Little Red Riding Hood (2016) Poster

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What was that
matthewwerts1 March 2015
I could attempt to write a long winded review. However, in theses busy times I will keep this review succinct. You know when your driving along and you see animal that's been hit by a Mack Truck. You can't help but look at it muttering under your breath "what on earth was that". Well, that pretty much sums up this movie. The Costumes are horrendous the special effects look like they came from a store room that's been locked up since 1985. Actually, this movie is so bad its almost ingenious. The story line is convoluted and makes no real sense. This is sure to become a cult classic someday, somewhere. This, parents is the dangers when you give your kids a digicam and adobe after effects.
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So entertainingly bad!
rprince-832-62949 March 2015
-Little Red Riding Hood (2015) "movie" review: -So not-really-Little Red Riding Hoodish is evidently another adaptation of, wait, you'll never guess! Little Red Riding Hood. Only this one looks like is has the quality of a student project. A high school student project. No, I was in a high school film project, and it was better than this. I am NOT exaggerating.

-I am going to go ahead and point out how much fun I had hating this film! Again, no joke.

-The "film" didn't really have a story. It was also part modern, I guess, but never explained anything. It did not follow the story, things just happened because they happened, and you never really know what is happening. And then suddenly, 50 million shots of weird mud-ish people in a castle! The editing was one of the worst things about this ever. Actually it was the worst editing I have ever seen. Yup.

-The pace was sooooooo slow because NOTHING HAPPENED!!!! EVER. The shots of the mud-ish people were just walking around. NOTHING HAPPENS!!!! -The acting makes Disney Channel look like the Oscars. Including people who can't read lines, people who can't run, people who can't emote, wolf masks, mud people walking, a 'modern person' who makes Megan Fox's acting look sharp, and lots. And lots. AND LOTS. Of really really horrible voice-overs. Literally worse than The Room.

-The characters. There is not enough sustenance in this "movie" to even look at any sort of character development.

-The music is tediously bad and the same two pieces over-and-over again! -The effects are laughable. At least the two stupid Vs. movies I reviewed had effects to show off, this one had really bad prosthetics and masks.

-Hey, at least the poster looked cool! Doesn't matter. Not in the film.

-Also I did not pay attention to the rating or content. I apologize. I think its fine, but I don't remember. I was too busy facepalming.

-In conclusion, I laughed my way through how bad Little Red Riding Hood was. Therefore: Little Red Riding Hood is…. So bad, it's good! In fact it is probably one of the worst films I have even seen. I'm not joking.

-So did you see Not-so-little Red Riding Hood-ish walks around? You should! It's a blast!
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Avoid at all costs
mlmonne18 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite useful as a replacement for water-boarding, though it might be considered too cruel by Amnesty International.

The story is about a girl who stumbles into a castle, home of a creepy monster with probably bad intentions, although these aren't really explained. Then a knight appears and is also lured into the castle. In between, there are shots of a modern-day girl walking around with a camera.

Acting, if any, seems very primitive. Voices are ridiculously dubbed over. Music is repetitive.

However, despite the fact that this movie is total crap, has no storyline, bad acting and annoying music, it does have some (maybe 2 or 3) good things going for it: boobs!

Then again, with the amount of free nudity on the internet nowadays, those arguments really aren't valid enough to justify viewing this movie.

Only watch when you're really high or feeling very miserable and need something to match your mood.

Otherwise, stay far, far away!
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So Bad I Sort Of Enjoyed It!
wiredsoundsystem13 February 2015
This is the sort of film you see randomly playing at the dingy flat where you find yourself severely inebriated in the early hours of the morning after a very strange night out.

Mainly a silent movie, probably due to budget restraints only allowing the occasional atrociously overdubbed dialogue scene, the main focus of the action involves several characters and badly made-up monsters wandering around a castle aimlessly.

