River of Freedom (2023) Poster

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A Visual Journey Through New Zealand's Protests
saulov-149027 September 2023
River of Freedom offers stunning images into the Wellington protests in New Zealand, where people rallied against the govt and its covid vaccine mandates. However, the documentary's runtime of 2.5 hours felt excessive, it spends too much time on irrelevant details about things happening inside the freedom village while I was expecting to see more about the facts that led to the protest and the outcomes.

The documentary excels in showcasing the striking visuals and impressive organization behind the protest. I was particularly impressed with the industrial kitchen set up to feed the protesters. While the documentary primarily focuses on the protest itself, I was expecting to see more about how dangerous govt overreach on people's life can be. I think this documentary has greater appeal for those who attended the protest only.
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Fabulous doco-film of a most difficult chapter in NZ history
wrxsti5430 January 2024
It is hard to write this review without having powerful emotions evoked by this movie bubble to the surface. What begins as a chronicle of the great Freedom Convoy that began in late January 2022 at Cape Reinga and Bluff, culminates in the month long protest on the grounds of NZ's Parliament and its ignominious ending. Given how one-sided the NZ mainstream media were by first refusing to report the massive size of support for the Freedom Convoy then portraying the protestors at Parliament as conspiratorial right wing nutters, the filmmakers give us a brilliant inside look at the convoy and the protest from the point of view of not just the organising insiders but an excellent cross section of the protestors in terms of age, gender, ethnicity and occupation from eloquent lawyers and doctors to esteemed local kaumatua and everyone in between. It gives an accurate sense of the authenticity of the protestors replete with heart wrenching stories from those mandated out from decades of service as nurses, doctors and police to the families of the vx injured.

The cinematography was stunning and, as an expat kiwi who watched aghast from afar NZ's descent into Covid tyranny, it fleshed out much of what l'd seen only snippets of and heard of from a family member also mandated out of work.

Even the title "River of Freedom" is a brilliant counterbalance to one of the most shameful moments during the protest, that of Labour Cabinet minister Michael Wood describing the protestors as "a river of filth". Fortunately, this film stands as an eloquent testament to the brave souls who stood firm for freedom during perhaps one of the darkest periods of NZ's history.
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Historically Significant
theeditbutton8 September 2023
This is an important and nuanced documentary from the people's perspective. From those that were actually there, that listened to their neighbour's. Listened to their heartbreak and humanity. Cried with them on the front line of a battle for social ethics that our grandparents had already won. Suffered with them through wind, rain, muck and baby sharks only to be met by deafening silence.

See past the prejudice du jour labels: mis, dis, mal, alt... Sad terms of division that have already tainted a generation. See this historically significant New Zealand film and decide the truth for yourself. It may not be the single source of truth on the subject, but you can tell your neighbour all about it.
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Historical NZ documentary
brucehamilton-157878 September 2023
A tragic yet uplifting account about the strength and community spirit that is still alive in New Zealand today despite the government oppression we are all living under. Makes me proud to be a part of this spirit. I believe the documentary was very balanced in its portrayal of the events and showed the current administrations utter contempt for the people it is supposed to represent.

It showcased the incredible diversity we have, culturally, ethnically and religiously and how this is a strength to be cherished.

Incredible that nearly all those involved maintained an attitude of love and peace throughout even when put under constant adverse conditions.
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bertnernie-143579 September 2023
Friday night we went to Hastings to watch River of Freedom. Although it was important to show snippets of Adern..Hipkins Doomfield etc this got me instantly angry!..but soon recovered as the movie of Love and Unity progressed.

A well put together account with no "Penfold" or " Hollywood" over dramatization involved. Straight from the Heart is what it is.

