Baby Girl (2018) Poster

(III) (2018)

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Not good, not good at all
Call-Me-Mr-Smith29 May 2019
Another shill-fest,a project of self-indulgence not worth watching. Titular baby girl trying to act, eclipsed only by an amateur director trying to direct. Of particular interest was spanking scene, its capacity to make the juices flowing at par with the USPS Ferns Forever Stamp. Cinematography semi-decent. The rest, blah...2/10
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No bueno
labng16 October 2019
Acting talent must not have been on the checklist when they cast this one. That being said, the dialog and emotional depth of the story wasn't ever going to make anyone a star. The only thing interesting was Diablo and her dangerous, freaky chick vibe. That can't exactly carry a film, though.
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I wasn't gonna do it...
missraze30 April 2023
I wasn't gonna write a (bad) review.

But after reading insultingly fake reviews, I had to. I don't care if no one comes across this title to even see the reviews; I'm doing this for historical purposes just in case.

This is where I draw the line: So the writer is Brandon Trask, according to iMDB and the review that I will post here verbatim to show how stupid these people think viewers are to think we wouldn't notice how fake this is:

"Sexy thriller wtrask-3401517 May 2019 I usually watch comedies and Hallmark movies. This is certainly not one of them! But I really enjoyed it. Great acting and script, plus exceptional cinematography, music and special effects. The ending did not disappoint. A thumbs up."

Written by W. Trask. See that? T.r.a.s.k. So either there's some nepotism going on here, or the writer is catfishing good reviews. Now I will not leave a decent review. Do not insult viewers!

Also, they said "normally I watch comedies and Hallmark." I am personally offended because I love Hallmark/I am subbed to them and Lifetime too. What's wrong with that? And this movie thinks that the people saying we don't like this if we like comedies/Hallmark is so far detached from reality up their own backhole that they think the issue is that this film is too "dark" for us. Newsflash, a raging lightning storm is darker than this film lol. In all honesty, though, I do not even know how "dark" this movie is because I can't stomach going further supporting someone who catfishes and nepotizes reviews. I will agree that the neon colors against the nocturnal urban background, sure, but it was kinda wasted on this movie simply because of the pretentious performances. Kudos for making a film, though, and for being creative, but skroo you for those insulting reviews.
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Terrible, all the way around
tiffmasters8 June 2019
Not only is the story poorly written, but the acting was cringeworthy, the likes of which I've never seen. Because the rating was so Hugh, I finished it thinking it would evolve, but only turned cliqued. Do not watch this movie, or anything this girl ever acts in, if she ever gets a job again in her life.
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fake reviews followed by real ones
johndoughimdb23 November 2019
There are a bunch of 9 and 10 star reviews, but all the recent ones are 1 or 2 stars i think that says all you need to know, and the trailer is a joke
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Nothing original...Copy cat film making.
skoglundand14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First 5 minutes was like something I have already watched. Opening credits was a copy cat of "Seven." Can't tell you how many movies I have watched that try to replicate Seven. Seven set the bar in terms of opening credits and film makers have tried to copy it ever since with no avail to coming close. This is nothing different. Interview scene at the beginning was exactly like "Domino" with Keira Knightley. Exactly. Almost word for word. Exactly. Even down to the girl smoking a cigarette and to the detective. Copy cat. I must say I did not get very far with this movie as I did not feel like watching a movie that just copies others' ideas. Maybe I will feel like watching the whole movie. Maybe not. Not original in terms of film making.
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There was a possibility that this could have been enjoyable. It's not.
I_Ailurophile26 August 2023
I forget how I came across this in the first place, but the premise seemed promising with a lot of potential. Even the first couple of minutes however, feel brusque, forced, and heavy-handed. That impression will not change, sadly, and is reflected in most every capacity: dialogue, characters, scene writing, acting and delivery, direction, editing, lighting, cinematography, production design and art direction, and somehow even in the sound design, hair, makeup, and costume design. In fact, "brusque," "forced," and "heavy-handed" mostly feel like overly polite descriptors, for some instances (of dialogue especially) are just plain awful. I appreciate the work that everyone put into this, and I hope they grow in their skills and find success in the future. I appreciate what this could have been, and I don't think it's unfair to suppose that most folks who take enough interest in it to actually watch are here for the suggested LGBTQ representation, whatever form it takes and whatever the resultant quality. Unfortunately, in this case, (presumably) earnest intentions don't amount to anything, and 'Baby girl' simply isn't very good.

