The Serial Killer's Wife (TV Series 2023) Poster

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OK. And nothing more
ringspeed7 January 2024
There are many problems with this series, and there are a few plus points. Thankfully at 4 episodes long, it doesn't suffer an overblown run the way many of them do. It finishes just at the right time.

The biggest issue is the mis-cast of Tom. Jack Farthing may be a fine actor, and he has that dormant psycho air about him. But a successful multi-millionaire Doctor who owns and runs his own GP practice? No, not believable.

Beth as a character is OK and I get the trade off of wanting to continue to live a life of luxury when her love life is falling apart, but she seems to wander from one strained expression to the next. Again Scholey has been a great actor but the development of her character is weak and even when she pulls a clever stunt at the end, it's difficult to side with her. Not helped by anyone with half a brain seeing the ending coming a mile off.

This needs to be filed under 'Could've been so much better'.
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Utterly Predictable
jcb-1821219 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not terrible but just very very predictable. I knew who the real killer was in the first episode. It almost feels like a remake of a story from 205 years when the "twists" might be regarded as surprising.

It's also difficult as there's only one or two vaguely likeable characters. And they're all so entitled its hard to connect with any of them. The attempt at creating an ordinary character in the cafe manager and her boyfriend is hopelessly hackneyed.

The whole show is quite bleak in its messaging - everyone has a dark side and everyone is capable of doing horrible things. Fair enough - but we're not talking a secret smoking habit or a penchant for plushie porn everyone here is a murderer, serial adulterer, S&M fanatic and completely devoid of a moral centre! Even the hero detective is unrelatable. Thank goodness for Julie Graham, who even in a small role can spin straw into acting gold.
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Lethal Love Story
pollygregorash16 December 2023
How well can you truly know someone you love? That is the question that you will need to ask yourself as you watch this 4-part mini-series.

The story follows Beth, a wife and mother, who finds out in the first few moments of episode one that her husband is accused of murder. From there, she starts to look more closer at her husband who has, to this point, been considered an upstanding member of the community through his elite family lineage of the Fairchilds.

Also a doctor who saves lives, Beth can't help but question if he also takes them when she starts to find clues to suggest that her adoring husband is not who she thinks he is. As the evidence mounts up, she starts to take note that he has a sinister side. Or does he?

This mini series will keep making you question what the answer is until the story gives a solid ending to wrap everything up.
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Worth a watch
p-8125319 February 2024
Not sure about the low ratings, people must've watched a different series. This has a good cast and an intriguing enough plot. It has a Broadchurch feel about it (possibly because it's on the coast!).

Not obvious who the killer is throughout, so it keeps you engaged. It's not easy creating something original these days but this series manages it.

Good cliffhangers at the end of each episode and in my view it's compelling watching and worse case will take up 3 hours of your time. So not a lot to lose.

Worth a watch and it's only 4 episodes, so easily bingeable. Give it a go. I hope you enjoy it.
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Wife is very pathetic.. absolute drama queen 👑
milesjackson-117823 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series started off with her "on board" with her killer husband (I know it turns out he wasn't) but changes her mind every time she "guilt trips". ..her timing is cringe worthy..she doesn't know whether she likes a bad ass or a nice guy then all of a sudden she grows a pair.

This series says a lot about what women are all about these days this makes her just as guilty as the killer she pushed off a cliff it doesn't matter that the wrongly accused did this and that you don't put someone in prison for life just because you suddenly got your hands on the levers behind the Wizards curtain.

Call this series "Typical Vindictive Female" She's definitely a narcissist.. actually use this as a guide book to what a female narcissist is all about it'll keep your money and property safe 👍😎
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Good time, fun twist
KLFL_be30 December 2023
This was a nice little show (emphasis on little because it's super short) and I enjoyed it. Nothing groundbreaking or mind blowing but definitely interesting and engaging. The last two episodes are especially great and really make the show as the first two were quite dull and boring.

My main gripe with the show was the acting of the protagonist. Scholey had some scenes, especially with the last episodes that really made an impact; however during the first two episodes her acting was... dull. One thing that threw me off was how when she finds out about her husbands infidelity (and it was really bad since he had videos and was in contact with a lot of other women) Scholey kinda just acts blank. A bit later she lies to her husband and acts all normal but she just doesn't seem shaken up at all over this discovery. Or at least not shaken up enough. She even just goes on with her life and then confronts him later on. This just felt so off especially for the character established so far. There's other little instances where she acts a bit blankly in response to her crumbling life.

