Altitude (2017) Poster


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A non-exciting and predictable hijacking movie...
paul_haakonsen24 April 2017
You know that this is going to be one of those movies, yet there is just something that makes you want to sit down and watch it. And now that I have, I wish that I listened to the voice in the back of the head that said "don't".

Granted that the movie stars Denise Richards and has Dolph Lundgren along on the ride for someone to lure in an audience, then the movie never really got up into a gear that makes it particularly watchable or entertaining.

The story in "Altitude" is about a hijacking of an airplane, and that is essentially the core of the story. But wait, hasn't this been seen a million times before in other movies? Yes it has! So do "Altitude" offer anything new or exciting to the genre? No!

Denise Richards trots through the movie on auto-pilot, but that doesn't necessarily make the performance any more interesting. And Dolph Lundgren had only a minor role in the movie, and when he was on the screen he sort of was displaying an attitude of not really wanting to be on set for that movie.

"Altitude" is horribly predictable and offers no plot twists or surprises anywhere. As such, it just march on at a very monotonous pace. And there are far better movies available if you enjoy a good airplane hijacking movie.

The movie wasn't dealt a very advantageous hand from the very beginning, and director Alex Merkin hardly managed to lift the movie up and make it outstanding in any way.

Furthermore, should you manage to sit through the entire movie, like I did, then chances are slim to none that you will return to "Altitude" for a second viewing.
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Strawberry Cheesecake or Butterscotch Pudding?
nogodnomasters5 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Denise Richards is an FBI agent who can't follow orders. She is being sent from the field to a desk job. On the flight back, a man sitting next to her (Kirk Barker) informs her that the plane is going to be hijacked and offers her $50 million dollars to get him off safety. Soon it becomes a battle of Denise Richards vs a bunch of bad guys lead by Dolph Lundgren.

They are flying "Speed Bird Airlines" which has enough room in the aisles in first class for some good fighting as long as the camera is jerking. It is not a double decker plane, making it difficult to elude capture, but it is a movie. Denise is able to overpower men twice her size in a matter of moments, but another woman is a dragged out cat-fight. Dolph plays bad guy pilot. We see his face a lot while sitting in a chair and except for about 30 seconds of fighting they could of had Wally Cox play the part. It appears camera jerking is the official substitution for fight choreography.

Except for brief opening and ending scenes, the entire film is shot on a plane. The plot is simple and linear with a slight attempted twist. A rather lazy script with half-hearted performances.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Mission Implausible
ginocox-206-33696813 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Altitude" defies logic, science and common sense in a manner so blatant to border on contempt for the audience.

For example:

Automobiles have sensors to warn the driver of various problems. Even motorcycles have switched that prevent operation if the kickstand is down. But the commercial passenger jet in this movie takes off without the pilot knowing that a door is open.

Part of the plot involves switching out a major component on the plane, but components on aircraft are serialized and extensive records are maintained of all maintenance operations, ensuring the switch would be discovered.

At one point the plane takes off with somebody more than halfway outside the door. The takeoff speed for Jet aircraft in the 130 – 155 knot range, which is the speed of major hurricane winds, powerful enough to flip over vehicles and blow barns away. Anybody clinging to the door would be swept away.

At one point, two individuals do a tandem parachute jump simply holding on to one another. When a parachute is deployed, the individual experiences a jerk of 3 – 4 g. I believe this means somebody weighing 120# will momentarily seem to weigh about 420#. You really need sturdy straps and harnesses for a tandem jump.

The plot entails an elaborate scheme to hijack an aircraft in order to steal something being carried by one of the passengers when it would seem much easier to hijack the guy's taxi or limousine on the way to the airport.

