Depraved (2019) Poster

(I) (2019)

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Watchable, but it was a mediocre movie as a whole...
paul_haakonsen13 April 2020
Granted, as an avid horror fan, of course I sat down to watch this 2019 movie titled "Depraved". Sure, I didn't know what the movie was about prior to getting the chance to sit down and watch it. But still, being a horror movie is more than sufficient to get my attention.

While "Depraved" was watchable, it was a movie that just somewhat felt sort of unnecessary, as the "Frankenstein" theme has been over-used in the horror genre already, and "Depraved" didn't really offer anything overly new or innovative to the genre.

Think of this as a modernized take on Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", just aimed at a young audience of today's age.

This movie was actually more of a drama than it was a horror movie, which was a shame.

It should be said that actor Alex Breaux, playing Adam, was actually putting on a great performance and he was solely carrying the majority of the movie alone with his performance.

I managed to sit through "Depraved", but I can't claim that I was impressed, nor was I more than adequately entertained. As such, my rating of "Depraved" lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars. One can only watch so many re-inventions of "Frankenstein" before it starts to wear thin.
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pensacolacomputer24 April 2020
Meh...Super B movie...Very low budget, and it shows...acting is so so..Nothing special here
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Missed opportunity
narkthirteen11 December 2020
It starts out great with consistently good shots, interesting effects and visual aids but quickly loses it footing and fall painfully into a very mediocre plot. The 'dark reimaganing' was not all that dark and fell flat of the mark unfortunately. I really wanted to like this film but it should have been a darker depiction of the inhumanity of man like frankenstein or an absolute balls out bizarre journey more like reanimator; instead it was neither as it fell into a cheese mediocre snooze fest that even good camera work and imaginative shot cant save.
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Slow and boring
iihackerii22 September 2020
I gave it a shot coz of the reviews missed opportunity but Movie is really slow , poor attempt , plot holes , bad execution
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Humans Are Monsters in Larry Fessenden's Best Work So Far
TwistedContent13 September 2019
Early reviews, particulary the one from Bloody Disgusting intrigued me a lot, and I've always had a lot of respect for Larry Fessenden and the work he does on indie horror scene, from directing to producing to acting. I'm happy to say this is my favorite work of his.

"Depraved" is the good old Frankenstein tale, put into a modern setting with modern problems. Henry, an army veteran and a field medic who's suffering from PTSD has teamed up with his life-long friend, the rich, greedy and egocentrical John to create a new life - Adam. All three of the main characters are more than one dimensional, brought on to screen by good performances, with the most pleasantly surprising being that by Alex Breaux who portrays Adam or the created life, the monster. Unexpectedly great portrayal, perhaps the main reason I'm recommending this. "Depraved" runs for 110 minutes which was concerning at first, but the pacing endured and boredom can be avoided (can, of course, also means there's a can't). Make no mistake, it's a drama before it's a horror, but it flows nicely and evenly, the dialogue is enjoyable and there's enough thought provoking material to filter. The FX is good and believable, cinematography is crafty and diverse though I noticed a few seemingly unintentionally out-of-focus shots.

