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I Am Georgina (2022–2023)
Like watching a trainwreck
30 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"There must be some reason why brands fight over me!" Yes...because you are a soccer WAG. In a partnership with one of the world's richest soccer players.

Georgina is vain, vapid and clueless. She is brand-obsessed and we see her covered in logos from head to toe. She met Cristiano Ronaldo while working at Gucci and they cover her in their brand but since she can afford Prada, it's a never ending parade of labels.

She's obsessed with flipping her furniture for money and buying lottery tickets: dropping $500 on white roses for the V. M. is nothing.

Her friends and entourage are called The Darlings and they go all over Europe on her private jet and yacht.

Expectations be gobsmacked over her love of Iberian cold cuts.

Brain cells in my head actually died while watching this....did CR7 pay for this series as well as the multiple plastic surgeries snd treatments? He must have ... avoid the superficiality and watch something else unless you love to fawn over women who want Iberian chorizo on toasted gluten free bread on demand while "at work"!!!
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Elvis (2022)
Tom ruined it
11 January 2023
The movie was impossible to watch as the character played by Tom Hanks, Colonel Parker, ruined it. The voice grated on my nerves like nails scratched down a chalkboard and I tried to watch it on mute with subtitles to see if that "helped".

It did not.

The movie was one cliche after another and Austin Butler's version of Elvis' accent was, well, just as bad. (Given that he has adopted the accent in real life as shown at The Golden Globes makes it even more annoying and laughable!... Best Actor? For this tripe?) Although artistic like as of Baz' films are, the awful acting and ridiculous dialog made this one of the worst movies I have EVER seen!
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Seriously disappointed.
11 February 2022
I had waited for years, literally, for this movie and now that it is out, I am wondering why I was excited. (Blame the pandemic and Armie Hammer's supposedly awful behaviour for the delays...I think that at least half of Hollywood is kinky in some way, his problem was that he got CAUGHT!)

I enjoyed Branagh's character of Hercule Poirot and the story behind the infamous moustache but I had guessed the killer early on despite the circuitous route to the real killer/killers and the pile of dead bodies that end up on that boat.

The movie is predictable in so many ways: it is a text book whodunnit..but I really didn't care whodunnit in the end,. Take it from this librarian ... read the book!
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WandaVision (2021)
11 February 2022
I thought that this was a show that was a parody-SCIFI take on classic sitcoms. BIG is a comic book tvseries based on MCU.

I loved where they were part of the old sets ala Bewitched, Dick Van Dyke, The Brady Bunch, Full House (an inside joke as Elizabeth Olson is the younger sister of Mary Kate and Ashley who found fame on that show!!!) etc. But anything that was part of STORM and The Avengers, etc. Etc. Was boring and made me stop watching.

...where is my Evan Peters???????? I am guessing he comes on near the end of the season.
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Silly then heart warming
8 December 2020
Although the really bad dubbing into English will annoy you at first, please stick with it as it does get so much better. You will laugh and you will cry ... ugly tears. Destined to be a Netflix-Classic
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Chernobyl (2019)
Great but so dark....
1 November 2020
The English accents annoy me...surely they could have had the actors use dialect coaches instead of it sounding like a BBC production.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
So many unlikable people...
13 October 2020
I love this show as it has so many characters that I love to fact, the only characters that I like are Nate and Ruth. It's so easy to hate David and Lisa and Brenda, etc etc ... it's amazing acting but they are all so unlikable

Peter Krause's portrayal of Nate dealing with his grief is a master class in acting.

Great show
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Anyone else think that this is what Katherine Heigl is like in real life?
7 October 2020
This movie is really bad. But good bad ... it is just too funny for being even considered as "good" - I know women who are like Miss Heigl's character and they are that intense: in fact, I am going to mention this movie at book club as they will know of who I am speaking of.
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I love Jodie Comer but....
6 July 2020
This is not least compared to The White Queen. Without Amanda Hale as the almost-possessed-borderline--crazy Margaret Beaufort played by Amanda Hale, or Rebecca Ferguson (who went onto MUCH bigger things) it is just middling. If you have seen The White Queen, you won't like it much (5/10) but if you have NOT, you might give it an 8 or 9/10. I am the former.
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Red Dawn (1984)
It makes me feel stupid..
21 June 2020
But how am I to understand a movie in which they do not subtitle the Russian or the Spanish? I can kind of guess the gyst of the dialogue but I am lost, list, lost.
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Cats (2019)
Euthanize this movie
22 December 2019
Without a doubt the worst movie of the decade. James Cordan was eye rolling bad and the best cat in the movie was, seriously Taylor Swift.
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Interesting premisr
12 November 2019
....but horrible American accents by two of England's finest actors. Michael Sheen in particular is great in his role but I cannot handle the cadence of is voice.
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Zumbo's Just Desserts (2016–2020)
Love to hate
18 June 2018
Gigi - annoying....just shut it. That clock - could it be any louder?

