Ghost Team One (2013) Poster

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Highly enjoyable
bbickley13-921-586644 January 2015
So this low budget feature actually impressed me a lot. Somewhat parodying, Paranormal Activity and other films that came after it, the movie gives the genre a frat boy spin to it with four dudes living in a haunted house with a ghost who seems to be attracted to sexual energy, and two of the four boys attempt to produce a documentary about it in order to impress a hot chick who seems to be oddly interested in the haunting. Put together really well, the characters were really cool and interesting. While mostly trying to be funny the movie did have some eerie ghost story moments that I loved. The three main actors on the poster had really good chemistry and played their frat boy stereotypes really well. If you are a fan of the found footage genre, than I would put this on the list.
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You slept with a ghost?...
FlashCallahan17 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In order to impress a girl, two roommates set out to make a documentary about a murder that took place in their house.

The girl thinks that the victim's ghost is still there, so the two guys think that making a movie with her will get them somewhere with her.

But after they set cameras up around the house, things begin to happen that seem supernatural.

They realise that the ghost is real, and its become smitten with them....

So the film has been released in the US for just over a month, and here in the UK, it's already in Netflix, so my expectations were understandably very low.

And even though they were low, I never laughed once, or even smiled, because it just wasn't interesting, and to parody the found footage movie is not a very good choice, because the majority of them have become self parody (see PA4 for example).

The two leads are annoying, think a really cheap version of Harold and Kumar, and your there, the rest of the cast are just as bad, especially the flat mate who gets possessed.

It picks up a little in the last five minutes, but you have to trawl through a load of old cobblers beforehand.

One of the topics on this films message board is claiming that people are voting fraudulently because the score is so low.

I've seen it, and I know why its so low, it's pretty awful...
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Nothing out of the ordinary here...
paul_haakonsen26 April 2017
I was lured in by the movie cover/poster and with the enticement of this being a comedy with a supernatural twist. However, I had not heard about the movie prior to finding it and picking it up. But still, a horror comedy with a ghostly element, what is there not to like?

Right, well I must start off by saying that "Ghost Team One" is as such not an overly bad movie. It just didn't turn out to be what I had expected. Sure, there are some good moments and some good enough laughs to be found here and there. But the movie as a whole just didn't turn out to be all that impressive or interesting.

What worked in favor of the movie was the characters and the acting talents recruited to portray these characters. Sure, the characters were generic to the core, but there was just still something lovable and funny about them. I will say that it was Carlos Santos who carried most of the movie singlehandedly.

The story in "Ghost Team One" was probably what killed the enjoyment for me, because it didn't turn out to be a rather interesting or captivating storyline. So writers Andrew Knauer and Arthur Pielli hardly gave directors Ben Peyser and Scott Rutherford all that much to work with. And that also transcended onto the acting talents, because they had little to work with in terms of a fulfilling script.

"Ghost Team One" is hardly an effects movie, and makes use of very few effects actually. But then again, it is not the type of movie that has to rely on special effects.

Now, there were the occasional hilarious scene here and there, but they were not enough to levitate the movie out of the mediocre fast lane.

I managed to sit through the entire movie, although I was pressed at times in terms of focusing on the movie and concentrating on the movie. Once you have seen "Ghost Team One" the first time, chances are slim to none that you will return to watch it again.
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Buy some paint......
DocVW23 October 2013
Okay, I like oddball, off the wall, low budget movies. I can find humor in places most people don't and I don't require drugs or alcohol to do it. For this film I just don't get it. Another reviewer compared this to Naked Gun....., wonder what roll he had in the making/producing of this movie??? Save yourself, this starts out slow and stays there for 90% of the film. Yes there are a couple funny moments and when the "climax" arrives it makes you chuckle, but that's it. You will never get this time back in your life, so seriously go buy some paint and watch it dry, you will thank me. I gave it 2 stars as I am in a generous mood today :)
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Not great and not bad, just not very funny....
harry-kyles3 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't a horrible movie. The biggest problem that this comedy had was it's identity, it was as if it didn't know what it wanted to be. I watched it thinking "When are the laughs going to happen?". One scene had an overly long monologue with a woman in tears talking to the camera about the loss of her mother, and for a comedy it seemed completely out of place, and it is not the only scene that will have you scratching your head and wondering whether you're watching a comedy or not. Characters that should be comic relief, like the constantly angry roommate or the rightly paranoid girlfriend, provide little to no laughs, it's as if their characters are in the wrong movie. Opportunities for comedy come and go without anybody taking them.