Also I found the police officer woman exceedingly dull and just wanted to throw that in.

Even with the flip flopping acting quality, and the dragging pacing during the first episodes, this show has a lot to offer and is a good watch, especially considering how short it is.

The build up in the intensity of the situation, along with watching the downfall of Beth's life is a spectacle. Slowly watching everyone piece together the mystery is also interesting. The final twist and ending is particularly great.

I love the final twist because during the show I found that "oh we know who the killer is so this is kinda boring" but the twist really flips your preconceived notions on their head. The ending as-well is honestly perfect for what it aims to achieve. The ending shot itself is great. I also love the character of Adam and found he really stole the show every time he was on screen. Another thing I enjoyed was the commentary on gossiping, spreading rumours and hating on people just on what you've heard. Always a nice theme to explore since it's very prevalent in real life

All in all, I had a couple problems, notably with the first two episodes which are a little bit of a slog to get through, but the ending and build up are fantastic and I highly recommend you give this a shot.
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Oh what a shame....
markasplinhq20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The cover art, the premise, the set up was all there but absolutely mind boggling writing and direction left this limited series wanting.

What an incredible portrayal it would have been to see a wife and her side of her husband potentially being a serial killer.

I knew straight from the first arrest that's not what we would be getting though, as they quickly glossed over the arrest and subsequent fall out with Beth.

Too many times throughout this series Beth made stupid decisions for the only reasons that the writers could get to the next shocking plot point.

They had to leave some opened ended strands at the end because if you questioned Beth motive too much it all fell apart.

As another reviewer has said this clearly needs to be logged under "could have been so much more"
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Very good watch
graemelee-8445318 December 2023
Loved it and not sure why the negativity in some of the reviews so far. Watched the four episodes over a couple of nights and thoroughly enjoyed it. Good casting and excellent acting by the main characters (love Annabel Scholey from The Split and again fantastic in this). No doubt if you want to dissect it minute by minute you'll find a couple of. Flaws but for most it'll be 4 hrs of good tv entertainment. Nice amount of twists and turns leading up to the final episode that left me intrigued to see if there's a series 2 after Jules's appearance mid credits so don't switch off as soon as they start to roll..
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Overall, an entertaining binge watch.
Amar477924 May 2024
Suffering from a flare up of sciatica I thought I'd watch something I don't normally watch - plus it's a Saturday and a long weekend with the bank holiday. Anyway, my partner out for the afternoon I thought I'd give this a go.

First impressions are it has potential so keeps one interested just (about). Although the acting seems wooden I thought it actually worked. The storyline is not one that many people wouldn't know about being about a murder-mystery. But the way it's executed, I think ok editing, loads of unexplained plots , but overall it just seemed to work for me on this occasion.

I'd recommend this to anyone having a lazy day/evening and needs something non-taxing that keeps the interest going. Oh, given some scenes I'd recommend over 13 years and above.
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BabyIDontCare17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because the external locations were filmed in and around Folkestone, where I live. The primary school location is a mere 100 yards from my front door.

I found it all rather cliched and pretty obvious as to who the "baddie" was. I had him figured out when he faked those tears over the footage of his dead wife. Plus he was creepy as hell, even more so than husband #1.

Some of the dialogue was pretty awful too. One scene the police woman asks Beth whether another character said anything to her before he died. Why did the police woman ask that when both women weres present at said character's death. There were other examples, but after watching the whole thing, those have mercifully erased themselves from my brain.

Fun game to play though.....count how many times the police sidekick chap sucks his breath in over his teeth, like a plumber just before he tells you the job's going to cost more than your mortgage.

Having said that I did like the ending. Wife gets shot of both husbands and gets to live in the nice old house by herself.

Basically, it's alright if you want a simple mystery to solve without having to tax yourself too much.
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Can't understand the negative reviews!
rpin-516-66207817 December 2023
I really loved it! It kept my attention fairly easily and we watched all 4 episodes in one sitting when we couldn't sleep one night. I watch so many shows and am always, always disappointed with their endings and feel somewhat robbed of the time I have easy d getting to that end point........most definitely not the case with this one and it kept me guessing right up to the very very end.