I generally don't like Frankenstein tales much, there have been a lot of painfully average examples, even the one with Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy was worse than this. "Depraved" might not be the freshest or richest one of them, but it feels steady, heartful and entertaining. I've seen almost every directional feature of Fessenden (the ones that've come out since 2000) and I do think I can objectivly conclude that this is his best. My rating: 7/10.
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All a bit too familiar.
richardwworkman25 March 2021
A reimagining of Shelly's Frankenstein and in many ways closer to the spirit of the book than any modern interpretation. Problem is, this film takes a very long time to develop. I read the synopsis and thought it would be interesting, and it is, but kind of dull partly because it's so close to Shelly's gothic masterpiece. The underlying message of the film has also been visited so many times that it felt over familiar. I was disappointed that with such a prolonged build up the action was strangely censored. Considering the grotesque nature of the back story it seemed odd to not show the murders. Weirdly feel good, not particularly horrible, could of been better than it was.
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"Frankenstein of The Hudson" - Better Than Expected
linderc3 October 2021
Not bad... I watched this without reading the description or watching the trailer and I think that really made it better. I enjoyed the cinematography (9/10) and the modern take on a classic storyline, I also liked the subtle dig on the pharmaceutical industry. Acting/Script (7/10) was lacking in certain areas but was better than average overall.
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Lots & Lots of Holes
westsideschl29 January 2020
First, IFC forces the DVD buyer to sit & view a laundry list of their other offerings. Guess they wanted more money. As to the movie the science & anatomical reconstructions behind the new Frankie would fail a grade school science class. Hopefully the viewers got beyond that. Sorry, but reconnecting tiny blood vessels & nerve cells requires a large array of hospital equipment & staff. As to the plot, a very predictable love interest & turn on nasty scientist. Frankie would be disappointed in how his legacy was cheapened.
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Modern day Frankenstein
deloudelouvain14 April 2020
Before watching Depraved (what a strange and stupid title for this movie) I didn't think we really needed another Frankenstein movie, I mean that story has been done over and over again so what's the point? Unless you make it a gem I don't really see the point of it. Now, after watching it, I can say it wasn't the worst copy of this classis story and that's mostly due to Alex Breaux who did a great job playing his character. All in all it isn't a bad movie, I liked it more than my wife, but it's just not a refreshing story.
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A decent movie....
Clearbay_32730 May 2020
...not a horror movie IMO bit a very decent scifi fantasy type film. It's going to be good as long as you are not expecting a true horror flick.
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I usually love Fessenden's work, but...
haskel-7295111 August 2021
...the overlong, social drama disguised as indie horror "Demented" isn't one of his better efforts. Way too much much talk and far too little action make this sort of an endurance test. Less would have been more. Trim 30 minutes of meaningless dialogue heavy scenes and this could have been special. As it is, it's just ok.
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An underrated gem
misanthr0pist22 February 2021
A near-perfect reimagining of the classic 'Frankenstine's Monster' tale; though this has a hell of a lot more emotion in it than one might expect at first glance.

The small but beautifully acted cast of characters is great, the set design and makeup is impeccable, and the writing and directing is on point.

I was way more impressed with this than I expected to be; I feel it's nearly a modern classic in hiding.

Throw it on Netflix and give it the exposure it deserves.
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Interesting Modern Retelling of a Classic Tale
Reviews_of_the_Dead17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a film that I was intrigued to check out when I saw that it was going to be a Frankenstein film from Larry Fessenden. I'm a fan of his works now that I've delve more into them. This is one that I caught at the Gateway Film Center and now giving a second viewing as part of the Summer Series for the Podcast Under the Stairs. The synopsis is a disillusioned field surgeon suffering from PTSD makes a man out of body parts and brings him to life in a Brooklyn loft.

We start this film with a couple as they're making love. They are at Lucy's (Chloë Levine) pace and Alex (Owen Campbell) is going to be moving in soon. They get into an argument when Lucy makes a comment about him making a good father. He leaves and he is attacked by someone on the street. He is stabbed in the chest.

It then shifts to Adam (Alex Breaux) waking up. He checks a mirror but doesn't recognize himself or seem to remember anything. Henry (David Call) comes in and takes him to another room. We then see that he is trying to teach him the basic functions of being a human. Adam does get some flashes of the past through memories but can't put them together. Somehow, Alex is involved.

Delving more into this, we get an interesting interaction where Liz (Ana Kayne) is looking for her boyfriend, who is Henry, and what he is doing. She ends up meeting Adam. It is through conversations though we learn that Polidori (Joshua Leonard) is funding this operation. They're trying to show that a new drug has practical and military applications. Adam is the first test subject and they're doing it in secret.

The problem becomes that the more Adam learns, the more he wants human interactions. Henry doesn't think he is ready and starts to have second thoughts where Polidori's career and money are riding on this. The problem is though, Adam does have a say in this as well. He sees what Henry and Polidori have which makes him crave for that companionship.

