My Old School (2022) Poster


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A very entertaining, mad tale.
mrglenngrant7 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know anything about this story but unfortunately Craig kinda spoiled it for me when he was recommending it. I'd love to have not known and felt the shock when the reality came out.

The story builds well to the reveal, with possible hints of what's to come ... like people saying he looked quite old, etc. Really liked the use of animation for some scenes ... and the background asides from characters in them - like 'Eh, whit?'.

The talking heads were consistently entertaining. It would have been good to have more teachers. The pupils all seemed very relaxed and at ease ... and then at the end we saw that the interviewer was actually one of the talking heads - so they obviously all knew each other. Especially of note was the bit about the stage play kiss and the woman insisting it was a quick peck ... then her seeing the home video footage of the big smooch(es). And the guy pointing out that the biology teacher was teaching sex education to a pupil that was actually older than her! Very funny.

Some of it could have done with better explanation, I think. Like ... why did he leave Dundee Uni claiming that his 'Gran' had died? Where did the rumour about getting put in jail in Tenerife come from?

Also, amazing that he's still knocking around Bearsden and still trying to get into medical school. Weird.

Also confused about why he was talking in the fake Canadian-esque accent when everyone knew he'd never even been to canada. Alan Cumming's acting the part and his lip-syncing was very good for the most part ... I only saw a handful of instances when I'd have liked him to have another go at it.

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If at first you don't succeed....
Minnesota_Reid10 May 2022
This is a very fun and fair documentary about an interesting case, a real-life 'Never Been Kissed'. The story is told cleverly, revealing new twists and angles to things you were told earlier in the movie. Since the main subject agreed only to an oral interview, the filmmaker hired the brilliant Alan Cummings to provide a face to lip-synch the words of the main subject --- so well done you don't even notice that it is lip-synching.

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Scottish conman from Canada, or not
ferguson-622 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. The world can be divided into those who dream of going back to their glory days of high school, and those who fight off seizures over the thought. Documentarian Jono McLeod broaches this topic through the story of legendary Scottish conman 'Brandon Lee.' Since this dates back almost 30 years, you may not be familiar with the details, but even if you are, McLeod's film will likely fill in the gaps while serving up firsthand recollections from those who were there.

An early twist is just the beginning of this oddity. Brandon Lee agreed to be interviewed for this documentary, but he refused to appear on camera. So, we hear his voice and his own words, but they are being lip-synched by actor Alan Cumming. The additional talking head interviews are the classmates who attended Bearsden Academy in Glasgow alongside Brandon Lee, as well as an administrator and teachers. The former students reminisce about Brandon's first day at the school as a transfer in 1993. All agree he had an unusual look: gaunt, pale, funny hair, older looking ... these are just some of the descriptions.

Equipped with a backstory, Brandon was exceptionally bright, while not quite fitting in. His goal was to attend medical school, and he informed others that he was from Canada and had been very close to his mother, a renowned opera singer who died in a car crash. Teachers were impressed with his knowledge, and he even excelled in the school's musical production of "South Pacific".

Rather than live action re-enactments, McLeod uses a significant amount of animation to visualize the moments and events discussed by these now-fully-grown former students. This adds to the comical feel of the story and works to distract us from what we really want - photos and video of Brandon in school. The animation even works as a bit of misdirection for how the final act plays out, and what happens when he finally comes clean with who he is and what he's done.

The name is critical to the story. First of all, the name Brandon Lee was all over the news in 1993, as the actor and son of legendary Bruce Lee had only recently been accidentally killed on the set of his film, THE CROW. There is even speculation that he drew the name from Jason Priestley's character on the hit TV show, "Beverly Hills, 90210". And later, when his actual name is revealed, there is a connection that leads to further complications and confusion. Some of the theories tossed around are quite interesting, not the least of which is that Brandon possessed mind control skills and could actually hypnotize people. Whether this a crime of fraud, an elaborate prank, one man's way to achieve his dream, or simply twisted morality, is something you'll have to decide after hearing what Jono McLeod's film has to say ... and McLeod discloses that he was also a student Bearsden Academy.

In theaters on July 22, 2022.
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Entertaining and intriguing yet a missed opportunity
tomoedinburgh-101363 January 2024
That the film maker was a former school mate of this outrageous fraudster gives it its charm and sense of fun, its best parts come from this past and yet it is the source of its weak points. Jono the film maker lazily settles with ''it was a laugh'' ''Oh I was completely taken in, omg''. The viewers would say ''Didn't you wanna do some more digging? We have got more than we want to know about his, Bearden? School days, but how did he manage at Dundee University after successfully duping everyone at school? Did he fool medic students up until he didn't? How did he get caught in the end?

Dundee is only 90 min drive away from Glasgow. Why didn't you go and interview his tutors at the medical school or his university friends, for example, yes, his nemesis Cheryl? Also, a decade previously he allegedly failed at Glasgow medical school. Was he dumb? Then his whole pursuit of medical career seems risible, or was he simply unlucky? Come on, Glasgow University must be a few bus stops away from you, Jono. How it didn't interest you to know more about Brian McKinnon the man, your friend and neighbour, instead of settling down with ''Brandon Lee' what a laugh he was''? The film maker is lacking in curiosity.
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Happiest Days of Your Life
tattoodave16088 March 2022
It would've been easy for this documentary to follow the current trend of stitching up it's protagonist, in this case Brandon Lee, and to haul him over the proverbial coals for the duration..

