"Supergirl" Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk (TV Episode 2017) Poster

(TV Series)


Melissa Benoist: Kara Danvers, Supergirl



  • Mon-El : Hey, I cannot believe that you sided with that-that fast-talking, nefarious twerp.

    Kara Danvers : I did not side with him.

    Mon-El : You sent me away so you could have private time with your stalker!

    Kara Danvers : I sent him away so that he didn't snap you off to Siberia, and plus, you were being out of control!

    Mon-El : Oh, yeah, I'm-I'm sorry that I was busy, uh, defending your honor.

    Kara Danvers : [insulted]  I am not some damsel in distress. I'm Supergirl! And I can defend myself, and more importantly, I told you I was handling it.

  • Kara Danvers : I don't know who you are or how you got here...

    [she tries to pronounce his name] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Mxyzptlk. It's spelled like it sounds.

  • Kara Danvers : I'm flattered, but I'm not gonna marry you, Mxyzptlk.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : That's funny. I'm all-seeing and all-powerful, but that's one of the few things I can't make you do. That and make you fall in love with me, and/or stop you from killing yourself, and/or make you drink orange juice for some reason. Anything else, yes, but go figure.

    Kara Danvers : Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm just not interested.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Don't be sorry, buttercup. I know what you're doing. You're playing hard to get, which is utterly charming and delightful, by the way.

    Kara Danvers : What? No. No, I... I'm not.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : You're flustered. You're confused. Your heart is racing. I have that effect on women.

  • Mon-El : I don't know how you got to this planet, but she's with me.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : The other suitor! I didn't see you there, tall, dark and bland-some. You're barely there, let alone my romantic rival.

    Kara Danvers : [Mon-El tries to hit him]  No!

    Mon-El : [as Mxy vanishes]  What...

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : [reappearing]  Invisible is a good look on you. Let's play to your strengths.

    J'onn J'onzz : [seeing him appear in the DEO in nothing but his underwear]  Mon-El?

    Mon-El : Hey. Hey.

    [under his breath] 

    Mon-El : I'm gonna kill him.

  • J'onn J'onzz : Agent Schott, have you found records of human dealings with these lifeforms?

    Winn Schott : Uh, yes. Actually, lots. If you just...

    [putting information up on the monitors] 

    Winn Schott : ...take from it what you will, but between genies, djinn, and leprechauns, I mean, humans have been documenting contact with reality-bending creatures for centuries.

    Mon-El : [entering]  And how did they slay them? On Daxam, we crush them.

    Kara Danvers : What? No. Absolutely not.

    Mon-El : We learned the hard way that the only way to deal with them was to kill them quickly. Let me... let me take care of him.

    Kara Danvers : No! No. We don't kill.

    Mon-El : I'm not gonna let some imp stalk you and live.

    Kara Danvers : I can take care of myself, Mon-El. Let me handle it.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : I offered you the world, Kara Zor-El. Anything you wanted. And you reject it all? I could have made you a god, like me.

    Supergirl : I don't want to be a god, Mxy. I just want you off of Earth.

  • Supergirl : [chasing a group of robbers]  Hey, boys, what's the hurry?

    [they begin firing their guns, but the bullets harmlessly ricochet off her] 

    Supergirl : You're wasting your ammo. You know they can't hurt me.

  • Kara Danvers : So, you and me... um, there was something happening between us before Mxyzptlk showed up.

    Mon-El : Mm-hmm.

    Kara Danvers : And I really, really want to get back to that.

    Mon-El : Oh, yeah. Me, too.

    Kara Danvers : But first, I have to get rid of him.

    Mon-El : I mean, of all the girls in all the galaxies, that the little imp had to pick you to pursue as his mate...

    Kara Danvers : But don't worry. Because before you know it, he's going to be back in his dimension, and you and I, we can celebrate the Day of the Valentine together. I promise.

  • Mon-El : I am not jealous. Okay? I'm angry, because you have an unfair double standard.

    Kara Danvers : Yeah. You're right, I don't hold you and Mxy to the same standard, because I expect bad behavior from him, but from you, I expect much, much better.

