Eden (2014) Poster

(I) (2014)

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Not bad but defiantly below average
joshuaallred1 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is decent, the quality of production was decent. The characters do not have depth and the story plot is predictable. Its essentially lord of the fly's but instead its with adults. The Team is a elite soccer (football) team that fails to adapt to there situation. They fail as a team and each other, both in a psychological sense and a physiological sense. There unable to support each other and build on each others strengths and weaknesses. But if your into shallow men who are constantly flexing there muscles and running around with jeans tighter then the yoga pants your probably wearing right now, I highly recommend this movie to you.
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Erratic Garden
daoldiges19 May 2018
This film begins on fine footing, we're introduced to all of the characters and all of the requisite personality types are present for this type of story. It continues a little predictably but I was still with it. Then all of a sudden, and with no signs of it coming, all of the characters suddenly turn hyper-paranoid and aggressive. There's no gradual progression down this path which would make it plausible and engaging, but very abruptly so that it's not only unrealistic but makes the viewer feel insulted that the director would actually expect us to accept this. In addition, it enforces negative gender stereotypes - the men are all aggressive hot-heads and the women are passive observers of the random barbarism of their male counterparts. This film really is a mess and honestly feels like a waste of resources and talent.
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Abercrombie & Fitch
theopangio2 September 2021
Lots of shirtless people parading seminaked in a deserted island. The plot pays homage to Lord of the flies but if they were cockroaches instead. Abercrombie & Fitch could not fit them in their 2015 catalogue so they cast them in this wannabe thriller instead.
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What not to do on a desert Island
krusadk14 January 2017
Why do some movies get made? Why did this one? No, really, I'm asking, because I don't for the life of me know why. Production values seem reasonably high - the plane crash, CGI for missing limbs etc. Why didn't they spend a few bucks on the script?! - it is just stupid on top of stupid. E.g. they are marooned on a desert Island with few supplies, needing to conserve strength, yet they run around playing soccer, continuously swim back and forth between two Islands (a mile apart) engage in sexual relations constantly (but zero nudity) - and I could go on, but I will not waste any more of my energy on this turd of a motion picture
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What NOT to do to survive...
niceone-786-89290127 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers

So your plane crashes next to a deserted island. Some die, some get hurt, some are okay. You have plenty of salvaged luggage, an amount of food and water, and plenty of stuff to make shelters from. Within two days you've decided to kill of the injured people to conserve water and someone's committed suicide?! Blimey! What happened to planes having transponders or flight plans, or perhaps a relative wondering why your flight never made it? They have a flare gun and a life raft so the obvious thing to do is swim to the other island a mile away. Repeatedly. It only takes them ten days to start killing each other. Heck, by day eleven they probably would have eaten the bodies :/
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Could have been good...sadly it wasn't!
omendata4 January 2018
Started off reasonably well although I think the airplane crash scene could have been longer and more interesting.

Up until the point they find the Japanese soldier all was proceeding well, then it all just went to pot. Lord of the Flies this most definitely isnt!

The illogical actions that no one would do if abandoned on a desert island in the middle of nowhere and the poor story just weakened the whole premise and the ending well....SANDS OF THE KALAHARI - I guess the director had just watched that classic and thought he would throw that ending in lol

Could have been good but like most of the films I am watching over the last few years, they just dont seem to have decent story writers and cannot sustain the pace that a good film needs to keep audiences involved.
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Not bad
fil-nik0923 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a bad movie. It keeps you entertained and it is not boring, except for some scenes at the beginning in the plane. And even though from those very first scenes you can guess that the plane will crash and that those beautiful girls are there in order to make some rivalry and tensions later on among many guys, it does not make you say: I knew it exactly. It is what you thought, but it has some slight changes.

What is the best thing about the movie? I guess a lot of shirtless, hot and beautiful men. And add two beautiful girls, of which one is some kind of a football groupie...

As for acting. I guess the acting of everyone was good. Not excellent but good.

The things I did not like: The crush scenes were done laughably! They could cut them altogether! They counted 15 survivors, but just the moments before it, in the plane, there were maybe 20 people. So, only 5 died?! After 8 days they all pretty much look good and did not lost a kilo! And they have run out of food some days before? Also, after days without food or much water, they still can swim miles?! And run on the islands? And the 'best' thing: the last fight scene - they are fighting in the dark, it was supposed to be evening or midnight and out of the blue a helicopter and it is dawning!!!??? And not to mention that the survivor ( alpha male) hides from the rescue?! OK, I know that they made it look like justice is done, but...