However, Jono McLeod has taken a much fresher approach to this than most people would perhaps have expected.

Rather than be patronised and led in an all too obvious direction, the viewer is trusted to draw their own conclusions from the interviews given throughout, by McLeod, Lee, and their grown up classmates.

And therein lies one of the beautiful things about My Old School. Although the main story is already known, any preconceived notions or views are quickly dispelled, as we're introduced to a variety of Lee's former school chums - some closer to the man during his ruse than others.

It's these former classmates that keep this documentary grounded in reality, as they recall the many, and at times bizarre, encounters with Brandon during their penultimate year at high school.

Another major plus of this documentary is, just when you think you've got the whole story worked out, McLeod reveals another twist or turn. Some coming so far out of left field that you'll wonder just what has happened, and more importantly, why?

The director gently opens the many doors of the story, revealing surprises with an ease that keeps the viewer almost enchanted by Lee's growing deceptions. It's this brilliantly paced, and deliberate, drip feed of information that helps the narrative grow from straightforward, if somewhat bizarre scam, to one of almost Machiavellian proportions.

At times funny and exciting, others sad and poignant, My Old School provides many different and diverse points of view, and gets to what's essentially the untold truth of this 27 year old story.

However, a second watch will be more than intriguing, with the benefit of having all the information to hand, as the story unravels again.

As Lee only granted an audio interview, in a master stroke of genius, he's healthily portrayed on screen by Alan Cumming, who performs Drag Race levels of lip-syncing, and captures the essence of the real life Scottish Walter Mitty whom he was meant to play in a film two decades before.
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Could have been a lot shorter - and better
thejdrage27 January 2023
This is a hella story about a spoiled man who will stop at nothing to get what he wants - which is to become a medical doctor.

It would have been a brilliant hour long program, but at 1:50, it was painfully long.

Let's face it, Brandon Lee, or whatever name(s) he is using today, tomorrow, next week, is a sick human being who cannot understand the word nor tolerate the word "No."

And he admits that he still has "some tricks up his sleeves" in order to get into a medical school. Scary mf.

Sadly, his grand/mother was in on everything so he had help in this vile deception. Just what you want in your doctor.

The only good thing he did was to help Stefen become a pharmacist.
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Very funny
fraserbone-5405920 August 2022
A potential serious story is made extremely funny by the pupils that experienced it. The way the documentary is shot is different to others of the same nature and helps the viewer experience all forms of emotions throughout. Plenty of laugh out loud moments!
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Something a little different for a change
tfkpr31 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The director set out to create a different kind of movie or documentary if you prefer and I think he really succeeded. Whilst a little confusion in parts as you try to get your head around the juxtaposition of real people, actors and the made up characters, overall I think he tells a complex tale well and with compassion for all concerned. Maybe it was all worthwhile to get a crack at kissing lead girl, maybe he just needs to become a doctor, either way I feel sorry for Brandon today who's life seems on hold and probably needn't be? It was also a shame to hear about the Head, what a nice inspirational man he appeared to be. For me, one of the highlights of the film was the way it showed the camaraderie of the old students who seem at ease together today as 30 or so years ago, and how nice to learn about the posh bit of Glasgow, makes a nice change from stories about the projects.
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Terrible movie!
kellytreid8 August 2022
For the material, this could have been a quirky, interesting 1 hour documentary. Instead, they stretched it to almost two hours by presenting a lot of information that was irrelevant and went nowhere. About halfway through the movie, they actually started REPEATING NUMEROUS SCENES! Rehashing the same information and interviews from earlier in the film! In an already marginally interesting film, this was torture!
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Possibly only of interest to Brandon's classmates.
cathyannemoore-6619631 December 2022
Rather boring as it could all be condensed Into 30 - 45 minutes. The film producer and his fellow classmates were obviously enjoying themselves retelling the story. As there is not 90 minutes worth of story it was very repetitive. The first hour was like a teaser until the supposed big reveal. As if we hadn't guessed? The animation was poor, irritatingly so, I don't know why the film makers didn't either use better quality graphics or actors. My recommendation is don't watch it just google the main character and you'll read all there is in about 5 minutes. It's not even a very interesting story - certainly not as jaw dropping as we are lead to believe at the start of the film.
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An interesting tale, exercrably told
paul2001sw-131 December 2022
What an execrable documentary this is! At it's heart is a great, though old, human interest story, that of Brian McKinnon, a 32 year old man who claimed to be 17 and returned to his old school for a year. But in spite of its use of clever animation and a rich sountrack, it's a tale very poorly told. The perpetrator is allowed to give his own account, but doesn't seem to have been prompted to say anything very interesting or to have been agressively questioned about the less believable aspects of his account. Meanwhile, his old school colleages are interviewed at length, to slag off those of their fellow pupils and former teachers who are not participating in the programme, to speculate about things they know nothing about (things it would have been better to ask McKinnon directly), and say things like "I'd have locked him up, even though he didn't do anything wrong". Meanwhile, a mostly unsuccesful attempt is made to induce them all to denounce a theatrical kiss in a school play as a form of child abuse. After 90 minutes, I didn't feel I knew much more than I could have been told in ten.
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