Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016) Poster

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What is the point of this movie?
mbrooks-811 May 2016
Should there be a time limit for releasing a sequel? The original movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger came out in 1990, that's a quarter of a century ago, and now we have a sequel that doesn't even have Arnie it. What is the bloody point?

I'm not sure who the intended audience Kindergarten Cop 2 is, certainly not fans of the original, so my guess it's for little kids who like pee jokes and line dancing. Wait, do kids like line dancing? So if you want to see Dolph Lundgren get peed on, wear a cowboy hat and make out with someone a quarter of his age then this could be the film for you. If you are looking for an actual comedy check to see if the original one is on Netflix.

Note: The film even has the cliché angry boss who yells at our hero even though that stereotype had already been lampooned in The Last Action Hero back in 1993.
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Kindergarten Cop 2: Not nearly as bad as you'd imagine
Platypuschow20 September 2018
Of all the movies to make a sequel to, why Kindergarten cop? 26yrs after the original, to make a senseless sequel seems mindless especially if it'll have absolutely no connection to the original.

So once again an officer of the law finds himself posing as a teacher and bites off more than he can chrew all in an effort to get to the bottom of a case he's working on.

Essentially this could easily be considered a reboot, it's highly similiar to the original movie and again has NO connection to the Arnie 1990 original.

Sadly 26yrs later a lot has changed and moving with the times hasn't suited Kindergarten Cop 2 in the slightest. The original still had that late 80's goofiness about it, one of those films you could sit down with your kids and watch and they'd both enjoy it and not be subject to anything they shouldn't.

This sequel however is more modern, lacks that goofiness and in my opinion isn't family friendly. I'm not saying it's violent or sex filled, I'm simply saying it's not aimed at the tykes and they will neither enjoy nor understand much of it.

Take away from the fact it simply shouldn't exist and you have a film which is a lot better than you imagine, but still not very good.

The Good:

Aleks Paunovic

Harmless enough fun

The Bad:

Stock scream

Not as family friendly as the first

Paint by numbers stuff

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The FBI won't react to the code word to begin a raid until a person explains that it was a code word

Candy vending machines are bullet proof due to frustrated police officers shooting them

Being a decent person is "Liberal BS"

This movie actually managed to make living in a trailer appealing
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Another one
kosmasp20 October 2016
What to expect from a sequel like this? I think it reached the highest goal it could. It's a paycheck for all involved. Dolph can have some fun (the kids too of course), if you lower your expectations to very very low, you may be able to enjoy this to a degree too. It is what it is and even if some had a lot of fun with the original (which was filmed/released a long time ago), I doubt many were yearning for a sequel.

But that's how things work and if a title sounds familiar, investors are there and some people will watch it (guilty as charged, but I do watch almost anything as you can tell by my list of reviews ;o) ). So while I've seen worse (obviously), this is by the numbers ... You do the math (yes pun intended)
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A cheap imitation that fails at both comedy and drama.
nicodimus228 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While the original film was not exactly a cinematic masterpiece, it was an enjoyable movie for many different people. It worked because of Arnold's surprisingly excellent interaction with the kids. It had a balance of light-heartedness and seriousness as he flipped between his teaching job and his real job as an undercover cop looking for a witness. There were plenty of laughs, but when it was time to get serious, it actually did get intense and suspenseful.

This movie is such a disappointment. The people who made it seem to have watched the original movie, but had no idea why it worked. To begin with, the villains in this movie are actually portrayed as comic relief, rather than a real threat, which completely undermines any dramatic tension in the movie. You never once feel that the kids or Dolph is in any real danger, so there is zero suspense. Nothing is at stake. His partner embodies just about every racial stereotype under the sun, which is offensive and reeks of lazy screen writing. (I'd like to say the word 'screen writing' but IMDb is forcing me to make it two words. How ironic that a site 100% dedicated to film doesn't recognize that as a word.)

