Saved by Grace (2016) Poster

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The Tragic Loss
novoselac23 February 2016
Saved by Grace is a movie that takes people into the life of a man named Rick who is in a rather dark place after the death of his wife. During this time when Rick is about to do something he will surely regret a woman named Grace comes into the picture. There are many good things to be said about this movie like the fact that it gets a lot of points for originality. Most of the mainstream movies that people see these days are practically copies of ideas that have been used and recycled over and over again. The portion of the movie where the song called There You Are, is played serves as a type of theme song in this film. I may not be a musician but this song is probably on the list of the top ten I have ever heard. Johnny Remo certainly sets the bar for other filmmakers as Saved by Grace is one of those rare films that has a faith aspect and is also entertaining in the drama sense. This film is also great for families to watch because it would make them appreciate what they have, or it would help them relate if they lost someone in their life. With the natural talent that Catalina Rodriguez and Joey Lawrence have for acting they will be able to book many more fantastic films. This movie wouldn't be what it is without it's brilliant cast, and it's finest director Johnny Remo.
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If you like good, independent, well directed films, it's a must see.
jessesem23 February 2016
Saw s screening of this a couple of months ago. The movie overall is pretty good even though slow in the beginning. There are all kinds of movies out there dealing with the subject matter of tragedy, redemption, hope, and faith and it's the story that tells us what a movie is about. This movie is based on faith and hope and what could be wrong about that? No matter what your beliefs are regarding religion I feel even the people who don't watch these kind of movies should at least put on the blinders and just enjoy the movie for what it is. I can say I am not the biggest religious person however I loved this movie based on the way the story was told and the ride it took me on. The visuals were great and the score top shelf.

Joey Lawrence gives the best performance of his career and Catalina Rodriguez was amazing with a great arc. She'll make you cry and laugh and her character will give you hope to get through any life situation. Although tragic at first, it's ends up being a wonderful little love story.

If you like good, independent, well directed films, it's a must see.
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Not my kind of movie
josephloveys21 April 2016
Honestly, I couldn't finish this one, so maybe I'm not the right reviewer to pay any attention to. It got way too preachy for me, so I shut it off with about a 1/2 hr left. If you liked the show "Touched By An Angel" you'll probably like this movie. I don't understand the other reviews gushing over it. Guess I never really liked this type of stuff with its heavy-handed God messages and clichés of "everything happens for a reason" or "all you need is faith.." It was all too fake for me, though I guess lots of people believe in all that. There's the flashbacks to life being idyllic before the tragedies, there's the patriotism, all that sickening stuff. Not my cup of tea at all.
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From Tragedy to Hope
sevenjaggers24 February 2016
The very title of the movie Saved by Grace brings up a lot of questions and leaves loads to the imagination of the audience as to what the film is going to be about. The film is the story of a retired cop who can't put his life together because he can't get over the tragic murder of his wife. There are many things that can be appreciated about this movie. For example the performance of the actress Catalina Rodriguez was so excellent that it added to the interesting premise behind the movie. In many of the other tragic movies and dramas that have been filmed in the past there are a lot of useless subplots included in those stories. However in Saved by Grace this is not the case, and that is another reason why this movie does so well. What made this movie so interesting for me was that it was so touching to see Grace being so down to earth and putting other people before herself. Most people out there are selfish today. And it also gives people the realization that recovering from a real life tragedy isn't an overnight process.
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Not believable, quit watching after 30 minutes
missjenniferd2 February 2017
I love Christian movies. In fact, i prefer them. But i couldn't get into this movie at all. It didn't seem believable. The girl just talked and talked to a çomplete stranger, prying questions. Almost like a precocious child would do, except this was a young woman. And I'm supposed to believe this guy is just going to open up to this girl he doesn't even know. It was boring, far fetched, and not believable. Sorry.. there aren't many Christian movies that i don't finish, because even when it is low budget, they are usually believable and have a good Christian message...i prefer that, because i usually come away with something that strengthens my faith, and makes me feel good, but i Just couldn't make it through this one. I found myself fast forwarding it to see if it got any better, but it just appeared to be more and more dialogue from the 2 of them, nothing was happening, just talking talking talking, bla, blah, blah. Fail.
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Everything Happens for a Reason
gtaprochick25 February 2016
In the movie Saved by Grace Rick, a former policeman who is still suffering from the death of his wife feels hopeless until he meets a woman called Grace. He soon discovers that Grace's story mirrors Rick's own. Even though at first Rick is completely unaware of this when he first meets her. The funny part is that the character of Grace shows up at exactly the right moment, when he is about to destroy himself. As the story progresses there is a rather romantic dance scene between the two co-stars, which is choreographed to flawless perfection. The movie gets a lot of strong points for it's good use of humor. Some of the life lessons that can be learned from this film include the fact that nothing happens by coincidence. As Catalina Rodriguez's character says everything happens for a reason. There is a slight emphasis on the meaning of life, which makes the people watching think twice about how they go about their everyday routine. Most people today are so busy with their constant routine to the point that they go on autopilot, like robots without stopping to think and just enjoy life. As the wise homeless man in the movie, played by Muse Watson says "sometimes you have to stop to smell the flowers."
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Bored by Grace
bkoganbing11 April 2020
Saved By Grace is one boring mess of a Christian drama, It concerns Joey Lawrence a cop who finds an old perpetrator he busted invading his home. In a struggle with the invader, Lawrence is wounded and his wife and the perpetrator killed

