Land of Smiles (2016) Poster

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You have seen too many horror films
nogodnomasters17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Abbey (Alexandra Turshen) and Penny (Krista Donargo) are best friends who have a falling out. Penny goes to Thailand on a holiday. Circumstances causes Abbey to follow and she meets Ben (Keenan Henson) and Jewel (Caitlin Stryker) who, like Abbey annoyingly film everything. Abbey is sent a video of Penny being held captive. She has instructions and gets the "if you tell anyone...." line. Abbey and her two irritating friends go on an instructed hunt for Penny with Abbey unsure who to trust.

This was a found footage film. The acting was not the best. The plot was simple and straight forward with a dumb ending. I felt the film dragging many times. Apparently you are not allowed to do anything in Thailand without drinking. I can stay at home if I want to watch people sit around drinking and lamenting for 90 minutes.

Guide: F-word, sex, nudity.
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Nothing to smile about
TheLittleSongbird25 August 2018
Was drawn into seeing 'Land of Smiles', with a cool poster/cover, a promising trailer, an intriguing premise and as someone with a general appreciation for the genre it fits under. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws present in those films are here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Land of Smiles' is really quite awful, with so many huge flaws and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is very little to recommend in 'Land of Smiles'.

Beginning with the few positives, the setting is atmospheric and not cheap, but it deserved better.

'Land of Smiles' also starts off reasonably promisingly, it does intrigue and it does have creepiness.

Going on to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it comes over as vague and under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less unsettled and never gaining momentum. All the characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates. The chemistry is bland and unfocused.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and all of the acting is lacking severely on the whole and that is actually being kind, the worst of it is horrendous.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace and film drags on forever after such an intriguing start and doesn't recover. The ending felt very unresolved and unfinished. Found too many of the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Thrills are none, thanks to stodginess and excessive over-familiarity, and found myself never invested in the drama, which tended to be overacted and statically directed.

A lot of 'Land of Smiles' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations when the characters weren't used randomly with no point to them, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or unsettling.

The threat is neither scary or interesting, no development and too derivative with no explanation for the motivations, while everything is unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of dread. The mystery elements fail to thrill and are very predictable and the drama is overwrought. Some badly sagging momentum too and a lot of weirdness. The direction is leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it. 'Land of Smiles' is very amateurish visually, making one feel nauseous and actually did feel a headache coming on.

Altogether, very, very bad. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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Piece of crap movie
daniellippold10 May 2019
Do not waste your time. This movie is confusing and horrible as f#*k!

Grade A crap!
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Low Budget?? This is BEYOND Low budget!
KittyKelly19761 May 2017
This film infuriated me from the word go, really. I know a lot about low budget filmmaking and I understand that this film is not necessarily the worst low-budget film ever made... but it comes very close. Here are my two main gripes:

1. The acting - absolutely atrocious! From fumbling accents to people who can't cry/look scared properly, the acting in this stinker is all over the place!

2. The clown character in this is NOT menacing at all, with cheap costume, very bad acting (see above) and appalling voice characteristics, this character (who could have worked well) simply flopped.

Now, I am a veteran horror and low budget film watcher, 35+ years experience in watching them, and I have seen many films with HALF the budget of this which have been much better than this (not to mention half the trash that Hollywood spews forth every year).

There's no excuse for this - bad filmmaking that the director should be bloody ashamed of...
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Worst movie ever.
psxexperten1 May 2017
I had to give it one star because zero isn't an option. Really don't know what to say except what a waste of time, watch a bunch of backpackers on an island in Thailand trying to make a scary low budget B movie. Classified as a holiday adventure would be more accurate. I've no idea what the movie is trying to be or say. Avoid. 0/10
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Thailand is Beautiful but this movie STINKS
stevenkongju29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am an American watching this movie in South Korea with my Thai wife. We wanted to like the movie as we live part time in Thailand. Unfortunately, this movie was awful.

The acting was atrocious and the story was ridiculous. No explication of the killers' motivation at all. It is one of those movies where the characters are inexplicably stupid and make decisions that nobody in real life would ever make.

90 minutes of my life shot to hell.
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Didn't make me smile
Stevieboy66625 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I do like killer clown movies so when I saw this in the budget DVD section of my local supermarket I couldn't resist. I only wish I had! To their credit the film makers do make good use of the exotic Thai locations. Sadly the film is boring, badly acted and when it reaches it's bloody climax it's nothing more than a damp squib. Made me feel cheated. There is a hint at a sequel, well that will be one to avoid judging by this rubbish!
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Don't waste your time.
adamgenesiseden30 May 2017
1. Horrible acting. 2. Not scary at all. 3. Story is badly paced and stupid. Don't waste your time on this garbage. It stinks! There's absolutely no redeeming quality about this amateur movie. The clowns were just stupid looking. Just looks awful. Anyone giving this more than one star is obviously benefiting from the production of this badly made film. Probably friends of the cast members. Avoid this movie!
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k̄hxbkhuṇ Crap
omendata7 November 2017
The acting from the very first moment to the scene with the guy banging the blonde in the bed at the start was utterly atrocious I began to think maybe it was a comedy horror - - I can only assume they were working for free to give their acting portfolios a boost or was this a student film?