If any thing is to be " Mandated " then this film should be in that ALL NEW ZEALANDERS NEED to WATCH!! This would be an amazing "REALITY CHECK" for all and I belive this could be the start of saving our wonderful country. Bruce Porter,Patoka ,Hawkes Bay...and yes I was there.
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A story that needed to be told
alycookpr10 September 2023
A must watch for every kiwi and soon the world. To see a prime minister who gladly created a two their society .. the darling of the WEF and the world who was basically evil to her own people .. I am proud to say I was there and we were on the right side of history .. The sense of community was amazing .. I was there for my vaccine injured son who still suffers from Chronic myocarditis over a year later at only 26 diagnosed by drs but little they can do for it.. I will continue to stand up until the gov reconise and start helping the 65000 kiwis who suffered Vax injuries. This film is beautifully made lovely cinematography, great sound .. a top level production. I truly hope this film goes international.
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NZ history - a must see for everyone!
ghost624 October 2023
This documentary about the Freedom convoy and the NZ parliament occupation of 2022 is a must see for everyone. While msm tried to portray the protesters as filthy and dangerous this film shows the reality. People of all backgrounds came together, united with the goal of abolishing the tyrannical mandates imposed by the govt, that have cost many their livelihoods and done so much damage to the fabric of our society.

Freedom Village may have been destroyed, but the seeds of hope live on in everyone who was there. It was an expression of the best and on the last day the worst of humanity. A very important movie for everyone! Highly recommended and extremely well done. Thank you to Gaylene Barnes for holding these fateful events in the light of truth, may it help future generations and be a reminder to all, so it will never happen again.

We are all brothers and sisters, let's never forget this.
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Outstanding documentary
coharanz8 September 2023
This was outstanding. It captures the reality of the protest so accurately, the authenticity of the people involved and the tragedy in how the protestors were treated by a corrupt government and out of control police force acting illegally. This document is a must to see but it goes further than that. It should be aired on tv, and it should be part of the curriculum in schools, documenting this historic protest, the plight of the people, and the tyranny our government subjected us to while using the New Zealand Police to act in the most disgusting, and embarrassing way possible on the people of New Zealand. This documentary counters the propaganda previously published by New Zealand's paid off media who are also guilty of disgusting acts on the protestors.
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Everyone in NZ needs to see this!
y-510888 September 2023
This film is about one of the most important events in recent New Zealand history. While most people have seen the 'mainstream' talking points about the event, this documentary focuses on the perspectives of the people at the protest. For those who do not agree with the occupiers, go and see to understand the perspective of those that were there. For those who didn't make it to the protest, watch to see how harmonious it was. And for those who went, watch to remember that you were part of a historic moment.

This documentary is worthwhile watching, it shows the impact of the vaccine on people's lives, and the impact of the mandates on many people.
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Awesome movie
geoffchamberschch8 September 2023
This is an awesome movie. It's nice to actually get to see the real truth about what happened instead of having to put up with the governments garbage propaganda all the time. It's funny, it's sad, but it's the truth, and it needs to be seen by all. It shows the level of corruption that we the people have been getting subjected to, and it is truly frightening.

I absolutely believe that everybody in the country should watch this movie to get a true perspective of what truly happened, and what the reasons behind it were.

The organization that went into this from all the participants was huge. The filming and editing was great.
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A moving recall of a time govt exceed its powers.
welly238 September 2023
It was a very moving documentary. And I was surprised to see the Embassy Theatre overbooked for the premiere It made me realise how people's lives were impacted by an unnecessary mandate. Being overseas at the time I didn't realise there was convoys from all over New Zealand, similar to the one in Canada.

Also, it showed a really rare moment where thousand of people protested in New Zealand and got unified against unfair decisions and the danger of government overreach on people rights and freedom.

The only negative point would be the length of the documentary. It could have been shortened slightly.
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True Documentary of CRITICAL Moment in NZ History
frfeliroldan10 September 2023
This movie really depicts what happened in NZ Parliament Grounds to protest against the Covid Mandates in February/March 2022 which destroyed so many people's lives in NZ.

The movie is truthful and beautifully done with great editing. The music is also really good.

