Cave (2016) Poster


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The trailer is better than the movie
moviebuffchick1 June 2017
This film isn't NEARLY as thrilling as the trailer makes it appear. Not even close! A couple and their old friend (her ex) go cave diving in attempt to find an exit to a cave. There isn't an exit indicated on the map... but this is what adventurous cave explorers do! OK cool!


1. AWESOME scenery and cinematography.

2. The characters were really adventurous, smart, capable/experienced, and had a really cool background.

3. Overall it was a pretty intriguing set up (basically it started out good).

But when we talk about what's "waiting for them" deep beneath the ground? Well... not much. The trailer just uses good music and scenes to make you think this is a good thriller. But it's not.


1. The couple was kind of annoying... well the guy was. They didn't have a lot of chemistry either.

2. A couple things happened that are only used to make you think something worse is coming... but nah. These incidents are either unrelated or they did a poor job of making the connection.

3. The third act was poor. After the second act there was still a chance for this to be a decent movie... but they completely dropped the ball here.

If you're at home and bored on a Saturday afternoon... go ahead and check it out... I wouldn't say it's a COMPLETE waste of time. Otherwise don't bother. This is not something I'd recommend.

Audio review... no spoilers o @moviebuffchick1
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If you have some time you want too waste...
kirstilavold5 April 2018
The script is predictable, slow at times, the acting inadequate. But the filming and location was good. The film is ok, I saw it through.... but I am no fan of cliffhangers.
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Both pleasantly and unpleasantly surprised
UncleLongHair229 June 2017
I caught this on Netflix, I was drawn in by the premise and the 4 3/4 out of 5 stars on Netflix (I always wonder what that means).

At first I was thrown off by the dubbing, the dialogue was obviously dubbed in English, which seemed strange since I was looking at 3 Anglo-looking European or American actors, but I eventually figured out that they were Scandinavian of some variety.

To get right to it, the story and plot wasn't great and it was pretty stilted at times but I have to say the cinematography, scenes, shots, lighting, and backgrounds were truly spectacular (seriously). It was like watching an episode of Planet Earth or the Discovery channel. I don't know anything about cameras or film making but the scenes were beautiful and captivating.

There was very little plot or background, I guess the 3 characters were supposed to be ex- soldiers on an adventure. They looked like, respectively, a soldier, a soccer mom, and someone who works in a brewery. But hey they are all attractive enough and really I thought the acting was pretty good, given what they had to work with. There was no chemistry, or like negative chemistry, between the two characters that were a couple, but maybe that was part of the point. I think the entire movie had just 3 actors.

This could have been a tense thriller like Blair Witch or Descent which is maybe what they set out to do but after a bunch of build up, without mentioning any spoilers, the whole story was a bit of a let down and not much to it (but shot in beautiful scenes). In retrospect the story is probably a lot more realistic in terms of what would actually happen in a situation like that but you go into the movie expecting ghouls or supernatural monsters or whatever so it's kind of a let down.

I ended the movie pretty disappointed but there were definitely some unexpected bright spots, I'll be looking for the actors and director in other movies. It just seems like they had a good idea and they lost all of their funding 1/3 the way into the movie or something.
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Don't waste your time
romneymeredith19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like movies about caves. I like horror or suspense movies, which this one teased in the Netflix summary that the three cavers 'discover terror beyond all expectations' - what?? Seriously? This review is full of spoilers because I don't like getting jerked around by false expectations, plot holes and inexplicable scenes. Oh yeah, it's dubbed by what appears to be people who learned to dub English from bad Japanese monster movies. And the lack of chemistry between the leads was noticeable, although maybe that's a Norwegian thing.

I know how Norwegians like herring but they overdid the red variety in this movie. It started out well - nice cinematography, beautiful setting, 3 young people planning a cave trip. And shortly after arriving at a cabin, one of them spots someone walking in the distance with a flashlight - who? We don't know. We then learn that one of the men is an ex-lover (Viktor) of the woman (Charlie) and the other is the current lover or husband (Adrian) and they're trying to have a baby.