It actually gives the impression that 4 or 5 friends went on holiday to Thailand and on the first day decided to make a horror movie as they visited various locations for a sunbathe and smoke a few spliffs - unfortunately the spliffs must have gone to their heads as it was like watching paint dry and it did turn out to be a horror of a movie!

Nothing much happens, the whole thing was pointless. Even the ideas were ripped off from other movies like saw.

The acting destroyed the movie right from the off. Its yet another ripoff but its not worth your time - really just avoid this and watch the much better film "GHOST HOUSE".
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Painfully Vapid Video Travelogue Thinly Disguised as a Horror Film
mojoguzzi-879-684989 July 2017
This little doozy makes me wish the videocamera had never been invented. But I'll say this for Bradley Stryker. He knows how to get his vacations paid for. This shot-on-video dreck is 98% amateur travel footage -- the kind of home movie a proud 1950s camera-owning suburbanite might have forced his friends and neighbors to sit through -- with 2% "horror" slapped on in order to market it to suckers.

If you're expecting another "Hostel" (or anything close to it) get that thought out of your head. This is more like a PG-rated travel video shot by Uwe Boll.

The "scary" stuff features a threatening clown-masked villain with a filtered voice -- to say he's a poor man's version of Jigsaw from Saw would be an insult to poor men. The rest of this video venture is footage of the actors dancing at raves, wandering the streets or lounging on the beaches of Thailand.

I'm embarrassed to say I fell for the ruse -- I kept watching, waiting for something of substance to develop. It was like watching a house slowly burn, waiting for the walls to give way and the roof to finally collapse. There are a few pretty actresses but don't expect much if you're looking for T'n'A, and you'll still be disappointed.

The ending is predictable and entirely anti-climactic. Writer-director Stryker hasn't a clue how to build suspense or tell a proper story. The videography is nice, taking advantage of the plethora of dayglo backdrops and lush beauty of the country, like any competent travel piece would.

Adding to the torture is the music. Stryker managed to dig up some of the most annoying songs ever recorded for this opus. The two at the end are particularly heinous, one meant to be ironic (Baby Girl) and the other a children's bubblegum ditty called Boom Boom something-or-other that cannot be adequately described with mere words.

Perhaps the worst thing of all is the end credit sequence, which takes us to a new location. Obviously our Aussie auteur has plans for a sequel.
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shirleycromwell2 May 2017
The cinematography was very impressive. Hard to believe that it was a low budget film. The characters had me wondering about their motives. I wasn't sure who could be trusted. The number of awards and nominations from the film festival circuit peeked my interest. This one is a winner.
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I REALLY enjoyed this movie!
info-6825125 May 2017
To begin, the scenery was captured in the film. Absolutely gorgeous country and so beautiful as a backdrop. And the contrast of the country's beauty against the horror of what was taking place magnified the plot. The plot was mysterious and we continually tried to guess who was the clown and who might be assisting him/her. The actors fooled us with "certain looks" or "actions" that kept us off guard. We were never really sure who was involved until the end so it kept our attention. The music added another element to what was happening and was well done. The actors were at ease and did a good job of acting as they would being young travelers out for an adventure. Just what you would expect. I have recommended this to friends who enjoy a mystery and horror films. Also, what a great ending as they fast forward to the snow keeps us wondering!!!
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Land of Smiles
jverduin7 May 2017
One Word Only, Terrible. It's far the most badly filmed movie I ever saw in my life. Bad acting, bad dialog and a shame for every low budget filmmaker. I live myself in Thailand for many years and it is not only a fool moon party over here. This movie certainly not promote Thailand whatsoever.
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Kop Un Cap
cjbad-486146 May 2017
A little glimpse into backpacking through Thailand - some common themes you encounter there ie being in the rain, drinking buckets, and talking about someone in the club who the night before kissed a ladyboy by accident. Drinking shroom shakes and haggling with the street market ladies.

If you've been there you will find this movie entertaining because of the subject matter. The horror theme tied it all together - I guess it is kind of Saw like - but nothing really happened and it was all unexplained. Kind of just some nice holiday visuals sprinkled with some backpackers drinking chang laced together with a psychopath being a psychopath for no reason.
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jewel_lhesp12 May 2017
It's a waste of time. I watch low-budget films but this story was just crap, somehow. Acting was no different. Like they all just went for a holiday and decided to make a film for fun.

All about Thailand but I think they were also in the Philippines. Couldn't help notice the background voices..
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Wouldn't recommend at all
fisharecool19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I generally love cheap/low-budget films, mainly because of the unique story lines and this one had potential. However, the execution of this move was atrocious. It was hard to follow the story line and the links that this movie tried to make was unbearable. (thankfully Ben died though XD)
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Massively disappointing. Misleading cover art. Not even horror. AVOID.
Jester2227 January 2020
I rarely give films a 1 out of 10. But I feel totally cheated by this film. Advertised as a tense nasty horror and large UNCUT emblazoned on the cover suckered me to buy it. There is zero horror until the last minute and then it's just cheaply done and nonsensical. How this can be called a horror film at all is beyond me ......let alone have a UNCUT version. I've seen more horror watching Teletubbies. How is this 18 certificate??? I'd have put it as PG. Honestly. Nothing happened. They should be used for false advertising.