The interviews of people who gathered reveal the reality of why people came to the protest and speak for themselves.

This movie hopes that NZ reflects on a dark part of their history so that we can rise together.

Unity will not come unless we acknowledge the pain and suffering that people had to endure just because they did not wish to take an experimental injection.

IT IS A MUST even if you agreed with the mandates. Open yourself to seeing the other side.
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So glad this documentary was made
david-234812 January 2024
Yes, you can legitimately quibble that it should have have more of this, or less of that, but it captured the spirit of the anti-mandate protest, the freedom village, and the horrendous overreaction by those in power. Although I didn't camp out on the grounds, I was a frequent visitor to the village. I have never in my life before or since felt such harmony as I did on those visits. Where else can you see gay, straight, Christians, atheists, nature lovers, Hare Krishnas, surfies, rappers, metalheads, gang members, bikies, priests, nuns, ex-police, ex-nurses, ex-doctors, ex-military, farmers, pensioners, middle-aged, thirty-somethings, twenty-somethings, teenagers, kids, white, brown, black, and people from all walks of life, all getting along peacefully and genuinely caring for each other?

Apart from one early stupid foray, I thought the police were respectful and polite for the most part. Right up until the last day. Then they lost the plot. And of course, once attacked, some protesters decided to fight back. That was unfortunate, but it was a small minority. Perhaps the best way to have avoided that would have been for the police to leave the jackboots at home that day.

That not a single member of parliament would agree to talk to the protesters about the mandates was downright disgraceful, and I for one will never vote for any of those cowards ever again.

The majority may prefer to believe that the protest was just a bunch of fringe nutcases, but it was the finest example of living in harmony that I have ever witnessed.
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An Important Record of a Dark Time in New Zealand's history
truthmama-912679 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is an important and powerful record of a dark time in our nation's history. The documentary stays true to the lived experience of the harms caused to ordinary Kiwis by the unlawful vaccine mandates that violated the New Zealand Bill of Rights and medical ethics. Whatever your view on the Govt's covid policy response, the film clearly shows there were serious harms experienced by both protestors and those who complied with the mandates. You will hear the painful stories from protestors who were excluded from even their own churches and business owners who had to reluctantly dismiss valued employees and those harmed by the vaccine.

The documentary also includes the voices of those heroic and courageous health care professionals who risked their livelihoods and professional reputations to warn the public of potential harms.

The cinematography and music is beautiful and poignant and for someone who attended the protest, provides a much needed catharsis. The film also captures the on the ground operations of an organic, functioning and nurturing community village established by the protestors against all odds. Not many people watching the mainstream account will know the likes of Sir Russel Coutts visited the village. This is contrasted by the government's response and their ignorance of the protestors (many who had voted Labour) to meet with and discuss their concerns.

The attacks from the main stream media and the attempts to demonise and propagandise protestor's genuine concerns, and the brutality of the NZ Police in their response to remove the protestors is honestly documented.

The only suggestion I would have is the length of the documentary and that it may need to be shortened for a wider audience.

Thank you River of Freedom for showing us that there was a serious attempt to subvert the values and laws of our nation and of the individual human heart and spirit and that these cannot be broken.

God defend our free land.

Ona mano tangata Kiri whero, kiri ma, Iwi Maori, Pakeha, Rupeke katoa, Nei ka tono ko nga he Mau e whakaahu ke, Kia ora marire Aotearoa

From dissension, envy, hate, And corruption guard our state, Make our country good and great, God defend New Zealand.
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A Wild Ride
WildAloofRebelNZ8 September 2023
Amazing documentary capturing the true essence of the New Zealand convoy and protests that started from the top of the north island and the bottom of the South Island, converging on parliament grounds in Wellington. People from all walks of life, views and religions against the New Zealand government mandates.

Every day people who stood up for themselves, their families, communities, their mana and sovereignty. Their freedoms and right to choose medical treatments.

A documentary funded by the people, for the people from experienced film makers that will take you on a wild ride. A New Zealand piece of history.

