Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (Video Game 2016) Poster

(2016 Video Game)

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Best game ever made
giraldiluca14 May 2016
This game sets the bar for all next gen video games.

The graphics are outstanding. The voice acting is flawless. The attention to detail throughout is incredible. The game-play is very smooth ( Shooting, climbing, fighting), the driving is a little hard to adjust to at first but you adapt. The camera angles have been improved from previous games. Stealth plays a bigger part than before but is an optional approach to each encounter. The environments are larger and more diverse.

The game is the longest uncharted game and a must buy for all ps4 owners.

Even for an excellent company like Naughty Dog, they really outdone themselves. They chose an appropriate way to end the amazing adventures of Nathan Drake. The multiplayer also plays very smooth and is very fun.

If you're looking for an action packed, emotional and challenging adventure game with beautiful scenery, look no further than Uncharted 4. A thief's end.

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Review: Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - Spoiler Free -
suitablybored17 May 2016
I really take my hat off to Uncharted 4's writers, Neil Druckmann and Josh Scherr, you can clearly see they have an amazing understanding of how real people assess and reacts to emotional situations, especially when they have something to lose. Not spoiling to much of the story, but Uncharted 4 opens up with Nathan Drake having retired from the treasure hunting business and seemingly embraced the ordinary life with us now wife Elena. He now owns a house and said mortgage on the house, and for all intents and purposes he is just an average Joe now doing mostly normal salvage work. But this all changes when he learns that his brother Samuel is alive and well and in need of his help using his skills as a treasure hunter.

Between the two writers and the amazing voice talents of both voice actor Troy Baker and Nolan North. It doesn't take you long to appreciate and get attached to Samuel as Nathan's brother. He is confident and charismatic, pretty much like his little brother. But he is also clearly in awe of Nathan's skills and talent as a treasure hunter. Nathan has also done some growing up and maturing since Uncharted 3, he often acts as the voice of reason throughout the story. This is rather jolting in a series known for reckless sense of adventure, but it also clearly demonstrates a level of maturity that Nathan has gained throughout is prior adventures. And that shows a level of commitment by Neil Druckmann and Josh Scherr to the character of Nathan Drake.

But even more importantly we get to see the relationship between Nathan and Elena develop. How as a married couple they battle with their past and current events. And how the current set of events that unfold puts a strain on their relationship. The most touching scene for me in the entire game was when Nathan having just discovered an important new clue, babbles excitedly about it and basically "geek outs" while Elena listens. "That's incredible," she says, but you know from the look of love and utter heartbreak on her face that she's not talking about Nathan's story he is telling her. But rather Nathan's addiction to the thrill of the chase, and what it might mean for their own troubled relationship and marriage.

To be able to read that level of emotion from a video game characters face, rather than having them spell out their feelings through voice acting, is an extremely rare achievement in video games. Naughty Dog has always set the bar high for cinematic storytelling in video games (The Last of Us comes to mind). But the digital performances in Uncharted 4, combined with the talented actors providing the characters voices and movements set the bar for the industry standard even higher than I ever could have imagined. The same amount of perfection and polish that went into the motion capture also went into the rest of the game. I lost count the amount of times I just randomly stopped during the game to appropriate the scenery around me.

The game also sports some of the best world design I have ever seen, and I am not over exaggerating here. There's a painstaking amount of detail that went into every part of Uncharted 4, to the point where I began to worry I wasn't seeing every last bit of it so I ended up exploring every single nook and cranny while playing for fear of missing out on another amazing vista or view. And like everything else in Uncharted 4, Naughty Dog has vastly improved the combat system. Every combat situation in Uncharted 4 now has multiple solutions, you can either go in guns blazing or take the stealthy approach. There are now multiple paths (Thanks to the more expansive areas) from which you can engage your targets, which you can now tag which is an extremely handy feature.

And both the grappling hook and refined stealth system make it easier to out manoeuvre your enemies, you now have the ability to use your grappling hook in combat and sneak through tall grass. The best encounters in Uncharted 4 plays out like a chess game, with you attempting to find a route to out flank your enemies and gain the upper hand. On the harder difficulty levels you end up dying more than once, but instead of it becoming frustrating like other games it becomes more of a challenge, to see what other route or methods you can use to out-fight and out-flank your enemies.

