"Legion" Chapter 19 (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Division 3 caused the end of the world by not giving david a chance
ecstasybanned13 June 2018
The antihero becomes the favourite,i was cheering for david to go ham on those apes,since they deserved it. They shall have the future they deserve. I hope we see more of david going god and destroying these abominations of humans.
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Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Tastentier15 June 2018
I don't know where to begin. Maybe with a quote that I came across recently in an unrelated movie review Richard Brody wrote for the New Yorker:

"No genre comes to the world accursed, and the superhero movie is no less a fertile ground for cinematic imagination than the political thriller, the romantic comedy, the Western, [...] or the war movie."

If you substitute "TV show" for "movie", the first two seasons of Legion have certainly proved Mr. Brody right. I mean, talk about cinematic imagination! While I have to admit that some episodes of the rather slow-burning second season put my patience to the test, I've never seen such a boundary-breaking TV drama that draws its visual inspiration from so many sources, playfully explores vastly different artistic styles, and challenges our perception of reality in a way that almost puts Rashomon to shame.

Not only did the season two finale surpass my wildest expectations in terms of plot, visual effects, and the fantastic musical score. It also brought to show back to what originally drew me into it, namely the unique and eerily accurate depiction of delusional mental disorders. During the early episodes, David exhibited countless symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorders (unlike his comic book counterpart, who suffers from DID). When Melanie Bird assured him that his alleged mental illness symptoms stemmed from his suppressed mutant abilities, she did it so convincingly that both David and the audience, or at least I, wanted to believe her. Now I realize that the writers had her crack an egg that hatched a delusion.

There was also David's dark passenger, to borrow an analogy from Dexter, who made a perfect scapegoat for his ongoing mental issues. After Farouk had finally departed from David's mind, one might have thought that David was completely cured. I know that I did, and I was almost disappointed since the show had so brilliantly captured what it's like to be unable to trust one's own mind. The new, seemingly sane David Haller was a little too perfect, a little too much of a regular mutant superhero, to be real. Now it turns out that he wasn't. And in hindsight, there were so many signs and symptoms during this season that this information hardly constitutes a spoiler.

Think of David's trouble focusing, which was most obvious in his conversations with others. He often paused and searched for words, had difficulties pursuing a train of thought and stringing coherent sentences together, and sometimes left a sentence unfinished. His vocabulary became increasingly simplistic and limited. At the time, these maddeningly dragging, unfocused conversations seemed like a play for time by the writers, an attempt to stretch out an overly thin plot. What we were really witnessing though was a schizophrenic David off his meds exhibiting so-called negative symptoms.

In case you're unfamiliar with schizophrenia-type disorders, periods of negative symptoms occur in between manic, psychotic or delusional episodes. The suffering individual may appear relatively normal, but his thoughts are disorganized, he has trouble concentrating, his speech appears impoverished, he is often irritable and moody; in short, he acts like David did during most of this plodding, confusing, and seemingly disorganized season. But as the individual approaches a manic state, he becomes increasingly energized. His thoughts begin to race and he is full of purpose. He may hear voices and have lively conversations with himself.

He might have delusions of grandeur and develop an urgent sense of mission. He may become convinced that someone is his enemy, the source of all his problems, and experience sudden outbursts of exhilarating RAGE and aggression when he confronts this person. As the psychotic episode progresses, the individual may become increasingly suspicious of everyone in his life, if not to say paranoid. All his friends, relatives and neighbors might conspire against him, especially those who seem concerned for his health and suggest medical treatment. Nobody can be trusted except for the voices in his own head. Does this sound like anyone we know?

I should probably add the caveat that physically violent behavior during the angry outbursts mentioned above is exceedingly rare. Nevertheless, David's face as he tortured Oliver captured the true face of psychotic mania. No wonder he seemed like a frighteningly different person to Syd, who first met David when he was still medicated, stayed by his side throughout his withdrawal psychosis (or his internal battle against Farouk, depending on which competing truth one chooses to believe), and began to suspect that something was still wrong with him during his following negative symptom stage.