Strong, powerful, uplifting voices that just wanted to be heard. Go see it and decide for yourself!
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A beautiful film full of despair and hope in equal measure
Bbq-532719 September 2023
This documentary film about the history making protest in New Zealand's parliament grounds in 2022 doesn't tell you what to think. It gently weaves a narrative together from the strands of tales of the individuals who attended the protest and allows you room to come to your conclusion. From the beginning of the protest when people had so much hope, the juxtaposition of the violence that ended the protest was jarring in its brutality and you can't help but feel that justice is yet to be served in New Zealand in regards to the government's extreme response to Covid and in particular the imposition of vaccine mandates. The skill of the filmmakers is to show the humanity of the people who just want to be heard by those who are supposed to serve them. A devastating film that should be compulsory viewing for every New Zealander.
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Very 1 sided
Bundy279 September 2023
Very compelling, but one sided documentary about the protest in Wellington. If you hadn't seen anything about the protest previously you'd come out of the theatre thinking the protest was solely about the vaccine mandates, and it was loving and peaceful. It wasn't. They haven't shown any footage from the anti vaxxers, (remember the lady who got up and you everybody about her lamb), the people calling for Jacinda's execution, the bins full of beer bottles- supposedly it was alcohol free. I went in the first day, but wore a mask, so got shouted at and called names. Didn't bother going back. I didnt support the vaccine mandate, but I chose to wear a mask because I live with immuno compromised people. Freedom to choose right?? Not if you wore a face nappy though. The protest started with no real agenda and lots of different groups with opposing ideas and there was a lot of conflict. Even Saint Leighton was going to get lynched at one point - didn't see that video footage played in the doco. Then there was the independent reporters who went through and got beaten up, yet they complained about MSM filming from the balcony. I watched a lot of the footage from within the protest grounds, there was the people complaining about radiation poisoning (they got meters they didn't know how to use to show they were being radiated (obviously by the government and not anything to do with the excessive amount of cell phones being used). There was a lady who smoked weed in her tent every night cackling away because she was getting free food, booze and weed, and proudly uploading it to YouTube. Yes there were some good people there, but there were some bad people too. People who couldn't fit on parliament grounds (or access a tent) slept in building entrance ways, then abused the workers waking them up in the morning trying to get into their buildings. Businesses he ad to shut their doors because the staff didn't feel safe, or couldn't physically get to their workplace.

Overall I thought it was disappointing that they didn't show a more balanced view of what happened, only the view that put the protestors in a good light.
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An awesome historical documentary
aucklandir8 September 2023
As an attendee it was an accurate and insightful documented revelation about what occurred in Wellington and why so many people were passionate about defending their right to choose medical autonomy - something that was enshrined in NZ and international legislation but ignored by those governing the country and leading our public healthcare. Highly recommend this be shown as part of school curriculum as any significant historical event and the power that can happen when people come together for a sensational cause and defence of their rights. This angle and footage was definitely not conveyed by mainstream media.
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An Iconic Moment in New Zealand
phyllisosborne9 September 2023
Great record of a historic protest in New Zealand.

There was no coverage from mainstream media at the time except to condemn the protesters, it's great to see a more well rounded view of the events at the time and the events leading up to the protest.

Can't wait for part two, when answers to the following questions are sort:

  • Why did Trevor Mallard turn on the sprinklers at parliament when there were people camping on the grounds and why did he play loud music to drain out the protesters who were exercising their rights
  • Why did every sitting politician avoid the protesters, they were obviously not in danger since they had such a strong Police presence
  • Why did the Police employ such violent tactics and why have no charges been laid against Police officers that employed unreasonable violence (why are they above the law)
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A piece of history
kimilena9 September 2023
Having been part of the convoy and attended the Freedom Village, River of Freedom accurately portrays what I and my friends experienced.