I can consider Uncharted 4 the best Playstation 4 title and video game I have played to date and right next to The Last of Us. And when it is all said and done, Uncharted 4 delivers the fan service franchise fans will absolutely love and enjoy. And in the process giving us one of the best send-offs we could have ever asked for Nathan Drake and his crew.
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One Of The Best Adventures I Have Ever Played (Period)
85122228 July 2016
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" (2016) is probably the first game in which i stopped during the journey and just stood and watched the landscape more then two minutes - and i did it a many, many times during it's breathtaking ~19 hours story.

This has to be the most beautiful game i've ever played, period. Graphics are one of the kind - it is a jaw-dropping looking game - i screen it on my 2m x 2m projector - amazing stuff to say the least.

Story was superb, and this is my first game of this series that i played, but now i will definitely buy "UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection". This is one of the best polished games i've played as well - everything feels and plays smooth - it is just a joy to simply control your character.

Acting, writing, directing of the whole game as well as music and all craftsmanship was outstanding - there isn't a flaw in this game, well except maybe the pacing during last ~5 chapters, but it is not a problem. Action set pieces as terrific as it gets.

Overall, "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End" (2016) is definitely a must own and play game for all PS4 owners. It has everything to keep you glued to your screen - and find the biggest possible - it is marvelous ride.
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An excellent conclusion to a brilliant franchise.
erkucz009 September 2016
Uncharted 4 is excellent, and to be perfectly honest, would be a great game even without its captivating narrative. The introduction of the rope to game-play, as well as some ante upping on stealth mode are wonderful additions. The game is perfectly paced. The intensity ramps up higher and higher as the story continues. Firefights are much rarer than past installments, and very unique. This game-play variety surprisingly adds a lot to the story. Nate no longer feels like an unstoppable killing machine, but more like an aging man, past his prime, simply doing his best.

Of course, without the story, Uncharted would just be...well.., it wouldn't be AS amazing. But the cinematic plot does not disappoint. It incorporates flashbacks, without using them as a crutch, and unlike past games the plot progression continues even after the cut-scenes end. Those long walks through a path, awkward climbs up rustic buildings, and in this games case, drives through the desert now host interesting conversation rather than mindless, albeit often hilarious banter.

The set-pieces in the game are equally amazing. The breathtaking landscapes sometimes prompt a few minutes of inactivity where the player just stares at Naughty Dog's meticulous attention to detail. And with the new photo mode, this is even more magnificent.

Reportedly, this is to be the last game in the Uncharted franchise. Prior to playing this game, I was disappointed. "I hope its good" I thought, resolving to spend my last few weeks with Nathan Drake and CO. as well as possible, relishing every moment. But A thieves end is different. It does something next to impossible for a gamer. It satisfies. That desire for more that the player felt after uncharted one, two, and three, is totally absent. I may never see Nathan Drake again, and I'm okay with that. From brutal brawls, to death-defying leaps; wide open mountains, to claustrophobic caves, this game is practically perfect in any away.
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Im speechless!
seansnyder-6041024 June 2016
Words cannot describe how excited I was when this game was announced. When all the constant delays went by I started to become a little worried that maybe this title was going to flop, oh how wrong I was. This game is a masterpiece on every level, game play, story, and the graphics my god the graphics are out of this world. Now back to that story aspect, I became enthralled with this story easily the best Uncharted story NaughtyDog has produced. A story like this feels like it belongs up on the big screen with us shoving popcorn in our mouth in awe. The game play is very well polished, Nate feels more flexible in his movements and what he can do (you feel like a bad ass when playing this.) Every section in which you are thrown into combat feels like a big budget Hollywood studio is directing it as you go, what with the music blasting in the background and the heavy machine gun fire you will be laying down on enemies. NaughtyDog has done it again, with The Last of Us already stamped in our minds forever they now have another section of my brain they have taken over with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and are only further proving to us why they are the bet developers out there right now. A once in a lifetime experience awaits you with Uncharted 4: A Thief's End.
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Uncharted 4 Review
Moviememmer26 October 2019
  • Great story & characters
  • Tight frantic Gameplay
  • No bullet sponge enemies!!

