The Mill (2023) Poster


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Great movie...until the end
annabeack10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Speaking of the end...was it really?

Joe's your average day worker in the rat race of life. He's employed by a massive corporation a la Amazon or Walmart, struggles to pay bills while working as much as possible to earn more, and is a first time father. Unfortunately, Joe wakes up in a room on the dirt floor with no memory of how he got there. Upon further inspection, he not only sees a massive stone wheel on a circular track but is greeted by his neighbor in the next cell over. The neighbor is short with details on what the purpose of this room is, but tells Joe he needs to rest before the next day. The Mallard Corporation greets Joe and explains that he is being punished for his team's lack of productivity and that he is required to complete 50 rotation of the wheel daily. Basic meals and water will be provided but he's not allowed to leave. Initially, Joe is happy to comply and eventually sets the bar higher to 100 rotations. His neighbors are bittersweet about this as now they have to meet the same goal or higher to not be terminated. Joe finds out the termination process is a middle of the night wake up call of screams of the terminated employee. Mallard sees how well he's done and rewards Joe for his excellent work with an engraved pen that he points out is utterly pointless. He surpasses his quota yet again to 350 and is met by anger from his neighbors and fellow jailed workers. The cycle continues without cease and eventually Joe fights back. Mallard recognizes his resentment and penalizes him with a 2-for-1 rotation schedule and a giant magnifying glass type object in the open air roof that expands the heat from the sun. Barely making his goal, Joe decides to plan escape and leaves via a dig out hole in the wall. His escape is only into the next room and he's caught and knocked out. Mallard is furious and not only forces Joe and the other workers to complete 1000 rotations but punishes his neighbor for concealing information on how to escape by breaking both legs. The neighbor is distraught realizing he can no longer stand and will be terminated that night. Joe attempts to comfort him and apologize but his neighbor tells him that he created the prison. He was charged with creating the algorithm on the prison and the algorithm expanded on its own causing the prison that has no escape. Joe realizes that it's a computer and figures that if the entire jail refuses to work, the system will be beaten. All join in on his plan and no one works until the days end where Mallard informs them that anyone that does not make 1 rotation will be killed. Despite his rousing speech, neighbors begin to complete the quota refusing to die for Joe's beliefs. Feeling defeated, Joe is encouraged by his neighbor to complete the task as he will continue to live to see his son unlike himself. That night he confides in Joe that his name is Alex and that he was the only known person to ever escape the prison but just like Joe, was caught and returned. He had faith that Joe wouldn't be as unlucky as he would and would actually find a way out but in the end surmised that there really is no official escape. Alex tells Joe that he has a child as well and that he had the chance to see him grow and that Joe shouldn't give up so that he can be given that same opportunity. During the night, Alex is terminated. Joe awakes to Mallard telling him they are there for him during his difficult time and shows Joe a video of a toddler and his wife leaving their house. Joe knows that it's a ploy and fights back against Mallard causing the system to immediately terminate him. 12 people enter his cell and surround him with glass clipboards and are introduced as HR. The guard arrives telling Joe he loves his job but that he really enjoys the terminations. He prepares an injection and tells Joe that there will soon be a spot opened up in higher management along with a new housing opportunity and he hope that this next review of his performance will give him that promotion. He also tells of a single mother and son who live at the house and hopes they stick around as well. This sends Joe into a frenzy and he attacks the guard nearly beating him to death. As HR watches on with smiles, Mallard informs Joe that if he completes the termination of the guard that he will be promoted and the termination for him will be revoked. Joe realizes he's only a pawn in the game and stops his assault. He tells Mallard that he won't be made into a monster and quits.

Joe now wakes up with his chin in a stand and electrodes on his head. He's now in a suit and has been taken out from the jail. The guard approaches him and tells Joe that he's in a simulation created by Mallard to promote working harder and in reality he's only been in the simulation for a 60 minute long lunch period. The guard introduces himself as his HR partner and congratulates him on his success not only as a leader in the simulation but for his promotion to level 8. He takes Joe to his new office all the while Joe flashes back to his time in the jail. He talks the promotion up as a large opportunity but only leads him to a tiny windowless room. He tells Joe they set his computer up with family pictures and they include a name placard but overall it seems to be the same day in and out as before. He tells Joe that he is to watch 10 videos of training for his daily quota and that he has all night. He then produces an NDA for the simulation forcing him to be quiet regarding the process. Although hesitant, Joe eventually signs. He is then left to his office alone to finish his daily work. Instead of starting, Joe calls his wife. He tears up hearing her voice and tells her that he's staying late but that it's different this time. After his goodbyes, he stares into the camera announcing he will burn the place down.