There is an attempt at some semblance of a 'story', but don't worry too much about that as the true entertainment factor of this movie is the ridiculously bad acting and nonsense, just nonsense! This is one of those films where you think "they must have been on acid when they made this" because you'd have to be completely out of your head to make something so utterly rubbish!
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An hour and a half of my life I wont get back
donna_claringbold19 May 2015
I have wanted to watch this film for some time, I mean who would'nt find a 2015 version of a classic tale exciting, I read the reviews on here first and thought surely this film cannot be that dire right? - WRONG!! What have I just watched? I don't think I have ever seen anything so bad in all my life. I had not even got 15 minutes into the film and I actually had to check that I was watching the correct thing. I initially thought that in my error I had bought a 1975 ish version of the film and not the 2015, I mean why the awful special and visual effects. I sat here waiting in suspense the whole way through, thinking any minute now things will get started, something amazing will happen, I will sit tight and watch this film to the end - but alas NO, Nothing! in fact the storyline did not have any plot and made no sense what to ever. The actors must have been hired from an amateur drama school and please don't get me started on the music!!! I would strongly advise viewers to think about doing something a bit more constructive with their time, like watching paint dry, before thinking about watching this. An utter disappointment and an hour and a half of my life that I will never get back!!!!
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Incredibly bad
rob44419 October 2015
This movie was so bad I had to fast forward and in the middle of the movie I turned it off completely. The music changed when the camera changed to another character which looked so amateurish. And the rest of the execution JUST DOESN'T MAKE ANY GOD DAMN SENSE.

If you want to see a movie for laughs, this is it folks, go ahead, but I sure hope you got this movie for free because it really isn't worth a dime.

As someone else said, it looks like a bad school project. I feel sorry for the movie maker, really I do.

Thumbs down on this one.
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Awful yet scenic
nightroses28 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's not anything like the fairytale. I admit this film was terrible and lacked a story, badly edited and some strangeness that doesn't make sense. It wasn't really a film but a play done by a few people on low budget. Even though it was a bad film, it was quite entertaining with some beautiful scenes of the forest and castle. We have Red Riding Hood that wanders alone through a forest, on the way to visit her sick gran. She's warned not to go further into the forest by an undead knight who lives inside the trees. She's scared of him and rans through the forest, but encounters a werewolf, who chases her to the castle. Once she's inside, werewolf is afraid to go near it. In the castle, we're wondering about the horned Master who keeps prisoners, and only grunts. There are two sirens, a monster and a princess who are the Masters creatures. The princess lures a warrior knight into the castle. Others have been lured there over many years, centuries, and once they're inside, they can never escape because the castle is shielded by magical electricity. The scene flashes to modern times where a photographer explores the beautiful forest and uses her camera to make a vlog. The monster siren destroyed her car and the girl with camera is lost and all alone. She comes to a modern looking castle where Master also rules and keeps shielded. Scenes of Red Riding Hood and warrior exploring the castle are nice and the ideas of the film are overall weird. It wasn't a crap film. I've seen worse crap from Hollywood. It was just very B movie.
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An offense for every film lover
MarcusCyron9 May 2017
What can I say about this "movie"? Rarely have I experienced a film that failed so completely - and completely on all levels. The "actors" make everything, but certainly not acting. The cheap special effects can be made better by nearly every ten-year-old with a computer. The make-up makes the figures into immovable pseudo-beings. Camera, cut - everything is on the same lowest level. Visual effects are used for they own, not to serve the film or even the story. Especially since the allegedly based on Brothers Grimm, the term "story" is not deserved. This crude "story" never reveals itself. Part of the disaster is a synthetic retort sounds, which are supposed to promise something, even if it never becomes clear what exactly.

Author-director-cameraman-cutter Rene Perez, producer Robert Amstler and composer Risto R Muzik have to hate their audience and filmmaking. I've seen a lot of bad movies, but that's really one of the worst things I've ever seen. And not because it's just trashy. But because this film is "evil", bad, dumb, silly, a real catastrophe through and through. Not one area, not a single one, knows to convince.
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Not Advisable.
heratyplant24 January 2021
Like something the Best of the Worst boys would watch on Youtube, if you like funny bad, you might enjoy it, but for most, it would be a pass.
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Red riding hood what!?
daxiedvd28 June 2022
I think the movie makers of this train wreck need to go watch red riding hood for real, or read the book. It has zero to do with anything closely even resembling red riding hood.

What happened to the modern day girl?

I think the credits were rolled to just end this disaster.

Hilarious at times.
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nogodnomasters30 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This version combines the past, present, and zombie looking creature into a blended tale that makes no sense. Red (Iren Levy) on her way to give medicine to grandma finds herself trapped in the castle of an old evil "thing" with powers and minions that he uses from time to time, something that didn't die during the flood that took Atlantis. Oh yeah, he feeds off of fear. Meanwhile there is another Red in the present age taking nature photos held up in a house apparently that was on the same spot as the castle. Exactly what that was about, I don't know. Badly written script. Low budget special effects, although the rubber masks were nice, if only they could move, deplorable acting. This film sucked.

