Rebirth (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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Still wondering if it was meant seriously or sarcastically.
peterp-450-29871622 May 2018
Hey, you still have the Manifesto? The what? The Manifesto, man. Don't tell me you threw it away.

"Rebirth" is a psychological thriller of the Netflix collection. I certainly won't deny that I have become a fervent supporter of the Netflix Originals series. I've seen already some great movies ("Spectral", "iBoy", "Before I Wake" and "Message from the king"). And also some less successful experiments ("Mute" and "Death note" eg). "Rebirth" is a special case and ends somewhere in the middle. In essence, it's not such a bad movie, but there were certain aspects that made me really hate it. Some will even find it an annoying film. I still don't know whether I should take this film seriously or not. If it was meant to be serious and tried to create an image of how similar organizations function, then it was rather frightening. If, however, it was meant to be satirical, I guess I haven't noticed it then. For me it wasn't really funny.

For Kyle (Fran "The Living" Kranz) every day is a duplicate of the previous day. He can be seen as a settled and satisfied model citizen who carries out his day-to-day job. This seemingly carefree existence is thoroughly shaken up the day his crazy, hyper-kinetic ex-school friend Zack (Adam "Once upon a time in Venice" Goldberg) turns up in Kyle's office and reminds him that they once wrote down a promise. A "Manifesto" with one important slogan : "Don't be boring". And that's something Kyle, after agreeing to go to some bizarre reorientation weekend, is told several times. Unfortunately, "Rebirth" turned out to be somewhat boring with a disappointing final piece.

Fran Kranz convincingly plays the confused and panicky Kyle, who sees his smooth going civilian life reduced to a chaotic, uncontrollable nightmare. It's obvious the propagated message of the "Rebirth" program is all about self-control. "Rebirth" is about getting a grip on yourself and not apathetically following the course of the system (as zombies). According to Zack, it's all about rediscovering yourself and start loving life back again. The only thing Kyle seems to experience is that it's an insane and degrading program. The fact that Zack looks as if he has eaten too many psychedelic mushrooms, doesn't seem to help him either.

To be honest, the film really got on my nerves at certain moments. For example, there is the dazzlingly handsome Naomi (Nicky Whelan) who has the annoying habit of answering every question with a question. It was driving me crazy. The exaggerated group events also felt like a sort of mass hysteria. And it became a bit too predictable when Kyle ended up in a pillow-filled room with a couple lovely, very tasty looking women whose sex lives are clearly as exhilarating as watching a chess game. It looked like a hippie commune. It also felt rather surreal and unearthly.

As I said before, specially the end is disappointing. Initially, you see an organization trying to recruit members by means of brainwashing and psychological pressure. I admit it was intriguing. But in the end it felt incomplete. Perhaps also due to the lack of any explanation. Initially, "Rebirth" looked like a sort of sect, full of esoteric ideas and dogmas, with the aim of allowing the participants to experience a rebirth in which all connections with their inculcating, self-centered living environment are cut. It wants to hold an imaginary mirror up to them and show that the participants are living in an artificial world controlled by others. That they are puppets in a social puppet theater where others pull the strings. Or also, an artificial bubble that you don't want to pierce because of the comfort, their acquired status and financial security. Afterwards, it seems to be nothing else than a cheap sales organization of food products, which they try to sell through networking at well-organized home parties. In the end it felt like I had just attended a Tupperware demonstration.
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Good, but flawed
welsh_dragon_roar16 July 2016
This gets an average rating. The plot was extremely good, great acting and there was a wonderful claustrophobic feel to it. Unfortunately, as compelling as it was, the pacing was all off, and I found myself getting bored about three-quarters of the way through. It almost felt as if it could have been an hour long and much more satisfying.

As mentioned though, the acting was really good, and there was some real talent on show; I would hope that some of the names in the film go on to bigger things as the characterisations were fantastic.

