Against the Sun (2014) Poster

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Decent Small Budget Movie
cuthbertjoel16 February 2015
I'm not going to concentrate my review on one scene involving a CGI shark. I will say it looked obscenely fake and did somewhat detach you from that scene as you were too busy preoccupied with the leftover Sharknado prop. Otherwise the film was pretty good. Felton, Delahunt and Abel were all very solid and really evoked the feelings of desperation and humanity relating to the subject of the film. Their performances were enough for me to actually care about the characters and given its also a true story, I found myself more than adequately emotionally invested in the film. There's definitely issues with the film. The score is very hit and miss. Especially the second rate Jaws music in some of the scenes. I've watched hundreds of films worse than this in the last year or so. Did more than enough to keep me watching for 1hr 40mins.
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Good Movie about brave men
dnolan71414 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a true story of three men that stuck together and survived 1,000 + miles at sea in a small raft. After realizing that they couldn't locate their carrier, fuel running out and then ditching in the Pacific they survived. This is a small movie with good actors showing the spirit of the young lads in WWII . Overall this is a well made movie with little special effects or anything of that nature. The actors portrayed their characters very excellent and you could feel their desperation and then guts while pulling together. It's a true depiction of how certain people rise above fear and did not give up. Knowing this was a true story made it even more enjoyable.
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Its okay
nickpedersen15 July 2020
It feels like a TV movie, but that being said it is a very interesting story. Maybe a little long, some scenes could have been cut shorter. But all in all I liked it. I also have to admit that I really like survival movies :-)
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Were they shaving alwhile adrift?
vinidive12 August 2018
It could be a great movie pf a fantastic story. Director mess it up. Were they shaved after 20 days adrift? A shark biting a hand and causing minimum damage? Just poor. One of the views movies I could not finish watching
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Average movie
djalildjodjo4 June 2020
The story of this movie was good except that everything was average.
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Solid survival movie
nickrdwells5 December 2020
Has everything you would want from a lost at sea movie. Great acting and teamwork
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True Story of the US Airman who ditched in the Pacific
t-dooley-69-38691616 April 2016
Based on true events this tells the story of three US airmen who ran out of fuel on a raid in World War II in the Pacific theatre and had to ditch in the sea. They were unable to salvage much from the plane and ended up in a tiny rubber raft and had to try to survive. This is their story.

Now this is filmed mostly in and around the raft and so the three main actors have to do an excellent job and I think they do, I really like Garrett Dilahunt ('No Country for Old Men') as Dixon who has to go through the full range of emotions but both Tom Felton and Jake Abel as his companions are both commendable. The make up crew deserve a pat on the back too – very convincing.

This is not one you will gain from seeing a second time though but is still worth a stream, or a rent as I found this to be both compelling, well made and eminently watchable.
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Battling adversity in 8 x 4 ft
tombyr9 January 2015
The Pacific Ocean is 63 million square miles in size. Larger than every single square inch of dry land on the entire planet.

In January 1942, just over a month after the devastating Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour and the United States entry into WWII, the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise was on patrol west of Hawaii.

Enterprise was one of only four remaining US carriers in the Pacific. Constant reconnaissance was crucial to detect Japanese ships and aircraft. Lingering in one place was a recipe for potential disaster - but pinpointing a moving ship roughly 800ft long and 100 ft wide, a minuscule speck in such a vast ocean, was a much greater challenge for pilots. Unfortunately that made life difficult for friendly as well as hostile fliers.

On the 16 January 1942 a Douglas Devastator torpedo bomber ran out of fuel without sighting the Enterprise. Pilot Harold Dixon, radioman Gene Aldrich and bombardier Tony Pastula managed to survive ditching in the sea.

This film tells the story of what happened next. Dixon, Aldrich and Pastula had few resources and faced great dangers - trying to survive on a raft measuring only 8ft x 4ft.

Such a small intimate setting is a challenge to put on screen, and this film succeeds in being engaging and enjoyable because of the well written script brought to life by a talented cast.

Tom Felton as Tony Pastula may be familiar as Draco Malfoy from the 'Harry Potter' films, Jake Abel from 'Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief' and TV's 'Supernatural' and Garret Dillahunt from 'Justified', 'CSI' and 'Deadwood' on the small screen as well films such as '12 Years A Slave' and 'No Country For Old Men'.

All three are excellent in their respective roles, and their collective experience and ability hold and entertain the viewer.

The film remains as faithful as possible to the actual story and the real history - and amid all the seemingly endless sea and limitless sky, an imposing vastness visually conveyed powerfully from the first opening scenes, is never in any danger of coming adrift.