    Mon-El : Oh. No, no, no. No, no, no, no.

    Kara Danvers : What?

    Kara Danvers : You do not get to turn this around on me. Because I am the one in this situation, at this moment...

    [to a passing agent] 

    Mon-El : Good to see you, Dana.

    [to Kara] 

    Mon-El : ...that is supposed to be mad.

  • Supergirl : You can't stop me from killing myself. It's in the rules.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Okay. There... there's only room for one crazy person in this relationship. Maybe we should just, um, you know, control-alt-delete this, and, uh, we can talk it over with a cup of Thoni tea.

    Supergirl : Being with you would mean being at odds every day with my heart, Mxyzptlk. I'd rather die in here than be with you.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Well, here's the thing. I'm calling your bluff. I don't believe you'd destroy all of this.

    [rubble begins to fall] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Okay, please. I'll do anything. Just don't die.

    Supergirl : I'm sorry. I-I'm not going to tell you the cancellation code.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : So there's a code?

    [hurrying over to a panel and seeing the writing is all Kryptonian] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : I can't read this.

  • Mon-El : Hey, I just, um... I just wanted to... to let you know that, um... you're awesome.

    [she laughs] 

    Mon-El : No, you are. You, I mean... you just... you out-tricked the most cunning intergalactic trickster, and you did it your way, without... without violence, which I never should have doubted because you're... you know, you're you.

    Kara Danvers : Thanks.

    Mon-El : I also wanted to say, um... I'm sorry. For acting like an ass. I've given it a lot of thought, and I have realized, um... that you are my kryptonite.

    Kara Danvers : Me?

    Mon-El : Oh, uh... no, I mean, um... I mean my-my feelings for you. I've never... I've never felt like this about... about anyone in my life. I mean, I-I... I didn't know that there were this-this many feelings to even be had. And my emotions, I guess they just... they made me, um, go kind of crazy.

    Kara Danvers : Yeah. Yeah. I totally get it, yeah.

    Mon-El : Anyway, I'm-I'm really glad you're okay. And I'm really, really happy that you didn't marry that guy.

    Kara Danvers : Me, too.

  • Kara Danvers : Just start again and start slow. Where are you from?

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Well, they call me the interdimensional man about town. It doesn't matter where I'm from, sweetcheeks. So let's get this knot tied.

    [with his powers, he conjures a wedding dress] 

    Kara Danvers : What is...? Are you crazy? You can't just put me in a wedding dress.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Why not? It's Vera Wang.

  • J'onn J'onzz : You've just been visited by a fifth-dimensional being.

    Kara Danvers : Wait, you've seen one of these before?

    J'onn J'onzz : Not here on Earth. On Mars, one of them moved the Xan'Xie Mountains halfway across the planet during the Zook Uprising. Fifth-dimensional life forms possess the ability to warp our reality to their own whims. Abilities that would appear, to all intents and purposes, to be magic.

    Mon-El : On Daxam, we had zero-tolerance policy for those creatures.

    Kara Danvers : You had 'em on Daxam?

    Mon-El : Yeah. And those guys knew how to party, but they're dangerous. Very dangerous.

  • J'onn J'onzz : Where is Mxyzptlk now?

    Kara Danvers : I don't know. He snapped away. I thought he was just after me, but he almost killed those guys. He's a lot more dangerous than I thought.

  • Kara Danvers : I can handle Mxyzptlk, but it's Mon-El who's infuriating. He has some grudge against imps.

    Alex Danvers : Do you think maybe Mon-El's jealous?

    Kara Danvers : [snickering]  Uh, no. Of Mxyzptlk? No. I mean, that would be crazy.

    [entering her loft, they see it covered from ceiling to floor with rose bouquets] 

    Kara Danvers : Though Mxy is persistent.

  • Alex Danvers : I need some advice, uh... about Valentine's Day.

    Kara Danvers : Oh, my god, it's your first Valentine's Day with Maggie! That's so exciting! Oh! You have to go Il Palazzo. The bolognese-stuffed calamari is to die for. I'm sure they're booked, but Ms. Grant was a regular, so...

