"Game of Thrones" A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Really the last good GoT episode
biohazard-q18 May 2019
Definitely the last good episode on the show. It's almost heartbreaking really.
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Come on people!
chloelee-2437022 May 2019
A knight of the seven kingdoms is not as half bad as other episode!! Don't drag it down with the others. Give some respect to the producers and writers of this episode please
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Michael Bay fans please leave!
alan-currie22 April 2019
I'm sorry but clearly some people on here have never properly watched the show or have just recently binged it all and just skipped past the "boring" talking bits?! Seriously GOTs has always been character driven, that's why when the big moments happen you feel so emotionally involved! Next weeks Episode 3 is a 1hour 22 minute battle sequence that has been set up perfectly by the first 2 episodes. Those of you leaving 1 star reviews need to get a grip and have a serious reality check! I'm not saying everyone should give this episode a 9 or 10 but anything below a 7 is madness. If you just want mindless action and fighting with no character driven storylines go and watch a Transformers movie!
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Goodbye, friends
strider-5445322 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just an incredible penultimate episode. Every character had a moment. So much rich & incredible interaction. This is goodbye to a lot of characters tonight. It's devastating. Next weekend will be like a funeral. Im terrified. And not ready. Be careful what you wish for when you want non stop action. Ep 3 will be just that and everything you've loved about this show will turn to ash in your mouth. You'll want to come back to this episode after it all just to see their faces.
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A great episode showing each character in what is potentially their last moments
RetryLogic22 April 2019
To everyone saying that this episode is a boring filler episode, you need to understand that it is a lot of characters' final moments on the show. If you wanted the show to rush to the action and forget about any touching character moments then you're watching the wrong show. Every character had a different way of coping with the inevitable which made the episode brilliant and doesn't give away any clues on what characters will survive the battle. When game of thrones is over, this will be the saddest episode to look back on as we'll realise that it's the last time we'll see certain characters' traits and interactions with each other. 10/10

Edit: Easily the best episode of the season.
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This episode was for true fans!
syed_jazii22 April 2019
Anyone who has been watching this show for a decade knows the value of this episode. We never had an episode like this where almost the whole cast was in a single scene! This episode was really for the true fans of got who have been wishing to see how all these actors can come together and interact with each other. This episode was and emotional roller coaster where u laugh in one scene and cry in the next one! I loved it to the core!
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One of the Best Episodes
OwensDad122 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hands down, top 5 episode of the entire series. This is going to be the last time we see any of these character interactions with the Battle of Winterfell set to begin. Brienne being knighted was as emotional a moment as we've seen in this series. To see her finally get the recognition she deserves, from the man she desperately loves, was amazing. Jon's confession to Dany about his parentage was completely unexpected. And her reaction proves to Jon, and the audience, that all that matters to Dany is sitting upon the throne. She wasn't happy for Jon or that Jon now knows who he is and where he comes from. She only cared about herself and keeping 'her' thrown. Brienne standing up for Jamie, Jorah doing the same for Tyrion, Sansa showing what an incredible leader she has become. Trusting in Brienne and also negotiating with Dany and holding her own. To see Davos, Pod, Tormund, Tyrion, Jamie and Brienne in one room, drinking wine (and giants milk!) was something I never thought we'd get to see. Gathering all these diverse characters together was fantastic to see on screen. Also getting the Night Watch reunion and the Hound & Arya (maybe the last time) having a drink together. There was so much to this episode. 10/10
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Build-up for the most anticipated battle in tv history
kevindehulsters21 April 2019
Boy did this deliver. I liked the premiere 'Winterfell', but this is on an entirely different level. I laughed, I got chills, I cried. I won't spoil anything, but the writing in this is incredible. Even though I love Game of Thrones (also the later seasons), I never thought I'd say that about a season 8 episode. Sure, the writing last episode was good, but this is seriously season 3 - 4 levels of writing. Beats 'Kissed by Fire' as my favorite build-up episode. I think that when all is said and done and people rewatch the entire show, this will be one of the best episodes. It just flows so well and perfectly prepares us for the biggest battle we're ever going to see. I'm gonna miss Game of Thrones so much, let's enjoy it while it lasts.
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Thrones delivers the character piece we've been waiting for in the calm before the storm - and it's beautiful.
danielsteadman9922 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I see complaints from people that this episode was boring, did nothing to further the plot, was just setup, etc. To me this is ridiculous - this episode is crucial if next week's is going to be as good as they're saying it will be. Next week is the spectacle, this week was the heart.