The end? Really? That's it? After all of that, he just goes back to his every day activities and says he's going to take the place down. Is this figuratively? Is it metaphorical? Who knows! The ending leaves you with the feeling that there will be another chapter to the story but that it's highly improbable that it will come about. We spend an hour and a half immersed in a dystopian world of torturous AI's and pointless jail sentence work all for the last 10 minutes to conclude nothing. Who was Alex? Was this just part of the simulation? Is his plan to keep climbing only to make upper management and destroy the company? Did he really sign the paperwork of the NDA making it null and void so that he can spread the word of the simulation? What exactly is the story here?

The Mill starts strong but fails so bad in the end that it's almost pointless to watch it. The acting, while decent, also comes across as fake at times. The only fight scene in the movie is very obvious that it's staged. It also seems very unlikely that we have been watching this entire thing for the equivalent of less than a week and yet he has no idea how long he's been there. I guess it could be because the AI made the simulation that way but it still seems a bit silly.

Overall, 4/10. What leads to a possible great ending only introduces a completely different movie.
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A bit of a slow burn but stick with it.
tbsqvhpvjq24 October 2023
This thriller seems to plod along without super strong thrills, but its goal is to make the audience think, which I felt it accomplished. Heavy on symbolism and strong performances helped me enjoy this maybe a bit more than some of the other reviewers, I don't know and I don't want to presume. Lil Rel, whom I had only seen previously in Get Out, sheds the comic relief role of that film for a nuanced lead in this one and is effective as he carries the movie visually with most interactions with other characters being strictly vocal. I would recommend it for those who prefer atmospheric movies, and those who prefer action should probably steer clear.
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Lil out of shape Rey does his best Conan impersonation
anthonyiaclaims11 October 2023
If you are old enough to remember Schartzeneger in Conan, you'll remember him pushing a similar wheel with 3 other men and then through the magic of a Hollywood montage he became huge over time and pushed it alone. Lil Rey has smaller arms than the kid from Conan (bigger tits though) and when he started pushing it he couldn't even budge it. He had to throw all of his weight onto it 3 times to get it to move an inch or two. Somehow, he worked 16 hours and made 5 laps.... Is that believable? No, but even worse, if you've ever worked that hard at something you are not used too, you know that the next several days are hell. Aches, pain, cramps and he got 1 bottle of water a day. Somehow, he does 100 revolutions though, then 370, then over 700. I'm guessing none of the writers can do a single push up as they know nothing about how the human body works. Not the worst movie ever but what is irritating is if they showed this to a kid in 9th grade who has worked out before, that kid could have done a quick 30 minute re-write that would have improved the story immensely. This film is just watchable, if that's why you make movies, congrats, you did the bare minimum.
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Slowest burn for worst ending possible
traviskettle10 October 2023
This is the 1st review I'm leaving, because this is just awful, and I watch a LOT of movies. Also, I'm not picky, as find movies such as Sharknado and VelociPastor mildly entertaining, so my standards are pretttty low to say the least.

This so boring, I actually checked multiple times to see how much longer was left. The premise is somewhat original, and they could have done sooo much more with it, but wow, this was ultimately beyond the worst.

You expect there to be some "big" twist at the end, and if there was, even after the sitting through most painstakingly slow movie ever, it would be somewhat redeeming, but the "twist" is meh and pretty predictable, and definitely not worth it. I cannot express enough about how much I disliked this movie.
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Not bad! Reminded me of THE PLATFORM!
Malvenido10 October 2023
"The Mill" is a cinematic gem that had me glued to my couch from start to finish. This suspenseful film masterfully unfolds a gripping storyline, gradually revealing its secrets, and culminating in a breathtaking plot twist that will leave you utterly astonished.

From the very beginning, "The Mill" captivates the audience with its intriguing premise. Set in a small, seemingly peaceful room/building, the film immerses you in a world where secrets lurk behind every corner and wall which make t he atmosphere be thick with tension. It certainly gave me "The Platform" (Netflix) vibes!

The characters in "The Mill" are well-crafted and our protagonist, Joe, did a great job in his role expressing different emotions.