It's definitely worth your while to watch it if you've already got Netflix, but beyond that I'm not really sure of its place in cinematic history.
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zebassl22 July 2016
This has got to be the strangest film, I've ever seen. However, in this particular case I am not sure that's a good thing. Throughout the movie, you don't really know what's happening which is usually a good aspect. At first, it seemed promising but it ends in an unexpected way. I would say the plot was decent, creative in a way, but the execution was mediocre. I was expecting something entirely different. The ending sucked A LOT, it was unpredictable in a bad way. The downside for me was the way the film ended. You could connect with the movie at some points. The start is pretty good, it shows a promising film. It was such a weird movie that it made me write a review, something that I never do.
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A Movie that Needs to Decide What It Wants to Be
skyemail-7975521 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
We were all once young, idealistic, and a notion of what we wanted out of adulthood. We settle for employment that isn't really what we wanted and we learn what we need to pretend to be to be successful at a job, especially once promoted. Then the kids come. We wake up one day to realize that we are no longer pretended to be a strict supervisor focused on productivity but have actually turned into that person. At some point we feel inside that we've sold out and a correction is needed. And then comes the often ridiculed but essentially needed mid-life crisis where we get back on track (having dutifully waited for the children to be old enough to fend for themselves).

However, some never question what they have become which are basically people pleasers. Our protagonist is forced into realization by an old college friend who kept his Manifesto of how he saw life and the goals he wished to achieve and basically wrangles our protagonist into a weekend seminar. And like all people pleasers, he asks for his boundaries, if he's in the right room, and doesn't understand when some people are mean to him.

I like story lines where average people are forced into extraordinary circumstances and rise to the occasion. And part was hard to watch, especially that blond girl who always answered a question with a question. She was stopped just in the nick of time as I almost quit watching because of her. She was necessary but that didn't make it easier to watch.

I think what weakened the film was that the group did not essentially succeed in waking our guy up, blackmail rather defeats the effectiveness of the program. It should not be needed. And the whole "product" usage was strange as well. Was this just a strange initiation into a pyramid scheme? Was this truly to wake up people from being zombies? Has our hero truly changed or is he just being exploited by a new boss/company? The rooms with sexual things going on also confused the point of the film, where no really should mean no. Yet obviously a group who would trick people into attending would have no problem with carefully manipulated seduction of a sexual manner.

The strength of the film is that it is thought provoking. It provoked a review which I do not usually do. It made observations about society, big business, and how so many go through through life in a prescribed way never living out their dreams. It's not a movie that I'd wholehearted endorse, but one I'd recommend to another if I had an indication that they'd like the subject matter. It's a thinking person's film, not lighthearted entertainment. It's ending was weak, having peaked in a very well executed scene where our hero seems to deal with the situation very appropriately, having pleased his last person . . . only to be thwarted once again and giving in. Maybe. Maybe the clues were there all along as he was told by others, "I had to take the seminar several times." Maybe like Fight Club, one becomes addicted to the fight and the adrenaline rushes. Who knows? Like I said, this film is very thought provoking, just muddy as to what the goal of the organization really about. I would have liked to see that eliminated and the scenes not conducive to the ending omitted.
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Had potential, but ultimately the execution is flawed
brendan-821-65485517 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that you get to the end of, and you just know that a lot of people are going to be too scared to admit what they really thought of it, and so instead they're going to start suggesting it's a clever art piece.

It could have been so much better, but the execution is ultimately flawed.

Firstly, the entire plot is reliant on a Machiavellian plan that is so complex that even the Emperor Palpatine would consider it above his pay grade of nefarious scheming.

If it's a piece of pointed satire (presumably the target is Amway) it seems like a rather confused and dishonest way of satirising the cult-like behaviour of a certain direct marketing company - they've mixed honest satirisation in with dishonest and far fetched absurdity.

If it's meant to be a more general artistic commentary about modern life and the modern search for meaning, then it's even weaker - the development of those themes is barely even present, let alone brought to completion, and the entire premise relies on a bizarre act of blackmail to be achieved (hardly the stuff of an honest and sincere examination of the modern search for meaning.)

