"The Flash" Grodd Lives (TV Episode 2015) Poster

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Iris is annoying!
gca_366 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry, but this episode had too much Iris in it. This self-righteous I-am-mad-at-everyone-for-not-telling-me-the-truth and You-are-not-allowed-to-keep-secrets-from-me attitude really ticked me off. As I was afraid of, the writers are giving this character more attention now and trying some kind of character development, but as I said in my review for #1.20, I don't like it. Hence, that was it for me. The Flash is over for me. I won't watch it anymore.

Except for this "Iris annoyance" this episode wasn't bad. I liked how GRODD was handled. He wasn't showed in the beginning and tension built up slowly. When he was revealed he was menacing and intimidating. I liked the interaction between Eddie and Wells and how Wells told him, that he is "the black sheep" of the Thawnes. Wells was quite mean to Eddie and actually I am curious how this will effect Eddie and the information he got about Iris. Just for that I might change my mind and watch the last episodes ;-). To me Eddie is the second most annoying character.
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Less Iris focused
jamamaes7 May 2015
I do really enjoy the flash and this episode was very entertaining with the introduction of Grodd which was really really good. however it came to my attention many episodes of the Flash that they focus a lot of attention on Iris and I have become to really hate her character. I do not care about their love triangle, if they toned it down a bit during some episodes earlier on this might not of been an issue for me. I know end up not paying attention to some silly speech that Isis has when she believes everything is about her.

But apart from this flaw this was a very very good episode and look forward to the end of the season as the finale looks to be set up very well.
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Enter Grodd
ThomasDrufke6 May 2015
So as we saw from the preview, this week offered up two big moments. Grodd being shown full blown head to toe, and Iris confronting Barry about being the Flash. I think the whole "I'm trying to keep you safe" storyline in superhero films just isn't interesting anymore. That's one of the reasons why Marvel films have worked so well, they could care less about the identities. So even though it was inevitable that Iris was going to find out, I was still dreading the moment.

Of course, Iris took it like we all knew she would, by telling off Joe and Barry. To be honest, I don't really feel like there was ever a reason to tell her this season, and I still don't know why she even needs to know now. Maybe the writers felt the need to juice up her storyline a bit, because it was seriously lacking. I also don't know why it had to be during the biggest moments of the season. Wells was revealed to the team as the big baddie finally, and now we had to sit through an entire episode of Iris drama with very little Wells and Eddie material. The team began taking on a deathstroke looking guy who turned out to be general Eiling, who was in turn under mind control from Grodd. I almost kind of feel like Clancy Brown (Eiling) should voice Grodd. The voice now seems like a generic bad guy voice and considering Brown has had numerous experiences working on DC voices, the part fits. Anyways, I thought Grodd looked great. For a TV show it will be very difficult for them to use Grodd as a full on season villain, but perhaps as a recurring character.

This episode also had a few funny moments, particularly with Cisco (of course), whether it was him and Caitlin listening in on Barry's conversation, or just his continuous movie references. As a movie buff, it's always nice to hear a Planet of the Apes or King Kong mention. And even though this wasn't a particularly great episode, I would say it was needed. Once Wells either dies or leaves, the team is going to need to move on and continue to help people. So it was nice to see them get a job done completely without the help of Wells, even if Wells told Grodd not to kill any of them. Speaking of Wells, he all of a sudden has a way of home at the But Wells is going to charge the particle accelerator again right? But with two episodes left I expect the show to be on full throttle from here on out.

+Grodd enters

+Wells' manipulating Eddie

+Cisco's movie references

-Iris focused

-It felt filler at times, let's just get to Wells

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What happens next ?
martijn-wow7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this is my first review ever, sorry for any mistakes/ my English (not my native language)

alright so let's start with the beginning of this episode. Iris confronts Barry/The Flash about keeping his secret, too bad it is a cliché in the way of: I am mad now because my dad + "my best friend" kept a secret from me. Please don't try to be the victim Iris, just accept that everyone has secrets even your own father and "best friend".

The Grodd part was really awesome. Only thing I did not like was the way how Eiling said it. "I am Grodd, FEAR ME!" I loved the FEAR ME, but not the I am Grodd (to be honest I almost thought he said "I am Groot" (Guardians of the Galaxy reference)". For the rest I did not expect that Grodd was huge, like really really huge. It's a Gorilla of course they are huge, but yeah did not expect this. Also i've never read the comics of flash so it was a really awesome surprise to see the ability what Grodd can do (mind-control), that was really awesome and surprising for me.

You can really see that Cisco, Caitlin and The Flash are struggling without Wells his help, but still they do their best and it worked out really well. Of course we have our Cisco humor and his movie references that is always a +point in my opinion.

