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Does not trivialise teen romance/angst
3 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was going to be another sad story with a happy ending about a sappy teen romance with clichéd angst, so I didn't watch this till almost 2 years later.

I am surprised at the depth of the movie though. A boy meets a girl at a show, they exchange letters about their respective problems, try to guide each other because they had no one else who could help guide and help them, and in the process fall in love. They run away, get caught, then run away again, get caught again. In that process, the people around them learn more about them, and learn to care about them more. The details of the 2 children's, especially the boy's, and the couple's daring actions, move people (including previously hostile scout mates) to help them find a solution, in different ways, to their problem of wanting to be together but being forced apart.

The seasoned pros Willis, Norton, Murray and McDormand put on a great performance, but the child leads, especially Jared Gilman, impressed me the most. The acting may not be perfect but it was good, and considering his age, he conveyed the emotions needed better than expected.

This may not be a movie that appeals to families, but I think it teaches the families that watch it one thing: communication and understanding. And again, the fact that this movie does not trivialise teen angst issues (eg, "we've all been there before, it will pass", etc) puts it several notches above similar films in the same genre.

Definitely recommended for watching on a lazy weekend afternoon.
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Coraline (2009)
Very enjoyable animated version of a familiar story
20 April 2014
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We all know the feeling we had when we were kids: our parents are lousy; if we had another set, they'd love us cos we're just so precious.

Well, this isn't exactly like that, but the premise is similar. Coraline feels neglected by her parents, that they don't make time for her or listen to her, or give her what she wants. She crawls into an alternate universe where her Other parents treat her the way she thinks she should be - food she likes, clothes she likes, all the time and attention in the world.

But as in all fairy tales (and it's a fairy tale if you think parents will just give you everything you want), there is a caveat. They aren't really the good "Other" parents; there is a catch that I'll let you find out for yourself. It's both fun and disgusting at the same time.

In the end of course, she finds out she really treasures her own real parents after all, warts and all. The process of finding that out, and a subplot of helping the other ghost children trapped there, is a visual and storytelling treat.

I highly recommend this. I only wished I had caught the 3D version when it was out in the theatres - I had to watch this 2D and I had the nagging feeling I missed a 3d visual feast.
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Over-the-top campiness and histrionics make this fun
15 April 2014
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I'm normally not a fan of movies employing over-the-top histrionics, but this is a well-done comedy where the campiness and histrionics serve to enhance rather than degrade the entertainment value.

This is a movie about a woman trying to make it as an anchor in a male- dominated industry, in a station dominated by a team of male chauvinists. Yet it doesn't try to hit you over the head with Veronica's struggle to make it in a man's world. You'd think it'd be complicated because of the love story between Veronica and her male chauvinist lover and anchor-"boss" (who thinks she's joking about being an anchor), but the movie makes it simple and straightforward.

Some of the scenes are incredibly non-believable, yet you enjoy them anyway. That's part of the charm of the show. Even the crude jokes aren't as offensive as you might think.

This is no family show, but I feel even your girlfriends will enjoy this ( as long as they know you are not a male chauvinist ;) ).
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Good in some aspects, bad in others
7 April 2014
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View seem to be polarised over how good or bad this show is. I think it is a mixture of both. Talking about growing pains is nothing new, even a reality TV show about it is nothing really new. How it is done here - Bo as Zach hiring his own crew to make himself famous - that is new and what makes this show fun. I especially like how every single episode has a different opening song-and-"dance" title scene depending on the theme of the episode. That was uniquely done.

I find it sad though that a show with such potential repeats so much material from other shows. Sure, there's only so much you can do with growing pains, first loves, typical nerdy teen trying to break out situations, but the comedy lies in the execution. It could have been done so much better, instead of relying on clichés.

Maybe it's good that it only lasted a season. I would hate to see this descend into TV series hell - this way, many can still leave with somewhat positive impressions of the show.
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Nothing to really recommend except to watch to see how it ends
7 April 2014
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I didn't really want to see this after the first movie, but I'm one who needs closure frequently, which means I had to see this to see how it ends - the first movie wasn't entirely unwatchable and some of the sex scenes at least managed to maintain some interest.

I liked this only because it concentrated a lot more on the relationship between the friends than anything else. I thought the last movie didn't do enough of it even though it seemed like the most important relationship of the movie. It explores more here, including the other significant relationships like the one between Jan and his "father", the one between him and Madam Boonleung.

