Multiverse (2019) Poster

(II) (2019)

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Low budget but had potential
Sergiodave21 November 2021
The production costs of this movie are evidently low. A young amateurish cast and Marlee Matlin do their best with a script that is poorly written, and the dialogue is clunky yet does contains some good ideas. One of the main problems with low budget Sci-fi is the terrible special effects, but in this movie they successfully solved that problem, there are none, which for me works. In the hands of the right scriptwriter and a pot of cash this could be turned into something really good. I have seen far worse movies from the big studios this year, so it definitely gets an 'A' for effort.
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An ok movie with good acting
jbrbsmom24 March 2022
I am a huge thriller sci if fan. So much out there is less than mediocre these days.

This movie has the good acting, which most movies today do NOT. It is a lower budget movie, but it doesn't require a higher budget as it relies primarily upon the plot to keep you guessing. Actually glad it didn't try to add in a bunch of high end techno stunts or high end pyrotechnic scenes...that would have been a waste of money on a poorly themed movie...

For the savvy sci fi fan, the ending is rather obvious and not well thought out or explained. The plot is interesting, but not really anything new or different. Just sort of a low budget slow burn on an old idea.. The acting is what sustains the movie and it is quite good.

This would have done better as an episode of the X files, ( but there really are no shows like that anymore) but doesn't stand out well as a movie. Sure, it kills time, but is not memorable or something you are even likely to give a second watch. But, in these lean times of free movies on Hulu, one that has acting this good puts it far above most of the other free movies in the genre.
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paul_haakonsen21 November 2021
Normally I am not overly keen on sci-fi movies, but every now and again I do dabble and sit down to watch one. And so it was with the 2019 sci-fi drama titled "Entangled" (aka "Multiverse"). Well, I should say that it wasn't because it was a sci-fi movie that I opted to sit down to watch this movie, but it was because the movie had Marlee Matlin on the cast list, and it was a movie that I hadn't already seen.

So I gave it a chance. And while writers Doug Taylor and Michael MacKenzie did manage to put together an interesting enough storyline, the movie was just sort of mediocre. You know, the type of movie that you will watch once and never again. "Entangled" was watchable, sure, but it wasn't a movie that in any way impressed or blew me away with its concept.

However, I did find that the storyline was more focused on the teenage drama that took place in the movie than it did with the whole quantum mechanics and multi universes aspects that the storyline sort of started out by presenting.

The acting performances in the movie were good, I just wish that Marlee Matlin had a bigger part in the movie.

Visually then "Entangled" wasn't really working with special effects. But then again the movie didn't really need an impressive display of CGI to deliver its storyline.

I am sure that there are sci-fi buffs out there that will be a kick out of the storyline told in "Entangled".

My rating of director Gaurav Seth's 2019 sci-fi drama lands on a very bland five out of ten stars.
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I don't know how this movie could be more boring
marcresto26 July 2021
From the moment it starts to the time you can't stand any longer to torture yourself by suffering through the insufferable crap that is every prolonged second and moment of this garbage.
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Passable time filler
tellstar17 November 2021
If you don't expect much clarity about the laws of the multiverse, this is not a bad film. The young cast works hard in their roles and some of the ideas are intriguing enough - but the multiverse is a pretty random place and you'll find yourself scratching your head much of the time. I appreciated that the film goes the extra mile of using deaf actors to play the roles of deaf characters and pulls off one neat trick with a voice-over assist.
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There's bad, then there's multiverse
dabigdbass19 November 2021
More than a multiverse, I wish there was a time machine that I could use to rescue myself from giving away an hour of my life. My favorite character in the movie was the goldfish - that thing should get an Oscar for all the animal cruelty it went through just being in the film. My favorite scene were the credits at the end of the movie - by far the best cinematography and gave the viewer a sense of hope that finally replaced misery. If you're looking to extract information from a captured spy and need an effective method of doing so, then I highly recommend this film.
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Brilliant concept if you understand quantum theory
mandokal18 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All these poor reviews are from people who saw Ant Man and think they understand quantum theory.

Very few people actually comprehend eternality and quantum theory. Quantum entanglement is a whole different operation, but here's a hint: it is continuous, not parallel. There are not duplicates in the sense of pairs, but a continuing simultaneous stream. That's why the 5-month gap was irrelevant and there was no "second time" accident. It was the SAME time.

The writers told a well-conceived story that stretches the limits of imaginary concepts. Philip K Dick would be proud!
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Has flaws but it's watchable.
XueHuaBingYu17 February 2022
"Multiverse" aka "Entangled" film is somehow watchable film. I like the concept and theory. So, I'd say it has some potential. But what makes this film bad is low budget and the way of presenting. Although the concept and theory are good, but the presentation style is a bit confusing. I hardly get what they want to show. But I thought through it. So, yeah, I kind of get what this film is about.