Like I said don't understand the bad reviews so I am glad I ignored them and made my own opinion.

Not read the book but think it's appeared in my kindle suggestions list on occasion and I liked the idea of the storyline. Now I've watched the TV version I doubt I'd bother with the book now however.
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Same mistakes
ebyandsmartie3 January 2024
If you make a series where we have to guess who is the killer, then don't include a 'better known' actor in a smaller/side role.

The last episode is beyond silly and mundane. A total waste of nearly 4hrs of my life.

I won't be watching the 2nd series, I pray they don't inflicted it on others and it gets rightly cancelled.

If you make a series where we have to guess who is the killer, then don't include a 'better known' actor in a smaller/side role.

The last episode is beyond silly and mundane. A total waste of nearly 4hrs of my life.

I won't be watching the 2nd series, I pray they don't inflicted it on others and it gets rightly cancelled.
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Promising start but unresolved endings
kimberz5517 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I will preface this by admitting I haven't read the book, so have no idea how close this portrayal relates to the book.

The story has a few twists and turns, which makes it an easy watch, although there are several times when my husband and I were just willing Beth to call the police. I wasn't sure what relevance the storyline about her mother had but perhaps this is explored more in the book.

Contrary to another review, I found the ending to be too open in some of the storylines. What was the reason for the detective to start investigating Beth and what came from it... Did they investigate Adam as a missing person... Did they find him... Do they investigate this...???? Then to top it all, the last scene just makes it even more unresolved.

Perhaps they have left it open for a second series - but no information yet on whether that's the case. (Early days yet though, so this may change!)
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beware gilded cage
aoiremacaonra19 December 2023
Fun thriller with some seriously great chemistry between the two main leads (anabel scholey and Jack Farthing). Beth is a great main character. A character who grew up poor and is terrified of inflicting this on her own children. So when her husband is accused of murder she tries her best to prove his innocence. But does she really believe it?. And what will she do if she discovers his guilt.

Listened to the audiobook afterwards. Very good but not as gripping as the series. Best show of this genre that I've seen for a long time. Ends on a eerie cliffhanger. Looks great, definitely needs a season two to discover what happens to Beth et al.
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Another one bites the dust
petercarlsson-9229717 December 2023
Well, here's another one. A female lead that doesn't show any emotions at all, whatever she discovers about her husband. She just plows along, looking a little bit confused, when the director tell her to do that.

Otherwise it's the usual story line with questions upon questions, upon question. None of them being answered off course. So the viewer just sits there wondering what's going on. And to be honest, it's not that interesting. It's hard to connect to any of the characters, and you start thinking about other things. Like why you're wasting your time watching this.

So... well; nothing new here.
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twist a minute
pet-5322918 December 2023
Had this on in the background while I put up the xmas decorations. Big mistake as i couldn't take my eyes off it.

Twist a minute thriller and looks amazing from beginning to end with some great acting (especially Jack Farthing. Never saw him before but gonna check out what else he is in).

Watched the four episodes in one sitting. Really didn't feel like four hours. Almost impossible to predict.

You do have to suspend your disbelief a little but totally worth it.

Would be interested to see what happens to beth if there is a second season. She is oddly sympathetic yet unsympathetic at the same time.
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This will be my last time of British suspense drama
firti19 April 2024
I just wanted to warn so I could save some people's 4 hours will not be wasted. I respect everyone's taste but the people who give good reviews to this thing must be from the production team. Whole script & whole cast is seriously lacking talent and not sure how those platforms are paying money to these projects and not lose money.

British TV turned into full of crap reality TV and ready made tv series are not better than emmerdale or any soap opera.

From start to finish it is just dragging a story which could be told in 60 minutes.

Full of meaningless pauses and scenery shots so this pathetic story takes 4 episodes.
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Unbearably slow
Xavier_Stone19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A few bit of action scenes at the start of the pilot, lots of flipping between scenes to get the ball rolling. Then dreadful non stop talking.

Not really a slow burn here. More like over hearing gossip at the workplace, or coffee shop. Probably written by women, with women being the primary audience as all the male characters are mostly baddies.

I guess this is what people want now. Shallow dramas with an easy target and focus. Not much else to review here. Struggled to get to the end of the pilot and still not all that interested in watching any more. Congrats to you if you make it an entire season with this.
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