Nothing really to recommend about this movie - even the sex scenes are boring at times. Watch this if you really need to know how the story turns out.
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One of the best comedies of the year
5 April 2014
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A story about a fake family made up of desperate people going to score a deal. On the way, they meet obstacles then break up and of course make up again. I expected a fun movie. I just didn't expect it to be as good as it was.

It's funny, there are the requisite gags (but this particular gag is awesome funny), the few unexpected twists or surprises were totally welcome. There are a few standout scenes - the kissing scene, the bitten-by-a-spider scene, and surprisingly, the sing/rap part was really engaging.

The acting from the 4 main cast members are good, but personally, I felt the standout actor was Will Poulter. I only knew him from Son of Rambow and School of Comedy, so while I knew he played the dorky son, I didn't expect him to play the character that well. He truly stole the limelight from his more famous co-stars Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston and Emma Roberts. Kudos to him.

Go watch this. It's not a family movie, but it makes for a great outing with the buds or even an adventurous date.
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Twice Born (2012)
Would have been better if they'd shortened the first 90 minutes
30 March 2014
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I thought this was a beautiful story, but would have been much better told if the at-times unnecessary long-windedness of this first 90 minutes were shortened by at least 15-20 minutes.

It's basically a love story that still manages to have its twists near the end, which I won't even hint at to preserve the beauty of the story. It's a story in which the Bosnian War plays a part, in more ways than you may think.

The cast is excellent - Penelope Cruz and Emile Hirsch are brilliant as the pair of lovers, united in part by their seemingly obsessive need for a child - part of the film focuses on their efforts in that area. The supporting cast are pretty good as well.

I'm not a fan of romantic movies, so perhaps that is why I found it too long. But fans of the genre may find the long-told love story more engaging than I did. For me, the last 20 minutes of the movie is what saves it from being yet another long-winded loves story. I'm sure you'll like it too (the ending at least).
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A 'true-story' type of film that is actually good to watch
29 March 2014
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I went into this without much expectation, since I don't normally watch "true-story" films, but I was pleasantly surprised.

It's basically about a Belfast man recruited by British intelligence to spy on the IRA during the Troubles. After the starting "high", he begins to struggle with moral dilemmas, like informing on friends. In the meantime, his personal life becomes more complicated with a pregnant girlfriend and family troubles.

I enjoyed Ben Kingsley's character - the handler Fergus, and Jim Sturgess played Martin surprisingly well. The story moves along briskly, but still left a bit of time for you to ponder the choices being made. I thought the execution was well-done too. It really made you feel for the main characters - you can literally feel Martin's anguish (on so many levels) and Fergus' self-righteousness (deserved or not) at times.

Be aware though that the real Martin disavows the film though. So I'm now interested in reading the book so I can read his version of it.
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Bunraku (2010)
Interesting storyline, execution could have done better
29 March 2014
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I read a quick synopsis of the movie and was interested enough to watch this. Besides, it had Woody Harrelson, and I love his acting styles and the characters he's played before.

The narration sets you up for what's to come: "there are more ways of killing a man than there is of making bread". I thought the opening sequence was inspired - a cartoonish origami-cum-puppet style that was moderately amusing as well.

There are no guns, so there is a lot of close-quarter fighting. The choreography is decent but there was much room for improvement. For a movie that tries to rely on its story and humor but doesn't do a good job, it needs to make sure its fight action is good. The wooden acting is not easily overlooked as well. Harrelson and Hartnett are good actors with excellent resumes - I felt cheated at how the film and cheesy script did not exploit their natural potential. Woody Harrelson has the best lines (relatively speaking), which aren't many, but they are funny. And it is fun seeing how the different assassins are dispatched.

I did like the artistic style of the movie though. I found it a cross between Sin City and a live-motion version of Speed Racer. Animation using cutouts are used, some background objects look like stage props, etc.

Overall, it is a good story not very well told yet still manages to be sufficient. Those who enjoyed Sin City will enjoy this, just on a lower level.
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Cherrybomb (2009)
Showed promise but found lacking in the second half
28 March 2014
This is basically a story about 2 boys liking the same girl, and how both try to outdo each other to impress her.