Then we see them floating down the river in a canoe and Adrian starts whistling the tune from 'Deliverance' as a joke when Charlie sees someone along the shore in the woods. They even make a joke about Ned Beatty getting molested. 2 appearances so far by unknown persons not even 15 minutes in - who are they? They eventually arrive at the cave entrance which has had the chain link seal ripped off - naturally they ignore the 'Stop' sign and go in.

I'll try not to bore you, but Charlie spots a footprint in the cave dust and it isn't one of theirs, and then they discover a tent with belongings and blood all over some fabric, but decide to go ahead - this after Adrian's rope mysteriously slips and he gets a minor injury. Eventually they go up a narrow tunnel, stocky Viktor gets trapped and when Aidan digs him out the tunnel collapses behind them. No one seems worried that that avenue of escape if they were to need it is now gone! So what was the purpose of the scene?? I have no complaints with the music, cinematography and what appears to be slowly building suspense that something is really wrong in the cave - maybe something evil lives there. But I do have complaints that it's BS. Turns out that Viktor really wants Charlie for his own so he ends up killing Adrian near the end of the movie, and Charlie ends up killing Viktor with a rock, but not before Viktor is heard apparently talking to his father on a cellphone and telling him that things have gone wrong and to pick him up from the river. Charlie dives into a pool and comes up outside of the cave in the river and swims to shore, all the while being watched by a stranger up above. As she's walking down the road, a 4WD pulls up, an older man gets out and offers her a ride and blankets, and when he opens the trunk you can see a shotgun on top of a dead body. And as he drives off, he starts whistling the 'Deliverance' theme, even though in the movie it was Adrian and not Viktor who started whistling it - so what's the connection? And that is the absolute end of the movie - I am not kidding you.

Who were the unknown people spotted earlier? What was the significance of the footprint in the cave? What happened in the bloody tent and to whom? Who was the body in the trunk? Why did the father start whistling 'Dueling Banjos'? Is the father going to kill Charlie? It's one of those movies that could have been so much better if the people involved had actually decided to write a good, taut plot that made sense and pays off the viewer with a good ending. I swear that I can write a far better plot that these idiots did. I gave it 2 stars simply because it had potential but it never delivered.
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compugor24 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The relationships between the only three characters were beyond uncomfortably awkward to just plain weird from the very beginning; their dialog is incredibly stupid and made completely inane by the captions often showing something totally different from the audable words spoken. The long and boring development of these characters only adds disgusting inuendo and perverted behavior to this awful presentation of who knows what, until after more than an hour in to the film it is revealed that at least 2 of them are also murderers. The only one left makes it out to the road with blood on the right side of her head even though hair had been ripped from the left side. Finally a fourth shady character drives up with a body in the trunk, picks up the nasty tramp, offers her some of his chicken wings and they ominously drive off down the road as the screen fades to a text promo of part two which is the last of the cruel jokes perpetrated by this absolutely awful movie. In my own defense, it took me several viewings to get through this contemptible rubbish; now you may spare yourself - in this case a spoiler is more like a saver.
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kag-013716 July 2018
Predictable. Waste of time. No plot so cannot give spoiler.
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Skip this and watch "Sanctum"
beusbeus20 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon and after finishing work early I decided to relax and enjoy a new release on Netflix. My dog was sleeping on the balcony after his afternoon walk, my microwavable lasagna was cooling off on my coffee table and I laid down on the couch with the remote control in one hand and a glass of Pinot Noir in the other hand.

I scrolled through the movies and as an avid scuba diver and a fan of "Sanctum" I decided to give this intriguing film a chance.

After about twenty seconds into the movie I found myself stopping it, not because it looked bad (the cinematography was the only decent thing in this train wreck), but because I wanted to see if I could change the audio back to its original language instead of having to listen to the horrendous English dubbing, but Netflix wasn't offering that option (Bad Netflix, Bad!). I returned to the movie with lowered expectations that still ended up being shattered throughout the movie.

***Spoiler Alert****

After getting to meet the protagonists (a couple and their friend the third wheel) we get to observe mad skills from one of the two guys who manages to race his friend through windy mountain roads while making out with his girlfriend sitting in the passenger seat. I laughed it off as a typical film car scene where actors forget that they're supposed to look like they're driving and carried on...