Anyway, although I wouldn't say this is a good film, if they have improved the facts that I mention above, it would've made a fine film. That being said, I'm not saying it's a total bad film. It's watchable and I kind of enjoyed the whole thing.
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Probably Better in a Parallel Universe
fartman42017 November 2021
Where this film shines: The performances of Munro Chambers, Sandra Mae Frank, and Marlee Matlin. The wibbly wobbly sci-fi stuff is enough to be interesting and mostly engaging. Mostly excellent cinematography, albeit the whole movie is a little color muted for my taste.

Where this film burns: The writing is all over the place - some scenes are great (like moments between Sandra Mae Frank and Marlee Matlin), but others have stilted dialogue that feels like it's there to take up space. It's hard to fault the acting when the lines are boring and don't feel natural. Without spoilers, my opinion is that the overall premise didn't really know what it wanted to be - and for me, that resulted in a predictable ending that fell flat and left me frustrated.

HOWEVER, it's a solid fun little sci-fi ride! My frustration with this film is that all the pieces were there for it to be really great, but it just missed the mark. Still worth a watch if you can stomach your sci-fi with a little teen drama. I bet it'll be a cult classic in another universe!
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How on Earth did Marlee Matlin get pulled into this trash fire?
strangebeasty19 November 2021
This movie is just real bad. The script is bad, the cinematography is uninspired, the characters are uninteresting, the performances are lackluster, and the story is deeply, deeply stupid. A creative team can make up for a low budget, but this movie didn't get that team. You will guess what the ending will be from the initiating event of the story. As the movie progresses you will understand that such an ending would make no sense. At the end of the movie, you will be bitterly disappointed to discover that yes, that stupid nonsense ending is what actually ends up happening. In between the initiating event and the ending, everything else that happens is totally silly. On the whole I wish I'd spent this time watching something else.
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Great but I didn't get the ending Warning: Spoilers
Four friends create an opening to the multiverse where their selves from another universe to cross into their world and they now have to contend with them.

I really liked it especially the Deaf actress who played Amy. All the actors were good in fact...I just wish the two guy leads didn't look so similar because it was hard to tell their characters apart because the actors looked so much alike.

I didn't get the ending though.....(SPOILER!!!!!)......Was the whole thing a continuous never ending time loop they were caught up in that's going to keep going in circles?!

And did other Amy make it back to her world when she went into the ocean? I liked that she chose to sacrifice herself rather than interfere in the parallel universe she didn't belong in like the guy did, and in my mind she made it back home to her own world.

It's a little slow in parts but definitely worth a watch if you like parallel universe stories. Solid 8 stars.
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Glad I stuck it out but I'm confused by the ending
and_shove_it_up_your_butt16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Multiverse is a low-budget flick, so don't expect anything fancy (including the script, effects or anything else). I almost stopped watching after the first 5-7 minutes because it is sooooo low-budget that it seemed like it would be a waste of time. Something told me to keep watching though and I'm glad that I did.

No, it didn't suddenly become a high-budget film with solid acting and awesome special effects. It did hold my attention though because once I was able to get out of my feelings about the cheese factor, my brain was able to get pulled into the actual movie to see if I could figure out where things were going to end up.

I did figure out how the ending would go maybe about 1/2 in since unfortunately they dropped a major clue (which now I can't remember what it was) and I'm sure that you will as well. I'll be honest though, I can't figure out the "how" of the ending to where it logically makes sense for me and I'm not sure if that's the movies fault for being inaccurate, or my fault for not having the capacity to understand how all of that stuff works. Either way, overall I think Multiverse is decent. Not mind-blowing. Not a blockbuster by any stretch. Very basic movie but it did keep me somewhat enthralled.
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Dialogues need to be rewritten pronto
ECKreader18 December 2021
Who writes these scripts these days? 12 year olds? No real people talk or behave like this. Also, the editing is very amateurish and breaks the momentum of the plot continuously. With good editing and some dialogue elimination or re-filming, this can - maybe - be saved.
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Good acting and cinematography, terrible script & drawn out scenes
a-edgson17 November 2021
If you've ever wanted to see how to mix good elements of film-making with bad ones then here's your film school tutorial. I'll doubt you'll last longer than 20mins but if you do then you're probably as bent as the awful cliche' script and sleepy editing. Had both been done well they would've upped this film to a 6 score or higher. I "sped watched" to the end.
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penofinspiratin22 November 2021
I don't know why every producer with a low budget fancies sci-fi, perhaps it's the fact that it's the thought that counts.

My problem is, it's always the thought that makes you go WTF are they kidding me right now.

From onset the whole premise is predictable, then it goes into a spiral of premise loops You end up wondering, are we on a multiverse storyline or are we in a teenage problems squabble.

It's interesting to watch a movie and at the end you really think about multiverse & a few ideas

But questioning why then did that happen, why was that even introduced to begin with What was the purpose of all that?