Now I wanted to go a little bit vague with my recap here, because if I'm honest there's not a lot to the story itself. I will give credit to writer/director Fessenden is that he does a great job here of adapting a good portion of the Frankenstein novel to a modern time. I won't break it all down as that would go into spoilers, but there are some things that I want to go over.

The first part has to do with Henry. It isn't a coincidence that is the name from the Universal Classic for the doctor, instead of going with the name from the novel. Even Polidori makes a comment on this bringing a bit of meta into this film. I'm not sure if he's making a joke or if that is really his name, but I do think this is slightly heavy handed. I like the reason that Henry agrees to do this though. He was a field surgeon in the military and when he lost a patient, it messed with him. His obsession was with trying to save everyone and he can't. He tried to reattach limbs in the field and that's when Polidori hears about it. Now that he's back, he's struggling with carrying a normal life due to the PTSD of his time serving. He isn't ready for help which creates issues with Liz, who is a psychiatrist or a psychologist of sorts.

Polidori is an interesting character as he is a quasi-villain. What I like about this is that Fessenden does a great job making the entire cast of characters complex to where you must decide morally who to back and who not to. I personally find that to be a strong move as it makes me think and decide instead of being thrust into what the movie wants. Polidori is probably the only character you don't side with after this second viewing. He is out to make a name for himself and to make a lot of money, regardless of how or who he hurts in the process. Much like the novel, this is questioning who is more of a monster, Adam or Polidori? This is more rhetorical than an actual question though.

Adam is also solid as the monster here. He is constructed of body parts and is using a brain that is flashing images to him. This film goes arthouse here as we are seeing different things happening in the brain superimposed over the images on the screen. I do think this can be a bit cumbersome at times, but I also found it interesting. We are getting what he is experiencing internally. It is hard to also blame Adam for anything bad he does. He doesn't remember basic humanity as he must be re-taught. He doesn't know right from wrong, which makes him just a step up from animal with great strength. Using the name Adam is also interesting. It is meta that Henry is pointing out that it is a clinch, being the first like this. I like there is a deeper reason here that goes back to Henry and his military service.

Then a last bit for the story, we are getting a social commentary on the drug industry. Polidori is convinced that this drug he created is what is making Adam function. He convinces him that no matter what, Adam needs to continue to take this medicine. We also get an interesting scene where Polidori is having dinner with his wife's parents and his father-in-law is a bigwig at the company he is working for. I can see why he is trying to make a name for himself even more. Big pharmaceuticals are a problem in the United States so I did like see a commentary there.

Something I did have an issue with though was the pacing. The movie runs almost two hours and I think it is too long. I understand that we need some aspects here. Like we need to see him learning things, but we kind of just get a lot of the same thing repeatedly, which I do think bogs this down. I like where it ends up and as I said, if you know the story of Frankenstein you can pick up the different points throughout. It just needed to be tightened up.

That moves me to the acting, which I think is solid. I like that at first Call is on-board with what he's doing, but the more he sees Adam grow, the worse he feels. There is growth and humanity there that I like. He does want to destroy this creation, knowing that they defied the laws of nature and doing a disservice to his creation. Leonard is good as the villain here who is mostly money hungry. I thought Breaux has a good look as the monster and I like how he plays the role. Kayne is quite attractive and I liked her performance. Same could be said for Levine and it was interesting to see Campbell in his limited role as Alex. He did a solid job too. Shout out as well to Addison Timlin, she was quite attractive as well. She plays someone who interacts with Adam. The rest of the cast rounded out the film for what was needed.

As for the effects of the film, they were well done. They were mostly practical from what I could tell which I expect nothing less from a low budget filmmaker like Fessenden. I do like the scars and the look they use on Adam to show he is pieced together. There is a bit of CGI, but I didn't mind it. I did think they overused the reactions and how things would look inside the brain, but it doesn't ruin the film. This is shot well so I will give credit to the cinematography. The soundtrack was also fine without necessarily standing out.