All in all, besides these faults, I give it a seven.
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Fighting and Beating beyond any scope
vlaskman11 June 2019
The fighting and the beating between the male characters of this film is way out of what someone would expect under a situation of food scarcity. I mean I understand tension arising cause of the sudden and abnormal situation that the group is facing but that goes way out of that. Same goes for all the swimming between the 2 islands which they have more than a mile distance. Swimming a distance like that in an open ocean is a very exhausting activity even for athletes. Same applies for the sexual encounters that happen. Overall a cheap production that is hardly convincing.
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Well acted thriller
robertemerald10 November 2019
I disagree with some reviewers that Eden involves exaggerated over-characterisations, or that the male/female divide is hotheads on the one hand and passivity on the other. Nor is the path to aggression abrupt and unrealistic. They start off with food for less than a week and water about the same, so the changes come as quickly as thirst and starvation make their mark. This is a famous and successful soccer team, young American men who by now are cock-sure of themselves and feel a sense of entitlement. It couldn't have been easy to act in this movie, yet the actors do a really magnificent job. I'd give it more points but for anyone whose seen or read Lord of the Flies, well, you know how it plays out. That's not to say that Eden is not a highly engaging thriller and tense drama, and well worth anyone's Saturday afternoon.
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What a waste of time!
redtiago24 October 2021
It appears to be directed and written by a teenager with excessive testosterone.

Unrealistic. With egocentric, alfha males measuring who has the biggest...

Very, very, very bad.

What a waste of time...
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A good movie about the bad side of humans
rroy7331 January 2016
Yes, it is a modern day Lord of the flies... It shows how the best of intentions become disastrous for all while the spineless people end up heroes. In that way, it also depicts the irony of how people who are real heroes end up villains in the eyes of the others because of circumstances. I think Andy was the best of the lot but ended up as a person everyone ends up hating in the end, while the others who were not able to take tough decisions took the worst decision by should how inhuman they really can be in the end. Good movie, good story, excellent acting and a must watch for people who enjoy psychological thrillers. I have already watched it twice :)
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David Decoteau Times 50
PatrickP12 June 2018
Seriously, soccer players aside, no set of men and women are as sexy and hot after being in a plane crash. Oh, and it's a "Lord Of The Flies" remake. Only hotter and sweatier. That's honestly the plot, also.
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Updated Lord of the Flies
diangel5514 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review is not so much a spoiler, but it points out just how awful people can be to each other when under pressure. It really did remind me of Lord of the Flies in many ways because things went tits up quick, fast, and in a hurry. Considering the events took place over a little more than ten days, the characters didn't take long to show their true colors and true hearts. I was surprised that the island they were on had very little edible vegetation or natural water sources. I was also surprised that there were no organized search parties to explore the island to see what resources were potentially available to the group. I found the movie predictable, but entertaining. I didn't learn any life lessons or was left with a "feel good" feeling, but it did keep me interested for the duration.
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Nonsensical ridiculousness
ryan-397-43185117 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure how movies like this ever get made. Skimming through the script alone should have saved whatever small budget this movie ended up costing. I should have listened to some of the other reviews. None of the character decisions made any sense. The group was stuck on the island for less than two weeks. Going as crazy as some of the characters went may have been conceivable after a year on the island. Suicide after barely a week on the island? Just one terrible plot decision after another.

With an Eagle Scout in the group (assuming he was telling the truth) they probably could have athered up enough to eat from the sea as Slim seemed to be able to collect enough for a meal after a quick swim. Good grief - if they could figure out how to rig up dew collectors they probably could have rigged up a way to boil water and collect the condensation and had plenty of water from day two... Food and water are obviously necessities and were basically the only source of contention the group faced.

I had to watch this to the end to see if it really was just a dream or if some of the things that happened would be explained. Nope. Just an abrupt end that also didn't make much sense. Everyone was probably tired and decided to put the audience in a sleeper hold to put us out of our misery.

