Slay (2024) Poster


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Totally great!
BandSAboutMovies20 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mama Sue Flay (Trinity The Tuck), Robin Banks (Heidi N Closet), Bella Da Boys (Crystal Methyd), and Olive Wood (Cara Melle) are four drag queens on tour that planned on playing at a famous club, The Bold Tuck, but have accidentally been booked at The Bold Buck, a biker club in the middle of nowhere.

It's a mistake that any of us could make, right?

They try to make the most of it, as the bartender Dusty (Neil Sandilands) pays them anyway and at least two people show up, probably the only other two LGBTQ+ people for miles, Jax (Donia Kash) and Steven (Gabriel Harry Meltz). As they start their act, Travis (Daniel Janks) starts screaming at them to get off the stage and in all the confusion, another local, Marv (Gustav Rossouw) starts to bite people. Yes, we're in Bat Country and the film seems like Slither, Feast, Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight, VFW and From Dusk till Dawn having a few drinks with To Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

In no way is that a bad thing, as this movie has style, great lighting, fun special effects and plenty of surprises to dish out.

It's a movie aware of vampire movie history as well as one that doesn't make the locals all into bigots and even gives Travis a redemption arc that he never would have had unless he met our heroines and fought vampires with them. The ladies also struggle against in-fighting and realize the love they have for one another.

Also: garlic bread and a sprinkler system make for some amazing weapons. You don't have to dress like Blade -- to call out a great discussion in this film -- to be a bad ass vampire killer.

I had a blast watching this. It feels like it needs a bigger audience than just a Tubi Original -- not a bad thing, I love these movies after all -- and it feels good to see drag queens unite a town and disrupt both vampires and those that are close minded. If only the real world could be the same.
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I really enjoyed SLAY!
Virginia_Lee_RI8 April 2024
Was it perfect? Oh no. But then I wasn't expecting perfection. I enjoyed the performances of Trinity the Tuck, Heidi N Closet and Crystal Methyd particularly. I was pleasantly surprised by Crystal as I did not care for her much when she was on Drag Race. Cara Melle was a bit of a disappointment. She didn't embrace the absurdity as much as the other queens did with their characters. The supporting cast surprised me with their commitment to their characters. I laughed, yelled out "Ewwwww!" frequently, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I could go all academic and do a high-falutin' critique, but why do that when I had so much fun watching. It's a silly bloody dragfest of a film and absolutely worth giving a go. Heidi N Closet and Crystal Methyd's performances alone are so absolutely OTT and, to use a RuPaul-ism, "STUPID!" that your will not be wasting your time.
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Slay" pleasantly surprised me with its entertaining blend of B-horror action and comedy.
tylerrosin7 May 2024
Slay" pleasantly surprised me with its entertaining blend of B-horror action and comedy. It embraced its identity and delivered an enjoyable experience from start to finish. The premise, centered around four drag queens inadvertently confronting vampires in a remote location, provided ample opportunities for both laughs and thrills.

One of the film's strengths lies in its solid cast, which includes well-known drag queens who inject their performances with charisma and flair. Their chemistry on screen adds to the fun and entertainment value of the movie.

I was particularly impressed by the production values and overall look and feel of the film. Despite its B-horror roots, "Slay" boasts impressive set design and special effects that elevate it above typical genre fare. The filmmakers clearly knew what they wanted to achieve and executed it effectively.

Moreover, the pacing and runtime of the film were well-managed, ensuring that it never overstayed its welcome. Additionally, the movie delivers a positive message, further enhancing its appeal.

Overall, "Slay" is a delightful surprise that offers plenty of laughs, thrills, and entertainment. It's a testament to the power of embracing one's identity and delivering a fun and engaging movie experience.
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Very fun
phantommullet-9243426 March 2024
I wish i could give this 9.5 stars. In my opinion, 10 is reserved for your absolute favorites, and while i will definitely watch this again, its not quite there.

Excellent acting, a plot that was hammy but not stupid, decent action and mostly practical effects.

I really don't have much to complain about (which is not what I expected from a Tubi original). There were a couple blood after effects that looked pretty bad, and a few plot points that were pretty obvious, but they were very minor.

Had a good soundtrack too. Very appropriate for a drag show mixed with vampire horror.

Watch it for free on Tubi.
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info-6151323 March 2024
"Slay," a film drenched in Drag queerness, where vibrant characters strut across the screen in a mashup of genres: part Western, part vampire flick. Set in a single location, it cleverly maneuvers its budget constraints to uproarious effect. I haven't chuckled like this in ages.

It's a high-wire act of a movie, teetering on the edge of failure, yet somehow, it triumphs. Seamlessly blending its comedic concept, "Slay" soars. In an era where crafting broad, crowd-pleasing comedies is a challenge, this one boldly declares its presence, inviting audiences to join in the fun. But amidst the laughter, there's depth and consequence, adding layers of joy to the experience.
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Yaaaas, Queens, Slay
darklordwendel22 March 2024
I'm not the first to say this is "Too Wong Foo..." meets "From Dusk Til Dawn", nor will I be the last, I'm sure. But if you're looking for the elevator pitch, that's essentially what this glorious horror comedy is.