As much as I enjoy him in other films, Dolph seems like he's just kind of going through the motions doesn't seem like he's putting forth any effort to connect with the kids or seem overwhelmed...he just gets lots of finger paint on his shirt and calls it a day. He never acts like there is any danger during the action scenes, further undermining any suspense that the audience might feel. To be fair, the script is poor, so he doesn't have much to work with.

As I mentioned, the dramatic element is tossed straight out the window, making this a straight-up comedy. But, there's a problem. I don't know who would find this movie funny...maybe Adam Sandler fans? Larry The Cable Guy fans? There is a scene of a fat man getting his nuts zapped with a taser that lasts about a minute, so that should give you an idea of the level of humor that you're in for.
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Bizarre, undesirable sequel to 90s cult favourite
wellthatswhatithinkanyway14 December 2016
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Morning *** Friday Night ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

When a teacher is killed after stumbling upon sensitive information, FBI Agent Reed (Dolph Lundgren) is assigned to go undercover in a liberal, PC modern kindergarten, where his 'no pain no gain' philosophy makes him a far from ideal candidate for the role. Gradually, he forms a bond with the kids and pretty young teacher Olivia (Darla Taylor) and liaises with his partner Sanders (Bill Bellamy), but all the while, Zogu (Aleks Paunovic), the villainous Russian mobster behind the murder, lurks about.

It's never too late to make a sequel these days, even to a more modern audience who may not even have heard of the original. Or even if it happens to be some bizarrely low budget, straight to DVD Dolph Lundgren vehicle. This is a weird, unexplainable piece of work at best, but maybe most so for Dolph. Things were looking on the up for him recently, with the well received Skin Trade signalling a return to the sort of slam bang, unpretentious entertainment he was known for. You're left to wonder what his motives for making this were: trying to show a lighter, fuzzier side to his repertoire, even if it's all little heard of, straight to DVD fodder?

The original was one of two films Arnold Schwarzenegger made to try and show a lighter version of himself, and it's been confirmed he's appearing in a sequel himself to the other one of those films, so you're left to wonder if he thought the follow up to this had lesser box office potential. Even so, many will feel he brought something to the original role that couldn't be recreated by anyone else, and it's true Dolph doesn't feel at home as much here, lacking Arnie's madcap spirit in the first film. He's joined by Paunovic's typical Russian villain, Bellamy's stereotypical black partner and Taylor as a worryingly younger love interest.

This is just an all round beguiling project. How did it come up? Who thought it would be a good idea? What was anyone trying to achieve with it? Why did it get made? *
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Who Thought This Was A Good Idea?
jeremycrimsonfox28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Kindergarten Cop 2 is another in the long line of films that serve as sequels to movies released long ago, skip theaters and are direct to video, and basically serve as nothing more than a studio's shameless attempt to make a quick buck off a classic film.

While they do use a new plot and cast, a lot of jokes and scenes are taken from the first film, with some changes. The school is basically liberal and PC, as one scene has Agent Sanders telling Zack about how time outs are so 90's and Indian Style is now Crisscross Applesauce. This sounds like a school I would not send my kids to, if I had kids.

And yes, this film is not for kids. Then again, the first film had its fair share of content inappropriate for younger audiences. One kid talks about his sister, which I will repeat because it is something little kids should not know about, and the freak out scene has one of the kids urinating in a barrel in the classroom, which is something the real FBI would bust someone for watching nowadays. And the climax is morally flawed, as it has Zack use a Twix bar to signal the kids to attack the main villain and his henchman with logs. Yeah, have kids use logs to attack two men who are wielding handguns. Yeah, way to put the kids in a dangerous situation.

