A Holiday Boyfriend (2019) Poster

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Hokey, Cheezy, Awkward, Creepy and....
traceydupont20 November 2023
Suspenful! Will the cowboy kill them all at Christmas? Can't argue with other reviewers here but I'd actually recommend this film because it's so freaking odd. If you sat down to watch this movie you couldn't be expecting anything but holiday schmaltz anyway so give it a watch. Trust me... you've not seen anything like it 😂. I have never before seen not heard of any of these actors and it's unlikely I ever will again. If Harlequin Romance was ever a movie? This is it. I wonder if any of this cast thought it was their big break? Hope not. If you're a budding filmmaker watch this flick for it's lessons in mistakes not to make.
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Quirky + #OutsideTheBox
lintonsa-170238 April 2023
Yeah ... this movie is NOT award-worthy fare ... BUT ... there are cute moments in this QUIRKY-infested sort'a rom-com ... that hits on some not-often-covered relationship snafus people encounter ... but most don't talk about. The female-trio is almost high-schooli'ish (why ARE these women *friends*!?!). Matt Merchant delivers a very complicated performance of a clearly very complicated person. Michelle was the MOST normal persona + wrote+sang a decent closing song. You will neither harm nor exercise your brain with this one ... but it is definitely worth the time if you're in for some exceedingly light fare. As the credits show - this one got by with a lotta help from the writer/director's family+friends.
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A Lost 'Criminal Minds' Episode
reathen7018 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the worst 'Christmas romance' film me or my SO have endured over he past few years. Watching Hallmark style schlock is something of a tradition for us around the holidays so we end up sitting through some real stinkers, but this one takes the absolute cake.

The dialogue is trite and dreadfully cringy. The female lead is a shrill, unlikable harpy woman who is nearly as unbearable as the male love interest, which brings us to the real horror show; Jacob is terrifying. This guy does not smile, he bears his teeth in a weird grimace that at best resembles an alien's attempt at imitating human warmth. Most of his interactions with Katie are unnerving rather than charming and there's a fair bit of scenes that involve this rough and tumble cowboy man looking absolutely insane.

To make matters worse, he's condescending and achingly overbearing to any but the most desperate of late forty-something housewives. The red flags are MASSIVE and we honestly kept expecting the film to turn into a subversive 'anti holiday romance' film where the heroine's petty pursuit of a relationship to sate an arbitrary life goal ends with her being buried alive in the desert by a psychopath who used her impulsive desires to lure her to her doom.

Instead it's just a bad film about a woman who somehow finds this obvious serial killer charming, when most scenes could easily replace the chipper royalty-free music with an ominous score to instantly create a horror film. There is no charm, wit, romance or humor to be found here, only unintentionally hilarious interactions as characters bumble around in a gory attempt at creating laughs and warming hearts.

It's cheap, it's awkward and ultimately a shallow attempt at an already barren genre. The relationship between Katie and Jacob isn't even nuanced or well developed since a huge amount of screen time is devoted to unfunny scenes where Katie tries online dating to obvious results, so you don't get the privilege of enjoying Matt Merchant's deranged rancher for most of the film. Watch it only if you harbor a secret lust for Ted Bundy, or if you happen to be in the mood for some truly bottom of the barrel film-making.
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Terrible, terrible cringy movie!
ingleside-0231020 October 2022
I love Christmas movies...they are happy and jolly and positive, but this one....oh my! Horrible acting...horrible writing...and horrible settings.

Jacob is terrible. I cringe when he is around the MC. Arrogant, rude, bad actor, sarcastic, demanding, scared to smile and scary when he tries to smile, and looks and acts like he is going to kill her! I want to slap him and her to smarten up! He called her woman :( and she let him! He thinks he's the best thing in life, but he is so wrong!

Better writing would have helped this poor excuse for a movie.


