Inheritance (2017) Poster

(I) (2017)

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Only as high as three stars because of the quality filmography.
S_Soma16 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Important note: in this review I give a complete synopsis of my understanding of the story. Although there's a very good chance I got the story wrong, if I'm correct, I can't imagine a more spoiling spoiler. You have been warned.

INHERITANCE is a horror picture of the "slow burn" variety, or, perhaps, in the case of INHERITANCE, it would be more accurate to say "glacial burn". Getting all the way through the movie required a good deal of grim determination on my part and I can't really say that my stubborn patience was rewarded in the end.

As at least one other reviewer here has noted, the style of storytelling in INHERITANCE is most reasonably compared to THE SHINING although without that movie's style and panache. As in THE SHINING (in the movie version of the story), for example, there's no actual ghosts or monsters per se but more a collection of what are apparently interactive hallucinations and vague deleterious influences eventually resulting in some sort of insanity or other psychological collapse within the main character. Much of the cinematography is intriguing and even beautiful and provides a sort of jarring juxtaposition between the beautiful context scenery and the evidently growing mental meltdown. A dearth of dialogue, far less than in most movies, precludes much verbal confirmation or enlightenment about what's going on, leaving one mentally grasping for comprehension.

INHERITANCE relies heavily upon ambiguity and vagueness in order to accomplish its version of atmosphere; it is sometimes difficult to understand what's going on or what is supposed to be being conveyed in many scenes and it's simply human nature to feel unease when you're confused about the meaning of what you're seeing and exactly what it is supposed to be contributing to the overall story.

Because of the aforementioned ambiguity and vagueness, I may have misunderstood the story. But here follows a complete synopsis of my understanding.

A man with a pregnant significant other is suddenly informed that he has inherited a home from his biological father that the man had thought dead long ago. He and his significant other go stay at this home to check it out, most likely with an eye towards quickly selling it to create a nest egg for their new family. The inherited home turns out to be a gorgeous, sundrenched California beach home in a very upscale, apparently historic, area. Shortly after taking up temporary residence, the man begins acting strange and moody. Visiting an uphill neighbor he learns the context of the area is of pioneering white men moving in and taking over and taking Native American children to treat as personal property. Through hallucinations/visions, the man learns his biological mother was probably strangled in the home by his biological father acting under the influence of older spirit ancestors egging him on to do so. The man begins having visions/hallucinations of doing the same thing to his own significant other. The negative influences evidently originate from a magical Native American fetish figurine acting as a long-term revenge vehicle on the man's lineage. We recognize the figurine and the vision-men from old photographs found in the home. Driven by the increasing insanity from the influence of the fetish figurine, the man eventually commits murder while his significant other is away, burying the victim in the same hole in the yard in which his digging surfaced the fetish figurine. Man throws figurine over the backyard hedge out towards the beachfront and seems to have recovered. Inherited home is put up for sale, but in the course of packing the car to leave forever, he sees the figurine in amongst the items packed in the car. Noting its presence, he doesn't do anything but simply gets in the car and drives away with his significant other letting us know that the curse will continue. The end.

This represents my best guess at the actual storyline of the movie, but it's very difficult to tell if I'm correct. The movie is literally riddled with scenes that, though very picturesque and often beautiful, are hard to interpret as to what they mean within the story, and I would certainly be hard-pressed to make a decent case that half of the scenes in the movie arguably fit in my synopsis. What is the significance of all the scenes where the man stands on the beach in a wetsuit holding a surfboard but not surfing? What do the images of the man underwater floating around in kelp beds and staring at his father, also floating around in the kelp beds, mean? Who was the man who claimed to be a second cousin, and how did he know exactly where to find the fetish figurine at an arbitrary unmarked place in the backyard, and why would he be interested in it. I could go on virtually ad nauseam.

My best guess about the "second cousin" is that the screenwriter had no idea how to have the man find the fetish figurine depicted in the photographs and so just threw in the "second cousin" character to give the man somebody to kill and to tip him off where to dig for the figurine. The fact that it doesn't seem to fit and feels arbitrarily mysterious is no problem as far as this particular writer was concerned.

And I pretty much give the same explanation for the crazy-lady uphill neighbor who, out of the blue with absolutely no reason to do so, gives us the exposition about the history of the locale, totally out of keeping with all the other MISSING explanations, a la deus ex machina. If the writer didn't just stick her in there to give us a drizzle of explanation, which he never does anywhere else, there would have been NO HOPE whatsoever of getting a clue about what was going on and we would never know the motive for the revenge-fetish-figurine.