    Alex Danvers : Yeah, well, I-I don't need a reservation, Kara. That's precisely the problem. Um... Maggie hates Valentine's Day.

    Kara Danvers : Well, that's... that's kind of a bummer.

  • Alex Danvers : Look, I know. I know it's silly, but after so many Valentine's Days alone, I was just finally excited to be in a relationship where we could celebrate all the cheesy stuff couples celebrate.

    Kara Danvers : That's not silly at all. I'm sure she doesn't really hate Valentine's Day.

    Alex Danvers : She called it a manufactured holiday for patsies.

    Kara Danvers : Okay... okay, so the trimmings aren't her style, but you can celebrate your own way. What kind of stuff does she like?

    Alex Danvers : I don't know. Guns?

    Kara Danvers : [not sure how to respond]  Anything... else?

    Alex Danvers : Well, she loves Scotch. You know, that's, um...

    Kara Danvers : Good.

    Kara Danvers : And, um... oh, she loves tiarmisu. I mean, could eat for every meal, literally. It's like her happy food. And she loves bonsai trees, which I know is totally random, but, I-I mean, I find it adorable.

    Kara Danvers : That's all great. So why don't you create a tailor-made Maggie Valentine's Day? And you can re-invent the holiday for the both of you.

  • Kara Danvers : [hearing a commotion outside her apartment]  Parasite!

    Alex Danvers : How is he still alive?

    Kara Danvers : [getting into superhero mode]  I don't know. Stay here.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : You're lucky I flew in when I did, Supergirl. I mean, do you think this fraud could have helped you save the day? What superpower? I guess he could have leaped over Parasite like a gazelle.

    Supergirl : Hey, that's...

    Mon-El : Oh, would you like to see my superpower? 'Cause I will just rip you apart with my bare hands right here if you're interested in that.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Spoken like a true Daxamite. You're nothing but a thug. I mean, this goddess, she requires a man who's equal in her powers and wits. Who can come to her aid when villains suddenly pop up.

    Supergirl : Wait. The... Parasite. This-this was all you?

    Mon-El : Don't you... don't you see what he's doing here? He-he's creating havoc so that he can play the... hero and then impress you.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : What's wrong with that? She's been slumming it with you for so long, she doesn't realize what's out there.

    Mon-El : Why don't you just say your name backwards, buddy, and just-just zap back to wherever you came from, okay?

    Supergirl : Wait, wait, wait, wait. That's how you send him away?

  • Supergirl : What is it going to take to get you off this planet?

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : It's like I said. It's going to take two little words: "I. Do." Or things will get very bad for your world.

  • Mon-El : Sometimes you're not a good judge of what you can handle. So... there it is.

    Kara Danvers : Really?

    Mon-El : Yes.

    Kara Danvers : Is that why you didn't tell me that the secret to getting Mxy off Earth was to get him to say his name backwards, because you didn't think I could handle it?

    Mon-El : No, I didn't tell you that because it never works! 'Cause first of all, it's hard enough to say it forward, and second of all, that guy is a motormouth, but he's not stupid.

    Kara Danvers : You should have told me.

  • Mon-El : You are so hard on me, Kara. Okay, but why not him? I mean, that guy, he conjured... hey, hey!

    Kara Danvers : What? God!

    Mon-El : He conjured up a supervillain and set him loose on National City. Did you give him an earful? No... no, no, no. Because Mxy snaps his fingers, and there's flowers in your loft. And he snaps his fingers, and you're in... you're in-you're in Vera Wang...

    Kara Danvers : [amused]  Oh, my god!

    Mon-El : What?

    Kara Danvers : You're jealous.

    Mon-El : I'm... that is ridiculous.

    Kara Danvers : Oh, is it?

    Mon-El : You know what, Kara? I knew that you were a little full of yourself, like, a little bit.

    Kara Danvers : [insulted]  Full of myself?

    Mon-El : But this is, like, off the charts.

  • Kara Danvers : You know what? I thought you'd change. I really did, but you are still the same macho...