The race between the couple and the third wheel riding his motorcycle looked more like a funeral motorcade than an actual race but maybe the guy driving the car was just being careful because he knew he was transporting everyone's dive equipment in his tiny car...ahem

They get to a cabin where they come up with a plan for their big adventure: Go into a cave and follow a map that looks like a coffee stain and find the/an exit with no contingency plan. They all quickly agree and we all realize that they're not the smartest bunch.

The couple then proceeds to have sex with the lights on in front of "Third wheel" who also happens to be the girl's ex-boyfriend.

They're not a wise bunch but they are strong, REALLY strong, they carry their dive gear and oxygen tanks through the forest and down the cave like they're just carrying a Camelpak on their morning stroll around the neighborhood...

There is a quick homage to another adventure gone bad named "Deliverance", there are a few moments with no payoffs followed by a few cheesy lines and they finally descend into the cave.

At some point, what we were all waiting for finally happens: The cave crumbles and blocks the only known way out of the cave, but nobody seems phased by this... but it's OK, because it's already been established that they ain't that bright.

With no way out and at least a few days without a cold shower, "Third wheel" realizes he doesn't want to be the third wheel anymore and decides to fondle his ex-girlfriend while she's asleep next to her current boyfriend: creepy factor is high there and that is probably the "Terror beyond all expectations" from the tag line of the movie.

They stick with the plan and finally get to dive and since safety has never been an issue on this trip, nobody realizes that "Boyfriend" runs out of air and is about to drown... but it's OK, he makes it to the top alive...

And then he dies after a short fight with "Third wheel" who drowns him a few feet away from his girlfriend who doesn't see anything in the crystal clear water...oh no wait, he's still breathing

The end is just weird and feels like the writers had a deadline to meet and no creative juice.

After, boyfriend gets killed in front of girlfriend (because third wheel didn't hear her running back to them in the otherwise empty silent cave), third wheel becomes creepy, then he snaps and goes insane and thinks he's talking to his dad on the phone, he dies, and girlfriend jumps in the water to commit suicide but she accidentally finds the mysterious exit and

"The end"...

At least my Pinot Noir was good *sigh*
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devinbrown-1909122 July 2019
The writing is awful and the characters are very stupid. A complete waste of time.
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I got lost in CAVE and...
books-206-77899130 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so some movie website rated this as above average and I decided to watch it.

The dubbing SUCKED... the voice actors doing the dubbing SUCKED... And the on-screen chemistry between the actual actors SUCKED...

Obviously they TRIED to make a good movie... the filming was good.

But the story, as confusing and twisty as the CAVE they were going through and I stopped paying attention and got lost.


At the end... when the guy got the blanket out of the back of the vehicle... wasn't that a foot in there? And he whistled the same ditty from Deliverance...?

And there was some blurb about CAVE2...

God help us...

CUBE was way more interesting than this, with better acting... Go watch that 4 letter movie that starts with a "C" because that was a good movie... CAVE is not.
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Nice Cave movie.
oaspag-713185 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hi !

First, I reveal some story twists, so spoilers ahead...

This film is a cave movie with potential (if not realizing it fully and failing/falling short a bit... but this film was made on a smaller budget, so we have to give it credit for accomplishing it with much less financial means and on a smaller production crew, just like with Indie foreign art films). The first thing you notice is the breathtaking imagery of the mountainous Norway scenery, the camera and the camera lens used in this film are truly high resolution : the image is very clear and the colors/contrast very deep and rich; this creates an image, to the eye, that is truly ''popping'' with camera depth of field; and thus immerses you-in/pulls you-in, it's eye candy. The story revolves around 3 friends, of war (former soldiers), getting back together and wanting to do something extreme together (cave spelunking). Their relationship dynamic is a couple with an ex boyfriend who later becomes jealous of his ex-girlfriend's current boyfriend, and wants to get back with his ex-girlfriend : the current boyfriend is in his way ... so he intends to kill him (and he will, he will kill him in the cave faking an accidental death, until it becomes clear to her that he is the murderer (drowned him and then, cracked his neck), she in turn will kill him out of vengeance for killing her current boyfriend). Sort of a discord love triangle at play.