Then you realise that the whole thing is clickbait.
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Doesn't make sense
xireconix3 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After viewing this movie, I sat down and spent months creating a device that would allow me to peer into other universes. I spent another few months doing just that. And, after combing through billions of other universes, I did not find one single dimension where this film made sense.

They can not occupy the same space? Why? Different matter from different dimensions, separate quantum frequencies, not overlapping the same exact space. They are in the same dimension, not the same exact space.

And if that is somehow the rule of this universe, why would dying change that?

Also, you can just casually drift over into another dimension? No massive amount of energy needed? You just need to be observing some sort of device that monitors the quantum state of multiple frequencies within the dimensional substratum and poof, you're there? Seriously?

Also, HOW THE HELL DOES THE ENDING EVEN WORK!? The Tattoo group from universe B needed their device to get over to Dimension A, We've got two people from Dimension B and two people from Dimension A who are driving home after disposing of a body. How did they crossover into either 1) Dimension C which is 5+ months behind Dimension A and B, or.. TIME TRAVEL back 5 months into Dimension A?
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Great story, watchable but sketchy execution
stevelivesey6711 January 2022
I always say that sci fi movies are about ideas, and this has a great one along with a compelling storyline.

However.- the budget constraints affect the overall feel. Deadly in sci fi movies.

The direction is good in parts but the action scenes are poor and, boy oh boy, does he like a 'dutch tilt' The cast and script are hit and miss. The deaf girl piece is handled well, the 'psycho' not so much.

Overall I enjoyed it and would recommend it, with reservations.
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Teen drama
helma-217 November 2021
No real focus on quantum psychics. More like a teen drama, avoid if you are looking for real sci-fi. It needed to explore more quantum theories to keep it interesting. 2/10.
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Teenage universes?
Gazzaman1220 November 2021
Teens might enjoy I better than I did. I do enjoy sci fi movies but this was mostly teenage angst, some weeping, and a goldfish! Unfortunately we don't even seen any parallel universes and there's no special effects, none. It's just teenagers talking a lot in a very low budget effort. Very slow going. Best thing about this movie? The goldfish!
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Teenage hacks
revrobertv1 April 2022
In the first 5 minutes of this movie you can tell it's going to be terrible. The acting is below marginal. The theme behind the movie is improbable, impractical, and basically impossible to be done by this group of teenage losers.
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Amazing movie a short to the point version of dark -german series
dristik-983749 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was amazing I stumbled across this movie and glad I didnt look at the reviews as it would have put me off. The concept of having two different universes combined to the same characters but having slightly different aspects of there lives altered. Like the deaf actor being able to hear in the other universe and sort of sacrificing herself coz she doesnt fit in was amazing concept. And not being able to kill your other universe self as it's you love. If you love time travel and the idea around alternate universes you will love this! Also recommended the series Dark a german series if you dont mind watching subtitles .
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Just terrible
christophercoles10 December 2021
Lacks all science in the science fiction.

Entangled with bad acting and unconvincing love story's. What is meant to be brilliant scientist but don't act like it in the slightest. The movie was challenging to watch all the way through and I'm so open to SciFi movies but this was just painful. Such a waste.
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Very unthought out movie
kevinjones-9255428 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The story never comes to an end, very lazily written, and whoever wrote this movie should never write a new one. Everything was going fine until the multiverse actually started happening. The movie never comes to a conclusion and just leaves you wondering what ever happens to the characters. It just seemed like lazy writing cause the story could have been spun off so many interesting ways but instead they decide to cut it off after another car crash scene. So the kids make a science break through just for them to live that night over and over again with "new" kids experiencing it from different universes. Such a bland and uncreative movie do not watch and waste your time. Once again whoever wrote this movie you a terrible at your job, I can write a better movie than this.
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Missed all the marks
genehenson29 April 2022
When you make a movie based on theoretical physics you basically have two options. You can make a movie that really nails the science, or you can make a movie that's entertaining enough that you'll give the poor science a pass.

This movie failed to do either.

The "science" is a complete joke. I think they just the Wiki page on quantum entanglement and decided to write a movie. It's really bad.

Unfortunately, everything else in the movie is a complete joke too. It's ultra-low budget, so you've never heard of any of the actors and it shows (hint: they suck). The whole thing has this washed out color, probably because they couldn't afford to hire anyone that knows what they are doing. The characters are completely annoying. To the point that I had to skip some scenes because I couldn't bear watching them anymore.

To make matters worse, it's boring and predictable.

Hard pass on this one.
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kinda slow
ashtonapartida13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was intrigued by the conecept of the movie, but it honestly was pretty slow. They could have done so much more with this idea in my opinion. The ending kinda just left me wondering if both time lines were just stuck on a loop at that point. Since the " correctoins" of the time lines were both off at that point. I don't know that is just my take on it. The movie is watchable but its nothing to special.
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