The small parts with Eddie and Wells were good. You now see that Wells is the real villain and does not care at what will happen to the rest as long as he can go back home. Can't wait until the final conflict between The Reverse Flash and The Flash. Too bad there were not a lot of scenes between Eddie and Wells.

When Grodd kidnapped Joe was so good. I mean with that is that Joe was sometimes in danger in former episodes but he was not that afraid because "The Flash" would rescue him anyway. Still The Flash rescued him here as well but Joe was so scared that he would die and will never come back again to say sorry or whatever to Iris.

Overall I think that this episode was a great!

+ Great acting

+ Grodd

+ Cisco's humor (just love it)

+ Wells manipulating Eddie about the future

+ Joe being in danger (real danger)

  • The I am mad because you kept a secret from me cliché

  • Not so many Eddie/ Wells scenes

  • The I am Grodd reference.

I will give this episode a 8.2/10
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Fear Me
SpoodermanDerp6 May 2015
"Grodd Lives" is the episode that finally introduces us to Gorilla Grodd who has been teased for quite a lot of episodes in the past and now, we're finally going to see him in action fighting with The Flash. But does this episode pay off? More or less, yes.

The episode kicks off where it left the previous episode with Iris now knowing that Barry is the Flash in the hopes of getting her to be more developed as a character. But of course, the clichés come running back. We have the cliché wherein a character gets to know a secret that was being covered and he/she gets mad for not knowing, and this cliché gets more annoying since it's Iris. Like I said in the previous episode, I particularly liked the fact that the show is now giving at least some good development for her character. But here she kinda returns to her annoying antics although, (thankfully) she did not stay like that throughout the whole episode and was resolved near the end, Phfew, the show dodged a bullet there by not making the Iris-mad-at-everyone-for-not-telling-the-truth storyline for more episodes considering Season 1 is coming to an end. As for Grodd, I kinda liked how he was handled kind of like the shark in Jaws. He wasn't showed to the audience at first and slowly built tension, and when he was revealed he was menacing and have an intimidating demeanor. I also liked the way it was shown that now with Harrison Wells gone, the STAR labs team is now having quite the difficulty handling the situation and that they now realize that Harrison Wells is always one step ahead of them. There were also some good cinematography throughout the episode like shots of Barry while he was getting discomforted by Grodd and good visuals for TV standards. I guess I could say that the episode was okay, Although not the best episode, it was satisfying to say for the most part. Looking forward to the next crossover episode and the finale.

-Character finds out about a cliché and gets mad about it cliché, -Iris's annoyance coming back, +Show trying to give Iris good character development, +Grodd was shown like the shark in Jaws, +STAR labs team now having some difficulties with Wells not around, +Good visuals. Verdict: 8.3/10
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Get a life
canarywind12 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Mild spoilers...

You wonder why women don't like comic-book movies/TV shows in general? Because they treat women like idiots.

"Grodd Lives" was a great episode, and guess what; Iris had all the reason to be upset. What is the stupid standard line men use for not telling women what is important in shows like this; for their own protection. Blah blah blah blah blah... give me a break. Iris was justified for her anger since she was the only one who didn't know who Barry was, and she was his best friend.

The CGI for this episode was actually pretty good for a TV-show. Where as "The Avengers; Age of Ultron", with a $175,000,000 had a few segments with pretty bad CGI; go figure. I thought they gave a very menacing presence to Grodd and I can't wait to see what they do with this classic-Flash villain.

One thing Flash and Batman share? A very rich rogues gallery of villains, where as Superman, IMO, suffers here. Outside of Lex Luthor or Zod I bet the next villain of Superman's the general public would remember is Richard Pryor's character in Superman III.

"Grodd Lives" sets up future episodes. He captured Joe (Iris's detective dad) and could have killed him but didn't. What Grodd's long range plans are will be interesting to evolve.

So...in conclusion; some of you need to understand that women can be just as smart as we are (men). And until you start seeing them as intelligent beings that have brains, then expect to watch this show, or see future superhero movies, with your "guy" pals; because that's the future in store for you.
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mwinston-4193212 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Grodd is awesome. The buildup to him has been outstanding. I'm new to the Flash serious so I'm playing catch up on netflix. I must say, well done. He was seriously scary and only getting smarter. I look forward to seeing more of Grodd.

The whole Iris/Barry love triangle hasn't been much of a love triangle because she doesn't really reciprocate and it's been one of the few flaws in how the show was written. I would have liked to see her show some signs of interest in Barry before the coma. An extended glare, a romantic touch, anything. Then maybe her leaning on Eddie, fearing Barry would never wake would have given a little more heat to the love triangle. Up to this point Barry has come off as the guy that won't get a clue (besides the episode where Barry reversed time), and Iris' character has been underdeveloped. With that said I enjoyed the scene where she confronts Barry. It's the first time that it's felt like her character really mattered to the plot.