I don't think overall that it's 100% irredeemably rotten. I recognize skill among the cast and crew that might flourish given the opportunity. There were, perhaps, some good ideas here. None of those ideas are treated well, however, and the ends to which all skill is guided is far less than great. Pretty much from the very start the viewing experience is laborious, and none of the drama carries any of the weight that it should - not the domestic drama, not the domestic violence, not the trauma, not the depression and self-harm, not the spiral into vices and antisocial behavior, not the manipulation and exploitation, not any of it. Ninety minutes crawl at an agonizingly slow pace, both in terms of the presentation itself and how it comes across while watching; at one point I glanced at the digital timer and was aghast to find that I hadn't even hit the one-third mark. Meanwhile, if one has come here for the promise of lesbian romance, well, suffice to say that what we get is outweighed by what we have to sit through for it. And the longer 'Baby girl' drags on, the further away we seem to get from any value that it might have possibly held.

Oh hey, I think I remember now how I came across this; star Sara Catherine Bellamy had a small part in Damien Chazelle's 'Babylon.' I loved 'Babylon!' That's the only connection, however, and there is no comparison: neither director Kevin Van Stevenson nor writer Brandon Trask are Damien Chazelle, and where 'Babylon' is a great but imperfect film, this is a rather floundering film that has a hard time illustrating its worth. There was the chance that this might have been a deserving, meaningful picture. To be that, however, would have required a far more measured, delicate, nuanced, tactful, careful, mindful approach, in every regard. Why, a complete tale is told, and on paper it's compelling, but it's incohesive and barely coherent, the sequencing is rubbish, and the final product comes across as unfocused and disjointed; more than that, I get the sense that Van Stevenson and Trask couldn't figure out exactly what they wanted their feature to be. I repeat that I hope all grow in their capabilities and prove themselves in the future, but as it stands 'Baby girl' stumbles all over itself and flails desperately in the vain hope of grasping at profundity that's far beyond its reach. Whatever you think you'll get out of this, you're best served looking elsewhere.
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Very bad movie
vladimirtepes-3386713 March 2024
I could not even force myself to watch the entire thing. The acting is just horrible, none of them seem to know what they are doing. The way the lead smokes just looks freaking ugly. Why cast people who do not smoke, why make it a smoker in the first place, you did not really need that. The plot is horrible, the way the girls meet and start their story is incredibly bad. If nothing else the camera work is somewhat ok, does not look too bad. Any time they have a scene together the freaking cigarettes ruin everything. With every next plot line, it just gets dumber and dumber. The fight with mother is poorly made. After a somewhat decent scene of the fight with mother then switch to her talking about it holding a cigarette like she's disgusted by it. Why have it in the first place? Damn.
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Would have been much better with nudity
mikemaxsonnc20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You had two beautiful young ladies into drugs, violence, and creating porn, why did they cover all the nudity?

It's amazing to me how film makers, even B Dramas like this shy from the nudity but have no problem discussing and implying the sex and showing cutting, stabbing and shooting but not a single nude, even from the two main lead actresses who were having a sexual relationship not shown so much as a boob or butt, and no, underwear doesn't count, even though the bra was beautiful.

I loved the premise with the girl not getting over her dead dad and bonding with a wilder woman.

The ending where regular dad had an affair with Diablo??? I find that unbelievable, they could have at least shown it. And it was kind of dumb having the hackney ending where it was mom who shot him all along and she goes off with the nice guy, clearly still in the friend zone.

I liked the lead actresses and hope to see them in something better directed, written, and edited (which was all over the place.
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Absolute rubbish...
paul_haakonsen30 April 2024
Of course I had never heard aboput this 2018 thriller titled "Baby Girl" prior to sitting down and watching it for the first time here in 2024. So I literally didn't know what to expect from writer Brandon Trask and director Kevin Van Stevenson.

The storyline in the movie was pretty slow paced. I will say that writer Brandon Trask definitely was good at fleshing out characters, but the pacing of the story was just pretty slow. And that made sitting through this a somewhat difficult task. The contents of the storyline were vague, and it didn't make for any particular entertaining viewing experience.