Her feelings of estrangement from David increased during the onset of his manic episode. When she finally saw the full picture, she knew that the unmedicated David was not the person with whom she fell in love. Her effort to break away from him, followed by an attempt to get him the help that he so obviously needs, seemingly confirmed his worst suspicions and completely pushed him over the edge into a state of paranoid delusion. I believe this may be the truth of the mind. What the finale showed us instead was the truth of the heart. Pick whichever truth you like best. To me, it seems clear that a lot of this show is allegorical rather than literally true. But like all great works of art, Legion allows for different interpretations.
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One doozy of a finale
jwwalrath-227-8548713 June 2018
This season may have been uneven, but it ended on a bang.

What I like is that it ties everything together and clarifies most questions I may have had over the season. What they do with David is shocking, compelling, and makes sense in retrospect.

Again this show looks great. The opening fight is one of the most impressive things they've pulled off.
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Amazing Finale
billykoziaris13 June 2018
Legion is a game changer, never have I seen a show test so many boundaries in the space of 19 episodes. We as an audience are in uncharted territory. David as a character is not dead, if you assume that everything you just witnessed in the final 50 minutes of season 2 is 100 percent true, then you have clearly missed the previous 18 episodes. The show is designed to test our simple minds, if you want to watch something with a consistent and predictable plot then 'The Flash' is sitting right there. Can't wait for what season 3 has in store.
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An ending that's both Rewarding and shocking at the same time
sachinkr-0744913 June 2018
So, Legion ended tonight and boy, was it some ending!! This is the episode where everything changes. Such was the power of this episode that I was actually rooting for David in the ending. Great job Noah Hawley and team. Can't wait for season 3.
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Screaming fanboy
supernovaws14 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yep. This serie turn me into screaming fanboy. All, that annoys me on this season where flashed with this climatic season finale.

On a "what if" serie I thought that "Legion ends here - no more fresh ideas". But season finale ressurect my fate in Legion!

Just openins sequence with cool cover of The Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" worth 10/10!

Cool things is not over with intro! All loose ends connected, no questions remain (as for now - after 1st view).

Now I see what this season is all about - about love, treachery and vengence. It's all was here - just was hidden in plain sight. And it's all revealed in one marvelous serie! Love has gone. Treachery acomplished. And vengence... I presume we will see much vengence in season 3.

For those critics about "unexpected heel-turn" - doesn't they forget starting scene in Season 1 finale (dialog between David and Syd after dealing with mooks) ? In Season 2 Finale happens EXACT what David feared - he believe to Syd and she betrayed him. And there is no way back for David...
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He's the one that will destroy the future, but they are the one that made him.
nghiemtran8911 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After all that they've been through, and because of some possibilities, I'm sooooooo disappointed in Syd.

She's the one that can pull him back, his anchor, but instead of that she believed the enemy.

I can't wait to see David'll destroy them all.
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This episode saved the season
gethecool13 June 2018
I don't like at all what happened the entire season. Some episodes were unbearable. But this one was better than all. I'm waiting for next season now. Some episodes were too much psychedelic.
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What a finale!
collinsryn14 June 2018
Epic finale truly deserving of this season! Just cannot wait for next season. Well done to the whole team at #Legion
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What Naoh Hawley has captured is incredible
Br4ve-trave1or18 June 2018
This was it, we saw it coming the previous episode. The antihero emerging and becoming the most powerful man, only vunerable his own mind. I expected this ending tbh and wasnt suprised but was wowed by how it was captured and executed. Seeing him "in the light" unstoppable!

Please, tell me how you cant love this show????

We know all about his disoisoctive identity disorder that he had along with schizophrenia with hosts on personalities that he created and we see I think by my count 3-4 different davids.

The only thing I thought could have been better was the set up with molony and Oliver 3 years from what we saw. That was an incredible opportunity to do something creative and to show sonething really momentnemous. But they just did a silly Q&A but I loved how he referred to years as...she cuts in and says soup and he says no not that. It gives context of no-time.