The ex boyfriend watches sexual scenes of the couple making sex and fantasizes to get back with her. The rest of the film concentrates on them descending in the cave, it is exhilarating and thrilling, but not scary, just slightly tense. It has long drawn out moments of dead time that hinders its potential and some hand-held camera movements that hurt the lacking cinematography. The sound work is descent but nothing special, it's very mild in feeling like a light popcorn movie to watch on a Sunday evening with nothing to do, that could be more. The largest lackluster flaws : We can't even see their eyes in the cave, the cave is nice but some areas are bland, it's flat dull compared to the films The Cave/The Descent, the film drags on with sex scenes, we just can't ''connect'' enough to care of the characters' plight (whether they die or not makes no difference), the antagonism is quite low (besides the frustrated ex boyfriend), the cave almost seems inviting like a Tourist cave - it makes for a good Norway scenery pamphlet tourist ad. Still, there is potential if you don't go-in with extremely high hopes. A nice first cave opus for a young-able director.

I give a 7.5/10.
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A big tease that is extremely boring
Wizard-819 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Netflix description of this movie promised that this thriller set in a cavern would be another "The Descent" or even "The Cave". Unfortunately, I was sorely disappointed by the end results. True, the movie looks good, with well chosen locations and expert cinematography. But the good looks don't hide the fact that the movie is extremely slow and dull. It takes about two-thirds of the movie before the reported horror finally rears its head, and what horror there is doesn't happen to be very interesting or horrific. Also, the horror is dispatched in a pretty quick amount of time. What happens before the horror starts is even worse. There are plot elements such as a discovered tent or a person in the distance that are brought up but NEVER prove any significance. Also, none of the characters are particularly likable or interesting. The only reason why I am giving this movie two stars instead of one is that it's mercifully short, just 77 minutes long. At the end of the movie, there is a declaration that there will soon be a sequel. I think I'll pass on that opportunity.
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The best movie ever!
Horrorfan772 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie! The actors were so good! It's hard to pick my favorite part. Let's have a little synopsis. Two army dudes are used to be besties trying to recapture the bromance they had before a girl came between them. Given this history, they decide it is a great idea to go explore a creepy underwater cave that looks just like The Desent. Before they go, they give used to be buddy that still has the hots for the girl, a good old peep show because they are trying to make a baby and no opportunity can be wasted.

Once inside the dry part of the cave, fit girl and the guy that she chose over the fat one go through a tunnel and fatty gets stuck. As they try to free fatty, the tunnel collapses and they are trapped. No worries though. They just pitch a tent and have sex in front of fatty again.

Fatty is now mad and decides he wants the girl so he sabatoges his buddy's oxygen tank so when they dive buddy runs out of air. They all find an air pocket and buddy survives but then fatty drowns buddy even though buddy is super fit and fatty is, well, fat. Girl shows up just then and fatty claims to be trying to save buddy. Girlfriend gives buddy mouth to mouth and buddy begins to breathe again!

Wait! Fatty asks girl to look for an exit and when she returns she catches fatty strangling buddy again! She runs but fatty pursues with his night goggles and kisses her telling her "it's just me." Then fatty calls his daddy and asks daddy how to get out of the cave. This is when girl sneaks up and hits fatty with a rock and then proceeds to pulverize fatty's head in a fit of rage.

Then girl jumps in water and emerges outside of the cave The Descent style with a creepy dude watching her. Then some douche in crappy cowboy boots who is subtly implied to be fatty's Dad, picks girl up on the side of the road as she walks after she pukes for no reason. She takes a ride with him and he offers her chicken wings and all is well except for the unexplained body in the back of Cow boy douche's cat. Is her rescuer sinister? Yaaaas!
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Decent adventure-thriller
grantss8 July 2017
Three friends - Adrian, Charlotte and Viktor - head out into the Norwegian wilderness to explore a cave. They are all experienced at this sort of thing and have planned well. Relationship issues - Charlotte is with Adrian but she and Viktor used to be a couple and he still has feelings for her - complicate the expedition. Moreover, someone seems to be following them, even in the cave.