It's not a new story, but it added a little difference to the common plot - the 2 guys are like magnetic opposites who happen to be best friends. Rupert Grint plays Malachy - a sensible sort who has a close and postcard-normal family and has apparently no serious problems; Robert Sheehan (still good but this is not his best work) is Luke, a drug dealer with an addict father and dealer-boss brother, whom you look at and wonder why he isn't more screwed-up than he already appears to be. Kimberly Nixon is Michelle, the girl they're trying to impress and bed, but her performance was the lousiest of the 3.

The first half builds properly. It was fun to see how they tried to outdo each other in order to impress the girl. There was also a bit of family drama (for Luke and Michelle at least) thrown in - something I thought would lead to more exploration in the second half.

Alas, the next half of the movie let me down. I couldn't feel more for the characters than the little I already did, and I felt like I was meant to as the film progresses towards its climax. It spent too little time exploring the changing dynamics between the friends, and it failed to convince me how the friends could seemingly be driven apart so easily. The ending wasn't as good as I hoped it would be.

A few other things I took issue with: film editing left something to be desired, camera work needed improvement, the film could have been scored better, the actors chosen better (they seemed to be chosen based on their popularity than their suitability for the film).

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College - cartoon monster style, uniquely and well done
28 March 2014
I have to admit something: I prefer "prequels" to sequels, and may have rated this a point higher than normal, but then again, I believe it fully deserved it. The one thing I like about a prequel is finding out how they became what they are now - the "before they were famous" story.

The animation is top-notch as is usual from Pixar. But I did feel the score isn't as good as it was in the original, but that may be due to this being a "college" movie, and thus lots of marching-band type scoring.

The story is excellent however. Sure, at times it's like a typical college movie - how the protagonists became best friends, the experiences that bonded them together, the hi-jinks and the one awesome event that defined their college experience. But it's not a typical setting (monsters, not people) and it's not a typical movie (animated effects vs real life), and that works in its favor, making this something unique and thoroughly enjoyable.

Check out how the typical college experience has been adapted for monsters, see some of the other characters (who are in the original film ) when they were younger, enjoy the references to the original film.

Adults will enjoy this, I believe, more than the kids (at least, I believe those with college experiences will). But the younger viewers will no doubt still enjoy the story and the action.
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Frozen (I) (2013)
Appeals to both girls and boys
28 March 2014
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This is one of the best Disney animated films we've seen. There's a story that begins with the usual sadness, tension midway, suspense near the end, then climax with an ending that satisfies everyone.

As with all Disney animated films, original music plays a huge part - and we loved most of them. They were catchy or solemn when needed, and got us more in the mood at that time than by visuals alone.

Animation is top-notch - ice, ice-sculptures and other ice/water-based animations aren't the easiest to do, but it's done excellently here. Not perfect, but you'll be too engaged in the story to notice anyway.

The film has a few surprises in store for you. Some of them you'd decode in a heartbeat if you've seen enough Disney films, others warm your heart. I loved it near the end when what you'd normally expect is actually something else - won't spoil it for you by even hinting at it.

Don't be discouraged by expecting some sappy romance - this is really more a story about family and familial love than anything else. And Josh Gad is great as Olaf the Snowman! I love his character's enthusiasm (basically the only one that keeps his enthusiasm from start to end - it's so refreshing from the occasional despondency of the other characters) - wait till you hear his "summer" song!

The kids will love this (yes, even the teenagers), and so will the adults.
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Another Excellent Animated Sequel
27 March 2014
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The first film was about Gru falling in love with the children, turning a new leaf and becoming a good guy and a father to 3 girls. This is about him, now a good guy, falling in love with another woman and creating a "complete" family. In the meantime, he uses his skills honed from his evil past to catch another villain.

It is just as fun as the first movie. The animation is top-notch, as usual, and the story is both suitable and engaging for families and young children. But the other stars of the film, as with the first, are the minions. They are more frequently featured here, and many even take a turn as evil minions. It's so fun to see them in activities other than assisting Gru - having fun on the beach, in a "bar", etc.

The message is, as usual, about love and family - a father protecting his children, a wayward member who returns to the family fold, fighting for the one(s) you love...

The music is much better than the first's, to me anyway. It is more upbeat and contemporary. I also enjoyed how some popular song lyrics were changed into gibberish when sung by the minions - that was so much fun!