Daniel? Such an arse. Love to hate him --- oh he is so horrid.
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Safe (2018)
18 June 2018
Okay, I don't write long reviews.

WHY is this set in the UK? I can see the concept of gated communities working better in the USA where you can do this so easily. And the accent of Michael C Hall was annoyingly bad.

If you loved Braodchurch you will love this!
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What a waste of time!
28 May 2005
This is one of those films where the trailer in the theater promises a great movies. Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Although the premise is great --- rare for most films coming out of Hollywood these days --- and the movie starts out with promise, it gets more boring and mundane as the film progresses. I was amazed I made it through the entire film without slipping into a coma! The great actors and parts in the film (Toni Collette, Sydney Pollack, William Hurt and Amanda Peet, playing against her usual silly, goofy cute girl image) could have been missed if you blinked for too long. This film was not worthy of their talent or Mr. Jackson's --- a total disappointment in my books.
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Crush (I) (2001)
Hidden Gem on the DVD Shelves
8 January 2005
I really truly enjoyed this movie. (Which is why it surprised me that it got such a low rating from so many users at this site!) I am not saying that it is a cinematic masterpiece but it was a great way to spend a cold, snowy Saturday night. It is funny, poignant, and a great tales of the ups and downs of female friendships lasting through difficult times and the bad things that female friends tend to do to each others! (fess up ladies, we have ALL BEEN THERE!) Bill Paterson shines as the Reverand Gerald Marsden and Andie McDowell proves that she can be a fine actress when the role is right and she puts her mind to it. (And truly, there is the best "wedding escape" that I have ever seen or dreamed up in this film ... more guts than anyone I have ever known!) You will laugh and you will cry --- ignore any marketing campaigns and how this film is being marketing .... it is a hidden gem that should have done TONNES of box office. (now I have to look around to purchase a copy!)
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Andre Lloyd Webber is a Megalomaniac Twit
1 January 2005
Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum are wonderful in this horror of a film --- amazing singers given the material and over-dramatic drivel and over-done costumes, sets and utterly campy. I have not been as ill since I saw "Cats" and laughed the entire production and was asked to leave the theatre. And it is no fault of Joel Schumacher considering what he had to work with ... the evil troll has struck again. This is why I gave it a "1" as a "0" is not available ... this movie was crap, drivel, horrible, boring and awful ... go back to acting Emmy take Gerard and stick to the stage where your voices will be appreciated! Andrew Lloyd Webber is an egomaniac and should be shot, drawn and quartered ... (Typical short, fat and balding limey!) leave this on the stage not on the screen ---and take Minnie Driver with you! Utterly nauseating --- as much taste as airline food that has been over-microwaved!
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The Aviator (2004)
Holy Cow
29 December 2004
Normally when I see a movie I will tell myself "wow, such and such and actor is really good at that part" ... this time, no. While watching "The Aviator" I saw performances that transcended the roles that they were playing. Leonardo Di Caprio WAS Howard Hughes: I lost track of the fact that he was an actor and not Mr. Hughes himself. I have never seen OCD played out so well --- and I see it every day in a member of my family. Cate Blanchett WAS Katherine Hepburn --- she had come back to life in that theatre and on that screen in no better tribute than could be imagined. They both happened to be in a movie on the screen in front of me and playing parts... and blew me away. I felt that I was watching a newsreel at times --- it was so REAL it was spooky with the casting and the costumes. (A9lthough if you blink you will miss Gwen Stefani!)

Is the movie genius? Maybe. It is long and tedious at times but you cannot fault the acting ... Howard Hughes' descent into madness did not happen overnight, nor did his career in aviation or the movie industry.

A definite movie to see ... an epic film on so many levels: just bring a cushion to sit on.
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A gem
9 October 2004
It is rare to see a sweet and lovely movie but this is one ... a great way to spend the afternoon. A nice family story, although with really young kids you might have to explain some of the things "Wee Fraser" discovers up in his Grampa's attic. (Should you find your attention wandering and this not being your kind of movie, just fast-forward to the dinner scene and the very final scene: those two scenes should go down in movie history as the most adorable ever made!