There is definitely the genesis of a good idea here, but the final product is totally lacking in depth and clarity of vision, and as a result you walk away feeling like you've just been subjected to a technically well made film school project that's more about showcasing set pieces rather than telling a compelling story or presenting a particularly believable and engaging narrative.

The acting is great, but other than that, it's not a particularly good or memorable film - certainly not something I'd re-watch or recommend to anyone.
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Just opened an account on IMDb to write this review. I guess that's "Rebirth"
ranjan-thangjam18 July 2016
Why in god's name would somebody put money and their careers into making this movie? Why? Why? Why?

This movie is not Rebirth. It is D E A T H !

Do not watch this. Go spend time with your wife. Cry over your dead relatives. Go for a meaningless night out.

I don't want to write further.

But IMDb needs a minimum of 10 lines of text.

This is line no 9.

PS. Just opened an account on IMDb to write this review. I guess that's "Rebirth"
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A Waste of Time
robtaday17 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am so tired of films showcasing otherwise successful people (men in particular) who are so damned weak emotionally. Here you have the classic old pal comes back after years (army buddy, college roomie, etc.) and the old plot to come on man, let's live a little - whatever happened to that wild man I knew, etc.?

Why would this guy fall for this? The only clue given is that his wife apparently feels the need to go off on "girls' retreats"????? So, hey, why not? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Worse than a teen camp slasher movie where you hope and pray the little idiots get slaughtered.

If I say I want to go home, then I am going home. If I say I have had enough, then I have had enough. Period. Locked doors, no phone reception, torture(?) and still you stick around?

You come home to find your house has been completely redone: where the hell was your wife? You have just "escaped" this madness and yet you punk out when you find your torturer in your tub in a bubble bath and you STILL don't throw him out!

Blackmail? On what basis?

I don't know. By the end I thought it was supposed to mock Tom Cruise and the whole Scientology thing. But then, they come in with the products angle, which also made no sense whatsoever. Why anyone would need to go through that to sell laundry soap is beyond me.

Again, another weak dude film. Yuk.
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Bonkers, but enjoyable
Sleepin_Dragon7 November 2018
Rebirth is one of those movies I confess to enjoying, but I genuinely didn't have a clue what was going on. It was trippy, gripping, and just plain bonkers. It was disturbing, but did tell a good story, how we're incredibly materialistic as a society, and how we're all totally reliant on our phones. The film had a slightly odd homo erotic feel about it I thought. Very well acted, Fran Kranz and Adam Goldberg were excellent.

It's a film you could easily dismiss, saying it makes no sense, but it's actually well written, and neatly crafted. I loved the 'not a cult' theme that ran through it.

Marketing will be the death of us all!

Enjoyed it, 7/10
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"a nightmare with no escape"
dee_lee23 July 2016
I thought it might be worthwhile watching. As it began, I thought it had potential to be, maybe not great, but an okay thriller. Stuck with it. Wanted to turn it off, but stuck with it (thought it had to get better, there must be some great surprise coming).

Well, there's 1 hour, 40 minutes and 27 seconds I'll never get back. SO bad, so very very bad.

There it is, right at the top of the Netflix screen, NETFLIX ORIGINAL. Sucked me in, tempted me to watch it--Netflix original, probably good, right? HA!