The film also defies logic by getting made in the first place. Each year, about 50,000 scripts are registered with WGA. Probably an equal number are written, but not registered. In 2015, 727,000 new books were self-published. While not all were novels, there are countless stories written each year that could be adapted as screenplays. Why would anybody invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, in a script with obvious problems when there are countless better scripts that could be acquired at modest expense? As a writer, I've read dozens of better scripts and novels that could be adapted and produced on a comparable budget. It seems grotesquely inequitable that a writer is able to sell a script that is poorly researched and constructed when so many better scripts can't even get read.

Dolph Lundgren and Denise Richards do as well as can be expected with the material they're given. The glaring incongruities and implausibilities shatter the willful suspension of disbelief and the story isn't sufficiently interesting or involving to sweep the audience along. The characters aren't particularly likable or interesting. Without impressive fight choreography, chase scenes or special effects, the film needs either a fascinating plot or interesting characters, but offers neither.
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Worse than Snakes on a Plane
mani-in17 June 2017
I think the review title says enough. Sub par plot, clueless cast topped off with a boring ending make movies like Snakes on a plane look like a piece of art. Do yourselves a favor and stay away from this piece of crap. I am only typing this extra line in order to submit my review
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Worst movie I have seen in a LONG time. Ratings have been manipulated
Jawillis9315 April 2017
There is some kind of manipulation of the ratings system going on with this movie. We only watch movies with a 7 or above rating, which as of 4/5/2017, this had a 7.1 with 375 rating. Don't WASTE YOUR TIME. Terrible acting, terrible editing, terrible filming. IMDb out to be ashamed to have let their ratings system be manipulated this badly. Complete waste of $4.99
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Who is the hell is rating this crap a 6.1?
dcal27228 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was the most ridiculous load of crap I have seen in.... well EVER! I'm not going to warn about any "Spoilers" because this thing was totally rotten from the moment this load dropped off the radar and into a toilet near you. All I can say is that the people who actually gave this thing high ratings are either being paid or they saw a different film. I can say one more thing; Denise Richards as an FBI Agent is about as believable as Denise Richards at the controls of a Starship.... don't waste your time unless you are planning a flight in the near future and you want to be aware of something that wouldn't happen in a million years.
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Garbage.....Total garbage
syntory19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wow...i don't even know where to begin with this movie. Poor denise richards. From starship troopers to this?

The writing of the movie was just awful. Like it was written by a high school freshman. The dialogue was just one of the many things that made this movie unrealistic. I will be here all day trying to list everything that's wrong with this movie. So i'll just list a few major things I found wrong.

...................Spoilers ahead......................................

I guess the people who made the film didn't even bother to look into the reality of flight. When the plane first takes off in the beginning why does the pilot retract the landing gear after the plane is above the clouds? When dolph lundgren's character takes over the plane and announces a drop in cabin pressure why does the hijacking crew put on gas masks instead of oxygen masks? A gas mask wont help you if there's no oxygen. The "air marshall" character was the most useless of all. By the time it's revealed that he is on the take i found his character so annoying that it didn't matter to me that he was a bad guy.

There are also many unrealistic aspects of the decompression of the cabin. In reality, there is a limited amount of air in the cabin of a plane so if a door is ripped off it will only take seconds for the cabin to depressurize and everyone inside will lose consciousness and die soon after. So,at the end of the movie, how are all the characters inside of the cabin at high altitude still conscious after the door has been ripped off? They're not wearing oxygen masks so they should be dead.

Also how is it that the plane is being tracked by the same flight control tower throughout its entire flight?!

Also when the plane landed, in whoknowswhereland, after it was hijacked and denise richard's character is evacuating everyone off the plane via the rear slide, how are people not being hit with the jet blast from the engines that are running at take off speed?! And in order for an airplane to take off it has to reach speeds well over 100 mph so how are all the passengers sliding from the plane safely to the ground?

The producers of this film were just lazy. I've seen low budget films that were at least somewhat realistic but this......this was just sad.