    Mon-El : Oh, here it is. Say it.

    Kara Danvers : ...egotistical...

    Mon-El : Daxamite?

    Kara Danvers : Yes!

    Mon-El : [mocking]  He's a Daxamite!

    Kara Danvers : As you've always been.

  • J'onn J'onzz : What language is that?

    Kara Danvers : It's "Mxyzptlk" spelled backwards. Maybe Mon-El was right. I mean, how am I gonna get him to say this? I hope Winn found something that will work. Where is he?

    J'onn J'onzz : He should be here. Most of the relics tested negative for fifth dimensional energy, however, there was one that might be of some use.

    [seeing the case is empty] 

    J'onn J'onzz : Odd.

    Kara Danvers : [realizing]  Mon-El.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : I hear you're allergic to lead.

    Supergirl : [speeding in]  Stop!

    Mon-El : Kara.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Sweetheart. This volatile maniac tried to kill me! It'll be better for all of us once I snuff him out.

    Supergirl : I'll marry you!

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : You will?

    Mon-El : You will?

    Supergirl : Yes. I've thought about it, and... and you're right. You're gifted, brilliant, and together we can do anything. Take me as your wife.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Darling, you and I are going to be the ultimate power couple.

    Mon-El : Kara, no.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : [vanishing him, leaving only his restraints]  He talks too much. Let's get this show on the road. I'll get our officiant. You want the Pope, a Lubavitcher Rabbi?

  • Supergirl : It would mean the world to me if I followed proper Kryptonian custom and got married on the soil of my people.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : [about to snap his fingers]  Kryptonian soil coming up.

    Supergirl : No, no! I meant... I meant the Fortress of Solitude. I'll wear my mother's dress. So meet me there tomorrow at noon.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : I'll see you soon...

    [kissing her on the cheek] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Wife.

  • Mon-El : I wish I could snap my fingers and-and-and give you everything you wish for, and it kills me that he can do that stuff for you and I can't. And I-I... I acted badly, okay? Very badly. But please... please do not-do not marry him. I will be better for you...

    Kara Danvers : It's not just the jealousy thing, Mon-El. It's the patronizing ego thing. I told you I could handle Mxy, and you didn't listen.

    Mon-El : I swear to Rao, I will listen, Kara. I will respect you, just please, just give me... just give me another chance.

    Kara Danvers : I'm sorry. I can't. I am marrying Mxyzptlk.

    Mon-El : Kara, no.

    Kara Danvers : Look, I-I'm not in love with him, but it's the only way to stop him from hurting other people, and from killing you. And you know what? He makes an excellent point. He has limitless power that he can use to help me fight for justice. We'll make a great team.

    Mon-El : [disheartened]  I thought we were gonna do that.

    Kara Danvers : We're too different, Mon-El.

    [she opens the front door as non-verbal request for him to leave] 

    Kara Danvers : I'm sorry.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : Where's the dress? The... the flowers? The pigs in blankets

    Supergirl : [drinking from a glass of orange juice]  Mm. Ahh. See, that's the thing, Mxy. I'm not going to marry you.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : What do you mean?

    Supergirl : I brought you to the Fortress in case you got violent again. 'Cause I didn't want anyone to get hurt when I broke the news. It's not going to work between us. Ever.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : But you said... You don't love me?

    Supergirl : Love isn't making demands of someone, or forcing them to marry you. Love is putting someone else's needs above your own.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : So you brought me all the way up here just to reject me?

    [snapping his fingers] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : I think you're going to have to explain your catastrophic lack of judgment to your family.

    [as a statute comes to life] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : What's that, Uncle Jor-El? If you have to hold Kara down 'till she sees reason and becomes my bride, you will?

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : You think this is the worst it can get? One snap and I'll crack your world in half. Then where will you go, Kryptonian? I'll hound you across the stars, Kara, until you admit that you love me.

    Supergirl : I'm done with this, Mxyzptlk. And I'm done with you. You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : What are you doing?

    Supergirl : Setting the Atomic Cauldron to self-destruct.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : The Atomic what, now?