Yes, it definitely is a nightmare--but there IS an escape. Don't start watching. If you do start to watch, and think it will get better, it won't. Turn it off. End the nightmare that is "Rebirth".
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Satyrical and Interesting, and Ultimately Scary
tdwillis-2627331 May 2017
First the technical aspects of this film. The acting was very well done. The cinematography and camera use,lighting, editing...all on Hollywood big budget level. The score/sound effects as well. The story , as others have already mentioned, very similar to "The Game" with Michael Douglas (Just happens to be one of my all time favorite thriller movies ever) So, the PREMISE is not new. But I don't hold it against a film. Was there plot holes? Yes. I tend to be analytical and notice things like that, but as I've grown older I have also learned to quiet my brain to suspend belief enough to enjoy what the point is, when it is presented. (I don't nit pik as much)

What is NEW, compared to the movie "The Game", is this is a little more personal with less action. A little more in depth with the character facing his pre conceived ideas about himself and the world around him. In my opinion, that's always an interesting process to watch. I was also tickled to see the humor/satire injected into this movie, that "The Game" didn't have. The ending is super. And scared the crap outta me.
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What the he'll did I just watch..
andrewgrgtwn22 July 2018
Was intrigued by the movie but didn't enjoy it, my wife hated it..

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Finally, a movie about AmWay
saintutzman24 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was a part of AmWay and AdvoCare. So tragically, I understand how this movie works all too well. Possible spoiler alert? The mind games. The backwards questions. Sex with strangers at conventions. Ridiculous anti- cult propaganda that, in fact, makes it more or a cult. Songs written specifically about the brand name. The chants. The appeal to psychology, meditation, and religious themes. The passive aggressive condescension. This is in the real world, believe it or not. I saw a lot of bad reviews, mostly by people who state clearly they don't understand the connections they are seeing. Watch this movie (again if you must) as if you're watching a dramatic biography of a network marketing scheme gone bad, i.e. AmWay, AdvoCare. I'm still in network marketing, but for myself, not these inane cult - like engines. This movie highlights the worst of it so well, it's fantastic. Also, good acting and story telling. I enjoyed it immensely. I hope you do too.
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Slightly above average, good potential misused...
TimOuw23 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this film more than I rated it, a slight 6.

The concept appealed to me: The protagonist is surrounded by abstract situations and aberrant behaving people while they, by contrast, experience everything as being ordinary. Only the protagonist seems to have problems with the conduct of his antagonists and we must watch it, frustratingly. There are not many good films doing this so I gave it a shot.

The film makes it seem as if all the people surrounding the protagonist conspire against him, in some sort of illicit plot to brainwash him. It reminded me of 'The Game' by David Fincher, however, Michael Douglas is way more convincing. In 'The Game' Michael Douglas plays a real emotionally strong character and we witness him breaking down. 'Rebirth' starts off with a real insecure and somewhat awkward main character and this is in my perspective one of it's flaws. There is not much character to break down, the protagonist already seems to be too unable to cope with his changing environment. I mean, you notice this in the opening of the film. You are already watching a guy who is emotionally unstable. So you might think that he might gain some character but this is a disappointing thought.

Of course, why not have an emotionally weak character if it's played well and fits in the overall concept? The performance of Fran Kranz was likable, at some point flavored with humor when it needed to be but it just didn't nail it for me. In two or more situations I really felt I would have reacted differently to the situation, making his insecurity unbelievable to me, on the edge of annoying. His frantic attempt to exit, or rather escape the building, resulting in an endless trip through hallways was really unbelievable to me. He couldn't find the exit and just leave? While being totally sober? Come on... There are so much films doing this better, the sense of claustrophobia or being lost in some place: Fear-X, Into the Void, Psych9, Stay, Limitless whatever. So the whole concept of him trying to escape the building is not conveyed at all while they do show it on screen.It seemed to me that the whole voyage through the building and it's rooms and characters were almost a trip through his mind, or for that matter, the writers mind. The film unfortunately lacked a necessary amount of symbolism to support this.

When disappointment started to emerge the film avoided to become vulgar and cheap and that made me watch it to the end. It started off with so much potential, it was somewhat curious to see it all unfold. The scene in the beginning of the film where they remove the blindfolds had this 'Fight Club' kind of feel about it and really felt genuine. Again, a Fincher title where the film seems to be inspired by. While he is picked on by the leader of the group and used as an example of a rookie, he is drawn away by the attractive blonde. I found this somewhat strange, as the room was really tumultuous. Her voice being very soft made it seem it was only audible to the main character Kyle through the uproar of the audience. This emphasized the 'mind game' what was going on, but as mentioned before, the film does not back this up enough to make it palpable.