Reasonably interesting. The cave scenes are well shot and are suitably claustrophobic. Quite intriguing and tense, especially towards the end. Good plot twist too.

Decent, but not great though. The relationship side was clumsily handled and there are one or two plot developments that don't make much sense, or could at least do with a bit of explanation.
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Not As Advertised And The Bad Writing Doesn't Help.
Tai_MT3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Torn between old camaraderie and recent tensions, three ex-soldiers reunite to explore a deadly cave but soon discover terror beyond all expectations." This is what drew me into watching "Cave" on Netflix. Were I reading this on the back of a DVD box, I'd have just wasted my money. While this isn't what initially angered me about the movie, it was the final straw. What do I mean? I mean that the blurb makes it sound like it's a psychological thriller, a monster movie, or a ghost story. It is none of those things. If you're looking for a monster movie or a psychological thriller, this is not a movie you want to see.

So, let's take a small journey with me to that straw. We'll start with the characters. None of them have a personality. There's the boyfriend who is basically a jerk who wants to sleep with his girlfriend constantly, there's the ex boyfriend whom we know very little about other than he used to date the girlfriend... and the girlfriend who is basically the token moron of the film. I don't remember their names, because it's difficult to remember them, when they don't even act like people with distinct personalities.

The acting itself doesn't really feel like they're acting either. This is likely because they're dubbed, but a lot of the physical actions don't look like realistic representations of people either. I'll get into that a bit more after the spoiler tag.

***Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers. Spoilers.*** The entire movie is set-up for the part near the end where... gasp and shock... The ex boyfriend kills the boyfriend so he can be with his ex girlfriend. It's boring. It's predictable. It's forgivable, provided you have 1. Good acting. 2. Solid story. This has neither. They get trapped in the cave, nobody reacts with any sort of panic or survival instinct. Just an all around "meh". They find a tent slashed up with a sleeping bag full of blood and the boyfriend and girlfriend have minor concern about it which is easily swept away by the ex boyfriend. The boyfriend and girlfriend decide to have sex in front of her ex. The boyfriend and ex boyfriend have a very poorly choreographed "headlock fight" by an outhouse, which isn't believable in the slightest. They hint that one of them might have claustrophobia, but nothing is made of it beyond some passing comments of "just relax and keep breathing"... with two of the actors looking bored and impatient with the whole situation. Later, the boyfriend begins drowning and while he doesn't panic, he also doesn't move to look for the surface, and just kind of makes little mouth moving gestures of "I need to breathe", which isn't realistic at all. They spot a drowned driver and you hear a lot of "muffled screaming" under the water from the girlfriend, which makes no sense since she didn't freak out about the sleeping bag covered in blood. The point I turned the movie off was when the boyfriend reaches the surface, takes his breath, says something to the ex boyfriend, and when he turns around... ex boyfriend dunks him under water and then tries choking him at the same time. Boyfriend comes up for air again and immediately asks, "what are you doing?". Uh, lessee, he packed your air, which you ran out of, and now he's trying to push you under the water. You have to be dense not to realize what he's doing. Even worse? He doesn't even fight back. Just accepts his fate.

I guess I would too, to get out of a movie written so terribly. I turned it off at that point. It became too much to bare.
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Oh boy
tomhans-6001419 January 2020
What the smell. Found this on a streaming site. Figured it would be worth a shoot Now I'm just amazed. Dont know what i just watched, feels like a high school movie project. Had to fast forward some sections, to embarrassing to watch. The movie starts of with some James Bond driving scene in the norwegian mountains. Next its a cabin horror movie in the woods. Then its Deliverance oh boy oh boy. From here everything goes south. The two male character turns out to be sosiopaths competing over the poor young lady. The director seemed to put a little bit out of every movie he has watched in to this little scare. And the result is like if you put every thing you like into a blender. You get some grey goo which doesn't taste that good.
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Terrible, terrible, awful
courtjes29 October 2017
Was scanning titles and put this one without checking IMDb first. The acting was awful, the plot nonexistent. Seems like there was no effort into putting this movie together. Maybe it was a way for an investor to purposely lose some money for tax reasons? It made no sense whatsoever and the only reason I kept watching it was because I was expecting something to happen. Even the facial expressions on the actors/actress looked fake. The only frightening thing about this movie is that they are threatening a sequel. Don't even put it on, its that bad.
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Wish I hadnt seen it
hilde-107-15674014 February 2020
This was a really bad movie experience. With a meaningless brutal story as well as ending. What was the point?
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Wow ! I watched this...I'm stupid.
Harfy17 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
2 guys and 1 girl want to explore a cave, which is known as "it has no exit".