  • Great Jeep exploration areas
  • Companions are actually very helpful
  • Amazing cinematic action movie set pieces
  • Amazing graphics, voice acting, animation
  • Satisfying and Concluding ending
  • Great puzzles

  • Slightly bloated jungle section near end

Verdict: A near perfect game, and one of (if not) the best on the PS4 market. A must buy!!

10 /10.
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A Great Ending to A Masterpiece
dvdn-2312024 May 2016
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is easily one of the best video games I have ever played. I've played Uncharted 1 and 2, but never finished them, but I did finish Drake's Deception. I haven't played the multiplayer yet (but I did play it's beta) because I just started my second play-through of it on 'Crushing' difficulty (Very Hard). The ending was cute and unexpected. Naughty Dog obviously took in a lot of consideration making this masterpiece. If anyone hates it, it is probably due to the fact that they aren't PlayStation people and simply trying to attract attention. If I would choose any game to play this would be my #1 choice. I recommend this game because it is an Adventure, Puzzle, Shooter, Platformer, Comedy & Strategy. A Masterpiece! Simply a must have. 10/10.
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By far the best game I've ever played
ewan-2712127 May 2016
I have played every uncharted and I absolutely love the series, but this game is the best of the four and I will ever go as far as to say it is (in my opinion) the best game of all time. The graphics are phenomenal and the game play is perfectly paced and smooth. And the story behind the game is insane with and full of twists and emotion. The characters are as good as ever and its clear to see the time and effort that has been put into this game, from start to finish I loved this game and at no point throughout the large campaign was I even slightly board.

This is a perfect send of to what is one of the best franchises ever brought to the gaming world.
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Nathan is back in form and ready to give it one last go!
Aaron137525 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This game was a return to form for me. I enjoyed the first game a bit, but I thought it had some flaws as far as the combat, but then the second part came out and it literally seemed that they addressed all my problems with the game. Part two was by far my favorite as the third game just seemed a bit of a step back. It was still great and I enjoyed it better than the first game, but it did not hold up to the second game. I think part of the reason this is the case is the fact that the third game was rushed a bit as a lot of the problems with the game was the story just was not as good. Well, I am very happy to report that the fourth game (and possibly last one of the series) returns to form and while I did not think it surpassed the second game of the series, I do think it is on par with it. The story fired on all cylinders as once again you are thrown right into the action, the graphics were incredible...though the previous three games all looked great and the game play was very enjoyable. Though I have to admit I was cursing up a storm during some of those last gun fights!

The story starts with Nathan and another guy on a boat being chased by unknown soldiers. The boat ends up going down and we flash back and learn that Nathan had a brother. We see how younger Nate and his brother Sam were when they were kids before flashing some years later to find out they are in some prison in South America. Apparently, they teamed up with a another guy and bribed their way into the prison because on the backside of it is an older prison where they may be a clue to the whereabouts of a pirate named Avery's treasure! Something happens and Nathan believes Sam dead and we flash to the present where Nathan has retired and is living with his now wife, Elena. Nathan is leading a mundane life now, that is until Sam shows up needing help and once again Nathan is looking for something that seems nearly impossible to find. Sully gets him back into the game and soon they run afoul of the other guy in the prison named Raef who has not given up on Avery's treasure as Nate did and a mercenary named Nadine. Their adventures will once again take you all over the place and into exotic locations as they try to track down the lost pirate treasure!

The game play is pretty standard for an Uncharted game, the main addition to this one is the use of ropes to swing around, Indiana Jones style. The combat is pretty cool, but it can get frustrating at times when troops seemingly appear out of nowhere during some of the gunfights, but most of the time you do have the option to try and stealthily kill them. One surprising aspect of this game that differs from previous games is the lack of any strange enemies as there is usually something that is almost monstrous that attacks you in these games, but not here. The enemies in this one are pretty much exclusively Nadine's mercenaries, there are not even any animals or anything running around and getting into the way. Most of the levels though are fun and it was fun being able to walk around the city when they were trying to get to the one tower. There are also a couple of vehicle chase scenes and a lot of parts of the game where things are collapsing causing for some awesomely tense action scenes!