One of the movie's strongest aspects is its pacing. The plot unravels with precision, divulging key details and clues at the perfect moments. This gradual revelation of the story's secrets is what makes "The Mill" so enthralling. It keeps you guessing, piecing together the puzzle as the narrative cleverly unfolds.

In conclusion, "The Mill" is an exceptional thriller that will keep you riveted to your couch throughout its runtime. Its suspenseful storytelling, well-developed characters, and jaw-dropping plot twist make it a must-watch for fans of the genre. Prepare to be enthralled, surprised, and utterly captivated by this cinematic tour de force.
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Had Potential....Spun Short
noonieblount9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok we've all seen plenty of movies where the lead actor or actress wakes up in an unknown place and has to figure out Where? Why? How? And Who? To ultimately find out that you were in a simulated dream situation during your so-called lunch period as part of leveling up within an organization would be enough to make most people quit, become a whistleblower, and find another job. But NO, not this guy. He does known of those things and decides to go on a company tour, be led into his new office despite the nightmarish flashbacks of what he experienced, and proceeds to sign his "John Hancock" on the company agreement.
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hoytyhoytyhoyty5 January 2024
There is nothing really original in the background or overall structure of THE MILL. We've seen the setup before, many times. But hey, the story is boss and, equally, so is the telling of the story.

This is a great little story, and it's well told.

The lead character is annoying, but as things go on you begin to suspect his irritating abrasiveness hides a plot purpose. In fact you begin to suspect lots of things.

And that's good mystery. That's GOOD writing!

We are in the middle of a writing desert, which nobody seems to have an explanation for. We are drowning in boring-recycled-style over any kind of substance.

This makes things like THE MILL a pleasant relief.

If you like the original BLACK MIRROR (when it was good and Charlie Brooker was on fire with his creative control), you'll recognise and like THE MILL. I'm sure of it.

If I could criticise it, it's too long and the ending is too drawn out, but I can't go into details without spoiling it. Nothing wrecks the story.

A solid 7 in my book.
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That one Black Mirror episode, but not as good
jacksonebugbee12 October 2023
If you've seen the episode of Black Mirror titled 'Fourteen Million Merits', then you've seen this movie already. If you haven't, and are considering watching this movie, watch Black Mirror instead to save yourself the time difference.

The themes are simply not to put work before family and warning against giving your all for a company that sees you as disposable. There is a very ham fisted theme of consumerism, as the main character has to suffer through advertisements playing in his cell, despite him possessing no buying power in that position. So why are there ads? Very little logic there.
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A waste of time
dranderson219613 October 2023
It's Huluween made it seem like this movie was gone be good and it was straight trash, garbage, BASURA!! It had me at psychological thriller but lost me when I hit play. There was NOTHING thrilling about it. It feels like when I watched Adulterers on Netflix, but even that was better than this. I hope Lil Rel career don't plummet after this. Still love him tho. The slowest burn I ever watched, then when you think the plot twist was coming out was just as bad. The "plot twist" was the most exciting (using that term very loosely) part and it came at the end of the movie. I wish I could give this a zero tbh.
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Slave to the grind
HorrorFilmHellion11 October 2023
Had no idea what this movie was when I fired it up, and thought it was just going to be a straight up saw or cube genre horror flick. Its not far off from that, but its different. For those that have experienced being middle management at large growth corporations (in my case hi-tech) and have been subjected to their tactics, with management trees, illusion of choice, moving targets, unobtainable goals, and performance plans/metrics, (they left out ESG, DEI, volunteering, and encouraged donations) will relate to what this movie is relaying through its bleak surface level metaphor. Others will say, just leave or work somewhere else but also dont understand the golden handcuff stuff that makes it lucrative to continue to give them the best years of your lives in spite of the long hours and sleepless frustration. Either way, I thought it was simply demonstrated in an entertaining way with bleak atmosphere and a good caricature lead to transfer the emotion and frustration. Now, back to work.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of The Mill
burlesonjesse511 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The mill in 2023's The Mill is a form of manual labor for a businessman trapped in a workplace prison cell. If said businessman can't push said mill in a circle enough times, he fails to make his emblematic quota and dies. Yup, I couldn't make this up if I tried. I mean what sicko would put a dude through this torture when his wife is at home pregnant? Yeesh.

Anyway, The Mill is indeed a demented and often psychologically bruising thriller. Why? Because it takes hostile work environment to an almost figurative level (figuratively). "Mill's" director is Sean King O'Grady, a guy who obviously watched the first Saw from 2004 and Oldboy to fortify his surly, captor vision.

