Home with a View of the Monster (2019) Poster

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Catchy name for a movie. And that's about it.
S_Soma18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Due to the disappointingly high load of plot "issues" with HOME WITH A VIEW OF THE MONSTER, the plot is so bizarrely constructed that watching it devolves into a kind of nauseating, Kafkaesque ordeal that qualifies as an original experience, at least of a sort. If that sounds like something you'd enjoy, go for it.

While there are technically more than 4 actors in HOME WITH A VIEW OF THE MONSTER, there's really only 4 of any consequence.

Dennis and Rita (I hope I remember their names correctly...) are a mixed-race couple who, sadly, didn't do their due diligence and snapped up a home because it seemed to be exactly what they were looking for and it was significantly price reduced. Turns out that it's haunted. Oops. Didn't see THAT in the disclosure form.

So naturally they put their terrifying home up for a short-term vacation rental in an Airbnb sort of way and go on a little camping trip when somebody rents it. Yeah, that'll work. For personal reasons, they decide to return home early and call ahead to, somewhat apologetically, notify the renters that they'll need to make an early departure. When they arrive home, it's obvious that the renters have been careless with their property and, unusually, all of the renter's luggage still seems to be present, although the actual renters appear not to be in evidence.

A bizarre collection of events begins to unfold consisting of a murder for hire plot, a hostile supernatural entity, and some discombobulated homeowners.

For its shoestring budget, HOME WITH A VIEW OF THE MONSTER is at least competently made for the most part. It features an excellent use of its location, pleasing cinematography (with some exceptions...) and competent acting at the very least. The only in-your-face expression of poor workmanship is the presence of that inimitable watermark of low-quality, the incessant overuse of the unnecessary close-up. Genuinely garbage movies typically engage in this sort of behavior because they can't afford legitimate locations for shooting and need to stay tight in on the actors faces so that the lack of appropriate context won't be visible. Why it was done here can only be explained by actual poor quality filmography; it didn't need to happen because they had all the context they needed. Don't know what happened here except somebody didn't know what they were doing in the directing and/or camerawork department.

The 2 primary elements that make watching this movie such an unpleasant experience is 1) that the majority of the characters aren't just dislikable, they are INTENSELY dislikable coupled with 2) a plot line that could only be called random.

Dennis and Rita, the unfortunate homeowners, are very pleasant and likable and we empathize with them because of the bad situation they find themselves in. All of the other characters who actually contribute to the plot are literally terrible people. Everybody is either a sociopath, a would-be murderer or both. The female renter is utterly insufferable.

And whether you're talking about the protagonists or the antagonists, NOBODY'S behavior makes any sense, ESPECIALLY given the supernatural situation.

Some examples:

Who rents out their home to strangers when they KNOW their home is haunted and in a very un-subtle way? Axes appear here and there, loud bangings and shudderings, moving cupboards, threatening messages written on mirrors and so on. It's not a moral issue, it's a practical issue. You KNOW things are going to blow up in your face and why would you lean into that punch?

When you come home to find that your renters have disappeared but all their luggage is still there and you experience threatening phone calls accusing you of being a luggage thief (and other dire warnings), nevermind the fact that your home has been left in a very suspicious state, who would not simply turn around and call the police?

Upon seeing some stranger abruptly walk into your home while holding an ax, why would you go out of your way to personally confront the man with your gun? Oh, and by the way, you don't actually make a point of holding the gun yourself but you have your gun-terrified wife hold the gun who clearly has never used one and probably doesn't know how and who stands as close to the dangerous, ax wielding intruder as possible while she holds the gun? And then, instead of either shooting the intruder or calling the police, you instead engage in conversation with him?

The reality of HOME WITH A VIEW OF THE MONSTER is that it depends upon bizarre characters behaving in unrealistic and incomprehensible ways even given the peculiar/paranormal context and unstable personalities of the characters in order to move the plot "forward". You're not entertained by the movie because of its frightening and engrossing plot line and skillful construction, but instead have this sense of uncomfortable queasiness that you get because you're either watching interactions between unstable and unpredictable sociopaths or apparently rational people behaving in ways that are so unrealistic it sets up a cognitive dissonance which you experience as discomfort as an audience member.