The film takes you through a whole array of emotions - from the enormously uplifting and life-affirming feelings of societal unity and the innate goodness of people, through the frustration of the mainstream media's inaccurate portrayal of the events, to the horrors of the violence inflicted.

It shows in stark contrast, the old hierarchical, patriarchal system where communicating with those who hold a difference of opinion is not entertained nor tolerated, and the new system of unity consciousness based on the foundation that more can be achieved if we work together than work against each other.

I have never been involved in anything political, nor attended any kind of protest, ever, until this situation happened. This film captures the essence of why so many value-driven people were called to action.

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jeanette-199608 September 2023
You captured the feeling of the Freedom Convoy and the Freedom village beautifully. I hadn't realized how far back I had pushed the painful memories. Thank you so much for telling the true story of what happened. It was good to see the contrast at each stage between what we were experiencing and what our treasonous government did/said.

Stunning soundtrack, so good to see so many of the musicians that were at the protest featured in the movie. I marvelled at how good you managed to get mobile phone footage on such a large screen.

The audiences reaction to the key players spoke volumes and added to the impact of the evening.

Bless you all for what you have done sharing our story.
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A gripping look into the anti-mandate protest on the grounds of parliament in New Zealand during the time of covid mandates
sailormum8 September 2023
A moving documentary capturing the spirit of unity as government mandated overreach compelled people from different walks of life to convoy from the furthest reaches of New Zealand to the doorstep of government in Wellington for 23 days. Stunning cinematography tells an incredible story of resilience as government propaganda was unleashed on protestors through state owned media and a police force willing to use brutal force against their own citizens who simply wanted covid mandates to end. A heartfelt original soundtrack accompanies this story told through the voices and imagery of people who had lost their jobs, family, friends, and livelihoods, with nothing left but their courage, standing up against an oppressively juvenile government, wild forces of nature, and a bewildered nation who were subjected to a daily onslaught of biased media reports. An excellent study of how government controlled the narrative and of how quickly the protestors took care of their needs during the occupation of parliament.
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Beautifully crafted documentary
davesepiphone9 September 2023
Moving depiction of one of the darkest moments in New Zealands history. Wonderfully shot and edited. River of freedom showed the power of a corrupt narrative on a small nation mislead by a populist Prime Minister who came to believe she was the Mother Teresa of the South Pacific. There's no narration which makes the message all the more powerful. The drone photography added immensely to the visual impact with sweeping movements high above New Zealands parliament dwarfing the protestors tents. New Zealanders politicians agreed unanimously to not speak to the protestors proclaiming them as terrorists. This documentary will only become all the more powerful with the passing of time and will serve as a poignant warning against government over reach masquerading as safety.
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Beautiful, raw and truthful cinematic experience
lancerach-712119 September 2023
This movie is a beautifully crafted exploration of the parliament anti-mandate protest. It's truthful and raw in its footage over the 23 days and who the people were, why they were there and what they wanted. They were just everyday kiwis! All creeds, ages and types of people from NZ culture were there! I was very moved and it's shown how the government ignored the cries of its people. This govt has damaged NZ. But the film has left us with a sense of hope and love for each other. Thankyou to everyone involved in bringing this movie to life. I liked the showing of news snippets and then what was really going on. The media are so complicit in spreading mis-information about the people who camped on the lawn at this time. Shame on you all.

By the way. Marama Fox was excellent.
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If it were ethical to mandate a movie - this would be the one to make everyone watch.
annamolloy-5347318 October 2023
This documentary was an antidote to 'Fire & Fury,' the Paula Penfold documentary, in every way.

The story is told with grace and restraint. The film-makers keep their distance, letting the narrative unfold without interference.

The interviewees are dignified, and treated with respect.

The production is of a very high standard, especially given that it was crowd-funded.

My overwhelming impression was that a collective force of love was met with misunderstanding, antipathy and derision by a group of politicians who completely lost sight of the value of democracy.

Please do watch this film. Especially if you have any curiosity regarding the veracity of the mainstream media narrative.
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