Providing lessened gore but fashioning enough black hat remorselessness to make your blood curdle, O'Grady may not be the most stylish of helmers when it comes to placing the camera but his dustbowl look and eye-in-the-sky villainy make The Mill the scarring trainwreck to end all trainwrecks.

It's only in the last act when the twist comes that "Mill" loses a little dramatic momentum and becomes rooted in visual reality as opposed to well, actual physical existence. I mean just because a flick does a one-eighty doesn't mean it keeps the viewer fully engaged. If that were the case then everything released in theaters would be all things surprise, surprise!

The Mill stars Lil Rel Howery as trapped employee Joe and Pat Healy as Joe's would-be corporation boss. Howery overacts a bit but has enough discipline and foaming enthusiasm to carry "Mill" with aplomb. As for Healy, well he shows up near the end, basically doing what he does best which is 25-plus years of solid character actor stuff. They are both in a pic that substitutes psychosomatic horror for generalized empathy. Edge "mill".
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Kevin that you?
errolltheperil12 October 2023
Predictable movie with a predictable ending. The lead seems to be doing a Kevin Hart how to act in a movie impression. May I suggest the movies, Exam 2009 or The Circle 2015 for a more entertaining 'Black Mirror' experience.

It is not terrible Howery gives a standout performance as Joe, a man who is forced to confront his own mortality and fight for his humanity. The film's single-location setting and limited cast create a claustrophobic and suspenseful atmosphere. The Mill is not an easy film to watch, but it is a thought-provoking and timely one. The film explores important themes of corporate dehumanization, AI domination, and the erosion of personal freedom.
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A train wreck that's hard to look away from
crap-7490415 October 2023
This movie basically portrays the future of AI for dumb people. It's like a really bad version of The Platform or Squid Games where a bulky Kevin Hart who claims to be super intelligent, fails at every turn to try and convince the audience he's a thinking human being for 1 hour and 46 excuciatingly boring minutes. For these kind of movies to work, they either need to bring something new or display a level of intelligence. Squid Games wouldn't work if it was just cow slaughter. I mean, what's the point of cheering for someone to survive if they're just going to do the same mistakes all over again? This is as bad as a train wreck could be!
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This 6 could have been a 9...
kaizenn23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I see the comparisons in IMDB reviews to Black Mirror episodes, and I admit the thought is intriguing and agreeable, to a point.

The premise is simultaneously fun and terrifying. Lil's acting (in spite of his directing) was superb, and could have carried this movie to something way beyond what it actually was.

My main complaints lie with the cell neighbor; one who had every answer to every question and was an expert orator throughout the entire movie, and one who was never doubted for an instant. That means our lead is either a complete moron, or events are being miswritten/misdirected. In my humble opinion, obviously.

And (SPOILER ALERT) his proclamation of revenge in the last moments felt forced and fake.

All throughout the movie I loved what it could have been, and I wish so much I could fall in love with what it actually was. But some relationships are not meant to last. Goodbye, Mallard.
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Wow...that was bad.
vn_larsen19 October 2023
A wildly misguided and not at all subtle critique of capitalism, or "the grind" (like a mill. See not very subtle). Is anyone really stupid enough to believe this showing is even remotely related to actual capitalism? A trillion-dollar company, calling literal slaves their "employees", can do anything they want because the employee "didn't read the fine print" when signing their introduction paperwork. This director is one of those people who think modern day employees are slaves because they have to work for money instead of being handed everything for free. That even though the employees willing volunteered to work for the company and can leave at any time, the company is evil for making the person work. These kind people think of themselves as actual slaves, like the man in this movie, and there's nothing they can do to escape. That companies who make their employees work are literal slave masters forcing people to work so they aren't killed. Nevermind how incredibly obvious the metaphor, it's also just extremely inaccurate. However, I gave it 2 stars instead of just 1 because there is something to said about quotas and how there are definitely companies that do not reward employees that work hard and therefore give no incentive to continue working hard. That is a legitimate critique. Also, the ending was absolutely terrible. All that aside, Lil Rey cannot carry a movie by himself. He is comedic relief and that is where he shines. Also, what business manager working for a trillion-dollar company wears Nikes with their suit? I'm just not impressed at all.
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One actor, one location, difficult to be a great movie.
deloudelouvain21 May 2024
The Mill isn't a bad movie but it was a bit too monotone to be standing out. Everything, well almost everything, is shot in the same place with basically just one actor (Lil Rel Howery) talking to other actors we don't see. There are some intriguing moments but it's never really suspenseful. The ending was surprising, not bad actually, but it couldn't make this movie stand out from the rest. The idea was there, so it was a bit refreshing, and the acting was not bad but movies with just one actor and one location are rarely really good. I can't say I regret watching it, even though I found it a tiny bit too long.
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silicontourist2 November 2023
I have no idea why this film was even made because it is/was truly dismal entertainment that did not entertain me. The films subject matter and the one place scenery setting, does however serve the dismal story very well. I think perhaps that a good many people will not last through this film as it will remind them all too much of their own dismally dreary working lives, in a similar lack-less blood sucking company's that employ them.