The makers of this movie, the Greenlee brothers, clearly have the essential skills to produce a quality movie in at least the mechanical sense. If they actually worked from a coherent script, we may actually see some good stuff from them in the future.
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Unbiased Review
bitbucketchip18 July 2021
As is frequently the case with indie films seen by about a dozen people, the glowing reviews on here are from people tied to the production.

The reality, unfortunately, isn't so glowing. It's OK in parts, downright bad in others. Here's some advice for their next effort:

Tip #1 When assigning a visitor from another planet to write your script, choose one who is familiar with human behavior. Humans who are outside their rental home do not go inside to confront an axe wielding intruder. Humans who purchase a haunted house don't rent it out to tenants. Humans who have phone conversations where they are charged by a stranger to destroy someone else's luggage don't hang up the phone and immediately open a bottle of wine.

Tip #2 The soundtrack should bear some passing relationship to the onscreen activity. Ominous music playing when people enter a home where the biggest threat are flies on unwashed dishes doesn't make those flies more threatening.

Tip #3 If you decide to put actors in your film, and I highly recommend you do, include more that four. There are more than four members of this cast, but they are basically extras. The lead pair, though they are acting their hearts out, are not interesting or likable enough to carry a film.

Tip #4 Have a reason for making a film beyond spending your backers money. The movie ends with none of the characters having learned anything despite the ordeal they've been through. If they survive the film (no spoilers here) you could imagine the two leads buying another haunted house to rent out.

Five stars for the actors giving it their all and generally good film making basics. Minus one star for whoever didn't give the space alien who wrote the script enough time to observe real human behavior. Four stars.
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One Of The Weirdest I've Seen
wandernn1-81-68327424 December 2020
This Movie was very strange. Not really in a good way either. I'd give it 3 stars, plus 1 for weirdness factor. 4/10
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Did not make it far.
cirisortiz27 January 2022
I'm watching what is listed as horror movie. The owners are staying outside in a car while they rented out their house. She can't even afford shoes not full of holes that she has to tape together. First scene kids appearing in different places, oh wait, there is simple reason. They decide to go back to what I think is a run down shack (note shoes). She finds weapon "what's this?" shock! What, she missed where they were staying? Turns house is nothing less than a mansion. HOW?? By then I'm wondering who made this mess and I'm only in the first 11 minutes. Did the obvious - came here to see what that was. Find 10 stars reviews. That is my clue, the thing is going to be so bad, that who ever made it had to have his pals give it great reviews. Decided not to waste my time. Get real, I will watch movies with seven and even three but TEN??? Hate people trying to fool me into watching something they know stinks.
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Low Budget And It Shows
darad19 January 2020
Looks like most of the budget was spent on the movie poster. I found the movie very, very boring and it had a weak plot. Maybe if it was a short it could have been passable but there's no way you should make a movie with such a dull cast and story.
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The Music Stank
Mehki_Girl8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And made no sense in context. I could have dealt with the movie, the story, and the way it was told, even though you care nothing about the characters, but the awful music - that was the scary part.
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hl_nels1 February 2020
Most of the actors were fine and the way it's filmed is pretty good for being a low budget. I'm usually a fan of indie films, but this could've been much better. Perhaps there is a moral to the story, but if that was the movies purpose it should not have been a "thriller". I love horror/thriller flicks and they are pretty much all I watch, so I was hopeful this would be good. Sadly, I was very disappointed. Perhaps if it wasn't so slow and I didn't feel like I just watched a 4 hour movie, I wouldn't be as annoyed that I just wasted my time. Lastly, not really sure what the point of the movie was. Don't get me wrong, I love cliffhangers and movies that end and you're thinking to yourself "wtf" (in a good way), but this movie had no point (unless there a moral of the story).
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Never usually have to turn off a movie..
lukekonicek11 January 2021
This is actually my first review ever.

I felt the acting of this movie was so poor, it left me more disturbed than the movie could have ever done, even if executed well.