Don't waste your time with this one.
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cullver23 December 2020
I'm shocked that there might be actors who auditioned and *didn't* get the part. Everyone in this movie is one (very small) step above an elementary school play where the kids stand in the middle of the stage and shout their lines at the audience. If I could have found the remote control under all the wrapping paper I would have shut it off long before it finally ended.
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Really Bad Movie - Do Not Watch
mrsbg17 January 2023
Hope you come here first and read all these comments before you waste your time. The main actress was the writer and director of this movie. Olivia should have known better. She portrayed her gender very poorly and made her Asian friend look like a stupid bimbo. Literally stupid. I could not believe it. If I met her two friends at a party I would get away from them as fast as I could. The best acting was done by the main character's mother and she had very little screen time. I'm sorry but maybe it's because they couldn't afford to pay mainstream actors they got a lesser talented group and let one of them write and direct.

Now, maybe I'm not being fair. Maybe the actors were doing what they were told to do -- if so, Olivia should be drummed out of the actors/writers/directors Guild or whenever they call it. She was passable as an actress but horrible as a writer and director. It was one of THE WORST movies I've seen for a long time and that's saying something.

When I looked up the main actor Matt Merchant, on IMDb everything under his name said stunt performer. Wow. Instead of acting shy he came across as creepy. If the director thought he was doing a good job, she should not be directing for a living. Never be allowed on a movie set again.

Most of the reviews I've read here say he gave off a serial killer vibe. That's EXACTLY how I felt. I knew nothing was going to happen because of the cutesy music but it was still unnerving. And the writer did NOT do any favours for her gender gender. Made them all seem like sleazy, easy women who jump in and out of bed with men. Their conversation was cheap and lurid at times. Not necessary. Just because people are like that in real life doesn't mean I want it shoved down my throat in a pretend feel-good movie. I felt ambushed. The director probably thinks she's really "woke". That's 1 hour and 45 minutes I'm never going to get back. Guess I hung in there just to see how this trainwreck was going to end. Again, do not choose this movie.
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lydiamcabee-5142515 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so dumb. The actors have no chemistry and the main dude is SO creepy. The scene of him standing in the doorway watching her put her shoes on was easily one of the creepiest scenes i've ever seen?? I literally thought he was about to murder her but no, just a terrible actor lol.
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kingelvis27 December 2020
All I know is i had to watch all the way past the credits in case there was a stinger revealing that Jacob, the male lead, was actually a serial killer. Kudos to Matt Merchant if he was playing this character with a background of cold-blooded murderer, because he was playing deep in the psycho waters. Get this man a proper horror film, post haste.
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A Departure for a Romance
jimbintz-2493115 June 2020
Usually these fims are either formulaic or badly done ego trips. This film, written and directed by the star, had some weaknesses in writing, but the plot was not contrived, the story developed reasonably, and the performances were (generally) excellent. The dynamic between the female friends was honest and natural. The male lead was a little stiff, but may have been written that way. I watched it to see what a woman-driven genre film could accomplish. Olivia Dunkley stepped beyond her stunt woman, action hero default to deliver an entertaining look at contemporary dating.
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Worst movie ever
dragonmistress22 December 2020
Don't waste your time. The main character is the most unlikeable shallow bimbo of all time.
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Not bad at all
georgebronee20 December 2019
People usually fall into two camps. those who love Hallmark rom-coms and those who hate Hallmark rom-coms! I am more or less indifferent, but the wife loves these things and roped me into watching this last night. I must admit, I was pleasantly surprised. There is nothing new or surprising here, but it was engaging, hit all of the Christmas rom-com tropes and made me smile in the right places, I think! I can honestly say that I enjoyed it more than most of the movies that Hollywood thinks we all want to see around Christmas.
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The Hallmark Style Movie for People Who Hate Those
trudithnjudith10 January 2021
I hate sappy Hallmark type movies, but this one is different in a few ways that makes it tolerable:

1) Realistically Horrible Depiction of Internet Dating in Your 40's. Dating really is that cringe-worthy and depressing. There's no sugar-coating it here.

2) Realistically Luke-Warm Depiction of Romance. The characters don't "meet cute." It's not love-at-first-sight. It's not all sunshine and roses. No one whispers "I love you" as the music swells and the snowflakes fall. Like life, the main relationship is awkward and uncomfortable, punctuated by brief moments of joy, with a slow-growing understated companionship.