This is truly a family film that delights. Don't miss it!
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A movie that appeals to both kids and adults
26 March 2014
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This is one of those rare animated (so-called) children's movies that will appeal to both kids and adults. At least *I* was totally captivated by it. You won't feel out of place watching this with your friends without kids in tow, though there'll probably be many around.

The Boogeyman has come to threaten the whole world's children's belief in the "Big 4" figures called Guardians here - Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Sandman, and it's up to a new reluctant and disillusioned guy, Jack Frost, to save them all. I loved how Santa's portrayed as Russian-like, the Easter Bunny is a militant were-rabbit- like giant with an Australian accent and the Sandman is a cute golden pudgy fellow who's apparently the most powerful of the 4. The characterisations of the tooth fairy and Jack Frost seemed appropriate to me.

The story reminded me of Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" - the Guardians derive their power and, to a large extent, their being, from the believing children. I think of it as a metaphor too - the world is a darker place without hope. And the adults and mature kids will find deeper meaning in some of the dialogue - Santa/Christmas being about wonder, Easter being about new life, etc.

The humor employed was appropriate and well-done. Sure, there's the occasional physical humor, but there're also the funnily-biting insults and quick comebacks. I thought the animation was top-notch - not in terms of realism or its technical aspects, but in generating the appropriate atmosphere and mood of each scene.

And yes, there are the touching moments. "Jack, he sees you!" is one that almost brought tears to my eyes. I'm not a sappy person, but anyone who's experienced loneliness and ostracism before will understand the feeling.

I really loved this film. It is one of the few films which managed to bring me back to my childhood, remembering the innocent years when I believed in fairies and Santa Claus, and now reminding me to keep wondering (as in awe, not puzzlement), believing, and hoping.
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Second is still as fun
24 March 2014
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"Another film by ..... a lot of people" - the title sequence is both a tribute to the many people involved and also a precursor to the humor in the movie, mostly involving lots of pun-ny remarks. 'Food fight' certainly gets a new meaning!

A big part of the film feels like a homage to the original Jurassic Park movie - when the team first see the creatures (which look a lot like cartoon dinosaurs dressed as food), when they are being chased by them, when the giant taco makes its appearance. Even the music is similar. But it's not cheesily done.

The story is also a heartwarming one. While the created food was the problem in the first movie, here they are the heroes. It still has its heartwarming moments when Flint discovers his real enemies and his real friends (and love?). And the music certainly adds a lot more to the fun this time.

This is definitely one of the better movies of the year . Recommended for families or to watch with friends and loved ones.
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Could Have Done Better With A Story Like Hercules'
24 March 2014
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An action film with a Greek mythological theme - on paper, it should have been a rollicking good film. However, the execution leaves much to be desired.

The sets are beautiful, but unfortunately we don't get to see a lot of it. Many of the scenes are set at night or in dark halls which means a lot of detail is lost. I suppose the producers thought the action would be the focus, but alas, it fails to excite on so many levels. Yes, there are lots of fighting, but the fighting is marred by excessive use of "bullet-time". Someone should tell them bullet-time is good for bullets, and even then, only some bullets. Every time a scene gets exciting or someone is about to get a good smack somewhere, the action slows down. Maybe it's supposed to help you appreciate the kill-blow or choreography, but all it did for me was slow my heart-rate when it should be sped up.

The CG effects are mediocre and instead of helping you immerse yourself in the story, it distracts you by letting you wonder what went wrong. The famous Nemean Lion looks like a normal lion - where's the fun it that? And shouldn't an immortal like Hercules have been scripted better action and stunt acts? Even mortal men in movies about mortals have better action and stunt sequences.

The dialogue style may be appropriate for a Greek mythological film, but after a while, it sounds contrived. There's no imagination in it - you don't feel for the characters. Instead you get tired of all the macho posturing after some time.

The movie does not totally fail though. It still manages to plod along fairly, and some of the story elements are worth watching. But all in all, don't watch this (there are better movies about mythological heroes) unless you're a fan of a shirtless Kellen Lutz or there is nothing better to watch (are you sure there isn't??).
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Veronica Mars (2014)
After almost a decade of waiting, I'm not disappointed!
24 March 2014
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I am a big fan of the TV series and was sad when it was cancelled. And the movie getting continually delayed didn't help. But maybe the long break between season end and movie is a blessing in disguise, as newbies are introduced without expectations, and the followers get to relieve their love for the spunky heroine.