Very enjoyable and well worth watching.
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Lost at Sea
Aglaope14 February 2017
I do like most stories of the sea, and this kept me entertained and was a good enough story. The fake sharks were not great, but I didn't really have a problem with anything else. Before I watched this I was wondering how they would tell this "trapped in a life raft at sea" story any differently. It is a true story, which I hope was told fairly truthfully, so it didn't have to be believable; because it actually happened. If it hadn't been a true story you might have wondered about their luck sometimes.

On the whole worth watching if you like this sort of thing, and the acting was fairly good.
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Mostly fake reviews for a very mediocre movie
zubinster28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
IMDb is an awesome site. It is the go to place for information about movies and TV show. Of course, there's a downside to this; filmmakers, their friends and family, all know that a review on this site will be seen by thousands. Hence, the fake reviews and by fake I mean people who are pumping up the movie so that people go and see it. These fakes are easy to spot.

So here's how to spot the fake reviews for this movie:

This film was shown in New Orleans on Nov 22, 2014.

On Nov 23d of 2014, the very next day, six (count them **six**) people all came and reviewed this film. All *very* positive. ("Excellent film…" "Absolutely loved it!" "excellent story and production" "Strong story, and great acting by Tom Felton") And guess what, if you look at the profiles of all these six people, they have only reviewed *one single* movie ever, and guess which one that movie was?

Yup! "Against the Sun."

And none of these six awesome reviewers have *ever* returned to IMDb to review any other movie. Suspicious? I think so!

By the way, everyone comes to IMDb and just looks at the stars and the reviews, which as I just proved are worthless. If you want to know the truth, click on the links for the message boards for this movie and this is what you will see:

"The Sharknado movies had better CGI sharks." "Did people in the military routinely wear jeans during missions?" "Hats off to the writers who managed to stretch a few chapters from a book to create a 100 min movie without any acknowledgment of original work or author except for identical plot points and character conflicts. "

Don't waste your time with "Against the Sun." Really awful and fake Computer Generated effects start it out and within minutes you are in a raft, where you will spend the rest of the movie. How's that for super low budget?

Mediocre acting. Mediocre story. Mediocre direction. Mediocre movie.

Thousands of other good movies around that will fill your time better.
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Surviving on the Pacific
deloudelouvain4 March 2015
Don't except a lot to see except a lifeboat, water and three guys trying to survive. But to me that was enough because you live the whole movie like it was you that was trapped on the Pacific Ocean. The problems they have to get drinking water and food make you realize in what kind of hell they had to live during so long alone on the ocean. And when you know it's based on a true story then it makes it always a bit more special when you watch a movie like this one. I thought the actors did a good job. The conversations they had during all that time seems all plausible to me. What else would you do if you were surrounded by water without any land in sight? My wife and I certainly did enjoy this movie.
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A familiar story, but there's enough mileage left in the material to make it work
Leofwine_draca18 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
AGAINST THE SUN is a low budget WW2 thriller about a crew of three US airmen whose plane crash-lands in the middle of the Pacific, leaving them stranded on a tiny life raft with no supplies and literally hundreds of miles from the nearest land mass. The hook is that this is a true story, so that everything you see taking place on screen really happened, albeit with the usual artistic licence.

Films like this I tend to enjoy and AGAINST THE SUN is no exception. It's no masterpiece, it's not even particularly memorable, but it does keep you watching from beginning to end and I was never bored for a moment. The script focuses on the characters and pleasingly enough keeps things entirely realistic; there are only a few tacked-on dream sequences and fantasy moments to get in the way. I liked the story's grounding in realism and the way that the three men had to use their wits in order to keep them alive.

The movie is a little cheesy in places, with some lacklustre CGI here and there and JAWS music playing whenever the sharks are on screen. For the most part it works though. The plane scenes early on are very realistic. Garret Dillahunt puts in a solid turn as the eldest of the three and feels very convincing and assured while Tom Felton does an admirable American accent and convinces in his part. Some might find AGAINST THE SUN rather predictable and it's true to say that this kind of story has been done to death over the years, but I find there's still mileage in the material with the right script and direction and this film has both.
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Did the director find a friend to do the music for cheap?
Siebert_Tenseven28 June 2016
Could have been an OK movie if the soundtrack wasn't so sappy. Relentlessly so, in fact. Every time something was discovered that could make the time on a raft in the middle of the Pacific Ocean a little bit more bearable, it was musically treated with an inspirational love story theme. Imagine Tchaikovsky's Romeo & Juliet being played when one of the survivors invents a fish hook out of a piece of wire. Or how about the discovery of a pencil? Good time to play that same inspirational cadence again. I would love to see a version of this movie with no music because it would be about 500 times better. What a waste.
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Same Story As Middle Act of "Unbroken"
MovieHoliks3 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this pretty recent film off Amazon Prime, and half-way through I'm thinking it's probably loosely based on the same story featured in the recent movie, "Unbroken". After doing some research, however, I found out that the two are completely unrelated, which I'm like- TWO different true stories of three soldiers stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean in WWII-???