So, this game was great, probably the best game I have played on the PS4 so far. Scratch that, it is the best game I have played on the PS4. The action is incredible and they managed to keep you involved with the story and there were very few flaws in this one other than a couple of the shoot outs near the end of the game getting frustrating. They are the same people who brought us, The Last of Us, but Nathan is such a better fighter than Joel that these games get nowhere near as annoying as that one did. From the ending, this may be the last game in the series, though I could see there possibly being a couple of more. Nathan still looked in relatively good shape, but how it ended suggested Sully would not be doing more than making a cameo if it did happen; however, if this is how it ends, so be it. At least it ended on a very high note.
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A must play for any uncharted fan!
annette-9561415 May 2016
Wow, when I had discovered Amy Hennig was taken off the game...well I was worried. And even though everything we had seen was great, it still didn't scream uncharted to me, it felt like they were just trying to make another last of us, out of an existing franchise. But no, this game screams uncharted loud and clear, and that voice has never been more majestic.This game fires on every cylinder, well at least the cylinder that an uncharted game, after two, would need too, but it does so much more.

Never before have I been so emotionally invested it a game before ( after than the last of us, but I had no prior attachment to that game, and so was slightly less invested). Neil Drukkman clearly took what he could do best and bought it to this game, beautiful characterization. Never before has Drake, Elena, Sully, and anyone else in this series felt so real, and I don't just mean graphics. There are in real situations, they face real day to day decisions. Nate and Elena clearly feel out of place in there day to day lives, but they know it's just realistic to put everything else behind them. Rafe ( or however you spell his name ) has actual motivations you can understand ( ish ).

And the game play and graphics are beautiful, this being the most cinematic game I've ever played in my life, and every bit of gameplay has been improved and the addition of the grapple and vehicles was brilliant. The ending alone is worth the price, I teared up, it's so satisfying. But you need to have played the other games to feel the whole weight of its emotional punch. If you are an uncharted fan, and you have not yet picked this up...shame on you. And if you are a fan of great games, and are setting on the fence, please give uncharted a try, but please start with the first three. 10/10 flawless.
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Best uncharted and maybe best ps4 game
mkarikas-206-96146615 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Uncharted 4 is a technical masterpiece.It improves on every aspect from the previews games and adds some new features like the grappling hook.The story is fantastic with the amazing characters from the previous games as well with new interesting characters and villains.The voice acting is superb and the treasure the characters are after is the greatest pirate treasure of all time.There are also several puzzles like the previews games that are very well made and require a bit of thinking in order to solve them.

The gameplay feels very smooth with improved combat and climbing as well with the addition of vehicles such as the car.The graphics ate fantastic making it the best looking game on ps4 with an amazing level of detail.Although its 30 fps capped i didn't experience any fps drops and the multiplayer is capped at 60 fps.

In conclusion uncharted 4 is a fantastic story driven action third person game with amazing gameplay story and puzzles that will keep you entertained for dozens of hours combined with the amazing new multiplayer making it the best game on ps4.

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A feast to have !
nickhil-batra18 May 2016
Excellent game-play, Intriguing story line and Impeccable work of animation !! Kudos to the developers !! keep up the good work....

A must have game for action/adventure games lovers. Its gonna be a game changer for Naughty Dog developers.

Animation work was so fine, that character even do the talking with their face expressions.

Excellent game-play, Intriguing story line and Impeccable work of animation !! Kudos to the developers !! keep up the good work....

A must have game for action/adventure games lovers. Its gonna be a game changer for Naughty Dog developers.