Now with that said, this was an interesting take on the classic tale. I really like the updates that are made to the story. The motivations of the characters are believable and it makes Adam a tragic character. I think that the movie does run a bit long and could have been tightened up. I could see the points from the novel that are used which I'm a sucker for. I thought the acting was good across the board as were the effects, especially the scars on Adam. The CGI was also solid, but they did overuse a bit of it. The soundtrack didn't really stand out to me. It also didn't hurt the film as it did fit for what was needed. I don't think this is a great movie, but a solid adaptation to the classic tale for sure. I think the movie is above average.

My Rating: 6.5 out of 10.
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
EdgarST15 April 2024
An uncredited adaptation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" I guess I was expecting too much of this movie by Larry Fessenden, whose work I had lost contact with since "Wendigo" in 2001. It is not bad, but it goes on forever, has two or three endings, speeches get in the way of physical action when it is desperately needed, and it's literally a bloody mess if you compare it to James Whale's diptych in which (I believe) there were hardly blood stains or drops.

It is undeniably interesting in its first act, but the introduction of the Polidori character complicates things, needlessly extends the story to almost two hours, and it makes the movie lose the balance between realism and fantasy, leaving me indifferent.

Alex Breaux does a superb job as the monster with the tragic conscience of his condition and keeps the picture together whenever he is on the screen. If only for him, you can look at this Fassenden product.
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Can't say it was worth a watch if I'm honest
livin_the_weekend16 December 2021

The film didn't really capture the imagination, it was all a bit too unrealistic..I get for a Frankenstein type film things will get unrealistic, but this redefined the word.

It felt low budget, the storyline could've been way more gripping, a few twists here and there could've been added. The name drew my attention as I'm an all round horror fan, but unfortunately this just never really got going for me.
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Cool modern take on an old story
DarioArgento-11 January 2020
It's not perfect, but what film is? It certainly is not within 5/10 territory, as its rating currently stands here on IMDb. The story was the opposite of flat, and it was neat to see this classic tale take some fresh turns. I'm a big horror guy, and a very picky one at that, and I would certainly recommend it to fans of the genre. It's perfect for a quiet day or night in, perhaps with some weed and popcorn, and plenty of time. It does run a bit long at just under two hours.

There wasn't enough blood and guts for my taste, but the gore we did see was extremely well-done and realistic. The makeup, prosthetics and special effects were extremely on point. Although there is a little bit of questionable acting, the main characters are believable and fit their roles well. Alex Breaux -- the dude who portrays Frankenstein -- couldn't have been a better pick with his angular and intense bone structure and height. If you're in the mood for a well-done take on Frankenstein and have a couple minutes, you're in for a good little treat.
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Not good enough to warrant a second view, or even a first one (minor spoiler about the obvious)
leesimon-263576 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not a terrible movie. Just not good at all. I think it's a spoiler to say that I'm embarrassed that it took three quarters of the movie for me to realize that this was beat for beat the Mary Shelley original. I don't know why I expected it to go in a different direction, due to the updated setting and characters.

On that note, every character is stupid in the way that characters have to be to make a movie story move forward. The "experts" are deeply stupid, the "exposition characters" are incredibly useless, and everyone is unlikeable overall. By the time anything happens, you don't care because everyone is so stupid and 'movie-evil.' This movie makes you not care about everything and everyone.

Good enough premise, and some of the ideas it tried to explore would have been cool if it didn't end up sticking to the original material beat-for-beat.

Skip this one.
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What a breath of fresh air!
gwen-adams2515 December 2019
This movie brought tears to my eyes. Poor Alex. Its was written well and the actors did a great job. Those giving it low ratings simply didn't get it.
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A tale of a broken heart through Frankenstein's eyes
natcalgary13 February 2020
This movie surprised me tremendously. What I thought was going to be some psycho thriller about a mad man that pieced together parts of people to create a monster, turned out to be a heartbreaking movie through the eyes of the creation. And those who created him were the true monsters. The ending was happy and sad and made me feel something I havent in a long time.

Give this unique movie a chance.