Ok, 3 people + a cave : you start thinking "what or who is hidden underneath ?". Monster(s) ? Demon(s) ? Bloodthirsty animal(s) ? Alien(s) maybe ???

Wait a minute, people ! You need to know who are the 3 characters : X is a girl. Y is the actual boy-friend of X. Z is the ex boy-friend of X ! Imagine you are X or Y, what do you gonna do ? Easy : you both have sex in front of Z in plain view. Yeah.

If you continue watching this mess, well you'll be disappointed : even if our heroes find an old tent with blood inside and later, a dead corpse, they have no worries neither questions...Yeah. What or who is hidding underneath ? No one, nothing. But you will see Z killing Y and later, X killing Z. Sweet revenge. Yeah.

At the end, X successfully exits the cave, then she meet....the final twist ! Wait. It's not a twist. It's not even the real end. You need to wait for "Cave 2" as printed on screen...Yeah. I'm a good guy you know, so X meet a weird old man, who have a dead corpse in the trunk of his car. And a gun. And X took (then hid) a knife from the glove box.....

This movie makes you having tons of questions, but none is given. So, don't waste your time with this mess of a movie.
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Predictable and really really bad
Eddie_weinbauer27 January 2017
3 friends=Two guys and a girl( with absolutely no on screen chemistry) has decided to go on a pre planed cave exploration,to find some exit that none has found before. One of the guys is the girls longtime ex.BF.and the other is her current boyfriend.And they are all awkward friends.Guess where the thriller element is.

There's very little in the way of character development here,and no back ground story on the 3 friends.Aside from that you get to know one of is her ex bf. And the on screen chemistry is none existent.But that't quite common for Norwegian movies,along with stilted dialogue. Norwegian actors,seem to have a very big problem getting into the role of their character,and make him or her convincing. Especially in Norwegian movies.

*******warning spoiler*************Warning Spoiler************ I don't know much about underwater cave exploring,or cave exploring in general.But I would assume you need to have some sort of back up plan.Something that can take you back to the entrance, if you go down the wrong rabbit whole,or get turned around. But these guys go on a whim and a prayer. They got some sketched map they follow,but only one copy. I doubt it would do them any good if you get turned around in a cave. Also when I think of cave explorers, I would assume they need to be fit.But one of the guys is so fat, that he's beer gut make him look 5 months pregnant. Also very little with the exploration seem very well planed. They have left everything up to one person.No pre check of equipment no each man is responsible for their own checklist etc.

I know if I was going on something as dangerous as this,I would check my own equipment twice,and have back on my back up plan.
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Worst movie I have ever seen
seusabah17 April 2020
I was fooled by the beautiful scenery of snowy mountains in the beginning and wasted precious time watching this rubbish. Felt angry at the stupidity
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English dubbing does not match subtitles, which both helps and hurts
LordManhammer11 June 2020
I have to start by noting I love movies set in caves, tunnels, mines--regardless of the thrill or horror element. Cave-ins, killer beasts, aliens, interpersonal discord, I love it all. I recently watched (link=tt4815122) and loved it more than the average reviewer.

Yes, The Cave has problems other reviewers have mentioned, but not to the extent that they ruined the film. The real issue is the poor English dubbing, which makes the characters seem more inane than they really are. My advice is to keep the subtitles on, because the two translations are quite different, and offer different insight into what is going on.