The scene where he is hit and emotionally abused by the, presumably, psychologist was really unbelievable to me. I would go along with the mind games of this 'Rebirth' program to some extent, but this was way too belligerent and hostile for me to just stand there. I would have absolutely tried to defend myself.

Towards the end it appears the people behind the 'Rebirth' program stole his identity and bank account information, blackmailing him to do, well, I really did not get to do what. It felt cheap to me, the film didn't need this at all, I needed a more abstract solution to this all. In 'The Game' the protagonist also is led to believe he is bankrupt, but there it's way more significant and convincing.

The film ends with Kyle suddenly being totally integrated in the 'Rebirth' program, somehow as a full fledged member and promoting the whole program. This felt as a unnatural transition and seemed redundant to me; maybe to give some kind of mocking criticism to cults, like Scientology, but it didn't convince me enough. I found the ending not satisfying. It seemed totally misguided here, or maybe it's just me and am I missing something. Still considering a second viewing.

The atmosphere of the film stayed fresh enough, I liked the tension and cinematography and this kept me going, but in the end, slightly above average, considering what could have been done with the concept.
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Run away. Run away now.
labng24 September 2019
This is the most annoying movie I have ever watched in my life. It will make you understand how Elvis could shoot his TV. An hour and 40 minutes of my life that I will never get back.
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I really really hated this movie.
fire_hart17 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was the most massive waste of time, I could not even watch the whole thing, I bailed out after about an hour and wish I had done so sooner. I wanted to slap every character in it because they were all so stupid. Watching a train wreak would less annoying. It is one of those movies that you keep watching because you think it will get better. I doesn't. The main character gets caught up in a cult like hippie dippie sort of group that keeps saying "breath" and apparently thinks orgies are going to "free their soul" or some such BS. They keep answering the lead characters questions with questions so you never really know what the point of the whole thing is. I encourage you to find something else more entertaining to do, like clean the bathroom or something.
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bod_boglarka4 January 2019
This movie made me hate this planet. Total waste of time I whis I would have cut my nails instead of watching this movie !
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Can anyone tell me...
kizzie_nikita14 April 2022
Can anyone tell me what I just watched?

I loved the plot, well the thought of the plot, but am I missing something? I'm certainly not stupid, but the last half of the movie left me more confused than ever.

The end?
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I'm sorry but...
tigerbonewan14 January 2018
How many movies do we need, with the 'only in a movie' plot of some poor dumb schmuck ALLOWING himself to be subjected to endless UNCONVINCING mind games throughout? The viewer is set up with the idea that the schmuck is going to learn some valuable lesson by the time it's through. But he's a non-existent movie stock character: anyone in real life would catch on that they're being gulled and would yell "you can all go f____ yourselves" and storm out, but this is the character who never does. I did, about 45 minutes in. Anyone want to post a spoiler and tell me if the lesson he learns is how to do that?
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Playing games
kosmasp1 October 2021
I know that certain movies are able to trigger certain emotions in people. And characters behaving or being in situations that seem quite improbable ... well I get if you are mad at either the main character here or the others who seem quite mad to say the least. If that is the case, it still would be helpful if you watch the movie through, if you actually want to rate it. Just reviewing it without a rating is ok I guess - and maybe it is just me who wants to really know what was what, before I rate and/or review.