The movie is listed as a thriller. But I have to say that 50 minutes into the movie, this felt like nothing more than a sleaze-fest for writer Brandon Trask to showcase his lewd fantasies. And I tossed the towel in the ring around the 55 minute marker. By then I just couldn't take anymore of the pointless narrative and the sleazefest that this movie was. The movie failed to entertain me on a fundamental level.

I wasn't familiar with a single actress or actor on the cast list. But the cast ensemble was definitely talented, and they put on good performances in bringing the characters and storyline to life on the screen, despite of having very little of any solid contents to work with in terms of script and storyline.

Now, I am sure that there is an audience out there for a movie such as this, perhaps a young adult audience. But if you sit down to watch a movie with the intention of being properly entertained by a proper movie, then "Baby Girl" is not something you should waste your time on.

My rating of "Baby Girl" lands on a very, very generous two out of ten stars, and that is based on the acting performances alone, because the storyline was a dumpster fire.
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A stylish thriller!
goobers-1171211 May 2019
A dark, stylish thriller that features standout performances across the board!
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Cody Bear is Lost and Troubled
lavatch26 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Baby Girl" (aka, "The Hurt") was a deeply pessimistic appraisal of "coming of age" for the protagonist, whose life was defined by family dysfunction, perversion, and violence.

The "baby girl" of the title is young Cody, who appears completely lost as she strikes up a relationship with a young woman identifying herself as "Diablo." This connection led Cody into a world of pornography, drugs, and violence.

Cody's mother Jennifer seems equally disturbed as she is trying to cope with the death of her husband, Mason. His death has led Cody into her spiral of despair, and Jennifer is helpless in attempting to comfort her daughter. The character of Willis, the erstwhile boyfriend of Cody, was also problematic. There was never anything like affection shown to Willis by Cody, and it was unclear why Willis would continue to associate with her.

A shortcoming of the film was in the interrogation scenes of the police detective questioning Cody. It was never clear what Cody was accused of or even what the detective was investigating. Was it the death of Diablo? Was it Diablo's criminal activities? Was it the death of Cody's father Mason? Why was the detective so intimidating in his questioning of "Cody Bear"?

The filmmakers tried to wrap up the loose ends with another flashback scene at the end. Unfortunately, the film was utterly depressing and even cringeworthy in places. The actors tried to rise above the material, but, by the end, the future still seems bleak for young Cody.
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Surprise ending!
kgarcesfoley11 May 2019
Enjoyed this suspenseful mother-daughter story! Great performances with a cool LA backdrop
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Sara Bellamy and Every Heart!
This is a great movie featuring strong performances, especially from Sara Bellamy and Every Heart!
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Awesome movie!!!
drake-9079312 May 2019
The movie was fantastic! It got really dark, which I loved, and super suspenseful. The end of the movie had a great plot twist, and I will be recommending it to all of my friends.
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Worth the watch
sqirlyshirl13 May 2019
Watching it with my kids was a little awkward tho.
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Great movie
johnyboy-3118915 May 2019
The movie was great. The cast of characters were amazing. Very thrilling and tastefully put together.
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Sexy thriller
wtrask-3401517 May 2019
I usually watch comedies and Hallmark movies. This is certainly not one of them! But I really enjoyed it. Great acting and script, plus exceptional cinematography, music and special effects. The ending did not disappoint. A thumbs up.
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very interesting movie!
anissaabbott12 May 2019
Lots of great twists and turns. Dark but very engaging. Definitely worth watching!
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A dark, winding path you can't resist following
JustinP8527 May 2019
I really enjoyed this film. It's dark. Dealing with an uncomfortable subject matter for many, but that's life. Its uncomfortably raw and real. The acting feels a little green around the edges at times but the heart is there, which is one of the things I love most about indie films. There's a strong vision here and as the story unfolds, maybe all is not quite what it seems. The production value and cinematography beautifully capture this spiraling tale of loss and finding the strength to overcome. The aesthetic had hints of 8MM at times, but that's where the comparison stops. Baby Girl is a nuanced story about a teenage girl stumbling into a bad situation at the most vulnerable point in her life, and being preyed upon for that vulnerability. Its a well written script from writer Brandon Trask, and Director Kevin Van Stevenson brought it to life in such a visceral way. Keep your eye out for these guys. They pack a hard one-two punch.
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