The fascinating scene is between the yellow king rendered helpless but not completely wink, as he talks with David in the tank hes in. How he tells David how he always wanted David to love him like he loves syd. As David show him hate then the shadow king reminds him this is how it will be and then later despite his powers contained, he sends a mouse off to repeat the words he told it into Syds ear while she sleeps.

The most intriguing thing for me was when Syd pulled the trigger and in hindsight lenny shot it but it caused Dsid to go somewhere like his room. On the screens we see the footage we were shown by John hamm about an egg hatching like a idea giving birth to a delusion. Its repeated in a room of a few David.

With DID, it's a disorder that Mr. Robot has for e.g. but elliot is model citizen to David. He is sick. But he does have the capabilities of immense powers!

What impresses me most is that if you read the character orgij you know to adapt or be inspired by a series based on this character, it's going to be nothing short of what's been achieved these past two years! Confusing and questioning which part is real or not. That's always been the great question even as the episode ends with the song playing its not real.

This episode was incredible, simply masterful story telling by Hawley! I know his time is devoted to this series and the love he injects into it. It shows so much. I cant wait for season 3 and the mayhem David will cause.

This finale put the series on a whole new level showing us the whole other brand new quality of story telling!!! 10/10 .rewatch is in order.
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I no longer hate season 2
spacekidd_n713 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
At first I was really disappointed with most of the episodes in this season. It seemed so drawn out and felt like it wasn't going anywhere, but man did it go somewhere!! I'm very interested in where the show goes from here. Turns out David really is insane. Dude does something really immoral, but he doesn't see it that way. He's now the villian of the show. Although I don't support what he did, I actually like this "new" David. Haven't you ever had favorite villians? Mine are Magneto, Venom, Carnage, and the Joker. It's not that I admire what they do, just their style (Magneto's my favorite because there's good in him). I have a feeling I'll feel the same way about LEGION. I do hope he comes to his senses at some point though!
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I wish David would kill them all... Especially Syed
ahadtari30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Everything aside, why they did so easily forgive the shadow king that was to be executed and, worst of all, unite with him. The one who killed David's sister and more . . .
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Visuals were ok.
thebig-e-0190414 June 2018
Turning everyone against each other, betraying each other makes everyone unlikable. Seeing now where they wanted to go with this they wast d way too much time in earlier episodes when they could have been slowly building these transitions, instead we get most just seeing David suddenly as the monster, because Sid saw some scenes of questionable origin, and that is enough to make Sid want to shoot and kill David? Don't think so, people don't change that fast. Then she goes from pointing a gun to trying to convince him he needs help, and she wants to help? Please just bring back the simpler sane days of clockworks, where character and story blended beautifully with visuals and sound. Boo.
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I knew this was coming!!!
christopher_huger13 June 2018
I knew that they were gonna go in this direction. There's a hell of a lot more to David than meets the eye. Anybody familiar with the comics knows that much. Can't wait until season 3 premiers!
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no one knows what is like
mael-0223619 June 2018
To be the bad man, to be the sad man... behind blue eyes.
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this is the show to watch
andyrobertsounds13 June 2018
The greatest show. It has everything drama and realism . Not like those teenager shows..
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An unexpected finale
anselmdaniel29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This review contains spoilers.

Legion's eleventh episode in the second season is entitled 'Chapter 19'. The episode is the finale to the second season and resolves the conflict between David Haller and Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King.

The finale resolves the long looming thread regarding David Haller's sanity. In this episode the audience gets to see the conflict between David Haller and Amahl Farouk come to a head. The pair are engaged in a conflict that has David divided. This episode culminates in David Haller acting with hate against the Shadow King for ruining his life. However earlier in the season David had been helping him. The season has David confused and the finale is a continuation of the uncomfort of David taking actions that do not make much sense. The two engage in a conflict that is visually exciting to watch.

Syd's storyline in this episode is incredibly confusing. I felt that Syd believed in David for much of the season and although she did not acknowledge how David had been inconsistent she felt it. The season finale has Syd flipping on David completely with her attempting to end David's life. This was after Melanie had told Syd that David was responsible for destroying the world. In this case Melanie was manipulated by Farouk. The episode has Syd take that jump even though Syd and David knew that Amahl Farouk manipulated others. This was a weak point in the writing as Syd completely turns against David instead of attempting to give him a chance.