This is not a comedy spoof movie in the same comedy sub genre as Naked Gun, A Haunted House, Devil Baby, Scary Movie etc. It's filmed in the style of A Haunted House, a character carries a film camera the entire movie with angled shots provided by various video cameras that the characters have set up around the house, but it has absolutely none of the sight gags, one liners, or off the wall humor that those kind of spoof movies rely upon. This tries to poke fun at ghost movies the same way that Dale & Tucker vs Evil did to hillbilly slasher flicks, but unfortunately it just falls flat on it's face.

Some of the acting, or overacting, isn't the best. Carlos Santos is the standout actor, he is likable and seems to be one of those people who is gifted with being naturally funny without really having to do anything, I'd expect to see him being cast in supporting roles in larger comedies in the future and I would watch those comedies because of him. But really it's not the actors fault that this movie didn't succeed, you could of had a comedic genius like Leslie Nielsen in it and the horribly unfunny script would of swallowed him whole.

Maybe it will appeal to some peoples sense of humor. For reference I like comedies like Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Community, Louis, Judd Apatow movies, New Girl, most things with Seth Rogen in them, Blackadder, IT Crowd (or anything written by Graham Linehan), Monty Python, Arrested Development, to name just a few. I also enjoyed the original Naked Gun movies as well as the first couple of Scary Movie outings. This movie made me laugh out loud once and chuckle inwardly maybe 4 or 5 times.

5 stars out of 10 because as the first line of this review says "this is not a horrible movie", it's just not a very funny movie.
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Unbearable Amateurish Crap
claudio_carvalho31 January 2014
I was lured by the IMDb User Rating 5.0/10 from 834 Users. If you have the brain of an amoeba, you may like this movie and find it funny or entertaining. There is a chance and probably this is the profile of the users that voted and granted this high User Rating.

"Ghost Team One" does not worth neither the power to keep on the TV, the Blu-Ray player and the home theater. And is too noisy and brainless, so it is good neither for sleeping nor too see.

If you have the DVD, the photographic cover is cool, but will make you recall this movie so you can throw it in the garbage and use the case in another DVD. Maybe this is the only utility for this movie on DVD. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Equipe Caça Fantasmas" ("Ghostbusters Team")
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Ghost Team One
Scarecrow-8821 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Silly found footage paranormal spoof has two twenty-something nincompoops, who live together in a former brothel (unknown to them) that is haunted by the "demonic sexual spirit" of the Madam that ran it long ago (an Asian named Lady Azalea). Their highly unstable roommate, Chuck, on a year-long sobriety that has turned him into a profane, mad-eyed, verbally abusive prick, has become possessed by Azalea much to the horror and dismay of geeky, virginal Sergio (Carlos Santos) and obnoxious, amoral Brad (JR Villareal). Sergio is smitten with a paranormal enthusiast, Fernanda (Fernanda Romero) while Brad simply wants to shag her as he does a long line of girls that has entered their orbit. Plying themselves with mini-cameras, Ouija board, camera operator, and a desire to communicate with Azalea, the trio gets in over their head. Even worse, Fernanda has an ulterior motive behind why she is so interested in finding a spirit in the dudes' house. The non-stop dialogue of sex and duel for Fernanda's affections take center stage while the paranormal found footage effects are lacking in any thrills whatsoever. Chuck's barrage of antagonistic threats and manic facial expressions are way, way over-the-top and desperate for laughs that aren't there unless you just find the endless excess of roid rage type behavior and litany of curse words funny. Sergio is such a weakling and Brad such a louse, that any endearing qualities that might come from a team of friends in search of ghost(s) is lost in translation. The movie tries every which way and loose to gain giggles from the viewer, but it all comes off as unsuccessful due to the absence of anything really clever or witty. Watching Brad "molested" by a ghost, Chuck in a kimono and wearing kabuki makeup, and Sergio puking beer from a funnel while wearing a helmet cam might be up your alley, but I felt my time was rather wasted. Nothing creepy whatsoever is offered here but Fernanda is a babe, so perhaps that might garner a little interest. Meghan Falcone, as Brad's easy-piece, bimbo Becky, and James Babson as this "authority in the history of the brothel" (and a real sleaze) make up the remaining cast. After a while I was hoping something really bad would happen to both Brad and Chuck, but, alas, that would not be the case here...they are *that* annoying.
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Ghost Team One Joke
scythertitus4 March 2019
This movie plays out as a bad parody of nothing in particular and definitely only reaches YouTube circa 2013 quality. It's not really funny and is kind of offensive in parts.