Got about 45 minutes in and just had to turn it off. The only monsters are the ones who let thos be released.
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Kate and Hate
nogodnomasters23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dennis (Sébastien Charmant ) and Rita (Ellen Humphreys) purchase a haunted house at a discount. It feeds off negative energy. They decide to get away and rent it out for a while. The couple that rents the house has issues that feed the house. We never get the original reason why the house is haunted.

The film is done with flashback chapters. I am not sure if that made the film better or worse. It wasn't confusing.

Guide: F-word. sex. No nudity
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ShontaeB15 January 2021
I don't know why or how I made it through 98 minutes of ths worst acting, storyline, and writing. I know it's a pandemic and people wanted to keep their creative juices going but this is unacceptable and pointless.
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I personally loved this movie!
animalnutt24 January 2020
My take away from this film? Life can be difficult at times, even feel unbearable. But, if we band together, if we open ourselves up to new possibilities, we enable ourselves to see things from all perspectives. Not just our narrow point of view. We begin to realize, in the midst of everything, caos or not, there's a lesson to be learned. Life is not impossible, it's unpredictable & there in lies difference.
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The rating below 5 doesn't do this film justice, Albeit some audio issues here and there it's a way better film than average.
tkaine315 January 2020
7/10 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 Here's the thing, When indie films are released there isn't usually a lot of fanfare and the promotion is at a minimum. So taking the leap of faith and watching the whole film is an ongoing process as you know but "A Home With A View Of The Monster" has a few key things that gives you comfort your not wasting your time. 1).Let's begin with the description on a If you read what a film is about and it's more than 15-30 words it's usually a clear giveaway the movie is bad. Indie films usually make this mistake great films never take more then 3-4 lines to peak your interest. The description of this film was superb. Short & Sweet 2). The introduction, Grading the camera and audio quality for indie films can literally mean everything. Because if the first 2 mins. Look shabby or sound horrible I'm cutting it off instantly which is why I'm a little peeved at the audio here because the camera and angles were great from start to finish even the effects were up to par considering the budget, Although the twins in the forest scene could've flowed smoother but that's not an issue. My problem was sound and 90% of it was fine but early on there are some audio mixing issues and the background sound effects are way too loud and the voices have segments that drop down to a whisper and if you turn it up to hear it more clear the background becomes unbearable, you see where I'm going with this it happens enough to make it a nuisance but not enough to totally ruin the film so for that fact I give a pass but it's worth mentioning. And lastly 3). Storyline and Acting Written and Directed by Alex & Todd Greenlee, The Greenlee Brothers whose youtube page states "even with a low budget we strive to make great flicks" Are undoubtedly living up to their reputation. The story was original, intriguing and relatatable. The dialogue was on point so I assume the screenplay was well crafted. I think it could of picked up the pace early on but it wasn't a super slow burn. It had some predictable moments but they were revealed at odd sequences so they caught me off guard a bit which was a good thing. The acting was good all around. Early on when first meeting the male antagonist was a little shaky and not just the camera but once the story started unraveling his role provided an opportunity to show the most range and he delivered. Would I recommend this flick yes especially for indie lovers who enjoy very mild horror but with substance. There's too many movies not worth watching but this film isn't one of them.
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This "film" is absolute TRASH.
theteamaster27 March 2022
I guarantee you that the only people who reviewed this movie with high ratings are the actors in it. Or people involved with the making of this movie. It's absolute trash. The acting is atrocious with the exception of Ellen Humphreys. The story is non-existent and the ending makes you want to commit hari-kari. I'd rather get a root canal and then proceed to watch paint dry with no pain meds.
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A waist of time
shaycstansberry21 April 2022
The storyline was all over the place. Terrible sound track. Terrible acting. Just over all atrocious. Would not recommend. I picked the movie for me and my boyfriend to watch and I got so irritated with it I didn't even finish it I just went to bed.
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There isn't a Chapter 6
youngantagonist22 July 2022
The best part of this movie is that there isn't a Chapter 6.