That being said, the same can be applied to the main character here - if he had quite midway through (or earlier), we'd never know where the movie was heading ... maybe we can guess where they are going with this, but I doubt you could tell how this would end exactly. Something that I am not too fond of either - but overall it is a neat and decent entry into the thriller genre. Interesting ideas and a concept that is critical with society but also with ... groups of people who use the flaws of said society to create something ... new and different. If you watch this, you'll know what I mean. Also really good actors involved in this, that make or at least elevate this in my humble opinion.
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In a word: What?????
kermitkid18 September 2016
This made no sense at all. It had potential. I thought it was going to be along the lines of "Total Recall," but it wasn't. The plot is all over the place, the main actor is terrible, and the ending makes no sense. I'm sure there's a target audience for this film but who it is is beyond me. I have no idea what the purpose of this film was or what it was trying to say. Netflix wasted their money buying the rights to it. I hope this gets nominated for a Razzie. The trailers made this seem like a sci-fi or a psychological thriller but it was neither. I have no idea what genre to put this film in, to be honest. It's just a mess. A film should have a message and I'm sure there was one, but it was lost on me in this jumbled mess of a film.
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A freaky ride with madness!
Galdhr14 March 2020
I am glad I didn't buy into all the negative reviews of Rebirth, and decided to give it a chance.

The movie didn't get off to the best start. I admit being annoyed in the first few minutes, and not feeling the main character at all - but as the movie progressed, I found myself glued to the screen, feeling everything he was. My pulse was racing, I was mad, I was confused, I was anxious - it was awesome!

Rebirth takes you on a seriously freaky ride that keeps you going WTF pretty much throughout, getting strange and claustrophobic; it really shows the mechanisms behind the likes of ponzi/pyramid-schemes - why people get into them, how they're lured, tricked and ultimately why they stay and even endorse them to others.

Great watch, very surprising. Dont believe the negativity - give it a shot!
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You deserve the horrible things you let happen to you
xhidden9914 January 2017
At what point do idiots succumb to the nonsense and platitudes that suck them into cults in the first place. Either give in or get out. Stop telling us you're going to do either one and do it. In all honesty I can't tell if this film is anti cult or pro cult. I'm not sure the writer director knows that either. This movie is series of long silly irritating vignettes about the lead, Kyle being pushed and pushed and pushed until he explodes but then gives in. He's a weak weak man who is obviously going going to join. It's simply matter of whether he's seduced or bullied. But it seems like an inordinately large number of people are in on the scam to recruit one dumb guy.
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Interesting film kudos to Netflix for funding it.
steventubby24 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers

An entertaining essay on the mechanics of a cult. The lead actor - the stoned guy from 'Cabin in the Woods', killed it, even though I didn't recognise him straight away, 'cos he's sooooo straight in this. Not quite a comedy, not quite a mockumentary and not quite a remake of the 'The Game', this film explores themes of network marketing, pyramid schemes, the desire to break from the mundane and of course that sketchy guy from college, who turns up out-of-the-blue and wants you to 'experience' something, essentially all the ingredients of a recipe-for-disaster.

Judging by the reviews, this film is as polarising as Marmite - 'you either love it or hate it', but i'd wager this film would not have been made 10 years ago, and i'd urge people to give it a try and review with a bit of thought, so that they keep green-lighting flawed, yet creative and ultimately enjoyable films like this.

In a nutshell: The Game meets The Hangover with a screenplay by Kafka.
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An average movie with some redeeming qualities
falk-213-89031319 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw Netflix' Rebirth. Let me start off with some positive things: The acting in this film, as many other reviewers before me have already pointed out, is great. Fran Kranz delivers another convincing performance. The sets look good and support the overall tone of this movie effectively. While the concept is a bit gimmicky, it worked well and set a good stage for the unfolding events.

This movie is, however, far from flawless.

The plot line is simple and relies at points too much on the main character acting the way he does, which was really distracting. This is something that could have been avoided with some minor rewrites. Shame. Also, what is this movie really trying to say? As another reviewer before me pointed out, the movie cannot decide what it wants the Rebirth organization to be. This really kills the movie for me. Watch it, and you will understand what I'm talking about.

Also, the ending is somewhat unsatisfying, a wee bit pretentious and seems awfully rushed.

This movie did not reach its full potential.
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3rd Review
ryansouthard21 July 2021
My third time writing a review for this movie, reminding you to NEVER watch this.
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