The main problem is that it's 100% a comedy and all the jokes centre around sex being something that's really funny. Like if the idea of having sex with a ghost makes you laugh out loud then you will love it, otherwise this film will get old real fast.

Overall the humour is basic and childish, with the action and pacing being all over the place. There is no real horror element and the dialogue isn't really funny or engaging. It is a way to pass the time or if you are a big fan of the Scary Movie franchise then maybe this will be your cup of tea, otherwise give it a pass.
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Ghost Team One: Odd little film
Platypuschow13 March 2019
Ghost Team one is filmed in the documentary format but thankfully not another generic brain dead found footage feature.

90% comedy 10% horror it tells the story of two room mates who appear to have a haunting in their flat. Bringing in their new mysterious Latino friend they set about installing cameras to see whats really going on.

The movie is silly, with obnoxious characters, childish dialogue and not much in the way of content. It makes up for this with a degree of charm originality and unexpected laughs.

Motivated by sexual desire this ghost brings lots of very puerile humor to the table. Sex, erections, boobs and spectral copulation make up the most of the comedy themes, yet somehow this works better than you'd expect.

If you can get past just how annoying one of the leads is then you might find yourself having some fun here despite it being plain silly and with a rather cringe inducingly daft finale.

You can do worse, but don't expect much in the realms of horror.

The Good:

Some laughs to be had

The Bad:

Some really obnoxious characters

Dodgy ending
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I'm trapped in a house with two excessively obnoxious jackwads, a possessed racist, and the world's worst cameraman documenting it all
selfdestructo19 January 2023
I found (next-to) nothing to like about this movie. The characters, the non-existent story, the supernatural element, the humor, the lack of horror, the sheer idiocy. If you like to gawk at foxy ladies, the young woman on the cover (Fernanda Romero) fits the bill, and appears in PARTS of this! She is fetching, her part is moronic, and disappears for stretches of time (you're stuck with the two mind-numbers for the duration). Not even worth the extra star!

This, uh, parody? Rips a number of aspects directly from Paranormal Activity (a Paramount property... Paramount put out this, too, so I guess they feel justified), to precisely zero effect. Expect a comedy. And not a funny one. You can read about the plot elsewhere, it's meaningless. Alright, two dorks vie for the pretty girl's attention. Really. Maybe the most embarrassing possession scene I've ever seen. I felt like the humor was geared at another generation, and one that wouldn't appreciate what the Paranormal Activity movies accomplish so successfully. If these filmmakers are directly mocking them, I think it's safe to say they don't understand them, and you should steer clear if you have any appreciation for them at all. If it's meant to be an abysmal copycat with a Blair Witch slant, then job well done.
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Better than you think.
davekosla26 August 2022
This review and rating are in defense of this film. I was thoroughly entertained throughout, which is a whole lot more than I can say for most of the garbage I watch. It wasn't too long, never takes itself too seriously, has a couple decent scares that should make some "horror" movies ashamed of themselves, and made me laugh OUT LOUD, which a lot of "comedies" can't do. Please, just keep an open mind and enjoy this for what it is: pure entertainment.
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Totally stupid, but I laughed a lot.
bellrr16 April 2021
Look, this movie is not going to win awards, it's not scary and it's juvenile, but it made me laugh when I was in a bad mood.
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"Ghost Team Zero"
hwrd-hall27 April 2021
Astonishingly bad... "cinema verite" at its most-abused...


No, "faky-cam"...!

The one star is strictly because of the (few) pretty girls and (very) brief nudity... Someone REALLY should have "lost" this "found footage" travesty... PERMANENTLY!
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Don't waste your time.
dlmyst-298131 August 2021
I got only 18 minutes into the film before my braincells started to give out on me. For the sake of your sanity don't watch this dribble. It's marked as Horror in Amazon but it should be comedy the crappy kind. I normally stick it through to the end in every movie I see but this movie I couldn't.
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Worst horror comedy ever?!
eric-brinks2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It is neither funny nor scary and the Blair Witch type of filming is very annoying... Do NOT watch this movie, it is NOT worth your time!
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"Two Guys, A Girl and the Occasionally Barely Consequence Haunting"
Kamurai254 June 2021
Just awful watch.

Not only is this mostly boring, there is hardly a movie here.

Following characters dealing with happenstance is very hard to do, and this leans on the "two guys fighting over a hot chick that won't get with them" trope way too much.