The season does end on an open-ended note with David being captured by Division 3 and Amahl Farouk having been revealed to have contacted Division 3 about David. The sequence here was masterfully done. The scene evoked feelings of predestination and fate that forces the audience to think about David Haller's morality. David Haller may not have turned to darkness in this timeline but the scene forced a self-fulfilling prophecy. David had violated Syd even if he had justified it to himself as helping Syd.

I would recommend the 'Chapter 19'.

Grade: A

Legion Season Two

The second season of Legion takes place roughly one year after the events of the first season of Legion. The season continues the story of David Haller being kidnapped by the orb. In addition the Shadow King in Oliver Bird's body is seeking to find his original body. In addition David Haller is keeping secrets from his companions as he is in contact with Syd from the future.

Navid Negahban's performance as Amahl Farouk, the Shadow King, is a great highlight of this season. Navid is able to perform the suave and charismatic Shadow King incredibly well. Every scene with Amahl Farouk and David Haller is engrossing. The two actors do an incredible job and the scenes with these two have a natural chemistry. I enjoyed how these two characters played off of each other with David Haller at first trying to help Amahl Farouk but then gradually needing to fight Amahl Farouk.

The season does explore some of the more nuanced concepts from the first season. Once again the nature of David Haller's mental sanity is brought into question. In this season, David's need to be a good person and to be loved is played up here. It makes sense in retrospect after the season's conclusion but as the season goes on David justifies his own actions as necessary. His actions are always justified to himself even if he does not understand it. The other nuanced idea is that Amy Haller did not like David and was manipulating David. This concept is played up with a cameo of Amy in a few episodes. This concept made sense since in the first season Amy had been antagonistic to David in the fake Clockworks episode. This season plays up that with The Shadow King killing Amy. Although this makes David fight against Amahl Farouk, the gesture has themes underneath it. Amahl Farouk was in David for his life and understood that Amy may never have truly loved David. The dynamic between the two was more that Amy wanted to restrict David from reaching his potential.

Dan Stevens does an excellent job in the second season. Much like the first season Dan Stevens is put into many scenes that require him to have a wide emotional range. Dan Stevens is up to the task as well as having the ability to do the silly and fun scenes that the first season also had.

The second season increased the strangeness that was present in the first season. Whereas the first season has strange visuals and imagery that can be explained by being in David Haller's mind, the second season has strange visuals in the real world. This was not explained well as it is more that the season wants to be visually interesting rather than having a nice explanation for the visuals.

I would recommend the season season of Legion.

Grade: B.
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Brilliant episode
stellanhughes27 August 2021
Very infrequently does an episode of a show stick with me like this one has. The intro and the outro both give me chills every time I watch it.
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Tell everyone !!!!
Fullstack42421 July 2018
LEGION is the best thing to ever hit the screen that bears the Marvel name. Not only is it my fav comic book show but my favorite show ever. Great soundtrack, style and just everything makes this show great. A dream come true. Glad its not that typical spoon fed "safe" family fun crap you see in all the other TV comic shows.
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A new perspective.
garabedian12330 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I had thought these lessons they have been teaching us had something to do with the episode they were in, I just did not understand it at the time.. But no! All the lessons were actually about what was going to happen in this episode, the finale.

I believe David was right when he mentioned that every one had mass hysteria. Like a witch hunt everyone had turned on David..and so quickly I might add, that it took me by surprise. Even Sydney turned on him. But why? Is Varuk this powerful? Or is that just how his power works. He is called the shadow king after all..And all of Davids friends are now the "people who live in the cave". They see what David is doing but it is only a shadow of what is really going on.

But, I had to rate an 8 because of some of the things I do not understand. Are they plot holes or are they intentional? Hard to say at this point, because the season did not go very far. We learned that the world was going to end. We then learned it was David who was going to end it..Then it makes us believe that this is all going to happen THIS SEASON..But we never make it that far. The choice has not been made and the circumstances shrouding how the world "comes to an end" is still a mystery.