One fine day he meets Catalina Rodriguez who must have won her high school perky contest. In one day Lawrence falls for her and reconciles with his son. It's a miracle.

I'm sure the artists did their best, but they are hampered by bad direction and a slow and sluggish plotline. Joey Lawrence was practically catatonic in his portrayal.

Only dedicated believers will like this one.
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Rescued by a Woman
littlespacefish2 February 2016
Saved by Grace is a movie marked by brilliance. The plot takes us on the journey of a retired police officer who lost all hope for a happy life. Throughout the first scenes of the movie he is seen considering the possibility of ending his life altogether. In the last minute an unknown woman shows up giving him a reason to live again. One of the most interesting characters of the entire film were the homeless. He is played by the actor Muse Watson, and despite the fact that he isn't given a specific name he is still a powerful presence in the movie. He gives Rick a valuable message to a man struggling with faith after the loss of his wife. This homeless man is old, unkempt, and unshaved and yet through Muse Watson's skilled acting he is turned into a character whose simple appearance speaks volumes. The better of the two actresses in this movie is Catalina Rodriguez because she is always focused, in character, and arguably the most complicated character of all. She acts out the part of the character named Grace, and while she appears to be happy-go-lucky and perfectly fine on the outside it turns out that she has tragedy in her past. This movie is so uplifting because it gives people hope no matter how tough life can be.
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The Pain of Loss
journeytoscore25 February 2016
In modern film history it can be hard to find good dramas of any value these days Saved by Grace happens to fall into this category. This is clearly more than just another Hollywood movie. The setting of the story takes place in a quiet suburb of the United States, with Joey Lawrence starring as Rick. Rick who is a cop is finding it impossible to get over his traumatic experience of witnessing the love of his life being murdered. The actor Joey Lawrence is a talented performer on screen and knows how to embody the character Rick and you can tell he feels the inner conflict going on inside of Rick. Everything is fine with the movie except that the character of Rick could've been better developed. His character should develop more gradually and in the movie the change was extremely drastic. In real life nobody can become a new man especially after going through a major loss like him. Part of what makes movies successful in entertainment is believability and this flaw in the film might diminish that a little.
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Rating not correct , not a great movie
vatayan-381811 May 2016
This Review is misleading review . The Movie is OK but the acting is real bad all i would like to

say is too much sweet causes diabetes .... 7 is really way to high for this movie. There are way better movies then this one . The way it is directed is not so great At times it gets irritating too . at least was for me . I didn't want to say this but sorry guys people did their best and acting is not a child's play . i hope they do a good job next time ..

all the best to the team.