Its tediously slow. Nothing happens just same thing over and over.....drinking, walking about, reading letters and nauseam. All shot badly found footage style.

Remarkably the acting is actually very good and the women are attractive. But there's no nudity or gore. Boring film. Director should be avoided at all costs.
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not the worst budget film but pretty close
Look it's not the worst low budget film I've seen and I've seen lots pretty much I think they were trying to kind of copy the movie/s Hostel but this is no were close to this - the blond actress is at least nice looking but the acting is bad the story line sucks the clown is not scary and the film work sucks also when last did you see a flip up cell phone oh wait the good parts are the beach scenes and a pair of boobs gets a 3/10
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Kinda disappointing
anonemuss-505845 August 2017
i don't get it why they had to add a preacher's voice talking in Tagalog when the setting is in Thailand. i had to rewind the part when i heard the voice preaching in Tagalog. For those who made the movie, do not mistake Tagalog for Thai. Totally different & irrelevant to the movie. kinda disappointing.
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True story based but badly done.
chuckxx6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, many say this is not possible and fake. It is not. I live many years in Thailand and things like this happen. Actually ot only Thailand. But this stupid phone cam filing is a pain.. Dead farangh are often declared as suicide. Case solved ... Btw the girl behaves stupid in Thailand, trusting strangers. Often it are not thais who take advantage of single woman.
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Suspenseful, well crafted, and visually astounding.
fearcastj12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Land of Smiles – A Film Review Thailand, a place of beauty, self discovery, and one of the world's hottest tourist destinations.

Through the eyes of Writer/Producer/Director, Bradley Stryker, comes a twisted and aesthetically gorgeous work of nerve-racking and suspenseful chaos.

"Land of Smiles" is the story of Abby, a fundamentally misguided college student who embarks on the journey of a lifetime and soon finds herself the unknowing victim of a horrific cat and mouse game at the hands of a malicious and ambiguous sociopath.

The lead in this picture is portrayed by Alexandra Turshen. Turshen brought with her a solidness to the role, almost a "immature" maturity that the role required. The character struggles with a roller coaster of emotions and Alexandra not only hit every mark, but she also gave the audience a glimpse into the old "Blair Witch" suspense that has been cast to the wayside as of late.

Keenan Henson costars as Ben, the self-indulgent and diluted amateur film maker who has been denied his grant to finish his film, and is running out of time and money to finish his work. Keenan really hits the nail on the head with this role, in all honesty he really makes the viewers feel for him, question his integrity, and constantly leaves them in a state of wonder.

Jewel, as played by Caitlin (Cromwell) Stryker, gives a solid and trusting foundation to the cast. In many cases, especially in the "who-done-it" cinematic universe, it's not uncommon for the more monotone characters to be ignored or easily forgotten, but it's their exact presence that builds the structure of suspense, and they offer reliable and necessary footholds for the plot to progress.

Bradley Stryker(Writer/Producer/Director) as Dale, and Amie Barsky as Tabitha are certainly both entitled to an honorable mention as strong, appropriately placed, and charismatic characters.

It's an absolute breath of fresh air, especially in this horror-soaked industry, to find someone with the vision, both artistically and substantially, who can take the watcher into a world that most are unfamiliar with, add reliable characters, a realistic and terrifying plot device, and just enough nostalgia to welcome one back from the mundane.

Well done, Mr. Stryker Thanks for reading, FEARCast J
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Boring never going foward
lucifuge20014 January 2021
Some films are full of twists, this film is full of back and forth. The actors you can't tell if they are bad because the character imposed on them is horribly unreal with unreal reactions.
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Great original movie
sxyblnd20023 May 2017
I loved this movie. It had me at the edge of my seat right to the end. I like when a plot is not too obvious. I thought the scenery was beautiful, the acting was spot on and the suspense fantastic. I don't know what the two bad reviews were about. They are so critical it seems almost a personal vendetta. Maybe they attempted to be in this movie and did not get chosen?
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gailandgeorgeruff2 May 2017
From the beginning I was wondering who this young girl travelling alone could trust. The situation she found herself in was terrifying and you could not figure out how it would end. The scenery was lovely and the music was interesting and flowed with the film. I found the acting very believable. I was truly worried for the lives of the travellers involved in the situation as it unfolded.
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It is not that bad
eilgin10 May 2022
Ok, this is an amateur film, we all know that. But, I believe it is not that bad, not bad at all. First of all, very watchable, and quite suspenseful, (but still on the 'very' amateur side). The cinematography is quite ok, and I really liked the acting, to be fair. Guessing, and not being surprised how the ending will be, I still am glad that I gave this flick a chance. Strongly believe that the director would do wonders with a good script and a decent budget.
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