3) The relatively low budget works in this movie's favor. By Hollywood standards, I'm guessing this movie is low-budget, but that actually helps make the movie palatable. Viewers don't need to watch some ultra-posh supermodel living it up in a beachside mansion fully paid for by her 4-hour a week job of cuddling puppies. There's a real person with a normal job wearing Target clothes living in a small budget style apartment.
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iamgrl19 December 2019
I had to give it a star to post the review. This movie is awful! The male role is not only a terrible actor, but he is creepy. The female role is also terrible and comes across desperate and pathetic. This is not to be compared to a Hallmark movie. It is so bad.
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Terrible feminist tripe
tonydam-2041521 December 2021
This movie is absolutely insanely stupid, and a disservice to older women who are trying to find love in real life. Avoid like covid.

Oh, the Asian friend who dressed like an anime girl in her mid 40s who couldn't drive was funny.

Obviously, I'm a boyfriend that watched this with my girlfriend.
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rvg-5292429 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Started out like all others. Looked promising for the genre but it got so weird. The male lead had an extremely creepy, mass murderer vibe. Sooo odd. The female lead actress was good but her character was awful. She didn't want to date him bc he was a ranch hand. 😳
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Slow and boring
ricster554 October 2020
This movie is so slow that it causes one to wonder if they stretched it out just to be longer than an hour. And the acting was boring.
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Terrible movie
canadian_eh_uk18 January 2023
This movie was positively terrible to watch. The supporting cast in particular were terrible actors. The actress that played Keiko could not have been worse. It was like watching someone in a grade school play performance. It is possible that the other actresses were thrown off by her bad performance. There was also zero chemistry between the main characters. Suddenly, and out of nowhere, they kiss. There was nothing appealing about him that would suggest that the kiss was wanted. It was a kiss between two virtual strangers with no explanation. Totally bizarre. The main actress was decent but without a supporting cast who could act, I was embarrassed for her. Save your time and watch anything else.
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Not awesome
taylovely18 December 2019
This movie was one where I had to keep myself wat hing to find out if she ended up with the man but the movie was boring
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Was Jacob really a horse?
nicoleloumeau27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is great if you're looking for something so dumb that it's laughable. I am a high school teacher and I felt the whole time that I was watching a production put on by my students. There's even one scene with the kids going to bed where their heads are cut off the camera angle and they awkwardly walk out of the room right in front of the camera.

And the romance between the two main characters was hilarious. The first time they ever have a conversation the whole movie and they randomly start kissing and then decide to be boyfriend and girlfriend. And they have absolutely no chemistry. My husband and I were waiting for the plot twist to be that he actually used to be a horse and was recently turned into a human.

Again- very poorly made but great if you like to laugh at dumb movies.
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It's Right There In The Title
maxwelledisonvii6 December 2019
This is a Hallmark Christmas romantic comedy, that really isn't a Hallmark movie, but it fits the mold. If you don't like Christmas rom-coms, then you are barking up the wrong Christmas tree. If you like light, corny, romantic holiday fare, you may consider giving this a view. It has a solid cast, quirky secondary characters and the story engages you enough so that you want to hang in there and see how everything resolves. Kudos to everyone involved, especially first time feature writer and director Olivia Dunkley, who gives us a nice, corny Christmas movie instead of another in the endless re boots and sequel re hashes.
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Cowboy romance gone wrong
davidstewart-6456027 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm guessing Olivia Dunkley (main character, directing, and acting) has some thing for rough rancher guys, because this movie starts off with a VERY abrupt (and seemingly forced) kiss that comes way out of left field and keeps putting the main love interest in weird "sexy brooding cowboy" poses that were really out-of-place. Whatever cowboy romance she envisioned was catastrophically undermined by poor acting, shallow writing, and a low budget.