Yes, this means doing two things at once, reading and listening to different dialogue at once. Sometimes the two translations are just alternate options to make the translation idiomatic in English, but in other cases they don't seem like they could possibly be versions of the same Norwegian line. Putting together the information from both translations fleshes out how the characters relate to each other and react to what happens, and ultimately helps to explain the ending.

Still, there are unanswered questions I think fit into the "the screenwriters were lazy" category rather than the "intentional ambiguities designed to make me think" category. I wonder whether translation issues are obscuring these plot points more than the original screenwriting. Still, don't let the negative reviews turn you away if you're a fan of the genre, rather than just casually looking for a movie.
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I Lost Interest In This Pretty Quickly
sddavis6329 June 2018
When I first came across the description of this movie I thought it sounded something like "The Descent" - a movie I really enjoyed. I decided to watch it, thinking that it would be a poor copy of that movie. But it's not a copy. There are no monsters - just basically a love triangle between three people (two guys, one girl) who decide to explore some normally off-limits caves. With a diving element involved in this, I also thought it sounded a bit like "Sanctum" - which I also enjoyed. I suppose there are some loose similarities to both of those movies, but basically I was disappointed in this. It's a very short movie (under an hour and a half) - which might be the best thing about it, since you leave it behind at least knowing that you didn't waste too much of your time on it.

It's a Norwegian movie. I watched a version dubbed into English. That makes it somewhat difficult to offer an assessment of the cast - but none of them really stood out to me. It does manage to capture the claustrophobic environment of spelunking - but, then again, surely that isn't especially hard to capture. There really didn't seem to be a lot of chemistry between the three leads and the movie was neither especially tense (although there were a couple of moments) nor was it at all frightening. I'm not one who is big on long extended introductions to movies just for the purpose of establishing a backstory for the characters, but to be honest a little bit of that would have been helpful. As the movie goes on bits and pieces of this are revealed (so Charlotte, who's in a relationship with Adrian, used to be in a relationship with Viktor; and we find out that the three had apparently served together ion Afghanistan) but we don't really learn that much about them and by the time what we do learn begins to be revealed - well, to be honest I had kind of lost interest.

The movie's open-ended, suggesting the possibility of a sequel (which, in fact, is "promised" - or threatened?) in the closing captions. I won't be watching it. (4/10)
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Really Accurate Cave Diving Movie
trustn-4783424 January 2017
As a cave diver I Loved this.

Technically well done.

Scuba Kit was spot on, no full face stuff here, including side mount tanks rather then standard rig. Underwater swimming style to reduce risk of silt out was also spot on. Wriggiling through squeezes are like that, and wetsuits are always better caving then drysuits which tear and a leaky suit is more dangerous then a cold suit.

Story could be better,acting was great, esp female lead.

Hoping they do a sequel sometime.

The ending cries out for one.
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RosanaBotafogo23 May 2020
The expectation lasted much longer than the tension... It didn't convince the villain as the passed-over guy, almost embarrassing situations, terrible outcome, but the feeling of claustrophobia always distresses and interests me, like when one of them gets stuck, despite the scene being good stupid ... Water in closed places, my constant nightmare ... Regular...
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a movie i liked to dislike ...
Sherparsa29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
well, this is certainly a well made movie technically speaking and i have come to realize that despite keeping a low profile (intentionally?) Norwegians are rather good at making good movies overall having seen a few works of their cinema so far ... (i love their classical music such as the works of Edvard Grieg or the jazz fusion guitarist, Terje Rypdal, o man ... he is very good too!)

this movie's references to the similar older movie Deliverance are good as well btw, and a little too expected perhaps, considering this one is going to ask for help from that one in creating a similar creepy atmosphere ...

but well, over all, it didn't quite cut it for me really although it made me curious enough to find out what Cave 2 is going to offer later now that the female protagonist is all by herself and alone while the father of the man she's killed (in self defense as as well as revenge) is driving her to safety ... but i also hope Cave 2 will be the last one because it's unlikely it'll succeed in making me willing to watch it if there's going to be a Cave 3 following too ...
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