GoT in its first few seasons often had episodes where most (or all) of the screentime would literally just be various characters talking with very little action, and that's what made the show. Because then when the characters die so brutally, it actually hurts, and our characters were real, flawed and complex people, changed by their experiences and relationships. It's what makes every scene of this saga so compelling to watch. And now there will be little or no more of this in Game Of Thrones; we have four eps left, one of which is the Battle Of Winterfell and one of which is the finale. We can assume that we're going to be seeing a hell of a lot of action over the next four weeks, so this episode was the last chance for our characters, who have all travelled to the farthest reaches of Westeros and Essos and all the way back, to do what is the only natural thing for them to do on the last night of their lives: sit and drink and talk. And it was goddam beautiful. It's thanks to this episode's time spent with characters that next week's episode is going to hurt so much, when we see some of them fall at the hands of the Night King and his army.

So many beautiful moments came from this: Davos' heartbreak at seeing the strong little girl with grayscale and remembering his Princess; Theon finally coming home; the reunion of the Night's Watch brothers, all still with one mission in mind; Jorah showing his worth to Dany and receiving his own Valyrian steel sword for his service to Westeros; Pod's unwavering support to his mentors and good heart; Tyrion's self-doubt but honest loyalty (and love for wine); Arya and Gendry finally together on what could be their last night; Missandei and Grey Worm planning their life together; Arya, the Hound and Beric contemplating their fate; and finally pretty much any interaction Jaime had with another character, finally rounding off his redemptive arc in the most poetic of ways (Jaime and Brienne are golden in their scenes together) and paying off 8 years of character development, bad choices and a good heart. Everything here feels earned, natural and necessary. This may be the last episode we spend hearing many of the characters speak their hearts and minds, and to me it feels like the conclusion of many of GoT's greatest characters arcs and plots. It's not even fan service; it just feels right.

I also have to give huge praise to the scene in the crypts with Jon and Dany at the end. Mirroring last week's scene down there brilliantly, with the camera now focussed on Dany as she hears the news (credit to Emilia Clarke there). Interesting that this scene came shortly before the battle and in the same episode that Dany admits she really does love Jon - it'll be interesting to see if this has any repercussions next week. Also this episode is hardly without excitement. The comedy is very well placed and made me laugh unusually hard for GoT (again, just so it hurts more when next week takes some of these guys from us), and the tension in Winterfell as Jaime arrives is tremendous. Furthermore, the way this thing builds and builds until the dead arrive on the rise beyond Winterfell, you can literally feel time ticking away as the characters accept their fate. It's haunting to watch, and I honestly believe that it'll all pay off in the most explosive, epic and painful way next week and in the weeks to come.