I have watched A LOT of mediocre comedy with Drag Race alums, but this isn't one of them. "Slay" knows exactly what type of camp comedy/horror it wants to be and it embodies that PERFECTLY. And Director/Writer Jem Garrard does a wonderful job getting good performances out of Trinity the Tuck, Heidi N Closet, Cara Melle, and Crystal Methyd. Sure, there are a few clunky line deliveries here and there, but they're forgivable when everything else is so delightful.
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Riding on random and definitely not talent
pgcwbmj29 April 2024
This film stinks. If you remove the current free pass given to drag queens it has absolutely no redeeming features. The weird thing is Drag Race Indonesia has actually presented far better acting challenges than any of the seasons of mainstream drag race and it only got two seasons, because the majority of drag race fans aren't interested in talent they just wants catch phrases and mediocrity. Mediocrity is something this film can only dream of achieving. You'll read a lot about the purposeful overacting, sadly this is merely a facade for their lack of talent. A poorly written script, jokes that you have to search for amidst the other uninspired commentary, and a complete lack of substance make this recommended to miss.
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Entertaining and funny
stevenkieboom23 March 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and thought the characters were so funny. There were lots of characters (other than the Queens) that really made the movie and story line great. It poked fun at itself a little bit especially with a scene that was full of written action sequences but wasn't given the budget to complete.

It was shot great and had fun wardrobe, lots of laugh out loud comedy bits and a few good jump scares.

It also paid great homage to the previous Vampire movies/Cult classics with references and discussion.

It's been a long time since I watched/ finished a movie and thought "that was actually really entertaining!"

I hope Tubi keeps making films like this and everyone go enjoy it while it's still free!!
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Slay, it's actually a really good movie
loiicnguyen22 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: Drag Queens (played by Heidi, Crystal Methyd, Trinity the Tuck, and Cara Melle) book the wrong venue and end up performing at a biker bar. A vampire attack ensue and they have to save themselves from getting infected or getting killed.

Non-spoiler review: It's surprisingly enjoyable. The jokes mostly land and are LESS cringe than most modern acting challenges from Drag Race. The acting is good and not extra. There is a storyline and character arcs. The gore and budget are honestly decent to good. My only criticism would be the pacing or the way the scenes are put together, but it's a minor flaw or maybe depends on your tastes. The soundtrack is better than the lipsync songs on Season 16.

Spoiler review: Don't read if you don't want to get spoiled.


Well she comes back as a vampire but it's still a pretty sad moment and at least her coming back as a vampire makes sense with the plot so I'll let that slide.

The two main storylines are basically the bikers having to get over their homophobia while teaming up with the Drag Queens to fight the vampires, and the other is Trinity and Cara both wanting to lead the team and butting heads over it. While the homophobia is a bit on the nose sometimes, it is well done and not just a magic switch off from homophobia to ally.

The storyline between Cara and Trinity is actually compelling. There is a building up and a pay off in that Cara is the rebellious one and Trinity is a stickler to the rules who wants to mother everyone. This result in Trinity telling Cara to be the bodyguard for Crystal and her friend, but Cara disagrees because she is the best fighter of the group and should not just be a babysitter. So Cara goes out to get their mobile home running, resulting in a vampire crawling in, attacking Crystal and her friend, and STABBING CRYSTAL, KILLING HER BECAUSE SHE HAS NO PADDING!!!

The scene was actually sad. Maybe you expected these characters to survive. Which Crystal does but still, her dead body is in the middle of the room for a good chunk of the movie until she comes back as a good vampire.

Sheila is MOTHER and one of the best characters of the movie. Her fake breast get staked and she brushes it off.

The other secondary storylines are cute too, Heidi gets a man, Crystal has a friend, the Drag Queens help one of the bikers discovering he is a Drag Queen.

Cara Melle was the smartest character of the movie IMO with the best acting with Trinity. She ends up putting garlic inside the water of the building and triggers the fire sprinklers on the ceiling to weaken the vampires while the others stake them.

I honestly recommend you to watch this movie if you're into horror, gay movies, or just want to support the girls.
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Really good movie
whoadavid29 March 2024
I really thought this movie was going to be very cringe. Most drag movies aren't really good. This movie was actually really good. I loved the jokes and the message the movie delivered. I also loved that they used other vampire movie references. These queens did a really great job with their acting. This is NOT a Rupaul acting challenge. I really hope there is a sequel with more drag queens or even drag kings. Give it a try, if you got 1 hour and 30 minutes to waste. I am so glad that they did NOT used the God awful producer --Assaad Yacoub-that every drag queen uses for music videos or projects.
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**Slay: A Camp Classic with Bite**
qudmgv6 April 2024
Slay is a campy horror-comedy that is sure to become a cult classic. With its over-the-top performances, hilarious dialogue, and impressive vampire effects, Slay is a must-see for fans of the genre.

The film follows a group of drag queens who booked the wrong gig!!, But don't let it stand in their way of slaying the stage, their fun is cut short when they are attacked by a group of vampires. The friends must band together to fight for their lives, using whatever weapons they can fight with.

The cast of Slay is uniformly excellent. The girls give over-the-top performances that are both hilarious and endearing. Crystal Method is particularly standout.

The film's dialogue is also very funny. The characters are constantly making sarcastic remarks and witty observations, which keeps the audience laughing throughout the film.

The vampire effects in Slay are also very impressive. The vampires are a throw back to the buffy years.

Overall, Slay is a campy horror-comedy that is sure to please fans of the genre. With its great performances, hilarious dialogue, and impressive vampire effects, Slay is a must-see for anyone looking for a good laugh.
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kira-841867 May 2024
THE best movie I've ever watched. So amazing such talent. I loved it so so much. Amazing graphics. Over all the best most wonderful movie I've ever seen! I was so happy about all of the amazing drag queens. They were so beautiful! Such queen's! I just loved it so much! I would die to see this movie for the first time again! They should make a second one and up to a tenth one! I can tell it was so thought out and it's so inclusive! The drag looks are just so beautiful! I've watched it so many times it think I've watched it about 20 times already!!! I just wish I could watch it for the first time again!! Overall it slayed!
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