Its a one time watch

The actress Catalina Rodriguez is cute though ..
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Everything happens for a reason..... real people not Angels.
zendatrim1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
ex Police officer feeling sorry for himself totally absorbed with his own pain forgetting he has a son. Decides he cant live without his wife any longer and i expect he feels guilty too as in part he feels it is his fault she died.

Cue Angels ............ nope. No angels (or were they)..... was the homeless man an angel? You are kind of kept guessing also as to the fact perhaps also is Grace an Angel come to save him from himself? NOPE this is not Highway to Heaven.

This is why i liked the film so much.

Such a twist they actually BOTH saved each other.

Grace said "everything happens for a reason............ i believe that too.

She was going to be with her family on Thanksgiving and needed a lift, and Rick was going to be with his wife on Thanksgiving day.......... that chance meeting on the highway joined these two together and they both ended up healing each other.

I really enjoyed it whilst we may be going through huge stuff in our own lives we forget others can be hurting way more and we must never forget just because we loose one member of our family there are not others who also need us too and that other people are dealing with worse stuff then us.

It is worth a watch, and to those who stopped watching part way in, watch it again, it is not a preachy Christian movie at all.....yes it talks about God, but the end might just shock you. I cried several times i am not ashamed to say that.

A sweet movie one for the family to watch.
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Annoyed by Grace
bigdaddypimpilicious28 July 2022
I love Christian films. Most help me deepen my relationship with God. However, this film was not it. The film was slow paced with way too much dialogue between the two actors. It seemed to drag on for far two long. The plot was unbelievable. No one would talk that personal to a stranger they meet a couple of hours ago, nor would they follow said stranger into a number of closed buildings. I couldn't finish the movie.
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Non-believable Story Line
merrymonk30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Worse than a Hallmark movie, as a Christian I was hoping for better. Who goes from where this guy was in the beginning of the movie to falling i. Love with a total stranger in a few hours and how did she know where he lived. The cemetery scene was also a stretch. 5 is being generous.
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Lack luster
lonesumdove30 August 2020
Saved by grace was lack luster for me, I dont think the acting was very good. It has a good story to tell and uplifting.
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Overall inspiring.
danielleshayla19 March 2019
Great performance from both Joey and Catalina. Very inspiring film.
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ztfkcnkyv6 May 2023
I love Faith based movies especially because it glorifies our God from miracles in Heaven , breakthrough, to redeeming love and Jesus revolution. Loved it. This one was pretty cheesy and made me cringe. It hit home because in time of need when i was praying for a lawyer, God provided me one right after my prayer and her name was actually Grace too. Back to this grace in the movie though. She was kind of annoying and i was trying to extend grace no pun intended. She asks for a ride then all of the sudden make all these pit stops. Like brehhh. The man just almost committed suicide and hes giving you a ride home. He gave you an inch and you want a mile now . I was thinking she was mentally ill.
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njerijoan-6315023 September 2021
Personally I believe that there is always a purpose to it all. There are no coincidence's nor any mistake in our life everything works out for our good all we need to have is faith and maintain our hope in God.
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Decent message
sandynolen10 April 2022
Decent message but the man playing Rick couldn't remember which leg/knee was bad or even that it was bad. He would limp on different legs, but mainly the left leg, then rub the right. Grace acts a bit too obscure for a real human as though she was sent of God but as a Christian, she would make it clear that she wasn't.
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Life's Emotional Twist
demigodx25 February 2016
Movies like Saved by Grace have a lot to offer in terms of entertainment value and relevance to recent times. The life of an officer or any member of the military for that matter can be incredibly tough and dangerous. This movie reflects the imperfect period in which we live. Unlike most mainstream drama films that portray Christians Rick, who was played by Joey Lawrence is a character in the film that a lot of people can relate to in the modern world. Rick has problems with every aspect of his life, and believes that there is no purpose for him. Lawrence's performance as Rick was astonishing because he was able to channel that negative energy that Rick was feeling inside after experiencing the loss of his spouse, and the relationship with his son Luke collapsing. The only downside would be the fact that there are no loud explosions, surround sound, or even stunts. This kind of technology is rarely if ever used in drama films especially ones like this movie. Even though there are occasional problems the movie successfully provides us with an emotional roller-coaster ride using the brief action sequences between Rick and a drug dealer in his flashbacks.
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Very moving
caveb-9909614 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever felt like the life you had is taken away in a blink of an eye? Were you angry at God?