This episode is not filler. It's not boring if you care about the characters. It's not simple. It's not even slow even though it never leaves Winterfell and all takes place in one day and night. It's perfect character drama and the calm before the storm. It's a beautiful conclusion to years of journies, ordeals, betrayals, heartbreak, wars, oaths and reunions. And if it weren't for this episode then next week would just be another Thrones battle - but this is the Battle Of Winterfell, and everything and everyone is at stake. This is probably Game Of Thrones' last great character piece and it's a joy to see such talent come together and pay off their years of hard work and incredible storytelling. We'll cry even more tears because of it.
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Kirpianuscus4 May 2019
Few motifs to see twice this special episode. The little girl front to Stannis. She reminds Sheereen, she could be one of Qyburn helps or just a simple orphan. The second - the trial of Jaime. And the prize for Lady Brianna . And the song of the end of episode. The tensioned- melancholic atmosphere - this is the special trait of an episode impressive scene by scene.
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Game of Cliches
kylemcl206922 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, it really is disappointing to see game of thrones turn into another generic fantasy show. While the episode had its highlights, mainly the story lines of Jamie, Brienne, and Jon, the rest was pretty much pointless filler. Most scenes and conversations added nothing to the overall story and often times fell completely flat on their face for what the show writers were trying to accomplish. And the flashbacks oh god, I'm seriously starting to think that this show has turned into an anime with the amount of scenes involving characters reminiscing on the past seasons events.
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It sweeps you up in just how moving it is, and if you didn't tear up you're a liar or made of stone.
punch871 October 2020
This episode seemed like it was written specifically for watchers like me - those of us who are impressed by dragon riding and huge battles, but haven't always connected to those scenes in the same way we've connected with smaller character moments.
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Amazing, great build up
lionmodz23 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Podricks singing scene was simply amazing. I got Goosebumps well watching it. This episode was a great build up for what's coming!
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Felt like a teen girls fanfiction
imgvdheijden22 April 2019
I'm inclined to agree with what others have said about this episode: too much cliches. It is by all means a filler/bottle episode, but that wouldn't necessarily have been a bad thing; it can work to build up the emotional stakes before the coming battle. But in this episode, as in the previous one and also even in season 7, everything was so on the nose! I mean, I challenge you to find one of Tyrion's lines in this episode that isn't explaining the subtext of the scene out loud. And all the 'funny' and 'anticipated' meet ups: We get it already! "Those characters do have history", and "it would be awkward for those characters to meet now under these circumstances". But by all means, make it awkward, make it painful, make everyone not get along (instead of just two extra's spitting on the ground). Make people have nothing to say to each other, make them unable to get over the history between them so fast. But no: all sources of conflict are smoothed over in mere seconds this season. What is left is a bunch of people that by no means should get along, even if it wasn't for the fact that they've been enemies for quite some time, just for the fact that they have not much in common. But in this episode, those people seem more like besties having a sleepover, rather than complex character with complex relationships on the verge of battle. Everything is just too sweet, too nice and neat and funny. It feels like a teen girl writing fanfiction, wanting all the bad things to be dealt with as quickly as possible, so everyone can get married and have babies and live happily ever after. While it may be heartwarming at moments, and while it made me laugh at certain points, it's not the quality I expect from GoT.
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The best action-less episode of Game of Thrones!
popistaniuliu22 April 2019
This is an intelligent episode. Brilliant writing, directing, acting, cinematography. The main theme is memory. What and when to forgive, and what to remember. "Never forget who you are!" All characters remember who they were, and what they've become, before death arrives. It is also a farewell episode. We will lose them all this season. "We never want them to leave" but they all will. Valar Morgulis! But we will remember ! Fans will remember!
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It was awesome
stay-love116 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Fun episode reminds me of the old game of thrones It was really fun to watch especially the scene of Brienne of Tarth becoming what she always wanted to be and jaime Thats was so heartwarming
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The last great episode before everything went to hell
samdoan9 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I look back on this episode feeling very bittersweet as this was the last time Game of Thrones was actually good to me. Sure, season 7 started to rush the story by making characters travel super fast and all, but at least the show still managed to keep their characters in tact. Everybody here is still true to their characters, they are still the ones we loved since we first met them. Just seeing them interact and having conversations before the biggest battle in Game of Thrones was very thrilling. Even hearing Podrick singing that song while we see everybody get ready for battle was so well done and very emotional. This episode really set up something that was supposed to be special and terrific, but we all know how that eventually turned out...
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Ser Brienne of Tarth
gmzuerch13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I start watching Game of Thrones this spring so am just now watching season 8 (August 12). I have heard nothing good about this season. But people are wrong, at least for the first two episodes. This episode was amazing!
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Reconciliations, Realization and Discovery
claudio_carvalho25 April 2019
"A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" is an important episode, with reconciliations of old enemies; realization of Brienne of Tarth, now a knight of the Seven Kingdoms and Arya Stark, now a woman; and discovery of Jon Snow that now knows who he is. The episode is also a preparation for the next one that may be the best episode of the whole series and certainly the farewell of several characters. Looking forward to become true. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms"
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The Last Night
ThomasDrufke22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's come to the point of this show where I can watch reunions and first meetings for hours and never get tired of it. I get it, the show has done 2 straight weeks of "set up", but it seems completely fitting to me. Even after all of the long-awaited reunions we got last week, we still needed some time to breathe with these characters for another week in Winterfell.

First thing of note is that this episode was set entirely in Winterfell, no Iron Islands with Yara or King's Landing with Euron/Cersei. And to be honest, do we expect either setting to fit in next week either? If it's supposed to be an episode entirely on the battlefield, than there's no reason to show any other setting. It's safe to say they were not missed tonight.

As expected, the episode began with Jaime in front of all the Lords, Kings, and Queens left in Winterfell as he "atoned" for his past sins. It wasn't all that shocking or surprising, we knew the people who would stand up for him (Tyrion & Brienne), the people who would not (Sansa & Daenerys) and the one in between (Bran), but it was nonetheless thrilling to watch. There were two lines that specifically stood out to me. The first being Brienne saying Jaime is a "Man with honor", which is a touching callback to the episode in season 2 titled "A Man Without Honor" in which she refers to Jaime as such. The second being Bran ending the conversation with "The things we do for love", talk about callbacks. I truly can't get enough of this.