There just wasn't anything in this for me to enjoy.
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oliver_m-353-3719397 June 2014
I watched this movie on Netflix so my expectations were extremely low. It went above my expectations as just another dumb movie to just pass the time because I've had quite a good few laughs from it. It's one of those movies thats just enjoyably dumb.

I like to think of this movie as a mix between "Paranormal Activity" and "Tucker & Dale vs. Evil". It's got a few hit and miss jokes as well as a little bit of horror in it. If it makes you laugh in just the first few minutes then you might find this movie enjoyable. Just don't put too much expectation thinking this is a high budget movie.

It's got a good cast of actors who I think played the characters perfectly. The story is pretty straight forward, two buddies investigating a haunted house. This is one of those movies that is just worth checking out if you got nothing else to watch on Netflix.
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Hidden gem
globalgirl-4042920 November 2021
Give it a try. It is absolutely hilarious. Humor is clever and cheeky.

Actors are outstanding and chemistry between them is on the point So many small funny details. We had to pause it at moments how much we laughed!

Best comedy in very long time. I Cann really recommend it. Many Hollywood A movies are not half so good.
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Tony Cavalero Shines Through
tcgraff19885 June 2014
Not a bad flick throughout. It lacks any truly frightening moments. Which can be disappointing as there are multiple moments when the music lead up and general tension leaves you wanting a scare.

The three main actors do a good job carrying the lacking script along but one other man makes the whole thing worth watching. Tony Cavalero plays the newly sober roommate that can't stand the people he lives with and is having a lot of trouble with his new drug-free life style.

Most of the movie goes along with Cavalero's character being a side joke. But thankfully for the sake of the viewer, he takes on a much bigger role toward the end. His amazing performance at the climax of the film make this movie worth while.

You may get a few good laughs in throughout this film but the real reason for watching will be Cavalero's final performance.
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nogodnomasters28 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A couple of college kids set up their home with cameras as everyone in the film is interested in scoring with Fernanda (Fernanda Romero) who likes ghosts. Their home is haunted by an oriental madam. This is a low budget hand-held amateur genre.

The film was designed to be a comedy, unfortunately much of the film concentrated on crudeness and forgetting to be funny such as the feces material found in the sink. With 15 minutes left in the film, things went over the top as it became a laugh out loud funny film, too late to save it from an hour of mediocrity.

Might work as a cheap rental if you don't mind the crude humor.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex?, brief flasher nudity (Sarah Chapman)
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Surprisingly funny and fulfilling. Impressive for a micro budget.
jjnelson7511 October 2013
A micro budget film just blew every parody since Naked Gun, Hot Shots!, and Airplane out of the water. This unknown cast is full of undiscovered gems. Villarreal and Santos' comedic chemistry yields regular belly laughs that catch you off guard with how natural they feel. Fernanda Romero is SMOKING, and steals every second she's on the screen. And last, but not least, Tony Cavalero delivers an amazing surprise performance as the coke head roommate. Great laughs, a pleasant surprise, and a great excuse to spend a couple hours with the hottest young thing in Hollywood. When I realized the director, MacArthur, wrote for Workaholics, it all made sense to me. How else could you find that caliber of sophomoric humor?
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Dr. Drew says... 6 out of 10
Dr_Drew_Says18 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Ghost Team One (2013) - The Good, the Bad and the Cleverly Under-appreciated

Synopsis: Comedy/Horror movie shot in the home camera-documentary style about two friends, their battle for the same girl and the hilarious exploits in trying to capture the haunting of their house by an Asian Madame from the turn of the century.

The Good: While this film is over-the-top in its sexual tropes, there is a lot of clever humor and fun to be had here if you allow yourself to enjoy the characters. The filming concept is basically a play on the Paranormal Activity schematic... house is haunted, document it by using a video camera and by setting other cameras up around the house. This is simply the borrowed device used to capture the film in a tongue-in-cheek way, it isn't what the movie is about. I think that concept has been lost on some of the other reviewers here. If you are looking for something scary, this isn't the movie to watch. This is about the characters and the ensuing hilarity involving a ghost that is driven to manifestation by sexual activity. If you can get past that concept, you might have a good time with this one. I found the characters fresh and very funny, for the most part. Tony Cavalero steals the show as Chuck, the former drug addict who is currently in a lengthy period of sobriety and because of it, he is very unbalanced and irrational. His possession scenes at the end are hilarious (as long as you can get past the Asian stereotypes). The movie succeeds because the characters are relate-able and how they interact while thrust into a crazy situation amidst fawning over a girl is fun to watch unfold.