This movie is so ridiculous that it will leave you begging the question: who in the production company saw this script and said,"YES! This will make a great movie!"? I'll bet somebody's getting fired!!
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I should have known...
soldout2jc4 July 2017
Once I watched the first 2 minutes of the movie and it was nothing but about 12 different production companies, I knew I was in for a terrible movie. I'm guess they all kicked in $10,000 each. As others have stated, there are huge issues with physics of the aircraft, and the acting is a notch below B movie. The script was highly predictable and fairly boring. Don't waste your time.
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Garbage as usual anything with Dolf
rob60215 May 2017
Denise Richards has the worst upside down smile ever when she isn't smiling. Showing her age badly. I love the parts in the movie when the passengers are on oxygen and the hijackers are wearing dust masks. Are audiences really that stupid these days? It really pisses us of that you think so. Just bad. Very very bad. B actors, Has been actresses. waste of a percentage of your life to sit through it.
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Gordon-I-Alive4 May 2017
How is it possible that over 300(!) people give this crappy film a 10 star rating? Jesus H. Christ! There must be a devoted fanbase for Lundgren out there, or the filmmakers forced the entire production crew plus family to give the film a good rating. Anyways, time will sort this out. I give this film a four, and I hope when I return next year the overall rating will be a 4. Jeez.
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cunabulalapidem-2697923 August 2020
Excellent thriller. Unpredictable storyline with epic acting. They do not make them like this one anymore. For some unknown reasons, trolls are out to thrash this work of cinematographic art.
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What an enjoyable load of rubbish.
russangel29 March 2017
It was a disaster really,but for some reason I just went with the flow and totally decided to get into the spirit of things and enjoyed it.Sometimes you have to think "This movie is bad",but is it possible to enjoy a bad movie?,Hell yes,put your feet up and chill out for an hour and a half and forget about life for a change,you may even enjoy it you never know.Denise Richards is still worth a look at least.
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Unintentionally amusing
Leofwine_draca18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
HIJACKED is a cheap B-movie thriller about a gang of criminals taking over a passenger plane and letting rip. It's a cheap, chaotic production, filled with bad humour and cheesy effects; some of the supporting performers are very wooden, as well as some of the leads, come to mention it. An aged Denise Richards is the closest thing this has to a protagonist; she plays a passenger drawn into a murky plot involving thieves, betrayal and Dolph Lundgren cameoing as one of the bad guys for a change. None of this is remotely possible to take seriously, and the fight scenes are particularly poorly staged, but it is rather amusing in an unintentional way.
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The worst movie I have ever seen
malikhawaja1813 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So I started to watch this movie in the hopes that there is an FBI agent and she is gonna take back the plane and was really psyched to watch an action thriller

I was disappointed when the movie ended, it had so many flaws even in acting and forget the script, at one point it was shown that the female villain was sat in the cockpit moving while a rough take-off and it was so clear that she was deliberately moving and no one laughs while a rough take-off,

The script was one of the worst scripts ever written as there were no catchy lines, the actor offering her millions of dollars, this shows how corrupt she was to not even check why he was offering so much money and started protecting him until all of the movie passed and he told her that he was a thief, so in the end it turns out that even the lead actress was a bad person too

At one point, they landed the plane, that runway where they landed seemed so fake.

As a sum up this movie was badly acted out, badly edited, and had an awful script, as someone said in the review that we don't know who thought that this was a good script to use it in a movie

Will not recommend to anyone and I can only say that you can watch an old 70s weird action thriller and the acting will be way better than this
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Too darn bad
Prismark1028 September 2017
Denise Richards plays an FBI hostage negotiator who is being banished to a desk job. On her flight she is upgraded after an altercation with an obese passenger and ends up sitting next to a charming Brit in first class. When the Brit sees Dolph Lundgren on the plane he offers Richards $50 million dollars to get him off the plane safely. Pretty soon the bad guys take over the plane.