Garrett Dillahunt ("Raising Hope") plays the leader of these three, and I think one of the other guys was from the "Harry Potter" movies. No matter- I'll give this movie a borderline recommendation since you do find yourself concerned about these three characters as they try to survive. I also liked Dillahunt's performance, especially *possible SPOILER* since his character ultimately blames himself for the whole thing- even suggests he should be court martialed.

And if you've already seen the recent Angelina Jolie-directed "Unbroken", which is basically done in three acts- 1) story of an Olympian, 2) survival story of soldiers stranded on raft in ocean, 3) POW camp story- THIS movie is basically Act II of that film. So if you have seen "Unbroken" already, you've basically seen this one, and may just want to skip it..
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Hen-reeeeeeeeeeeee! Hen-ree Al-drich!
nogodnomasters8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is based on a true story of three US servicemen who land their plane in the sea, get out into a raft and manage to survive without eating each other, although it was discussed with Tom Felton looking like lunch. They play the blame game for a little bit, do some interesting stuff to survive, and lay around like Robert Redford. Action wise, it wasn't that great. Character wise it was so-so. But with the Hollywood focus on real American war heroes, people are heaping praise because it may be expected of them. I hated "All is Lost." I found it boring. This was a little better because there was some dialogue, but face it, it is another story about guys lost at sea floating in a raft. True or not, I simply don't find it entertaining even if it was JFK. Great film, if you're into this kind of stuff.

Was that an anachronistic nylon zipper on their survival kit pack?
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The Little Yellow Raft that Could
matthew-potvin25 January 2015
I have to say I was not expecting much when I watched this movie so I was glad that I more than wrong. Just a great movie all around, really well acted and a great pace that had me enthralled from the get go. Felton really proved his acting chops and should hopefully open some more doors for him. I thought Aldrich was great as well and Dillahunt as well.

Obviously not a big budget blockbuster and further proof that a good story and solid acting can go along way. The ordeals that these men faced was really something and it was portrayed magnificently by the director. I would love to see the real back story of these men and hopefully if they ever get a chance to add it in a package with extras I would purchase it. Again I highly recommend this little gem
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I agree about fake reviews
sixteenvolt18216 November 2015
The beginning made it look cheap right of the bat. Odd beginning should have worked in the old Wwii footage later.

The story is OK at best, the cgi is terrible the cgi shark was laugh out loud weird never seen a shark look that bad. The the soundtrack is odd for a war movie, it just struck me as to upbeat. Did the director find a friend to do the music cheap?

The acting is not bad. I like the captain as an actor last house on the left great movie.

No way people are giving this 9's that's why I agree about the fake reviews. Half way through the movie I was thinking I better check the reviews again something is not right. Haha
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Strong story, and great acting by Tom Felton
bryce-167-77655323 November 2014
Saw this movie at a Special Screening in New Orleans at the WWII Museum and I highly recommend it. It's an incredible true story honestly told and very well acted. As someone with family in the military who loves true stories about American history, this one hit all the right notes for me.

Historical films can feel a bit stiff or over dramatized, but this hit the sweet spot of good acting and an engaging story.

It was a trip seeing Tom Felton is something other than Harry Potter, but once you get over the initial double take, you realize he is a fine actor who has a bright future ahead of him.
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mirrors the plot of Unbroken
johnhdavison27 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie i watched after Unbroken By (Ang Jolle) filmed in Australia The opening sequence almost mirrors the plight of pilots that have to ditch their planes, and is a fantastic story. BUT it is almost the same as the first half of Jolle's Film. At Least her film moves from Raft to rescue to Internment. Whereas this movie is solely concerned with the guys on the raft.

Same stuff, plane ditched, everyone in rafts, Long time at sea, catching sharks etc. Only difference is these guys make it to an island after 1000 plus miles at sea.