  • Supergirl : The Fortress has one of the most powerful fusion furnaces on Earth. I'm overloading the Sunstones at its core.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Okay, well, Kara. Let's not be too hasty, huh? You know, maybe we should just, um...

    Supergirl : When the Cauldron goes up, it'll explode with the force of a 400-megaton bomb. The Fortress is sealed, so, should contain the blast, but anyone inside it will...

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : This sounds bad.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : I don't have time to learn your stupid moon language!

    [getting down on his knees] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Please, Supergirl. I'm literally begging you. Don't do this. I'll do anything. You want world peace? You got it. I can make that happen. Just don't kill yourself. The world needs Supergirl.

    [she considers it] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Please. Tell me the code.

    Supergirl : [leading him to the panel and indicating a button]  Push that one.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Yes.

    Supergirl : That one. That one. Uh... this one. Press that. That, that, and that.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : [the self-destruct deactivates]  Yes!

    [seeing the Kryptonian language turn to English] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : No. You made me write my name backwards.

    Supergirl : Yep. On some planets, to write something down is to truly say it.

  • Mr. Mxyzptlk : You tricked me.

    Supergirl : No. No, I followed the rules. If you say your name backwards, you go back to the Fifth Dimension, no questions asked.

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : That's it, you nasty woman. Now I'm gonna...

    [as he's about to snap his fingers, he sees his arm begin to vanish] 

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : No. It's started. I just wanted... I wanted someone to love me.

    Supergirl : You can't force love, Mxyzptlk. You have to let it find you.

  • Mon-El : I get that you were upset that I wasn't listening to you and I... I-I tried really, really, really hard to listen to you this time. And I heard that you... you don't think that we belong together, and-and I respected that.

    Kara Danvers : No, but Mxy wasn't the only one I tricked. I didn't mean it. I just said it so you'd let me go, to protect you. Plus, he could have been listening, so...

    Mon-El : Wait. Wait, so you didn't mean any of that stuff that you said?

    Kara Danvers : Well, the first bit about your infuriating male ego, that part I meant.

    Mon-El : [she laughs]  Okay, okay.

    Kara Danvers : But the second part about us not being a match... I didn't mean that.

  • Winn Schott : We are ready to send your message to Mars whenever you are.

    Kara Danvers : What message?

    J'onn J'onzz : On Earth, it's customary to send messages on Valentine's Day. We had a similar custom on Mars.

    Kara Danvers : It's too bad you can't call her.

    J'onn J'onzz : Well, we Martians are a psychic people. All our communication was through thought. But when we had something really important to say, we would often write it down. On some planets, to write something down is to truly say it.

    Kara Danvers : Well, I'm sure M'gann will be very happy to hear from you.

  • Mon-El : So, this-this... this day of Valen-teen, is that something we're supposed to...

    Kara Danvers : Gee, uh, let's talk in private.

    Mon-El : Okay, yeah, private. This is good.

  • Supergirl : Superman?

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : [in a Superman-ish outfit]  Not quite.

    Supergirl : [snickering]  Mxy? Are you serious?

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : Well, I thought you could use a little extra help, Supey-Baby.

    Mon-El : Um, hello. I was helping her, so...

    Mr. Mxyzptlk : You? That's a laugh.

  • Kara Danvers : This was a mistake, you and me.

    Mon-El : Agreed.

    Kara Danvers : We shouldn't have...

    Mon-El : Nope.

    Kara Danvers : Good.

    Mon-El : [awkward pause]  So, are you gonna kill the imp?

    Kara Danvers : No.

  • Maggie Sawyer : Hey, Kara. Alex around?

    Kara Danvers : I was looking for her, too. She's not here.

    Maggie Sawyer : I was hoping I could see her. I need to apologize. I acted like an idiot last night.

    Kara Danvers : Look, I know Valentine's Day might not be happy for you, but it means something to Alex to spend a romantic holiday with someone she cares about. Maybe you might want to consider making some changes for her.

  • Supergirl : [after both lost their fights]  Are you okay?

    Mon-El : I was gonna ask you the same question.

See also

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