All and all I enjoyed it
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Ranking/Reviewing every Flash episode: Grodd Lives
lbramson10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Barry faces the telepathic Gorilla Grodd whom was sent by Thawne to distract Team Flash. Now I know a lot of people love this episode but I'm not in love with it as much as most fans. I don't think Grodd Lives is a bad episode, in fact, it's an awesome one with epic moments! However, as Episode 21, this episode feels weird. This was the climax of the season and we have Grodd not Thawne like we should. I appreciate seeing General Eiling in his third and final appearance. This episode is also really fun, but falsely placed. Grodd Lives should've been around the beginning of the season or at least before Out of Time. This episode is solid but deeply flawed, overall an 8.5/10.
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Grodd Lives
SpideyVerse2326 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, they really pulled off the look of Grodd and managed to make him look scary and menacing. He is used as a distraction by the Reverse Flash while he works on something. I liked the scenes between him and Eddie since they gave us more hints about the character.

This episode also deals with the fallout of Iris finding out that Barry is The Flash. She confronts the team about this and while it feels cliched, she makes some valid points during her conversation with Joe. But it looks like she has joined the team to be the one to calm Barry down now that Harrison Wells is not available.
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Monkey business
Fluke_Skywalker18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After an event-filled episode like "The Trap", a bit of a narrative wheel spinner was inevitable I suppose and that's exactly what "Grodd Lives" is. We go back a little bit and deal with Grodd, who was set up a few episodes back, without really advancing the Wells/Reverse Flash stuff very much. It all feels like what it is, filler, but at times it's used to good effect; particularly in advancing Barry and Iris' relationship.

Speaking of Iris, this is easily her strongest episode. With all the secrets on the table, she's no longer marginalized and is able to fully participate in the story. Actress Candice Patton gets some nice, substantive dramatic moments and really shines. As freak-of-the-weeks go, Grodd is potentially interesting and they wisely keep him in darkness and shadow, covering any deficiencies in the CGI and allowing him to feel like a real character.

This is not a great episode, and hitting the brakes at this point is a bit jarring, but there's enough good here to make it worthwhile in the grand scheme of things.
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Love, Love, Love just not Iris
mylifeasrahmamusic19 March 2023
My god is Iris annoying. She acts like a child- no one has to tell her anything, adults have their own secrets- someone needs to go off on her. This is a rewatch for me and I forgot how much she could be! I tried to like her a lot but in scenes like when she blew up at dinner with Ray and Felicity I just hated her because for the 100th time PEOPLE ARE ALLOWED TO KEEP SECRETS

Although I do find Joe and Barrys whole 'protect the innocent girl' thing extremely stupid and annoying bc for real Iris may be cringy but why is that always the excuse??

I sided with Eddie when he said he didn't want to keep it from her and that Joes reasoning was stupid.

Also Iris stop saying 'Burning man' 'The man in yellow' and other cringe stuff like that. She is so ungrateful- getting angry that they 'can't save Eddie and Joe' girl do you want to do it?

And to have the nerve to blame Joe and Barry when it was ALL THAWNE?? His plan from the get? She owes them an apology for just directing her anger at them

Oh and the whole Iris - Barry thing??

Shes just like I could never like Barry- then he gets in a relationship and then it's jealousy city which ends up messing up his relationship with Linda which is just not fair for either Eddie nor Barry. She knows she likes him yet blames everyone else for not telling her what she ALREADY KNEW???

This girl is tweakin frr

But ofc the whole Reverse Flash thing is AWESOME.

Embarassing that Eddie thought he was important lol.

-Iris the entire season I really tried but this girl is too freakin much 'Miss blame anyone but myself' (plus she ALWAYS crying??? Or having annoying outbursts)

+Tom Cavanough as Wells SO GOOD

+Barry alwaysss idk how he puts up with Iris

+Cisco and Caitlin ofc.

6/10 minus for Iris.
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Iris is so annoying!
sand-2074131 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The episode itself is decent, but Iris ruins it. The suspense with Grodd is good, even if the episode feels like a filler episode. I do like how Eobard Thawne is given more backstory. I would probably rate this episode a 7/10 if it wasn't for Iris. The whole "finds out her friend is a super hero and gets mad at everyone for not telling her" is so cliche. Iris getting mad at everyone else for Eddie being kidnapped is so maddening, especially since she then proceeds to blame everyone for Joe being taken as well. I just feel like Iris is in this episode way too much, especially since there are only two episodes left. 4/10 because of Iris.
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