Overall I thought each episode in the season was a masterpiece, leading up to a great, if yet unsatisfying ending.
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gretchenw197629 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I read a lot of critics reviews that were negative about this episode, but I loved it. The ending is what I loved the most. I loved seeing David's power really unleashed. I don't see him as becoming a bad guy. He is constantly misunderstood, with good intentions. He reminds me of my oldest son. He has a good heart (David) but people keep pushing him in to a corner. I actually think a lot of people can relate to that. There is only so much a person can take. If you keep telling a person, they are bad, they are crazy, then eventually what do you think they will become? Bad and crazy. David and Farouk are my favorite characters in this show, followed by Lenny, the Cary's and Ptonomy's. I can't wait to see where this show goes next.!
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About that epic battle(is epic the word?...ah lazy)
thedooog13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I knew from the depiction of David and Farouk's "final" battle on the astral plane that this finale was in serious trouble. Pink Floyd complimented the S01 finale so well they must have figured going full musical with The Who was the next logical step up for S02. (You would think they'd have heard the egg crack...loudly... when David and Farouk singing The Who to each other sludged across the ol synapses as a viable option for an epic psychic battle. ) This finale seemingly confirmed my creeping fear that a high functioning meth addict made their way into the writers room this season. Too many threads were pulled, the lucky few pursued to some clarity were lacking relevance to me. The streams I felt were feeding this beautiful astral ocean ended up paved over by mediocrity, flush with deep Marvel pockets and the delusion that the plot/art ratio that made S01 so amazing can be flipped without consequence. It starts just like any other idea...
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Yeah.... I would have reacted the same way and so wouldn't anyone.
benjaminhill-3060529 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
One of the poorest and stupidest transitions, I've EVER seen in a series.

Was anyone else confused about why David was torturing a man that was no longer possessed by the Shadow King ? Or why he was keeping his secrets. Even thou he was quoted as saying "I'm going to kill you." ? Lol wow

Then que Sid who sees a few slides of this. Of course shown by none other then the man hating wife of the possessed man. Now of a sudden decides she's not only a feminist but also the Hero of the story and tries to kill David, fails and then tries to help him ? What did she says ? "You drug me and had sex with me"? Well you stole your mothers body and then violated her boyfriend with it. Course your proud of this right Sid ?

Then there is the lonely wife of the possessed ice man. Apparently it's his fault he's been kidnapped by the Shadow King. Her whole deal is not dealing with that reality but really that he is a selfish person who's having the time of his life by being someone else's sock puppet. She also blames him for her wasting her life by her choosing to wait for him. Aren't us men just hold women back and are the REAL reasons they never amount to anything. Que feminist propaganda !!!!!

The whole series has been about how evil the Shadow King is but no in classic libral fashion, he's just misunderstood ;) Also he's now on the team and David, who has been doing nothing but helping EVERYONE ELSE BUT HIMSELF is the TRUE evil doer.

This the writers attempt to explain away by saying David has never been good because he had a shadow of himself saying he was LMAO what ? Do you know the thoughts that run through everyone's mind? Lol Here's a tip I'll give you writers that aren't have lost ur grip on reality due to ur new libral sense and sensibilities. Just because I always have bad or evil impulses doesn't mean I have to act on them or even use them to do better things. Grow up, take a class and learn how to write a REAL story
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AWESOME cliffhanger
sheva03027 October 2019
Pick up youre notebooks boys and girls, right after you pick up youre jaws from the ground...this is how you finish a season.... #brainmelt
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IGNORE the suspicious, new account, 10 star organised reviews
rsvp32115 June 2018
Just look at the ridiculous, obviously fake, imbalanced 10 star ratings compared to the rest. At the time of this post;10-443, 9-89, 8-32, and so on down to 1-7.

This episode added *nothing* to the plot of failed Season 2, except more confused psycho-mess.

Boring, non sequitur events of insanity.

How did this series get a "Marvel" label?! That interview with a rep would make an interesting episode.

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