Really terrible...I can't get back that time and don't like spending more time writing about it, but hopefully it will save your turn if you decide to not watch this movie. Wow...I can't believe how dumb it was. I bumped the rating to 2 because the tropical scenery was nice.
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Probably the worst movie I've ever seen
mgk9828 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was worse than worse. It was so terrible that my brother and I were sitting laughing/crying over how painfully bad it was.

The plot was absolute NONSENSE!! It made NO sense whatsoever! I can't even count all the plot holes. The characters were odd and you didn't really get an introduction to them and therefor had no emotional connection to them. Frankly, I didn't even care if some of them died. The worst thing about the movie was that the characters didn't have any good motives for their actions - they just did crazy sh*t for NO REASON! And I know that they were stranded on an island and under a lot of stress, but it made NO SENSE.

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Imagine if teenage high school jocks made lord of the flies
matthew-antonello23 May 2021
The script writer must have actually been a teenager it was that bad. Nothing made sense, there was no survival elements to the story just Macho idiotic drama.

Lots of hot shirtless people tho so.
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Wrong Movie!
SwollenThumb2 May 2018
Plot loses its way. Underdeveloped. Two male leads do a good job with a less than compelling script. (I only watched this because I thought it was the movie with the same name from 2013 starring Beau Bridges but I was wrong!)
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Not believable
gwen-adams2528 July 2019
Day 6 all still clean shaven. Day 8 almost fully grown in beards.
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light22 May 2017
Scenario is problem. People's reactions after the crash are not natural. They choose the leader after only a day or two, divided into clans and fighting for power. Such behavior is not close to sportsmen and they should be socially responsible. There are not activities on signaling rescuers or similar things. No exploration of the island. There is no explanation for traps and explosion (motives taken from the Lost) The focus is on human nature, behavior, and domination, but too early and exaggerate.
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Wait For It
linaklutz8 February 2020
So I really tried to like this movie because I read all of the terrible reviews. I wasn't a fan of the book Lord of the Flies when I had to read it in school, but grew to appreciate it as I matured. Definitely see the comparison. Opening really foreshadowed events to come. I felt like they missed a bit with the lack of real character development in this movie, but I urge you to watch it to the end.

I ended up liking this movie more than I thought I was going to. So Rock On! #iheartslim
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Very dark and cold
emilijabenic2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with most of the written comments and would like to add some of my own. It does show how human turn into animals when it comes to survival, but it is a bit too dark. It is not very realistic that the majority of the group decides that the injured people don't deserve to eat and drink. They didn't have any faith that the rescue will come, that means either they all die eventually or they figure out the way to get fish out of the sea - makes no sense to save this small amount of supplies. Nobody can live forever from it anyway. Second, I believe that in this situation (hunger, desperation etc.) people just don't have the libido for a wild sex in the jungle that only means the waste of energy. Because of that, the sex scenes were not sexy at all, just very very sick. The punishment for the guy that had food hidden could be that he gets no more water and food or whatever, the alpha wanted to kill him because of that - what??? And the thing with Elena - a starved and tired man suddenly has so much urge to have sex that he is capable of raping the girl, and he knows that the alpha would kill him after he does it - totally absurd. The death of the Mario Casas was also very, very parody like - it seems almost impossible. And also why? Why does the alpha struggle so much to kill this other guy in front of everybody. And after all what he is done and said, some of them still went to another island with him?!?!? About the dead soldier ... As we all saw, the island was very small - why would there be a war in the past? People don't just travel to the island in the middle of nowhere to set mines and wait for the enemies to come. Doesn't make sense... The guy has dropped the food in the water - so what - it's still there in the sea, they can all dive and swim. And afterwards there was no sign of that shark - they don't just go away, they stick around for a while to see if there is some more (and also because are some dead bodies in the sea near the beach). I only watched it because I wanted to see Mario Casas in an english speaking role :)
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Contrived action movie
willraye5 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Trying to keep you glued, the movie seems phony. Killing for the sake of killing is disturbing. Official critics are politically motivated to hate it. There is the usual tokenism in it.
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OK movie
superfox_88826 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Typical Survival film. Plane crash, people die, tensions rise.

It's clearly low budget but watchable enough to get through. Certainly not the worst movie in the world, not the best either. Get yourself a big bowl of snacks, some drinks, and try to guess who dies next.
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