INHERITANCE certainly has an air about it, and is often beautiful to look at, but apparently Tyler Savage is no Stanley Kubrick and he would've done his movie a service by making his story a little less vague and ambiguous. That fact that Mr. Savage with both the writer and the director may be the point where things went wrong.
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David Lynch wannabe doing THE SHINING lookalike .....
THEgongoozler9 December 2021
-- There are roughly 3 types of rating on INHERITANCE (2017): 1 star, 6/7 stars, 9/10 stars. It's obvious that someone's apple is another one's poison. And some people in between regard it a slightly above average apple. No. This is not an apple to my eyes. Neither this a poison which kills 90 something minutes of my life. INHERITANCE is thin, slow, hardly nutritious or savory. Taste it once is enough, and I don't fancy a second bite; -- You need a great deal of patience watching this movie; -- The only interesting part is the beach house (and its view); -- Turn away if you're looking for entertainment, or the minimum level of shock/scare fun of "normal" horror films.
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Really challenging the viewer
merame3319 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
4 stars for the production quality, good editing, good soundtrack and very decent acting. Amazing location.

Kudos to lead actor Chase Joliet, for his portrayal of a man on the verge ...

But, what was the story about? No one knows.

Here goes ...

He gets a house from his long lost now-dead dad.

Goes to live there for a few days.

Bunch of confusing flashbacks with no context, sexy time with gf, has strange dreams, finds relic in garden, kills grocery store guy with relic, by accident. Buries store guy in the garden, sells the house, drives away into the sunset with pregnant gf to start their new life.

The synopsis said "discover family secrets". What secrets? Was this a haunting? Or a possession? Or cold case? Or psychosis?
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Tries to be artsy...fails.
inkysquid-2995110 May 2019
Boring. Constant shots of lead male grimacing. Over-use of cliche horror ambiance music with ZERO reason in horror or suspense. Fell asleep 4 times during this. Trust me....skip it. Dont listen to the good reviews. Indie this is. Good it is not.
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twelve-house-books15 October 2021
There is no story here, only a collection of ideas, not one of which is ever fleshed out enough to be coherent. Waste of money, talent, and time. Where are the real storytellers anymore? This director has no clue what he's doing.
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Can I have my 90 minutes back?
iswhatis21 July 2019
The worst movie I have ever seen. No value on any level. Terrible script, dialogue, acting, direction. I hope I forget everything about this movie. Don't waste your time.
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Wish there was a zero rating..
kellyharris-5781730 June 2020
Hands down the worst film I have ever seen in my entire life. I am absolutely gutted that I wasted 90 minutes of my life that I will never get back. There was no storyline whatsoever, I cannot tell you anything that happened in this film as nothing did. It was like watching a stranger in his life walking and sitting for 90 minutes. Nothing made sense, it was beyond slow and super boring and totally pointless. I have no idea what the film is about or what happened. Please do not watch. You will regret it.
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Deserves a ZERO
pmcorso3 September 2019
This was the most BORING movie I have ever watched in my life......I was waiting and waiting for the suspense to happen but it didn't!!! How dare they say "Horror" there was not one horror scene in that movie. This was a very very slow drama with no point at all.
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Slow, Boring and Where Was the Plot?
icocleric10 January 2022
Slow burn really isn't the word, because it was just so boring, and had no pay off. What even happened to the plot? The 3 sentence synopsis I read before deciding to watch it, is honestly the entire plot, there's nothing extra to add by watching it.

There's some kind of "second cousin" that the script didn't know what to do with really. The main character spends a lot of time silent, which adds to the dull.

The story isn't explained much, where is the horror in this film? I honestly don't get why it has that label, it's not a horror film. Honestly it was just really dull. I couldn't even tick spoilers, because honestly it's all in the synopsis of the film. There's no spoilers.
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Totally senseless
lovejesusstst15 May 2024
This was one of the most senseless movies I have ever seen. It made absolutely no sense at all. It was impossible to figure out the point of the movie as it had none whatsoever. Ugh!! This movie was a total waste of ninety minutes of my precious time-time that I can never replace. Time lost on a pointless - senseless - dumb movie. I would suggest that you not waste your precious time watching it - if you do, you'll be sorry. I wonder why people would make a movie like this without getting input from others before sending it out to the masses. A total waste of money that could have been put to good use elsewhere.
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Ryan mysteriously inherits a house from his biological father, a man he thought long dead
contact-742-5008358 October 2017
Ryan Bowman (Chase Joliet) inherits beachfront property from the biological father he believed dead long ago. He moves in there with his pregnant Fiancé Isi (Sara Montez) and together they sell the house for several million dollars and live happily ever after, the end. No, you know that's not how it ends, not at all. Written and directed by Tyler Savage, INHERITANCE is a psychological thriller that sometimes verges into the supernatural, while keeping the mystery ambiguous enough to keep it from being easily labeled as a horror film.

The moment Ryan moves into the house, something happens to him and begins overtaking and reshaping reality around him. Ghastly visions repeat again and again, driving him to the edge of sanity. The deliberate pace, the flashes of sepia family photographs, the haunting score… it all leads to a ghastly revelation involving Ryan's family and the clues to what is in store for him. The familiar tropes where an unassuming family move into a potentially haunted house which holds its influence over a family member and drives them to insanity have been seen from THE SHINING to THE AMITYVILLE HORROR however, INHERITANCE deals with something altogether different and perhaps even more primal. The secret is in the title itself, perhaps Ryan's true inheritance is not the property but something else cursing through his veins, something that makes him (and us) question if blood is what dictates our destiny.