That is the only thing about the film that is a good point but, it could have been told in about 40-60 minutes. You don't need an overly long drawn out film to show you how working for a company or corporation is bad for your health, family life, social life and your well being.

We are all slaves to the system because nobody has the guts to fight the system in one outcry of millions of voices and, this film kind of points it out to the viewer!
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There remains a cyclical monotonous action and an unfinished conflict! Will you watch it?⏳⏳⏳
Democrit19 October 2023
There is a plan, but its implementation... What kind of test is it if the subject loses control? What kind of artificial intelligence is this that does not understand and does not see? And if these questions remain unanswered, then how was the author going to reveal the topic? What question did the author ask here? If the question is not formulated, then there will be no answer. And if there is no answer, then why all this at all?

Let's remember the plot - the character performs a cyclic action, from the beginning of the plot to the climax - can this interest the viewer? No Maybe the inner feelings are very deep? No And now let's ask ourselves the question: "What is going on there anyway?" - there remains only a cyclical monotonous action and an unresolved conflict! Will you be watching this?
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Almost one actor carries this whole film
tknmzombie30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is listed as a horror film, but it could also be considered sci-fi.

It is placed somewhere in the future where a company has decided to "punish" their employees for less than stellar work performance with being drugged and kidnapped...and put into individual cells with a very old school wheel mill.

Each of these people wake up disoriented, and very frightened. Only to have darkness fall and the terrifying screams of what sounds like either torture or someone being killed come over the extremely high wall.

Maybe your next door neighbor will talk to you, maybe they won't. Maybe they will tell you the truth, maybe they won't. Because their life depends on doing at least one (or more) walks around the pushing mill to avoid TERMINATION.

And it's an open sky. So each day could be hot as heck, or lovely. But the job only gives you the same sandwich, chips, and one bottle of water...rain or shine.

And if you break the rules or talk back, there are consequences.

And those consequences can affect ALL of the employees in the arena (or just you, who knows?) And every single night someone gets violently, well, terminated. (Which by the way we never see,I liked that myself, old fashioned terror without blood n gore)

And our protagonist, who is primarily the only person we see throughout the whole film, has to live through this. And Lil Rel might come off as a comedy actor. But he killed it here.

And there were times I didn't know what he was going to choose to do. And that's unusual for a horror film. As so often characters are very much cut and paste.

I only took off a star for the few times it felt it was dragging. And the whole "dream sequences/memories" idea they went with. It felt so afternoon soap opera. But all in all, 9/10. I would love to see the employees revolt.
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The Mill Gives You The Run Around
Happy Huluween, Streamers! Yes, Hulu is back with their Horror/Halloween section of movies for the Halloween Season. One of their offerings piqued my interest based on the main actor and the simple concept, The Mill. This streaming movie features a businessman (Lil Rel Howery) who mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only a primitive grinding mill. He's forced to work until he can find a way back before the birth of his first child. Covid type movie hijinks ensue.

As you can tell, this movie really is quite singular and feels like a classic Covid era movie. All we have is Lil Rel and some voice work to get us through about an hour and forty minutes. I like Rel but this isn't really his acting range. Don't get me wrong he does a good job, and the movie really wouldn't have been anything without him. He knows how to act panicked but sometimes it just comes off as whiny! Anyway, the idea is original and semi-frightening. Remind me not to sign any disclosures without reading them again. But really there's not much to the movie other than Rel and they still make us watch for an hour and 40 minutes! I mean have a build-up but come on already.