It's basically a murder-mystery. Instead of pacing it over a TV season, it unfolds within 90 minutes. It's interesting to see the old cast back and mostly acting grown up and more mature. Kristen Bell as a less- impulsive but just-as-snarky Veronica Mars, Jason Dohring as an emaciated-looking Logan Echolls, Enrico Colantoni still the same sometimes-clueless-sometimes-intuitive lovable Keith Mars. It's great seeing them and the others 9 years later - we skip the out-of-high- school-to-college-to-working-world late teens and early twenties to them in their mid- to late twenties - careers mostly established, relationships stable, lives pretty much regular now. So the movie can focus more on the story than in-depth character studies or teen angst issues.

I love how they managed to get so many of the old cast to act in this. It's always fun to see some of the gang after so long - you see how they've changed, or not. Piz is just as adorable as ever, and Dick is still a slacker (I love his belt buckle!). Some of cast are now major TV stars and I guess they loved Veronica Mars as much as we did.

The movie plays well, and will be familiar to fans of the TV series. For those who are not, there'll be the requisite voice-overs, red herrings and eureka moments. While the movie plays well by itself, this movie is definitely made for fans of the TV series - you'll definitely enjoy it more when you know the back stories of the characters, but don't worry, you won't need to watch it to be able to follow the film. There are a lot of nice touches in the film for the TV fans. The busker playing an acoustic version of the TV theme song (We Used to Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols) was perfectly done. (And hearing it again at the end brings back more memories than watching the movie.) Seeing how some of the characters changed 9 years later also gave us some sense of closure.

I would normally rate this a 7, but gave it an extra point for trying so hard, and managing to, please the TV fans.
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Gratuitous sex good for eroticism, but takes away from story
23 March 2014
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Although this is supposed to be an erotic film about a boy's early life under a despotic and sadistic father, I found the sex scenes to be too long and too many. In some cases, the sex scenes were gratuitous - it served the eroticism well, but since the director makes attempts to actually tell a story as well, those scenes took time better spent on developing the story.

There are attempts to tell a serious story, yet it seems that every time you think there'll be an interesting development to the characters in the movie, a sex scene pops up to distract you. Some of the sex is necessary for the sake of the story - eg, the flashback scenes, the father using sex to grab power at home, but many of the other scenes took too long to tell us that so-and-so are having a sexual relationship. They'll definitely serve to titillate those who come for those scenes, although I've seen better sex scenes.

I had hoped that the master-servant and best-friends relationship between Jan and Ken were explored further though. That, and the relationship between Jan and Aunt Waad were the more interesting character relationships of the movie. I suppose the former will be explored in the sequel.

Mario Maurer didn't do well in this movie. It's a case of the actor not suiting the role I suppose. A pity, as I liked him in Love of Siam. But his emotional range is certainly not sufficient for a character as complex as Jan, even in his teenage years. Chaiyapol Jullian Poupart did better as Ken, though admittedly, his character had less to do in the film. The 3 women with significant roles (Aunt Waad, Kaew and Mrs. Boonlueang) were played decently enough. As for the others, all I remember are bare breasts or bare butts since all they seem to do is have sex with this one or the other.

It's not entirely without value - you can still salvage about an hour's worth of decent storytelling. As an erotic film, it's okay but you'd get your money's worth better elsewhere.
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I expected the humour and the action, not the drama or the tears
23 March 2014
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I read a short review of the film before watching it and so expected it to be a typical Korean comedy. But it surprised me with credible drama and lots of parkour-style action as well.

In short, this is a film about 3 North Korean sleeper spies in the South. The first half of the film shows them in their sleeper lives and how they, especially Won (played by Soo Hyun Kim), live their dual lives. Won as the village idiot has the best role - an intelligent, highly capable spy acting as a dumb grocer's assistant. It's always a treat to see him alternate between his dual identities, though his dumb act consists mostly of falling down or off something.

The other characters warm your heart too. There is the musician-wannabe spy who mocks Won and his loyalty to the North, the young spy who looks up to his idol-mentor Won, the party girl whose deepest secret is her longing for her unplanned child given away for adoption, the son of the grocer who cares for and loves his mother and Won more than he appears to, and the grocer-mother who treats Won as a son despite her crusty exterior, and others.

