problem but this wasn't the cause. The documentary has no direction and relies heavily on the families hurt to validate itself. It seems like it was put together by people who didn't bother to educate themselves about aviation systems and history. Overall very disappointing. A quick Google on the real cause and reasons will save you the time.
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the ''in memory of'' factor...
ops-525353 October 2022
Damages the sting against the culprits of this documentary, namely boeing and the FAA.because if these accidents hadnt happened, there wouldnt have been a topic making a documentary on. I do really cry with and for the victims because im one of those who actually are scared of flying an airplane and wants air safety to be top, therefore its deadly important that docu's like this is made and spread out to the world, and the top priority must be to tell us ...WHY????

Therefore i praise people like dominic gates et.co. Doing the knitwork, done with yarn delivered by edward pierson and others, risking their life and reputation and working carreers for all of us that has to fly once in a while, saving thousands of lifes from future crashes and failures when airplanes are produced and assembled according to the new norm of work management, save a screw or save every second rivet in the fuselage to save a buck, thank you ,thank you, thank you for doing this.

The most practical solutions to the mcas issue, must be one or both out of 2 options, that boeing turn and gives real time flightsimulator training to the airlines using any type of boeing machines, and that especially that FAA sets as an absolute minimum demand that simulator training is given anyhow and regularly(per year /every 2nd year etc) to all and everybody that shall steer/manouver new aircraft models and it forthcoming variants. So lets all hope that these issues will be taken care of, as well as i blame the corrupt lobbyists in the governmental corridors of washington. Flight safety costs more than a life is worth, do take the consequence and responsibility now...

A must see docu, says the grumpy old man if youre a novice in the trade, couldve been far more technically advanced on the flying issues.
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Only one side of the coin projected!
nemmalurisanthosh21 September 2022
So A victim who lost her father, and a journalist and other boeing employee are the only technical people that the director relayed upon.. you should bring in a real flight expert to convey what exactly went wrong, even the director don't know what went wrong.. but it's all about blaming corporate company.. so literally they wanted to convey that 737 Max is just built to kill people..and even at the end the director intentions looked like he wants another disaster to happen to support these!! Utterly disappointed!! We should also compare the failure rate of 737 vs other models. Reason for mishap is not shown clearly.. and actually no one knows.. But the documentary is engaging and i like anything related to flights.. the photography is good.. but the problem is it's one-sided.
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Recovery of scammed crypto funds
karinrenata30 May 2024
How to be a home owner within 6 months heres a tip. I used to share an apartment with my uncle and I always paid for it even though it was his house. Funny yeah?! This motivated me to look into bitcoin investment since I don't really have the ability to work physically due to back pain and I'm 52. This faithful day I was attending a blockchain seminar online where I found this team ( f a s t r e c o v e r y c h a n n e l @ m a i l . C o m ) I started my investment journey with 1500usd and in 72 working days I received 27k worth of bitcoin. When I found it was real I reinvested my funds with them and accumulated about 540000 in 6 months. This is the best investment/business I've ever done with people online and I will recommend them to anyone having financial struggles or willing to succeed in cryptocurrency trading, mining and investment. Or even recovery of stolen or lost bitcoin and bitcoin wallets.
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Profit over Life and what's Right Spells Capitalism
gmanlee-0741014 October 2023
Excellent movie ,that shows in a system based on profit,that's all that matters. There were so many warnings that the aircraft was unsafe and Boeing as most companies do ,chose profit. Cheaper to just pay them of and then use their power to lobby and get out of criminal charges. That's exactly what happened,and I don't know how the people involved can sleep and call themselves humans.

I also don't know how anyone who can put themselves in any of the victims or their families shoes can rate this lower than 9. Never got to this level ,but I did fly airplanes,it was my college major! I have so much empathy for the victims and their families. So much anger towards the self serving greedy companies ceos,upper management.
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