Altitude AKA Hijack is a bad action film with a terrible script and mostly shot in the dark so you can hardly see a thing. It is low budget and low wattage action. An awful dog of a film.
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syntory got it right
mihael-6610216 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was horrible. The writing was even worse. Spoiler alert...really? I should have known it was going to be bad since Dolph Lundgren was part of the cast. Reality TV is better. The fact that I had to write more than 5 lines to write this review was tragic in and of itself. ......................................................
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You Must be Joking
mithril013-127 May 2017
One of the worst films I've seen in a while. Only started to watch it because of its rating however, I found it so bad and the bad language from Richards just too much to bare. The acting is doesn't even reach third rate and the scenario extremely predictable. I switched it off.....and if you have any sense you'll not bother with this utter trash.
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Dead on Arrival Due to Lack of Oxygen to the Brain (Anyone's Brain)
RJLee201730 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible spoilers) It pains me to admit that I watched this movie (okay, most of it). It also pains me to admit that Denise Richards is NOT the worst thing about this movie. For a while, she actually isn't too bad. Unfortunately, she isn't too great either.

There IS, in fact, a plot in this movie (unlike others of its ilk). However, without going into great detail, I came away from this movie with several unanswered questions:

1. Why are Denise Richards'cheekbones so pointy? Did she have that done deliberately? And why are they only pointy at certain angles? 2. Why is the female antagonist roughly 14 years old? 3. Why is Dolph Lundgren's character answering to her/apparently involved with her? 4. Again, because she's like, 14 years old? Am I the only one seeing this???? 5. Does Dolph Lundgren take Valium before he does these straight-to-DVD things, or what? 6.'Cause he seemed comatose for most of this movie. At least he was relaxed, right? 7. This movie needed snakes. Lots of them.

That's what I came away with. Spare yourselves ... take a different flight. Watch "Airplane!" again. Pray that this movie is someday used by MST3K! But don't waste your time or your money.

(On a side note: Lundgren's recent guest spin on "Arrow" shows that he's capable of far better things. Here's hoping "Aquaman" will make those things possible for him.)
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don't waste your time watching. *spoilers* i dont see how anyone can give these movie over 2 stars
mismerize16 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch this movie because i love Dolph but, um he is hardly in it and just makes a lot of facial expressions when he is. so uh, a group thugs/thieves hijack a plane because one of the partners in crime stole from them. lets see, could they of perhaps followed him from the plane and taken it. oh sorry logic. i don't understand why those type of masks the hired guns wore, served no purpose. and passengers jumping out of a moving plane over water, seriously. at that speed, they would be ripped apart. they did a lousy job of stunt woman and Denise. gosh i couldn't tell stunt or Denise. lol and the parachute scene, laughable. Denise Richards stellar acting (sarcasm), guess that's why she is only in b-movies eh so to sum it up, bad acting, stupid plot
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Same film ... different title
colinkhenry19 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Called 'hijacked' On RakutenTV

What can I say?

Very poor script Very poor acting Very poor special effects Well actually ..... very poor everything!

I guess it's what they call 'Straight to DVD' for sale in a £ shop :(
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A tense evening
mary-1259714 April 2017
This movie is not for those who cannot abide a flick with no unlikely incidents. This is not a documentary, so do not expect an explanation for everything you've never experienced on a flight. Just be thankful! This is a neat, tense action-packed thriller with humor, and real ass-kicking women -- again not something you've probably seen lately. That much more enjoyable for my friend and I who thoroughly enjoyed Denise Richards' performance. The story starts quickly and wastes no time getting to the point. The visual effects are believable and the dialog is both witty and humorous. While clearly not a big-budget movie, the stars give excellent performances, and the rest of the cast is solid. Again, my friend and I had a great time watching this and we would highly recommend it for a sheer romp through the air. Fun and Funny!
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I'll just say, you can easily find a better movie to watch
subxerogravity18 April 2017
So I was really siked to see this movie, but what I saw did not live up to my own hype.