Rick's life changed five years ago on Thanksgiving day.

Rick is so despondent he was just going to end his pain and suffering. As he is driving he sees a woman sitting beside the road. Something rugs at his heart and he picks her up. As the day progresses they learn about each other and the things that happened in their lives. Grace tells Rick he has to have faith that God has a plan.

This movie touched all my heartstrings. It was a good movie that makes one think, be grateful, and to remember God is always there and he has a plan
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When Tragedy Strikes
peradetlicpera24 February 2016
The movie known as Saved by Grace is a movie that has been produced and filmed and the results have been very successful. One of the best things about this film is that it highlights the reality that going through a tragedy is definitely not something of an easy process. The situation is clear from the beginning that Rick who is the lead character here is about to seriously hurt himself with a decision one can never take back. Those plans go wrong however when he is taken by surprise at the arrival, of a young woman named Grace who says she needs a ride home to spend Thanksgiving Day with her family. While Rick drives Grace home she goes on a memory lane and tells him her life's story, which leads to shocking revelations about Rick's own life that he can relate to. This film was successfully produced through the precise use and control of camera, music, and lifelike dialogue. In terms of cinematography the depth of field and focus was good. Therefore this movie is highly recommended to families as well as people of all ages. Our society needs more movies with positive messages of hope for the future especially because of the hard times that we live in.
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Ideal viewing for when you're a bit down .............
adeans-6311925 April 2019
A lovely, easy-going, pleasant film to watch !. Not really into christian films but this was very good, especially the performance and character of Catalina Rodriguez ! Excellent casting as there's something about this beautiful woman that makes her believeable, this is the first I've heard of her but wil start to look at other things she's done !

As I've said, excellent casting as I think Joey Lawrence was ideal for his part and you could picture these two together in a relationship[ !
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Never too Late
ginavonlach23 February 2016
Movie Saved by Grace does an outstanding job showing how traumatic and painful incidents can destroy someone's life. The movie documents the life of Rick who lost the love of his life to a criminal who broke into his home.

The decision he is about to make will destroy everything he ever worked for until an incredible woman named Grace comes into his life and shines some light on his path. I love this movie because everything is consistent in the plot, and to top it off the film has a fine use of dialogue. Surprise elements are used in this story, which feels quite fascinating.

The movie also allows us to examine the lives of police officers and how they struggle to protect people, which is why a lot of them lose faith in the process.

In this story the soundtrack is beautifully composed and causes the audience to feel large amounts of positive energy that they wouldn't find in other films. The pull on the guitar strings creates a pleasant tune that makes the film more enjoyable.

The lesson learned in this film is that it's never too late to turn your life around no matter what you have been through.
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Well shot film with compelling story
ialongi8 February 2016
The film opens with some beautiful driving shots that set the scene really well. Good acting quickly draws you into the story about a depressed man ready to kill him self but meets a woman who takes him on a life changing journey. The story is well written and not too predictable with some twists and an emotional ending. The editing was also very good with great pacing and some creative use of cutting between different sides of the "line" for the most emotional impact. The content is certainly good for the whole family and those looking for films that portray good values. In this case i think the film is actually better then the trailer. The musical score is well done and adds a lot to the whole feeling of the movie.
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Leaves you Better Than It found You
guerri-7583926 May 2022
Now I've seen it twice. What can I say but that it leaves you with some hope and wanting to be a better man. How many cinematic masterpieces can say that?
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