The humor in the dialogue is sometimes unexpected, which is another plus. The parkour-style action scenes are short but thrilling, and the fight choreography are exciting to watch. Stories involving the different characters are told within the main story, creating subplots which are heartwarming and interesting for the most part. When the final order comes, the internal and external conflicts over it drive the 2nd half of the movie. And I loved and hated the ending for being so good and being so good it hurt that it didn't end any other way.

If you're looking for a comedy with heart and action, I'd definitely recommend this over the common rehashed Hollywood ones. At the very least, it manages to get the story told (and it's a long story) without too many distractions or wishy-washy segues.
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Confusing Ending Mars A Piece of Brilliant Work
23 March 2014
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I was recommended this via a newspaper article about horror movies. There weren't much details so I didn't know what to expect. But I was pleasantly surprised at the plot execution, for the first hour anyway.

A man, Gilderoy, works as a sound engineer for an Italian horror film, but you never actually get to see any graphic scenes. You have to imagine them by listening to the sound effects and voiceovers. It's a bit funny hearing the sounds and seeing how those sounds are made (lots of suffering vegetables), but it's creepy if you close your eyes and just listen. The sound editing also means that while most of the dialogue is conducted at normal volume, the sound effects and screams are dialled up so loud it sometimes makes you uncomfortable, which is most likely the film's intention.

As Gilderoy gets more into his work, his real life seems to blur into a reel life. You're not entirely sure it's HIS reel life though. His slow detachment from his pre-studio life is so subtle it's easily missed, and you don't really care for him as a character because he does not stir up any feelings in you for him.

The last 20 minutes of the movie was confusing and a let-down though. At one point, you expect the 'torture' of the new actress in the sound studio to lead to something - a violent outburst, a scream, something, but in the end, you're let down by the eventual ending. You hope the ending minutes will shed some light on Gilderoy's state of mind but you are left hanging, without a rope. After such a promising start, you end up confused instead of gratified.

It would have easily gotten a 9 or 10 from me, but the flaw (to me, anyway) at the end cost it 2-3 points. It's saved from losing more points due to the excellent 1st hour, sound editing and an imaginative script.
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Art Film - Not For Everyone
23 March 2014
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This is a slow-moving art-house film that is not for everyone. It is a languorous love story between two vampires whose lives are disrupted when her spirited and non-conformist sister visits.

For the first half of the movie, it weaves slowly through, the characters reminiscing about the lives and people hundreds of years past. It's interesting to hear how they influenced some of the biggest names of history, but it really needs patience to sit through some of the long slow scenes. Adam laments the gradual deterioration of society and culture so much you wonder why he hasn't killed himself or the others yet, or moved to somewhere more Old World.

Tilda Swinton is suited perfectly for the role of Eve. She has the looks, bearing and acting chops to portray relatively-cold personas like vampires and ice queens. Tom Hiddleston puts in a commendable performance as Adam, her longtime lover. I loved Mia Wasikowska's performance as Ava - she injects the zest needed to perk up the movie. I wished Anton Yelchin had a bigger role as Ian though - his was a character worth developing a little more.

You'll enjoy the music if you enjoy the film - it's a mix of old and new that gets you into the prevailing mood of the film. All in all, this is not a movie for everyone, but if you're in the mood for a slow unfolding tale, this is a good choice.
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Good visuals, but better story telling needed
22 March 2014
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It's rare that sequels can better their predecessors, and in this case, that remains true. Still, it has certain qualities that keep it from being a failure.

The visuals are nicely done. The post-apocalyptic world is beautifully rendered in grayscale, imparting a sense of doom and gloom. The battles are well-choreographed, and the CG effects commendable. The attack drones are believable, and we've gotten used to the terminators.

Acting's pretty good for a movie that's action-oriented. Christian Bale acquits himself well as the anguished and jaded John Connor, Sam Worthington puts in a commendable performance as the tortured and confused Marcus Wright, and Anton Yelchin is excellent as a young Kyle Reese caught in the middle of a war.