Tyler Savage directs the hell out of this film. Brilliantly shot, composed and paced through careful editing, this is one hell of a calling card. Every shot is meant to sell cast and crew's skills as storytellers and ensure that their film careers are firmly cemented. This is not a B movie, it takes those elements and subverts them giving us something far more incisive. It's not "scary" because of ghosts or frights, it's scary because of what it says about the human condition and about what our family history may say of us.

INHERITANCE wants to unsettle you with ideas rather than jump scares and it succeeds.

Review By Enrrico Wood Lagonigro - Senior Curator Oaxaca FilmFest.
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Very, VERY, V-E-R-Y Lynchian in style & approach. Moody, Atmospheric, & Psychological...
lathe-of-heaven28 July 2018
*** REVIEW UPDATED 2019-12-30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3.6...? Seriously...? Pretty harsh for what in my lowly and wretched opinion is pretty good film. YES, it is ULTRA-slow. YES, it is completely ambiguous. But, that is the point... It fits the mood of the story.

What people seem to have forgotten is, at least what is important to me when I come here to read reviews, is, 'Is the movie made well?' And to me, the clear answer for this film is 'Yes' Moody, slow-building, LOTS of David Lynch influenced cinematography and atmosphere to spare. Sure, for a lot of people I understand that this kind of Horror just isn't their thing. I can see where to some a movie like this would certainly come across as B-O-R-I-N-G.

Just out of curiosity, I looked at a number of reviews on different sites for this movie, and most praise it fairly highly for it's slow-build subtlety and very keen and effective sense of dread, which is greatly increased by a powerfully effective soundtrack.

So, basically I feel that is the bottom line here. And, don't get me wrong, I frigg'n LOVE over-the-top Horror films like 'RE-ANIMATOR' and such. I think they are GREAT! But... I also really appreciate very serious, restrained, tension-building, dread-filled Horror where Atmosphere is everything (BTW, if you do happen to like this kind of film, I HIGHLY recommend the Psychological masterpiece 'SESSION 9')

This one definitely has a more Artsy approach which understandably will clearly not work for everyone. But, just to rate this well acted and extremely well photographed / edited / directed movie and give it a '1' or a '3' just doesn't make sense and doesn't really do anything to help others who like me really appreciate this kind of rare, quality, slow-burn Horror film. To me anyway FWIW, it certainly beats the living $hit outta most of the superficial and somewhat mindless Horror on cable these days...

This one truly engages your imagination...
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Turned off
dierkingl16 May 2024
Ok, this is not a horro movie. It's a put you to sleep, boring, no plot movie. Scenes just random with little dialog. No plausible reasons are given. But, they make sure to show several sex scenes, which give nothing to the story. The massive house, which only a few rooms are shown, does have a beautiful view. The creep next door neighbor gives no answers and is just there. I hope no paid money to see this. I watched it free on TUBI and I even turned it off. Save yourself some time and watch anything else. I have noticed several movies with the same name on IMDB. Another no name actor, bad plot, and absolutely no horror.
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excellent psychological thriller
hydrohoodies23 June 2018
I love slower paced psychological thrillers with beautiful cinematography and this was the perfect movie. the character building was fantastic. very "shining"-esk, a real life true tragedy of epigenetics and how you can't seem to avoid it. the side characters were good, quarky, and keeps you on the edge of your seat! a truly good thriller needs no gore excess.
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Loads of Potential
caledonia-160315 July 2019
The film is a bit slow by American standards, but it's a story that unfolds at the surreal pace of a dream-a nightmare in fact. The acting, staging of each scene and the plot are all very solid. I'd expect great things to follow from both the cast and the director/writer.
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Indie Gem
the_nephilim715 November 2018
I do NOT understand the bad ratings as I thought the film was quite good. The film has a big budget look it and is also well acted. A very good start for a first time director.
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Slow moving & really effective
kellycatherine-6008116 December 2018
Loved it. Great Sunday afternoon film. Really slow and atmospheric. Good acting and just creepy enough to keep me entertained
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Moody Horror Movie
ladymidath13 May 2024
Inheritance is a beautifully filmed movie that is slow paced and and has plenty of atmosphere. Set in a beautiful seaside setting, it leisurely tells a dark story. But the problem is, it is a little too slow.

I like a movie that doesn't race through its story or crams it with gore and needless jump scares, but this is a little too slow.

The visuals a gorgeous and the acting is solid, but the the movie becomes a little too self indulgent and many will feel bored and impatient by the end.

The movie on the whole is still worth watching for the strong suburban gothic vibes, but there needed to be just a little more meant on the bone, so to speak.

It is a good movie, but with a tighter direction, it could have been a better one.

Also kudos to the great music that helped to heighten the sense of tenseness to the film.
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