If I had to watch the two movies again, Give me Unbroken Any day. Even though Both are true stories.
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Well acted, beautifully photographed, historically accurate film
kneubeck19 January 2015
I was fortunate enough to see a screening of this film before its theatrical release. As a student of history and a lover of films, I would highly recommend this film to both history and film buffs. All three of the main characters give well rounded performances, but I was equally impressed with the Cinematography and Musical Score. In my opinion, there are not enough Independent, low budget films like "Against the Sun", let alone historically accurate ones. Its unfortunate that films like this don't get the larger theatrical release that they so richly deserve. It is my understanding that the film's main audience will come as a result of it's digital release so hopefully it will get the recognition it deserves.
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Slow, boring and too low budget
deadbydawn201320 December 2020
There's just not enough going on throughout the film and the special effects are horrendous. Large parts of it are filmed in a movie set pool and this is quite obvious and makes it look very cheap (is there no waves in the Pacific?). These type of 'lost at sea' films largely rely on the drama of the storms, shark attacks, boat sinking etc but the CGI is terrible and nothing looks believable. Although the acting is ok the interaction between the characters is not enough to keep it interesting and the whole film gets stuck in the doldrums.
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excellent story and production
redwolf_523 November 2014
Just came from seeing this movie at the WW2 museum in New Orleans at an advance screening I had the pleasure of attending. I met the producer/script writer Brian Falk. Very nice guy. I'll start my brief review by saying the movie was admittedly made on a low budget which limits things, but that being said, what they did do, they did well. The re-creation of the plane, a TBD-1 Devastator, was great. (No surviving plane exists anywhere.) As to the story and the production, the movie succeeds because it tells the tale of these 3 men and their journey on a raft in the Pacific Ocean. You see the interactions of three guys who basically did not know each other when the plane took off. Keep in mind in those days, officers, as pilots almost always were, and enlisted crew members did not associate on the carriers much if at all. That dynamic plays out to a certain degree in the film. The elements you'd think would come though in a film such as this, are played well: despair, survival, hunger, thirst, hope, fear, and blame... and many more. Theirs is story that needed to be told. I am glad it was.
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Pretty dumb survival crew
Beachbum201823 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so it's a survival story, supposedly based on a true story but the plot and script writing is pretty dreadful.

For a crew that operates over the sea they always knew they might have to ditch in, but they were really badly prepared. They needed water, food, maps, flares, paddles, etc, but guess what they lost all of that even before they get started.

Then they do an inventory after what day 2. Also they should have been using a sea anchor from the start. One of the crew is constantly playing with his gun, and they are pretty lose with the fishing hook.

Firstly you'd expect a marine flight crew is to be fully trained on sea survival techniques, yet they barely have any idea what to do. If you flying in those circumstances you might also think about having a small stash of fishing line, water bottle, flares, mirror, knife, antiseptic, medical kit, etc, on your body.

Then one of the crew starts dicking around with a knife before pulling a shark on board which he wildly stabs to death almost stabbing one of his colleagues in the process...... well it's a movie right!
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True Life Survival at Sea Story
rothaich516 February 2015
No spoilers. Just general information about the film. This is not the greatest film ever made but compared to a movie that I saw with Robert Redford some time ago -also a survival story at sea it kept my interest. I rented it from Itunes the first ever film I have rented in this way. It also recalled the survival scenes of Mutiny on the Bounty as well (1935). I gave the Redford film two stars and Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) four stars. It also recalled THE OLD MAN IN THE SEA in that it had a few brief flashbacks and dream sequences. OLD MAN IN THE SEA is a near classic 3 1/2 stars. It also seemed to recall the OPEN BOAT a story by Stephen Crane. This is a solid workman like film. I give it high marks for historical accuracy. I could not notice any anachronisms in the gear or script. It was, in a very real sense, a tribute to the stoic courage of the "greatest generation." I found the film very well acted and I enjoyed the way they framed it with pictures of the era and the real-life characters. Definitely worth seeing. A good WWII survival film. I would give it 3 to 3 1/2 stars. Definitely above average. Music not overdone. And though it was predictable in some places there were some thrills. I can't understand people who gave this a zero. They could not have seen the film. Very good performances by the actors and solid directing. If you like WWII films you will like this one.
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You Have to be Interested in the Subject Matter
BoomerDT16 February 2016
It's a tale on 3 USN aviators stuck on a raft, proverbially in the middle of nowhere somewhere in the S Pacific after their plane ran out of fuel while flying a patrol mission. It's a movie I've waited 50 years to see, having read the book it is based on "The Raft" when I was a kid. My dad didn't read too many books, he simply didn't have the time, but having served on PBY patrol planes in the USN in WW2 that flew in the S Pacific and the Caribbean he was no doubt fascinated by the subject. I'm sure it was the worst nightmare that an aviator or sailor could imagine, being stuck on a raft without water or food, virtually no hope of being spotted by a rescue plane and I'm sure that these young men speculated during the endlessly boring patrols they flew, on the complete futility of such a situation.

And that's what "Against the Sun" is about. 3 actors on a raft and if you have no interest in this type of story, you will be bored to tears. At 100 minutes it comes in at about an appropriate running length although .10-15 minutes could have easily been cut. Then again the director could have unnecessarily added about .15-20 minutes with back story or scenes involving the crew from the carrier "Enterprise" (which the flew from) or with their families back in the States after they've been advised that they are missing at sea. Works fine at it is. Good performances by the 3 actors involved, probably not easy to do. I hope all of the 3 real life aviators had good lives, they earned it. I'm sure they appreciated every day life gave them.
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