
4 Reviews
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The Greatest Film Ever Made
6 September 2000
Okay, I know, it doesn't sound exactly like Kubrick or Hitchcock, but thats what makes this film so amazing. Killer Klowns From Outer Space is the most pure and undistilled horror/camp film ever. Who is not scared of clowns at one point? Their faces painted with fixed smiles on their faces! They so clearly want to hurt you. By tapping into this fear, the Chiodo brothers created the most frightening and enjoyable horror film ever. No attempt at seriousness is anywhere to be found, and the film is never confused in its purpose. Clowns turn people into cotton candy so they can eat them. Brilliant, f'x brilliant! Its terrifying, hilarious, and jaw dropping eye candy. Plus it has my personal heroes, the Terrenzi brothers.
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Surprisingly Brilliant
3 July 1999
I am by no means a fan of the television show South Park. I find its one note brand of humor not so funny after you are desensitized to its vulgarity. I saw this movie completely out of curiosity to see just how far that Trey Parker and Matt Stone would push it. Oh and they pushed it. I haven't seen anything this absolutely vulgar and shocking in my life...or this damn funny. It has what is missing from the television show, the ability to do whatever they want. Parker and Stone dont just bring us a blunt and gross comedy aimed at 12 year olds, they bring us one of the most brilliant social satires I have ever seen. The central theme of America's obsession with stopping vulgarity and violence to "protect the children" being paralelled with armageddon, propaganda and totalitarian fascism is both cleverly amusing and truly chilling. Never have I seen a movie with such a profound message and such a plethora of incredibly insane humor that I promise will even offend the most hardened of you. A must see film and a true cultural mirror that will shock you. Amazing.
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The Militant Feminists "Birth Of A Nation"
16 January 1999
If you are not familiar with "Birth Of A Nation", it's a classic silent film in which the Ku Klux Klan is regarded as heroes saving the purity of man from the "evil" negroes. It was a clearly horrid lie that was taken as truth by the devilish film. Now comes along "The First Wives Club", and equally shocking and appauling film which essentially outlines all males and philandering scumbags and the womens job to destroy their lives. Now, the characters in this film get what the asked for, they are all exceptionally sleazy, but it works as a clear political/social statement that all men are evil. I was disgusted by this putrid film, it could have least be entertaining. Its hateful vengeance was weighted with idiotic jokes, a predictable storyline, and an utterly revolting and asinine closing musical sequence that made me suicidal. Avoid this filthy film at all costs, unless you want to feel really bad about human kind in general.
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Blade (1998)
Silly, Fake, Annoying
6 September 1998
I came to "Blade" hoping for a super gory, scary, action packed escapist action/horror film. It tried so hard to be that but it failed on all counts. The gore was severely lacking, reviews have said it has EXTREME gore but there wasnt anything for than cheesy, fake computer animated gore. It wasnt gross even, it was boring. The action scenes were pretty exciting (especially the first one at rave) but they were all very similar and the stupid vampires disintegrated into ash avoiding any kind of body piling. The vampires weren't scary, they were just kind of crude. The plot was obviously lacking, I won't give anything I away but there is one MAJOR hole involving what the vampires will eat. Anyways, it's worth seeing if you REALLY like the comic book or these kind of films, but if you are just in the mood to see an action/horror film, avoid it, rent Starship Troopers or something.
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