Animation work was so fine, that character even do the talking with their face expressions.
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'Uncharted 4: A Thief's End' concludes a great series on a bad note
JRCmilla24 August 2017
After years of playing the "Uncharted" video game series, I had a high expectation for its finale, "Uncharted 4: A Thief's End." This final edition to such an amazing game series, however, fell a great distance short of that expectation. Throughout my life, and my video game-playing career, "Uncharted" has consistently been among my favorite games to play. Unique characters, creative game play and compelling stories are a common trend within each edition, but "Uncharted 4" contains none of these traits. There are a few specific aspects that make the final edition by far the worst. Each of the first three games were made with identical combat systems, animation styles and other smaller things, such as menu layouts and fonts. With "Uncharted 4," for whatever ludicrous reason, they decided to change almost everything. Everything from aiming and shooting to even the characters themselves are drastically different. Elena Fisher, sidekick and wife of main character Nathan Drake, looks entirely different than she has in the previous games, and it's hard to see her as the same character as before. Additionally, this game was much easier to beat, which made it less entertaining to play. Previously, Drake has fought off terrifying monster like zombies and yetis, yet no such creatures take part this time around, making for a boring conclusion. For the first half of the game, it takes willpower to push yourself through the agonizingly slow chapters of the introduction, and even when you're a decent amount into the game, it doesn't get any better until the ending chapters. Despite the latter chapters providing better game play, the ending of the game seems to rush up on you, and you think, "That's it?" One huge flaw is how unrealistic almost every intense situation is. Being shot at while hanging from a cliff with one hand? No worries. Drake can use his grappling hook to latch onto a rickety pole one hundred feet away, in which he uses his supernatural upper body strength to fling himself past all of his problems. The chances of Drake surviving all that he does and finishing the game alive are unfathomably low, and it becomes comical every time he survives another blunder. The only thing that keeps this game from being a complete disgrace was its online multiplayer feature. Similar to developer Naughty Dog's last game "The Last of Us," the multiplayer kept me entertained and determined to get better. Having been a devout player of Naughty Dog's games for the majority of my life, I was significantly underwhelmed and disappointed with their latest work. I would recommend playing any other game developed by them, but this one falls short, and I can affirmatively say it was not worth buying.
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Forgettable experience
reecefp18 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first game that I wanted to be done with, quickly. And that's saying a lot because I absolutely love Uncharted 1, 2 and 3. I replay them in order at least twice a year. The good points, great visual effects, cut-scenes and a good story. The Uncharted that we've come to love takes you from one part of the world to another as well as keeping you on the edge of your seat. But this one just keeps you near the water 90% of the time and leaves you wondering 'Is that it?'. On a lighter note, it was funny that the mercenaries had South African accents and spoke the lingo. Now the bad, this one felt like I was playing Halo or some other shooter game. Breathtaking action scenes where you narrowly escape has been replaced with shooting an incredible amount of enemies, (which you can now mark... Why?). As for the Batman-like grappling rope trick. It got old really fast and seemed unnecessary. To summarize, gameplay is very repetitive and predictable, the cut-scenes and story telling are a plus. But this game has been charted and is an utter disappointment for me.
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A Fantastic Experience Held Back Only By Its Developers
ImNotConz5 April 2020
The Uncharted series reminds me of the stranger things tv show. Good but never great, OK here's a better analogy. Amazing but never perfect. A series like this has the potential to be perfect but is only held back by naughty dog sticking to the uncharted formula and never pushing the limits.

Say what you will about the story in these Uncharted games, Uncharted 1 through 4 basically has the same story, Drake and friends hunt for treasure, bad guys want same treasure, Drake finds out treasure is world threatening, Drake kills bad guy, destroys treasure, Sully, Elena and Drake live happily ever after.

Don't let take away from the fun game play elements in Uncharted 4, well some of it. Its the same basic cover base shooting since Uncharted 1 but had some cool puzzles and really does feel like an action adventure game through and through.

Overall Uncharted 4 is fantastic. There's no denying it, i'm simply explaining that this game could of been not only the best Uncharted (I personally think Uncharted 2 is the best) but be up there with the greatest games of all time. But it isn't, all because the formula was never changed. The gameplay is fun enough however so it doesn't feel repetitive.

Uncharted is an experience that should be played but don't expect the next Skyrim or Ocarina of time here.
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Uncharted 4: A thief's end is the icing on Naughtydog's cake. Period
elvedder197714 May 2016
Do not believe the negative reviews on this game. Haha people who write such stuff and don't substantiate their opinion are not credible. The folks behind Naughty Dog have always been the masters in great storytelling. And this is no exception and may be their finest work so far. My fav game is TLOU but i must say that this comes really close. Uncharted 4 has great gameplay, a compelling story and sublime voiceacting. (Best voicescting in a game) The game looks stunningly beautiful, the best looking ps4 game so far. You can notice that the writers from TLOU are behind Uncharted 4, thank god. Amy Hennig did a great job, but Uncharted 3 was a little boring. If u don't own a ps4 and you like Adventuregames this IS the moment to get one. You will not regret it.
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Good send-off for this amazing franchise!
aschoy_8920 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Naughty Dog (ND) is one of my fav game developers. I always like their work started from the first Crash Bandicoot game. So I was looking forward to play the last Uncharted game from them... The game doesn't disappoint!