It has the feel of a movie that tried to fix itself in editing. Cinematography was good, acting was good, but the experience of watching it was confusing and I never cared about the characters.
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Murderous ghost.....or something more human?
wildsparrow1619 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was truly creepy. The first 10 minutes were really boring and I almost turned it off. I am glad I didn't because it really starts to get under your skin after that. You will wonder throughout the movie exactly how many ghosts are there, as it will be hard to determine who is real, who is mentally unstable and who is dead. It was well done with no gore and no jump scares.
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Stunning debut feature
haskel-7295115 January 2020
It's hard to know where to start about this film. There's very little I can say without spoilers and I hate spoilers. What I will say is that I watch a log of indie horror and this one is top shelf. Not horror in a traditional sense, but horror nonetheless. Very well written and directed, with solid performances across the board from faces you won't recognize but deserve recognition for this film.
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Loved it.
dylanshelby0101 March 2020
I really enjoy this movie. I think it bends the horror genre pretty well. It's a great first feature for these directors, especially seeing what they were able to accomplish with a small budget and a fierce determination to get it done. Hopefully we'll see many more from them.
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New low budget horror movie with new concept and good acting
hossam_elghandour31 August 2020
I write many reviews but this movie has something special although it's a low budget movie. It's creepy story with unexpected ending
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Very unexpected!
grandpauly29 January 2020
Wow... this movie was great! Went in not really knowing anything and was very surprised. The beginning started out a little slow; however, it definitely picks up. Absolutely loved each direction this movie took leading to the end. I don't want to spoil anything though... Best going in blind.
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Not lousy, not great but fair to middlin'. But the music does stink.
shannon-bill29 September 2022
With reviews literally spanning the range from 1 to 10 I'm here to tell you the truth.

It isn't terrible. The music definitely is but the movie is engaging and well acted.

We do have the now mandatory interracial couple to keep the snowflakes and liberal trend enforcers happy but we also have a pretty interesting story. It's not a simple story but one with some well plotted twists and turns. There's depth to the writing and the direction and acting was able to pull it off. I really feel it was mostly let down by some poor musical choices. A little more backstory as to the genesis of the haunting would've also been nice.

All in all it wasn't a bad way to spend 90 minutes. Don't believe the haters...nor the ballyhoo.
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Make your own mind up about it
Rickinator698 April 2022
I watch a lot of movies and have seen my fair share of things. This was different and kept you guessing as to what was going on. It might not be a 10 but it's definitely not a 1. Actually, if you've read these reviews before seeing it, I'd invite you to check it out and see what you think. As I remind myself sometimes: if it's bad, I can always turn it off.
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Not your typical horror movie
cinema_horror4 February 2020
First off...I really don't understand the current low IMDB score. Does not do the movie justice at all. Yes it is super indie, but for me that adds more to the charm.

I don't want to give too much away because this is one of those movies where the less you know the better. I had not heard of this movie before watching it. Man what a great surprise! It does start a bit slow, but when things pick up it is one wild ride. This movie does bend genres, which might turn some people off. It's not necessarily the scariest of movies, but as evident in one of the later scenes that is very obviously intentional. Trust me, just because this movie is different than most things you might have seen does not make it bad. It has a lot to say if you are willing to listen. Definitely worth a watch.
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Enjoyed the Premise!
ReviewerUnlimited25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I did not think that I would enjoy the film, but immediately the premise grabbed my attention. I was startled by the jump scare, which usually does not happen to me. The movie is definitely different than other haunted house movies that seem to follow a specific formula. The acting is solid as well. The plot was unpredictable. I like that the movie isn't shot linearly but in chapters jumping between two timelines. The characters do something that most haunted house dwellers don't do, they learn to live with it. It is almost comical. I think despite the reviews that say otherwise, it is a solid watch and you should give it a shot.
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Engaging Horror
bettinahooper2 March 2021
A good film starts with a good story and a good script. This flick has that. Excellent direction, the perfect set ( because a movie like this must have a great set) and good to excellent performances make for an clever, engaging, fun psychological horror film.

The low rating of this film is clearly trolled. I'm glad I ignored it. You should, too.
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