Kindergarten Cop 2 is nothing more than a disgrace to the original, and being released 26 years after the original, I believe it should not have been made in the first place. I recommend watching the first movie instead.
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A disgrace & dishonor to the first movie!
mw087517 July 2020
The first Kindergarten Cop film was what we would call today a classic. It had a great story line, which plot was certainly a true reflection on what the characters showed would be what some of us would experience in real life. It was funny and had the appropriate amount of drama and serious scenes that put you on the edge of your seat. Everyone in this film (Schwarzenegger, Penelope Ann Miller, Richard Tyson, Pamela Reed, Linda Hunt, Carroll Baker) did a phenomenal job, as well as the kids!

This sequel, unfortunately, is a joke. I tried finishing it, but I just couldn't because it was too painful. It was a serious poor attempt to entertain the audience. It lacked almost everything the first film delivered. The only thing that kept this movie from being rated a 1 out of 10 was the kids; that. was. it!

Also... how does the sequel get special features (iTunes Extras) on iTunes but the original doesn't??
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Generic and Bland - Straight to Video Programmer
Man9920421 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There is one thing radically wrong with this movie - Dolph Lundgren.

I know it will seem shallow and superficial to comment on a character's make up - but Lundgren's make up was so bad, so incredibly bad, that it overwhelmed the already light story line. All I could think about were the incredibly deep facial wrinkles which made him look like a human Sharpei. At age 58 Lundgren is now a generation too old to have played this character successfully.

Aside from Lundgren, this was a generic straight to video movie. There is not one new or innovative idea in the entire film. Cardboard characters and standard settings.

The child actors in this movie had their moments, but they mostly came across as "hyperactive' rather than "cute". The rest of the cast is so bland that you will forget who they were half an hour after the movie.
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When You're Trying to Can But You Can't Even
RJLee20179 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
* mild spoilers?* First, I give Dolph Lundgren full credit for trying. I like the guy, I really do ... but this movie DOES NOT WORK.

The good: Bill Bellamy isn't terrible.

The kids are fairly cute.

The bad: Everything else.

This movie lacks the charm, fun and comic touches that worked in the original, never mind that the original wasn't hurting for a sequel. I tried to like it ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Save yourselves & just watch the original!
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decent enough
disdressed1229 September 2016
I went into this movie with low expectations.i picked it up for a very low price.however,i have to say,it's actually not a bad movie.i chuckled more than a few times,and laughed out loud two or three's a pleasant enough diversion.Dolph Lundgren plays the main role here,and he is pretty good in the role.he handles the comedic bits pretty well.Bill Bellamy plays his partner,and is also good.but Danny Watley is very funny as their overbearing,always shouting boss,as is Michael P.Northey as the somewhat dim witted,clueless's a decent movie,especially if you keep your expectations low.i would recommend it for a watch.Kindergarten Cop 2 is a 6/10
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Dolph Shines in this Cute Sequel!
namashi_19 June 2016
A sequel to the 1990 comedy film Kindergarten Cop starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, 'Kindergarten Cop 2' is a surprising sequel by all means. I mean, its been over 26 years since the first one released. A sequel, that too without Arnie being there, is risk.

But this is a direct-to-DVD film & to its luck, Dolph Lundgren is a fine new hero. He shines in the Cute Sequel!

'Kindergarten Cop 2' Synopsis: Assigned to recover sensitive stolen data, a gruff FBI agent goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher, but the school's liberal, politically correct environment is more than he bargained for.

'Kindergarten Cop 2' is simple film, that doesn't aim for any form of greatness. And hence, the narrative works. No, some of the jokes are silly & even some of the sub-plots, aren't sharp. But its Dolph's performance that makes most of it work. He's game here & gleefully plays the big-guy with a soft heart. If not for him, maybe this sequel would've fallen flat on its face.

Final Word? 'Kindergarten Cop 2' is fair watch.
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It probably could've been better, but...
backup-5036216 November 2021
You know what, it's good, light-hearted comedy. Dolph was way capable of carrying this movie, and the supporting cast was great too.

Sure, I wish it went deeper into his connection with the kids, their parents, perhaps more and better jokes, but overall, this movie wasn't as toxic as most movies nowadays.