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Bad title for a good movie
MikeWright755 October 2019
I nearly didn't watch this because of the title and the poster artwork. I just presumed it would be a cheap and nasty horror flick. But it's a really good reworking of the Frankenstein story and quite poignant in parts. The characters are well rounded and you actually do care about them. It has a good script though there are parts that seem rushed or out of character towards the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was glad I took the trouble to give it a go.
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Journeyman like take on a well worn story
Furious_is30 September 2021
It doesn't add a lot to the genre, but is a very solid entry from indie auteur Larry Fessenden. Very well despite the budget. My biggest complaint was it didn't have more to say, as an allegory for how soldiers are treated after they return home, it could have pushed a lot further. Instead it told an organic version of the same old same old.
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Terrific Frankenstein movie
danthsmith-7560627 August 2019
I saw this at Frightfest and was really entertained by it. it nods to Karloff and Lee etc as well as the novel. it also references the wickedness and venality of american drug companies, capitalism etc. the acting especially the monster is great. it even nods to the novels snowbound ending. it delivers on gore and violence pleasingly. The monster has great pathos as it should.

Larry Fessenden's best movie in my estimation
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Why bad reviews?
georgio-2649014 October 2019
Modern take on Frankenstein, well worth a watch! Visually great and a really cool story. Can not understand the harsh critics on here
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Fessenden's finest hour
george.schmidt16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
DEPRAVED (2019) *** David Call, Joshua Leonard, Alex Breaux, Ana Kayne, Maria Dizzia, Chloe Levine, Owen Campbell, Addison Timlin. Indie maverick filmmaker Larry Fessenden tackles Mary Shelley's classic horror tale 'Frankenstein' by updating it for the 21st century involving a PTSD suffering doctor (Call) who creates a living creature (Breaux) out of dead bodies and state-of-the-art pharmaceuticals which proves the old adage 'just because you can, doesn't mean you should' with a fine mix of dread and pathos. The leads all excel echoing even James Whale's classic chiller and by far this is Fessenden's finest hour.
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The monster and its maker
TuesdayThe17th22 September 2019
Wowowow this is the most thrilling movie event, for me(so far), of 2019 as I am an avid Larry Fessenden fan. Fessenden is the single and only master of indie horror and though he produces a lot of films, when his directing voice is heard it's a powerful one. With some of the most technically sound films in the genre, Depraved does not stray away from this. Depraved is immensely well edited. It is also directed in a masterful manner. One can say this is a masterpiece within IFC midnight releases and is their biggest release since the Babadook or Maniac, tho I'm actually kinda surprised Larry went this route. The film follows the story of Henry who creates and brings to life an artificial being in a Brooklyn loft. The casting is great and the acting is superb. You can tell all these actors knew they were in the presence of a master filmmaker. Besides, many actors involved have worked with Larry in the past including some of his good friends like James Le Gros and John Speradakos. Even Larry himself is in the movie(as expected) as well as his son, Jack. Joshua Leonard is one of my favorite actors in the genre and he kills it as always as Polidori. Like all of Fessenden's films, this movie is much more of a character piece than a straight out horror movie. The character development is rich, deep, fluffy, and personal. So much of the tension is provided thru confrontational situations, mixed signal decision making, and strikingly tense dialog and they are all mastered here. Back to the editing, this movie has ZERO editing flaws and for someone like me who aspires to make their first horror film, am looking for any and all flaws while I examine every frame like a Scorpio horror fanatic would. This film is truly perfect for what it is and top shelf in its genre. The ONLY thing I wish is that there was a little more blood and gore. I totally understand this is a major art piece. More so than many indie films that have come along in some time, however, I still think there was a little more room for some more bloody horror elements. BUT, regardless it is still amazing and I'm very pleased with Fessenden's latest work since 2013. Maybe not his very best work but definitely on the same level as his others but this time with a bit more care and effort maybe. You can see the maturity of Fessenden as he grows uncontrollably older with the rest of us and it feels good to have finally heard what he had to say this year. A benchmark in indie cinema and one for the ages
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