Even though the action seldom lets up and the movie intersperses only short dialogue and development scenes between all the action sequences, I still felt there were some which weren't necessary as they did little for the plot. Why have a topless scene in the rain and introduce sexual tension at that moment? It did nothing for the movie. And some of the dialogue was so cheesy they belonged to the original Terminator movie. You also can't help but wonder at some of the unexplained logic lapses - like how an advanced Skynet can't intercept radio communications or take control of the human's machines. Or how the machines have such lousy aim even with advanced targeting systems and rapid-fire weapons. And I thought only movie humans delayed the death of their number one enemy.

Despite all this, it is still an enjoyable ride as the story unfolds to its conclusion.
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Carrie (2013)
Execution could have been better, but story's still good
22 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is an updated version where the Internet, social media sites, video streaming and smartphones have a major influence on today's teenagers.

They story hasn't changed - girl with religious fanatic mother struggles to be 'normal', gets bullied in school, finally breaks down and kills almost everyone with her telekinetic powers.

But the execution has. It could have done better in creating and maintaining suspense, but usually, whatever suspense is created is either quickly extinguished or dragged on too long without new input. The saving grace is in the last act when Carrie finally unleashes her full power.

There are details that stretch the story's credibility (beyond what is expected in Carrie). How many teenagers these days still check out library books for a subject like magic powers? How is the mother not more concerned about the seemingly-diabolical powers her daughter seem to possess or attract? Why does a school where there is blatant bullying targeted against one person appear to do nothing, even when there is a damning video posted online? And the transition of Carrie from being scared of her mother to deliberate instant rebellion was too abrupt for my taste.

I found the acting to be good for the most part. Chloë Grace Moretz plays the role of a confused and conflicted Carrie well, though at times I wish to see more expressions of the conflict within her. I had hoped that the movie had uglified her more too - she's pretty enough you wonder why she doesn't have any friends or suitors, even among the outcasts at school. Julianne Moore is not entirely convincing as a religious fanatic mother though. She simply does not appear unbalanced enough to me. I thought Sue Snell did a better job as the gym teacher with smarts and a heart. The supporting cast were okay for the most part. I didn't really care for the 'good' ones though. The villainous teens actually had me more emotionally involved.

While there isn't much to particularly recommend about this film, the final 20 minutes saves the film from mediocrity.
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Grimm (2011–2017)
Less single-episode creatures, more creature/story development
22 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show started really well for me - almost a 10/10 in the beginning. It has a good main plot - a detective with special skills unmasking the various criminal Wesen in his hometown, who is also the target of several factions with their own agenda.

In the beginning, there are lots of single episodes which deal with only a single kind of criminal Wesen. This is good as it gives us a feel of the different creatures, as well as help slowly develop the characters of the main recurring Wesen cast. But now that there are other story lines developing from the main one: the Royal Family, the baby, the Resistance, the treasure map, his mother's activities, etc, I felt the show should now spend less, if any, time on single-episode creatures that have no bearing on the future of the show. It's a distraction from developing the main and other story lines.

But the show still manages to maintain my interest because it continues, albeit slower than I like, to develop the subplots into something potentially good. And the new creatures that are sometimes introduced are interesting, though I hope any new ones from now on actually have an impact on the current developing story lines.
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Sharknado (2013 TV Movie)
So Bad You Can't Stop Watching
21 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You know how you see something so bad it's really not worth watching yet you can't stop watching anyway? This is one of those movies.

The movie ignores numerous natural and physical laws, and many of the characters seem to act without logic sometimes. Why would you stay in the water when you know there are sharks swimming about? Why are people still hanging out by the sea and there no evacuation protocols when there is a hurricane approaching?

The plot is screwy and full of loopholes, acting is below average, the CG effects are laughable, and the film editing can leave one slightly nauseous at times. I didn't care for any of the characters at all except for the sharks, wondering how many of the cast they can eat by the end of the film.

Yet in a weird way it still manages to entertain. You wait for the next accidental comic moment, the next shark attack, see what other crazy scheme the people come up with to save others or themselves, and all the use-anything-at-all methods they use to kill attacking sharks along the way. It's actually a hoot to see how the sharks act like dolphins, arcing out of the water. In some parts, it's like Final Destination - you think you're safe then BAM, you're dead from one thing or another.

I would have given this a 1, but decided it deserved another 2 points simply for its entertainment value on a slow night with friends with nothing to do, because this is definitely one of those shows you need people around to point at, deride and laugh at with.
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