So it's a breath of fresh air, a lighthearted comedy that's suitable for everyone (meaning there's no real violence or swearing).
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It's not a Two-mor.......
FlashCallahan11 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The original was a high concept, because it had the biggest action star against toddlers who would utter the names of female appendages without a moments notice.

The plot played second fiddle to Arnie Screaming at the children, and eventually bonding with was hilarious when I was fourteen.

Forward 25 years, and some bright spark has decided to make a sequel, or what I like to call, put all the bits that were memorable from the first movie, put them in the narrative of this one, and see what happens.

It's a clever move, because the people who enjoyed the film back then, have children, and I'm guessing its a safe bet, as it's nothing more than a carbon copy.

The plot, if you would call it one, involves grizzled FBI agent Lundgren pretending to be a Kindergarten teacher to find a flash drive that could potentially put a very naughty gangster away for a long time.

And it's your basic formulaic rehash. He's a loner who lives by water who exercises outside, the children are both lovable and slappable at the same time. And to begging with, they run rings around him........quite literally.

Then we have a young boy say the female appendage without warning, a girl needs to pee, and instead of a ferret, there's a stalking pig.

And we even have a repeat of the after who could be abusing his daughter. But instead of Arnie beating ten bells out of him, Lundgren says he will ask around for a job.

Oh the sharing, caring, noughties.

But it's not the disaster you would expect it to be.

Lundgren puts in a decent performance, his partner has the funniest line in the film regarding ethnicity and being shot first.

And it all finishes with a big smile on everybody's face, and the comedy fat man getting a taser to the nether regions.

It's not going to win any awards, but it's clever enough not to try and be anything different to the original.

Can't wait for the sequel to Junior starring Steven Seagal called Junior too.

At least they'd save money on a fat suit....
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Same movie
BandSAboutMovies24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don Michael Paul has made a ton of sequels like Jarhead 2: Field of Fire, Sniper: Legacy, Tremors 5: Bloodlines, Sniper: Ghost Shooter, Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell, Death Race: Beyond Anarchy, The Scorpion King: Book of Souls, Jarhead: Law of Return, Bulletproof 2 and Tremors: Shrieker Island.

So if Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't want to be Detective John Kimble anymore, I guess you get Dolph Lundgren to be an FBI agent, team him with Bill Bellamy and just make the entire movie over again.

At one point in his life, writer David H. Steinberg served as editor-in-chief of the Duke University law review. This prepped him for writing American Pie Presents: The Book of Love I guess. We can all agree that making sequels is more fun than being a lawyer.

But seriously: This is the same movie, minus the tumor line, in a fancier school, with Dolph in it. I really can't believe that this was made and that anyone outside of me would watch it. Perhaps by reading this, I've sated your curiosity. I know that you lay awake at night with all of the unanswered questions that Kindergarten Cop left you with.
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It's Not Horrid but It Is Rather Pointless
Michael_Elliott29 May 2016
Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016)

** (out of 4)

Twenty-six years after the original film we're finally given a "sequel" and this time it's Dolph Lundgren playing FBI Agent Reed. He's trying to put an infamous crime boss in prison but a hacker has stolen a file that tells the location of everyone in the Witness Protection Program. It turns out that the information in located on a file at a Seattle school so the agent must go undercover to try and locate it.

KINDERGARTEN COP 2 is a film that no one really asked for. Well, they did ask for a sequel to the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie about twenty years ago but this thing here isn't that. In fact, I'm not really sure why they put a "2" at the end of the title because the original film is never mentioned and for the most part his is basically just a remake. While the film isn't horrid, the thing certainly isn't good and I'd argue that in the end it's quite pointless.

Whereas the first film was somewhat uneven in regards to its sometime dark tone and sometimes comic tone, there's no doubt about this film in regards to it being aimed for children. The violence is pretty much tamed down and the majority of the jokes are aimed at children. This is certainly a movie that parents could watch with their young kids as the filmmakers were going for that type of movie. There's nothing wrong with that but the problem is that this comedy contains very few laughs.