An FBI agent is offered a lot of money to protect a criminal from plane hijackers. That's the basis form the summary. If you look at the poster you would think Dolph Lundren is the FBI agent and Denise Richards is the person that hired him.

That's how they get ya, but it's Richards as the FBI agent, down on her luck cause she got demoted for what her superior claims is her female emotion getting in the way of her job. Which is very unfair. If you watch the beginning of this film I've seen action heroes, including Lundren himself do far stupider things on the clock in other flicks and only end up having their boss tear them a new ass hole before putting them back on the streets. You could say it has something to do with the new era of realism going into this movie, but I don't. Dolph Lundren actually plays the plane hijacker(Barely, as his crew does most of the work and he seems to be there just to take up most of the poster with his big head).

Now, because the beginning of the flick tells the story of a hostage negotiator who screws up badly during her last mission, I kinda assumed that this movie would be about her trying to redeem herself. That would make sense as the hijackers she faces are not terrorist and their battle is not only about money but vengeance against the dude who took their money( The one who hired Richards to protect him(Who is not Chick Liddell by the way, another one who did little to nothing yet gets his big head on the poster). Instead the movie looks like that Liam Neeson joint from a few years back Non-Stop, only way way watered down, as it seems they spent most of their budget making that plane hanger look real (And paying to have Lundren do a few days of work so they can put his big ass head on that poster.).

As much as I'd like to tell you this was a great suspenseful action thriller with a woman at the helm I can only tell you it was a sloppy effort. Me personally, I don't see how hard it is to adjust from male lead to female lead in this type of movie, but from the looks of things, The film makers didn't have a clue on how.
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An Ed Woodian classic...
nickgessler11 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first few minutes I said, "This has got to be a satire." I was hooked, "What kind of movie is this?" The male flight attendant confirmed this first impression by dancing down the aisle singing, while passengers jeered and told him to shut up. Soft lighting on the female flight attendant, harsh lighting on the protagonist. Was the first a robotic Stepford Wife? The latter anorexic? Every few minutes another plot, dialog, continuity or prop error. What was going on? What kept my attention was anticipating the next jolting persistence of disbelief. "Look at that!" "It's pathetic!" "Who wrote, directed, DPed, lit the scenes and created the FX?" "Didn't anyone on the set notice?" I thought of Dolly Parton's words, "It takes a lot of money to look this cheap." The conversations with flight control were wrong and the flight controller's screens were of Los Angeles. The fights were clumsy. Others reviewers have listed the most egregious shots. I took delight in chalking up each fault. The final scene of the protagonists parachuting had me almost out of my seat: there they were, together at last, probably standing on the floor with harness and rope disappearing off the screen above. The ubiquitous fake snow flying (or was it sandpaper on a rotating drum) and yet they didn't sway one millimeter during their descent, if it was supposed to be a descent. They were as fixed as statues with the Himalayan alps silhouetted in the background. "It takes a lot of work to make a film this bad." A film this bad can make us all feel good...
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What. The. Hell.
puttaren16 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As I am writing this, Altitude has a 7.3 rating on IMDb. Either there is a database error or an army of trolls has been up-voting this movie for some reason.

It. was. bad.

So bad.

Dolph Lundgren should have been a clue. But the rating fooled me.

I cannot even begin to recount all the stupid things in the script, and I wonder if the writers have even been on a plane. Just the fact that Denise Richards character angrily yells at a passenger that he is in her seat. "My ticket says 44A". And he is in the window seat to the right of the aisle ...

Anyway. To sum up. Do not watch this movie. Unless you enjoy crap.
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Is seat numbering a spoiler?
ahmedf-hosny14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I knew it was going to be bad when Denise Richards tells the guy sitting in a window seat to the right of the aircraft that he's sitting in her seat 44A. A is ALWAYS the window seat on the left side of aircraft. If nobody bother to check or even notice this error, I knew the film was going to be interestingly very unrealistic.
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