The actors just could not pull it off. They should have done more takes. I understood what they were trying to do in each scene, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the formula for these movies, but pretty much every scene just came off like elementary school play acting.
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Much Better Kissing Scenes than Hallmark Movies
sandrapotthoff4 January 2021
A Holiday Boyfriend is a romantic comedy with a familiar theme - Mr. Right Now turns out to be Mr. Right. I found it on Tubi while looking for an easy to watch movie that would take my mind off this post-presidential election time-period that feels like a dumpster fire. This movie delivered. It has kind of a Hallmark or Lifetime romance movie feel, but with much better kissing and a great scene on the kitchen dishwasher.

The male lead character is an introverted, socially shy man of few words, but one look at him and you know that underneath he is a "hunka hunka burning love." Casting Matt Merchant for this character made the movie, in my opinion. He's a handsome guy in a football player offensive guard lineman kind of way - a guy who could clear a crowded sidewalk for a woman and pick her up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. What woman doesn't want that? Best leading man kisser I have seen, with blue eyes and a great smile thrown in to seal the deal.

The woman who played the leading female character also wrote, directed, and helped cast the movie. For a debut film of these responsibilities, I thought that Olivia Dunkley did a solid job. I thought there was a good supporting cast, especially the two girlfriends, and the waiter Han. They added some great humor to the film. Were there some things that could have been written or acted differently? Maybe, but I'm no Roger Ebert to pass judgement. If you think a scene is too slow, you can skip ahead 10 seconds in Tubi if you want. For the person who rated this movie low because they said the female lead character is "the most unlikeable shallow bimbo of all time," I have two words: Scarlett O'Hara.

I am glad I spent an hour and 45 minutes of my life watching this film. I also found an online interview on The Movie Guys with Olivia and Matt where I learned just how hard it is to make a movie on a really small budget. Overall, a fun movie to watch. The only thing I would have changed is that the characters would have been naked for the dishwasher scene (just kidding).
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sharwatson2 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I usually love these kinds of movies. This one was awful. They actually called a grown man a stable boy and the women were so pretentious and goofy. The only characters I liked were the "stable boy" and the waiter. If you need background noise to fall asleep to, turn it on low and rock out.
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I just wasted 1+ hours of my life
moviebuffgirl19 December 2023
Only a mother, friend, or someone who wants to play a cruel holiday joke on movie watchers who rely on reviews to determine if a movie is worth delving into would give a review rating of over 2 stars for this movie. The "acting" is well....ummm. Let's just say that the local pre-school production of just about anything will win far more awards for acting than anyone in this film. The male lead, Matt Merchant, is cringeworthy at best. There is a smug arrogance about him, a dazed craziness in his eyes, and his poor attempt at acting comes across as forced. Absolutely nothing about him is appealing, endearing, or believable. The female lead is pathetic, shallow, and whiney.

Knowing that I wasted precious time watching this piece of cinematic excrement has ruined my holiday movie watching season.
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You're gonna love to hate this movie
Whitney_T17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm with the "lost criminal minds episode" reviewer. This was hilariously bad, and I completely agree that a dramatic and creepy score would've easily turned this into what everyone's gut feeling was churning out through this whole movie, "Jacob is a serial killer"

It's as if this movie were intended to be a horror film but budgeting couldn't cover the fake blood after the opening scenes with the horribly fake snow. Fortunately, "Christmas Romance" producers believe there is no bottom, and wrote an alternate ending. Jacob clearly didn't care either way and said "I'll stick with my original character".

It's like twelve different people had their hand at this script without consulting one other and decided to say, "screw it, let's throw it at the wall and see if it sticks". Well, it didn't, this movie felt like the disjointed, poorly acted ramblings of cat lady angry at men but desperate for love.

The real moment of Christmas miracle magic is when Katie tells Jacob they're in different "economic and social circles" and then accuses Jacob of "lying" and calling her shallow when she finds out our man has money and it was okay to love him after all.

There is no need to dissect anymore of this, we all watched the same movie and we all know what we saw: A long, drawn out introduction that suddenly shifts gears and has the main character crashing through her life like Tasmanian Devil on a cocaine-fueled holiday love adventure.
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