Guide: No F-bombs or sex. Nudity ( Iren Levy, Alanna Forte- seriously nice)
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WOW.....just, WOW.
workoutsmurf19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the modern era of smartphones capable of 4K filming, anything is now being classified as a "film", or a "movie" because this piece of garbage was ANYTHING but that. From the start the effects were horrific, I mean Red had a GREAT cloak, but that was where all the money was spent lol. The rubber masks were easily seen, and not even fitted properly, the castle was a good back drop, except for the modern electric lights made to look old hanging from the ceiling in the hallway. JUST when I thought it couldn't get even more ridiculous and insane it switched to some modern day version of the tale. LOL we see some wooden actress reciting lines to her smartphone, delivering her lines as passionately as any 1960's sci-fi robot. Perhaps she's the illegitimate daughter of Rosie from "The Jetsons"?? Next thing we know she's in this modern home and the monster is upstairs looking down at her from the landing, lol. I have never had so many WTF moments in my life. After this transition I found myself fast forwarding the flick every 30 seconds, to see if ANYTHING was gonna happen. A random monster appears behind some window, blah blah blah.....the only thing that would have possibly saved this for me was to see Robert Amstler shirtless, but alas, it didn't happen lol. :(

In all fairness, if this is someone's interpretation of the Grimm's tale, so be it, but I can safely say that the Brother's Grimm would be FLAILING in their graves if they managed to see even a minute of this tragic piece of "film". If you have nothing to do but waste some time on something that is as exciting as paint drying then by all means check this film out! OTHER than that, avoid it at all costs lol.
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For fans of bad cinema only
sbabb-511-51013923 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So the movie has a woman in red riding hood, trying to take medicine to her grandma. And there's a guy in a werewolf costume, which I guess is like a Big Bad Wolf. So in that, I guess the film is faithful to the original Grimm Brother's fairy tale it says it's based on.

The bits about a seductive laundress, an evil leader monster with a crown of fingers, some eyeless monster, magical force fields, and a rocking estate in the forests of modern day California digress a bit from the source material.

Here's the thing though, it's all so bad and incoherent it's fun.

There are flashbacks to scenes we saw less than 15 minutes earlier. And those flashbacks repeat some shots for a second time. There's sound effects recycled from the director's earlier film "The Dead the Damned and the Darkness" (also recommended for fans of bad horror films). The CGI had me praying for a software watermark to complete the cheesiness.

But the cast seems to really give it their all. The costumes exist in a weird limbo between "off the shelf from a Halloween store" and "actually quite good". And the locations threaten to steal every scene they're in (but you can blame that partly on my love for medieval style castles and modern medieval-themed mansions).

There's so much more I want to tell you, but I have to let you discover some things on your own. Does Red Riding Hood get the medicine to her mother? Are breast implants used by monsters in the 14th century? Will the Power Rangers come looking for their foam-rubber sword being wielded by the knight? Does the film tack on an unexplained sub-plot about a girl in the modern day at a different location in order to pad the run time after the director realized he needed another 20 minutes or so? And why is the knight's voice so manly? So many mysteries! I wouldn't recommend watching this by yourself, but only because this kind of comedy is better shared. I also wouldn't recommend it for kids, or people who take bad cinema seriously (as a wise man once said "repeat to yourself, 'it's just a show. I should really just relax'."), and there's a brief scene of "light" sexual assault that may be too much for some*. But if you've got some friends, some pizza, and a suitable amount of brain damage (or brain damaging substances), then give it a go.

Recommended for: fans of "Birdemic 1" ("before James Nguyen sold out"), fans of Rene Perez' other films, movie hecklers, and fans of the theatrical release of "Hercules in New York".

(*all joking aside, I only mention this because I don't want someone thinking this will be fun based on my review, and then they have an emotional trigger set off. If you're on the fence, the scene is meant less as a drawn out exercise in horror-drama and (I'm pretty sure) more as a weak excuse to show a boob.)
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.... E for effort ??
godinamachine5 December 2021
HEY EVERBODY ITS ME (4), and today we review .... "freaky friday " - the movie .....

its 2 movies for the price of 1 !!!!!!!!! Sadly both are boring ....... i mean ... they both are basically the exact same thing ... girl ... runnign from monster guy whos is so terrible at hide and seek he has to get help ...but his minions are also RALLY bad at playing hide and seek and cant find a couple of girls who are literally sitting on a couch watching tv at one point .... the monster kind dude actually walks right past her .... goes up stairs .... unleashes a monster then to go and find her for him ???? His minions dont have eyes ....but he does ....but obviously needs some thick glasses ... lol..