What makes it the best unhcharted game from me is the character development and the story. Because this game has the longest playtime of all Uncharted games, ND can truly create a compelling characters and story for this forth entry in this franchise.

Some people may find the pacing slower than the previous game. But I absolutely love it. For me, the first 3 games are action/adventure leaning towards the actions. Uncharted 4 is more mature with more engaging story and relying more on exploration, so this still action/adventure game but leaning towards the adventure even more than previous games. The explorable areas are ten times larger than Uncharted 1-3, and i enjoy exploring every bit of it (platforming, collecting treasure, swimming, taking screenshot via pohotomode). The locales are grand and beautiful. There are so many places to explore. From Italian mansion, to Scotland's remote hils, to Volcano and King's Bay in Madagascar, and finally to the Island where Libertalia is located.

And the ending is PERFECT. I got teary-eyed at the end of the game. Best closure for my fav characters. I will definitely miss them.

Salute to Naugty Dog! I'm looking forward to their next game.

My score: 10/10
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Don't miss it
akhilku225527 September 2021
It is the perfect game with amazing story with great graphics...every gamer don't miss it.
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A great wrap-up.
Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
It's pretty crazy to me how so many folks actually consider this to be their favorite of the franchise. Don't get me wrong -- I loved this game to death and found it to be an extremely satisfying ending to Nathan Drake's story, but it's not better than the masterpiece that was Uncharted 2... It just isn't. I'd say it's about on par with the original and 3.

The graphics here are stunning which is no surprise, but I think I actually prefer the look of the first three games. Yeah, call me crazy, but sometimes I think a game's graphics can look a little too good.
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Wait, Nate Has A Brother Now?
colorthekid2 February 2019
This is an Uncharted game that feels exactly like what an Uncharted game should feel like after Naughty Dog gave us The Last Of Us.

Uncharted Ultimate Edition/10
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Best Game I ever played
nathananthonyhynes24 April 2021
I've been around when it comes to video games, but nearly 5 years on this is still the best game I've ever played. It does not let you leave without being emotionally impacted by the game. It really sucks you out of reality and into a world with character development as amazing as the gameplay itself. 10 out of 10.
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What a great game
kenyae-cagle5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This game was awesome to the next extent. I love how they start the game with playing an old school game "Crash Bandicoot" and the first time playing the game again I didn't beat Elena's score, but after wards I beat her on the second chance. I love how the story was developed in general it was an amazing experience to play this game. I am however very sad that this is the last Uncharted game. I loved the participation of Sam and Nathan Drake finding out what their original last names were and the part where their mother was smoking cigarettes at the time just confused and she had died in front of them. And the whole escape of the cops was just too fun a journey. I loved also how we got to play a jail break scene I think most people enjoyed that in the game. All in all, I can't stop playing this game repeatedly over and over again.
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A quick review
fotisgiarentis11 January 2021
Good -great cinematography with an overall amazing narrative -realistic characters with some of the best video game voice acting -Jaw dropping graphics and landscapes -great action sequenses -fun gameplay Bad -the ai and the stealth sequenses arent great -some small plotholes (for example sams origin and the reason he wasnt mentioned in previous games).
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Big expectations, poor ending...
bumitaksoy21 April 2020
I mean it's 4th game of the series and it still has the same 3 act of other games. It is really predictable, has big plot holes and you can understand through half of the game they really don't toke any risks. And if you say its the final of Nathan Drake you need to take risks. I believe they should take risks to make the story outstanding. After playing it I really appreciate Rock Star for Arthur Morgan. If you don't understand what I mean by the taking risks you should play Red Dead 2. And you will get what I mean to say.
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Like to walk and jump?
kabukiindustries21 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Because there's nothing much else to this game. Great graphics, interesting story. But nothing to do but walk, jump, climb and ...well, nothing else.
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