The Bad: Some of the humor is definitely groan-worthy, I admit. The concept is built on this uber-sexualized premise of two horny guys and a prostitute ghost, so of course the language and category of jokes are going to be somewhat low-brow in nature. If you can't handle that, this is one that is best passed by... although I feel it would be a mistake to dismiss this movie on that premise alone. There are elements of the movie that don't feel that fresh either. Even from a comedy/horror standpoint, this parody of Paranormal Activity has been done a few times, so the concept is one that is starting to get old. The characters save this particular submission to the movie-watching world, but that doesn't keep it from feeling a bit stale at certain times.

The Cleverly Under-appreciated: Especially on IMDb, the reviews have been pretty brutal. As of right now, the overall rating is under 5.0 and I am not sure I get that. Maybe people are expecting a straight-up scary movie here? If so, maybe you need to learn a bit more about a movie before you watch it. Or maybe the concept went right over your head? Who knows. All I know is that I thought this movie was perversely clever at times and to me, it's being a bit under-appreciated. This isn't the type of movie for everyone... and I get that, but when Scary Movie is rolling with a 6.2 rating and this has a 4.8, I'm not sure I can wrap my head around that. The characters here are far more like-able and the style and execution is much fresher than a movie full of cringe-worthy gag humor. This movie's success for me is built on character interaction and script management. Both were pretty darn good for a low-budget comedy-horror. And this relatively unknown cast made me do something Scary Movie never did.... laugh.
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IMO an excellent flick
karmatt20 October 2013
I wasn't sure I was going to like this movie but I'm glad I watched it. I loved it and hope there will be another and another. I thought this was hilarious. I have to admit that at first I thought because the lead characters are of hispanic origin that I might not like it. Maybe that sounds bad but I am just not into the whole hispanic culture thing. But these characters are 100% American. There is nothing hispanic about this movie. Is that a selling point? Is that racist? Maybe to some but people like what people like, we are all allowed our own feelings and likes. I am so glad I watched this movie. The comedy may offend some people but to anyone who enjoys comedy of real life and real language, not the toned down censored versions, this is great stuff. If you like the comedy of "workaholics" on comedy central then to me this is very similar if not even better. At first it seems we have come across just another low budget college made type party movie but any thoughts like that soon evaporate. This movie is very well made, with great actors, and I was never bored the entire film. I HATE found footage films and luckily this is NOT one! It is just made to totally make fun of the type. The characters are fantastic. Brad is hilarious, as is his straight laced co-lead roommate Sergio. They remind me of a younger version of Charlie and Alan Harper of 2 and a half men, although they are not brothers. One is a horny partying chick magnet and the other is a horny mostly chick loser virgin. The two main actresses fill in the movie nicely and quited well. I can think of only one time the movie seemed to get a slightly dragging on feeling, but not for long, and then BAM, something totally hilarious happens. The ending scenes feel a little rushed and not so hilarious but over all 95% is Great Stuff! Hope you enjoy!
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A hidden gem
fairlesssam19 July 2017
This movie is hilarious. I was really surprised at the quality of the acting. Carlos Santos as Sergio, J.R. Villarreal as Brad, Fernanda Romero as Fernanda and Tony Cavalero as Chuck are all outstanding. They are completely believable and have superb chemistry bouncing off one another.

Sergio, Brad and Chuck are sharing a house. Sergio and Brad are best mates, Brad is obsessed with sex and his male parts, Chuck is a rather unbalanced housemate who celebrates his sobriety with a daily video log. Chuck is rather volatile and unpredictable with his behaviour.

Sergio and Brad throw a house party, Sergio believes he has seen a ghost in the house and is completely terrified. Fernanda is really interested and wants to help see if the house is haunted. Fernanda is absolutely stunning and both Sergio and Brad want her for themselves.

They form a ghost hunting trio and start investigating the history of the house. Fernanda brings over a Ouija board to try to connect with the spirit. Chuck's behaviour starts becoming more odd than normal.

This movie is a found footage type, with Sergio, Brad and co all being filmed by a friend. It is the best movie of this type I have seen. I am not a fan of comedy but this incorporates horror and comedy, suspense and innuendo beautifully. I wish there was a sequel!!
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This was really funny..Hidden gem
pensacolacomputer11 April 2021
This was a great surprise.... GREAT acting for the most part.... I mean really good for being a B movie...And I'm not sure if they improvised or what but it looks like they had a great time making this was hilarious at times...and a little scary too....a little...Anyway, awesome movie guys...the funniest movie I've seen in months!
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