Jaime and Brienne had quite a week together (which really worries me for both of their fates in the coming weeks), with Jaime asking Brienne to serve under her in the battlefield, and then him knighting her later in the episode in what was one of the most touching scenes this show has ever given us. How nice was it to see Brienne smile a bit in that sequence? Of all the titles people receive in this show, making Brienne a knight is at the top of the list.

Another quick but touching scene was seeing Theon return to Winterfell and pledge his sword to Sansa once more. I nearly teared up, not going to lie. I truly believe Alfie Allen is one of the best actors on this show, always showing so much emotion with little dialogue over the years. It didn't take much for his and Sophie Turner's reaction to him arriving to move me significantly in this moment. Of course, this comes directly after the "make-up" scene between Sansa and Dany, which was surely welcomed. But it wouldn't be Game of Thrones without those finally few seconds of Sansa asking about what will happen to the North once it's all over. How many times are people going to bring up "afterwards" without realizing that this show never gives us good happy endings/happy "afterwards"!

I loved seeing everyone surround the table and plan for the battle, and I also loved that it wasn't just Jon providing insight. It's an Avengers style lineup in this scene, and it was nice seeing everyone from Jaime, Sansa, Tormund, and Bran step up here. Which brings up the next point that we got an answer of sorts as to what the Night King wants, which is Bran. Is Bran's purpose only so that people knew of Jon's true lineage? Does he meet his end at the hands of the Night King in the next episode, thus eliminating the "world's memory"? Is that why Jon told Dany in this episode (because he needed to do it while Bran was still alive)? So by wanting an "endless night" does he need to kill absolutely everyone? Or is he satisfied once he kills Bran? I'm sure that's not the case, but still, so many questions left to answer. Some other notes worth mentioning:

-GHOST -the baby is real?? -Tormund is the MVP -Shocked Jon told Dany already -Pod is a singer -Arya got her weapon....in more than one way tonight... -"And now our watch Begins" -Davos & the people -Theon will definitely die next week

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Two years for this!
daniel_h_f22 April 2019
Two full years we waited for the supposly best season that game of thrones has to offer. All the anticipation that was gathered for this season has struckt down and in return we went from being a masterpiece to mediocrity. There is barely any action and the dialogs are pointless and made to evade the fact that the series has no materials. Don't you wonder why a show went from having 10 episodes every season to only offering 7 in season 7 and 6 in season 8. The show is out of materials and it is proven that the show doesn't work as well without the books. there is no longer creativity in the serie. I feel a great sorrow for the memories that i have from this show. Pointless dialog, pointless scenes, pointless facts is what the show offers now.

To be honest not even worth watching, just wait until episode 3 as that is when some more pointless dialog will happen and probably a major fight the last 10 minutes which will get us to episode 4 when cersie comes in and eventually her army will help them and then john, daenerys targaryen and cersie will start to fight for the throne!
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One of the masterpieces of Game of Thrones
tomyk_po23 April 2019
At first, we all expected for an episode like the first one of the season, with all the preparations for the great battle. But they give us an unexpected rush of feelings. As the dead march to Winterfell, we get a unique chance to see every main character with an open heart to express their feelings, their regrets, redemption, fears and hopes. I don't know if we are aware of how hard it's to reach that and transmit it to the audience in such a magnificent way. This goes beyond fights and sex, we got one last time to share with the persons we have been following for nearly ten years, in what it might be their last moments on screen. I'm sure this experience will be geting more credit after the Battle of Winterfell, and the show ending. For me, it's enough to say that we are beholding one of the masterpieces of the greatest show ever aired.
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Great episode ignore the critics
yusufkhan-5591322 April 2019
You can't please everyone clearly and in my opinion this is a great episode.
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I'd say it's a 6
slipping_beauty26 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First of - how out of character was Arya this episode? This came out of nowhere and was even odder than the dragon flight in S08E01. Also - weren't there too many campfire scenes?.. I know we're supposed to prepare for a great battle, but weren't we doing it for the most part of season 7 and S08E01? And more hints from the writers- I sense that the greatest battle would still be the one for the Iron Throne. The white walkers will be dealt with in 1 or 2 episodes, and then we will see how Daenerys would (or wouldn't) claim the throne. So far my favorite character is Sansa. She's being rational and cold - just as she should. Four episodes left... And I'm still anticipating the action. The Brienne part was adorable though. No wonder the episode's title is somewhat dedicated to her
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A complete waste of an episode
richard_graham_slater22 April 2019
For a series that only has 6 episodes to have another introduction episode is a complete waste. Episodes 1 and 2 could have easily been 1 good introduction episode.
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