Simply put, this movie while imaginative lacks imagination. The Mill is literally, and metaphorically, pushed along by the charisma of Lil Rel Howery. That's not enough to make this a movie you have to run to see. Grab a handful of popcorn and check out The Mill to support our guy when you have a chance.
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Completely devoid of talent
fuqshytup18 October 2023
The dialogue written for this movie is atrocious. This feels very much like the writer finished his first draft and decided it was good enough. The language is repetitive. There are curse words thrown in nonsensically, which is the hallmark of a terrible writer. It's not done in a Tarantino way that blends naturally with the work. Instead, it's as if the cursing is supposed to do some heavy duty dramatic work, which it doesn't.

People talk like no one talks. They act like no one acts. Everything is just a setup for the plot to move, realistic human responses be damned.

The acting is some of the worst garbage I've seen in a long time. Let's start with the next door neighbor. I get that he's not on camera, but it was a really dumb idea on I assume the director's part to have him record it alone in a sound booth. It sounds like someone in a sound booth running lines. And is this guy an audiobook reader in real life? Because he super enunciates everything, removing him even further from the scene he's supposed to be in.

Then the main character. This actor didn't convey a moment of honesty in the entire picture as far as I could tell. Much like the script told him to, he acted like I can't imagine anyone acting in that situation. Motivation seems so divorced from the human experience, I couldn't wrap my head around what he was trying to portray.

The cinematography was right up there with the poor acting, writing, and directing.

Dark and moody is cool. Dark and I can't see s damn thing isn't. Pink colored lights completely unmotivated made me take notice of the color and took me out of the scene.

The inability to let us get s good look at the main character was an odd choice. Shooting a face in almost complete darkness while having eyeglasses practically glow was unhinged.

Yeah, we're supposed to not know what's going on and be disoriented, but being unable to connect with the main character whose journey we are on is just another element that lead to total disengagement from this film.

This is a must miss.
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106 minutes of 212 f bombs
lsingleton19702 February 2024
A mill is a device, often a structure, machine or kitchen appliance, that breaks solid materials into smaller pieces by grinding, crushing, or cutting." It is also the best way to describe this movie.

Mill would be a much better movie if in the 106 minutes there were not 212 f bombs posing as actual dialogue. I would hope that even in a situation like this, a Black man's vocabulary would reach beyond the four-letter words that were being thrown around throughout this entire movie. The premise is interesting-like a black mirror episode. In keeping with that rationale, had it been only 60 minutes maybe they would've focused more on writing better dialogue, one more fitting for the story arc. Instead, it seems they spent more time on casting (limited cast) than they did on decent screenwriting.

The Producers took a film with a slightly interesting premise and ground it down to a cursing diatribe that tells more about the writers than it does about what we should take away from the movie.
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What a WAIST of time!
AndyLianB8 January 2024
I cannot express my utter disappointment with this movie. The ending was utterly atrocious. The acting was also an abomination - a massive shoutout to Lil Rel Howery whose acting skills are deplorable & difficult to watch at times.

A major factor of the failure of this film is the poorly written story. Like the overall outcome and story was pointless to the fact at the ending, I was like what the even happened this didn't make sense??

Overall, the movie is awfully written as well as the acting that contributes in the failure of the movie all thanks to Lil Rel's awful acting skills who tries so hard to be like Kevin Hart. You failed miserably.

Avoid this film at all costs!
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Like BLACK MIRROR?! You'll LOVE this!!!
alishab42010 October 2023
Super suspenseful and VERY much like a Black Mirror episode, just movie length!! Really wild ride indeed!!

The premise is wildly unique and there is no way you see the ending coming...

I truly think that if you go into fairly with no forced expectations, you will really enjoy this!!

I had NO clue what I was in for and I knew nothing about the movie before watching it... and I recommend you do the same!

It definitely has moments that are scary, ONLY because they are teetering on the edge of realistic and possible!

Rel did a great job with the character and it honestly keeps you guessing until the VERY end!

Give it a go!
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georgio-2649014 January 2024
Typical lock down movie. Utterly boring from the start to finish. Plot was obvious after 5 minutes. Acting is below average. There is no atmosphere whatsoever. This movie must've been thought up, written, filmed, edited and put out during one weekend at most.

So, a married guy with a pregnant wife works too much , housewife gets sick of it. Man wakes up next to a milling device. Talks to a bloke through a ventilation shaft, has to male so many rotations a day...... and that is basically it. The movie attempts to make you believe that years have passed yet the main characters hair hasn't grown half an inch. It's uninteresting and my only joy was the short running time.
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