Another major problem is that none of the characters are all that likable. The kid's don't have any personalities and I thought all of them lacked any sort of chemistry with Lundgren. As for the action star, he gives an okay performance here but his comic timing just isn't where it's needed to be. He does have some funny stuff with Bill Bellamy but this too starts to get watered down as the picture moves along.

KINDERGARTEN COP 2 isn't horrible but there's really no point of the movie being made.
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Another lousy "remake".
lbournelos3 October 2021
For keeping civilization at a good level, this "remake" business must be considered as murder of first degree and punished accordingly.
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Watchable & entertaining but nowhere close to being as good as the original. Another sequel that leaves you asking why
cosmo_tiger12 May 2016
"They're children. I can handle this." Agents Reed (Lundgren) and Sanders (Bellamy) are trying to find a stolen list of names. When the owner winds up dead they only have one lead, he was a teacher. With no other option Agent Reed goes under cover as a teacher in the school in hopes to find the list before more people wind up dead. The original is a borderline classic and is still funny and enjoyable to watch today. It was strange at first to see Schwarzenegger in a comedic role but his timing was great and it really worked. That's one thing this was lacking. This is really Lundgren's first real acting role, and he comes off as stiff and forced. The comic relief is left to Bill Bellamy and the supporting cast. The movie is watchable and entertaining enough but does nothing to add to the original and is a straight to video movie that should have been second guessed. Overall, watchable and entertaining but is nowhere close to being as good as the original. Another sequel that leaves you asking why this was made. I give it a C.
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Kindergarten Cop 2
Prismark1026 October 2023
Kindergarten Cop 2 is an unnecessary sequel to a movie that came out almost a quarter of a century earlier.

Dolph Lundgren takes over from Arnie. He plays FBI Agent Reed who goes undercover at a school to recover a flash drive that contains the name of people on FBI witness protection. He needs to recover it before a Russian baddie called Zogu.

Reed has no experience with kids so he has to rely on his partner Sanders help out. Reed also has little time on how kids are taught in modern politically correct ways.

Over time Reed bonds with the kindergarten kids as he learns how to connect with them. Reed also falls for a teacher at the school.

The movie is straight to streaming fodder. The script is weak. Lundgren can be a good actor but is served with slim pickens here.

At least Lungren realises that is good to do light comedy in your older years when the old bones start to creak.
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dtdenver-987-9255461 March 2019
Lundgren was 60 years old when he made this. Sure - in good shape, as the preening workout scene portrayed. That doesn't make his drooling over girls young enough to be his granddaughters any less disgusting. He's completely clueless about the times we live in, which makes his confused face look even older. I shut this off at the line dancing and mechanical bull. Seriously - Urban Cowboy from 1980? Young people would think it's retro hip but in this case it's probably the last cool thing the guy did - 35 years ago.
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Severely disappointing, if you're a fan of the original (or good movies in general).
Hellmant3 June 2016
'KINDERGARTEN COP 2': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A sequel to the 1990 hit action-comedy flick 'KINDERGARTEN COP' (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, and directed by Ivan Reitman). This followup is more of a remake, than a sequel, and it stars Dolph Lundgren, as a new character (an FBI agent named Agent Reed). The film was directed by Don Michael Paul (who also helmed such other B- movies as 'HALF PAST DEAD', 'LAKE PLACID: THE FINAL CHAPTER', 'JARHEAD 2: FIELD OF FIRE' and 'TREMORS 5: BLOODLINES') and it was written by David H. Steinberg (who also wrote other B-comedy flicks, like 'SLACKERS' and 'AMERICAN PIE PRESENTS BOOK OF LOVE'). The movie costars Bill Bellamy, Darla Taylor, Fiona Vroom and Aleks Paunovic. The film is severely disappointing, if you're a fan of the original (or good movies in general).