listen .... it follows the story of ...a girl ..... whos forced into a castle because of a monster king letting a werewolf out to go scare her into the castles force field ...the one that the wereworlf can escape but the girl cant .....cut to .... modern times ....a girl exploring some woods with a camera .... she .... goes into a weird force field thing ??? Other dimension ??? And now the monster king is also interested in her ???? But shes in today ...and the red riding hood girl is in like ...1600s ... the movie just cuts back and forth and back and forth for 1.25 hours of the same thing ...... monster guy walking around making grunting and growling noises ......then he lets a random monster go ..... maybe some magic sparkles float around .... NO ONE TALKS ....then some random guy shows up ....he talks for like 2 minutes about whats going on .... the cut to the other chick and repeat basically ..... then add more random characters and pointless walking around and more nothing happening ... and BAM you have this movie ... if you fall alseep you magically get sucked into some sort of forcefield thing that trasposts you back to the beginning of the film and you just .....keep going .. FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heres what i think happened .........a few cos-play friends had some cool monster costumes , some nice silicone ones with the gloves and all .... AND they had access to a nice summer house ....and a castle location .....some wooded areas ...and they said " hey lets make a movie" .... "cool jimmy , but what about ? " .... jimmy:" it doesnt matter, we have cool stuff .. lets just film it and THEN decide what its about " ..... AAANNDDDDD here we have little red riding hood: grims horror .... and it has NOTHIGN TO DO WITH RED RIDING HOOD other than shes like "my grandmas sick" .....

oh and a wereworlf ? I guess ....

the audio is decent.... BUT HOLY DOODOO ON A CRACKER .... the prince charming dude LOL ..really ?????? Why ... why would you have done that guy like that .... im sure his real voice couldnt have been that bad .... and making it sound like the expected prince charming deep "manly" voice to that degree of the voice actor was tryhard a little to much ....not trying to tear this film apart but jesus you leave me no choice guys .... it really didnt fit AT ALL it looks unfitting and sounds unfitting and feels very unnatural ....just wow ...

and finally .. the last nail in the coffin .... the visual FX ... rough .... if the tracking would have been more stable on scenes like the soul transfer thing from the girl etc could have worked ... but like .. it needed REAL world lighting in the room to help that blend well ... like if you would have had someone with a strobe going behind them and a green light phasing in and out slightly on his chest and on the walls some other lighting ... THEN added the digital FX wit hthe portal etc .. BAM it all would have really came together BUT as it stands now .... it just doesnt work cohesively ..... it just looks like some bad fx slapped lazily on to the film .....

im sorry man .... but if this would have been a one movie kind of movie .. i think it would have been better ..... IF you would have kept the zombie guy from the beginning as the woodsman and had him the entire time following her to try and help her but she kept running in fear .... that could have been the reason she fled to the castle ... then keep the werewolf for the very end , still have the king letting monsters go , and having the zombie woodsman fighting them for the girl, .... finally she figures out hes a good guy and he died trying to fight the king or something .... could have made it dramatic .. MAYBE a twist , its her dad that left home YEARS earlier ... oohhh gasp .... i mean seriously SO much more depth could have been in here ... but instead we get 1.25 hours of walking .....grunting .... growling .... walking ....growling .... new monster walking now .... growling ..... more walking .... ugh ........

1/10 .....
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catherine-lee-248-1307124 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely ridiculous film, please do not give up your day job (whatever that is) cos it certainly isn't making decent films. The whole story made no sense whatsoever. Please do more homework before even thinking of making or even writing another screenplay. I was hoping the film would be a true horror as claimed in the description I didn't realise that horror and absolute garbage went together. I think you need to go back to college or university and restudy how to make a good film. It wasn't just the ending that ruined the film was almost every scene, I think whoever allowed you to release such an atrocity needs to be fired on the spot. This is not good film making, I've never heard of the director before and none of my friends have either not even the ones in America and I can now see why. The monsters you could tell were a mixture of make up Halloween costumes and a bit if cgi. I didn't find it believable, I couldn't feel anything for the characters when they were in danger. And I'm not even sure what your point was in the whole film.I think if I was to watch this at home on a Friday night because I was in the mood for a horror, well I'd be sadly mistaken and very disappointed.If anyone is going to recreate a children's story and have a bit of a horror twist to it then the least it should do is make you pee a little from fear. What's next the three little pigs who live off smaller animals.?Hardly scary really is it.?
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