(A Family Dinners will never be the same when you consider a little bit of knowledge gets a little out of hand --- and maybe dad does know best!)
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Not Awful but not Great, that is for sure
28 April 2004
This movie had its moments, some really bad, not it is not a bad way to spend an evening (and I would watch it a million times before "the passion of the christ" and its insults to every religion out there and mel gibson's ego and madness in bringing it to the masses and the asses who actually paid $$$ to see it!)

Sure, some parts made me laugh out loud (explain how she ended up driving that car and "woke up just before she drove it off the bridge" -- remote control? mind control? who knows!) and as a Canadian the geographical errors were downright glaring but it was really not THAT AWFUL ... it is better than anything Mike Myers has ever made and Rufus Sewel is funnier than Mike Myers will ever be...take it with a grain of salt and watch it on TV where it deserves to be.
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Man on Fire (2004)
Suspenseful, intruiguing movie
23 April 2004

I enjoyed this film ... fabulous acting (although Marc Anthony, don't give up your day job!) and a very twisty turny plot with a lot of surprises. I only wish it were a LOT shorter and had less twists as it got a little out of hand at the two hours mark ... less "what-ifs" could have made it just as good of a movie, ended the movie and it would have been no lesser of a movie... it just ran so many sub-plots it took forever to end. Dakota Fanning was AMAZING .. this girl has leading lady written all over her: if she can get through the awkward teen years and not get stuck in stupid teen sex comedies I can see a 70 year career for this acting dynamo: it is time for her to headline a movie and Mary-Kate and Ashley to stop acting and Hilary and Britney to not even try: this little dynamo has move talent in her pinky than those girls have in their whole entourage!
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Confirmation of MY PERSONAL beliefs
22 February 2004
I saw this movie as a guest at a press screening. "Interesting" is one way to word it. Director Mel Gibson is an egotist beyond belief and brings his views to the screen --- they are his views and this is a vanity project and the fact that is being released on 2800 screens is amazing. Is it anti-Semetic? that depends upon your interpretation: Mel's father should be shot for his comments on the holocaust and Mel is a product of his environment as we all are.

I DID NOT like this movie: the actors are AMAZING: Jim Caveziel especially. The visuals are amazing, the cinematography sublime: but it is still not a GOOD MOVIE. It does not deserve to make any money as it is PURE VANITY.

It is propaganda on the scale of 1930's Germany and will be the subject of news stories and university and college classes for DECADES to come. Will it be a subject for ministers, rabbis, atheists, agnostics and all others in the field to argue about forever and a day? is even on CNN now. (and I am LOVING IT!)

Will it win awards? Sadly I imagine it will. Does it deserve it? No. (but that is free speech, folks!)

Does it even deserve a vote? No. (as there are no minuses on a scale of one to ten).

See it and decide for yourself ... just don't be surprised if you think you wasted your money and gave Mel some more filthy lucre to satisfy his enormous ego with.
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30 December 2003
Amazing. Breathtaking. Wonderful. Luminescent. Didn't like it? I'd like you to take an unknown piece of history, write an awe-inspiring, astounding novel and transfer it to the screen. So shut your cake holes and see a popcorn flick like Lord of the Rings or Cat in the Hat.
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4 Funerals and it Really Sucked
7 July 2003
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen --- first of all, it was filmed on crappy videotape instead of film and the entire "movie" jumped up and down (hear of a tripod??? it doesn't move up and down...)

Let's see .... four morose funerals, eternal talk of impotency, about 3 minutes in Italy, drunken fights, non-stop talk of death, and the cover is total false advertising (I expected a lush, romantic comedy set in Italy and I got a sucky morose drag set in a 2 cent set in Denmark!).

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Could have been a lot worse, could have been a lot better
16 June 2003
I came out of this movie baffled --- I think I spent most of the time baffled. The entire internal police investigation thing I still do not understand (sharing of funds?) and Madame Cleo's and Psychic Ruby's characters (Lolita Davidovich and Lena Olin) looked so much alike the group of us spent the entire movie thinking they were the same character posing as one as part of the police sting and Joe's character didn't realize it. (we didn't even realize it until the credits rolled!) The bad cop and the donut scene was hilarious ... Josh Harnett needs to learn to stop acting without squinting and Bruce Greenwood was wasted (what a fine actor!) The best part of the movie were the cameo roles ... you will be laughing to yourself "was that who I think that was???" (and yes it was!) Not a bad was to spend a hot afternoon at the multiplex that has air conditioning ... just make sure you have lots of junkfood!
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