Agent Reed (Lundgren) is a very conservative, and dedicated (but slightly crazy), FBI agent. Agent Sanders (Bellamy) is his more rational, and by the book, partner. The two must infiltrate a kindergarten class, on a new assignment, in order to find an important flash drive. Due to the fact that the students there already know who Sanders is, from previously being interviewed by him, Reed must pose as a kindergarten teacher. The modern, and very politically correct, school environment presents a huge challenge for Reed (and his old school ways).

The film is adequately directed (for what it is), and decently acted, but it's not funny. The jokes are painful to watch at times, and the whole movie just seems pointless. Maybe the original film would feel the same way, if I actually went back and watched it again, but I did love it when I was a kid. Lundgren is at least likable in the lead; although not nearly as much so, as Schwarzenegger was.

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a sequal we didn't need, but i'm kinda glad it exists
LetsReviewThat2621 August 2022
Sure its not the same film without arnie. And really the film could've been called something different like dalph day care but still it was enjoyable. The script with bismal and a bit chessy. The acting in some cases was not there but the kid actors were fun enough. Dolph was fun as always and the rest of the cast were ok. The plot was a little meh but still a fun watch even if not really a true sequal.
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Acting is atrocious
emmaxxj19 August 2022
The acting is very poor throughout and makes the film difficult to watch, the children's acting is much better.

Such a shame as it could have been good film with the story line.
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Beserkerdude25 August 2022
The actor who played Dolph's supervisor at FBI is the worst actor have ever seen, was he playing as a parody? Bellamy is wasted, BUT, I loved this movie, its jabs at woke culture was priceless and Darla Taylor was a bit young for Dolph , but her lipstick game was subtle and strong. Just a lot of fun.
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Watch this with your child? NO!
hi_im_manic16 August 2016
Within the 20 minutes of viewing this movie both I and my companion agreed that this is most definitely not a kiddy movie, unlike the first one. We'd never let a child under 13 view it (cussing, sexuality, et al). Strangely, things started more adult and ended up on a total G audience note. Usually it's the opposite. This is no big Hollywood production, it's B class, but it undeniably fun to watch. Dolph isn't Schwarzenegger, but he delivers the same sort of cluelessness. Much of the same old plot was pulled from the original Kindergarten Cop, but there were more spins, a different lead, and very different kids, VERY!

These are kind of kids whose parents pay $50k-year so that they can have "advantaged" children. The type of offspring who'll have a weakly convincing panic attack if someone even mentions 'Gluten' or uses regular plastic. I found this gross and unreal.

If children like this actually exist... I quit life.

If you haven't seen the first one, absolutely skip this. You're better off trying to suffocate yourself using a hairdryer. If you've seen the first however, and enjoyed it, then you'll probably be amused but not enthused at this extremely late follow-up.
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Hate me for saying it, but i watched number 2 liked it!!!
Yazza0208 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Before i start i must add, i watched the whole movie with the sound out of sync. Don't ask

The first 2 minutes are so intense yet so cliché, some would argue and say fake but I disagree. Old mate Dolph Lundgren as Agent Reed the FBI agent, what a life. Twist after twist, as stupid as it may seem. The brilliance of what could've been is portrayed so well, really taking it to the next level of sequels. Integrating modern day elements into the movie, in the form of a hypersensitive allergy to Dolphy's PB&J sandwich. After getting pied on, he finds the help of a pretty looking teacher that helps him out and the love story begins.

My favourite part of the movie is when Dolph gets asked how he stays in such good shape, Dolph replies so you think i'm in good shape... Let me show you how i stay in shape. Boom!! line dancing in a barn decorated with a mechanical bull and people wearing cowboy hats. When you think this movie can't get any better, it does. Dolph somehow recognises that one of his students is the victim of domestic violence, he talks to her dad and shares his own personal story which makes her dad see the light. Look, i could go on but I don't want to spoil the ending. All I can say about this movie is that under the circumstances the story actually grew on me, I weirdly enjoyed it.
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