
3 Reviews
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Great movie! A wonderful modern fairy tale!
23 December 1998
It never ceases to amaze me that many folks heap criticism onto this very simple and wonderful FAIRY TALE. They look for complexity and messages where there are none, then cannot buy into the obviously fantastic and utterly improbable life of Forrest Gump due to the irrationality involved, and then somehow miss the entire point of the movie!

Simply because it is set in modern times some look to this fairy tale for messages about right wing conservatism, the USA's role in Vietnam, the American Dream, etc.

It's not about any of those things. It's about a simpleton who knows what love, loyalty, family, and friendship are, and their importance in life. It's about those around him who come to realize that perhaps the simpleton has more of a clue as to what is TRULY important in life than they do.

Hanks' performance is excellent, as is Robin Wright's and Gary Sinise's. The direction is also top notch, as is the sound track, special effects, and scenery. Heck, it's just a pretty damn awesome movie.

This movie will be remembered as the "It's a Wonderful Life" of our generation.

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Simply put, this movie is FUN!!!
28 October 1998
I really believe that they billed this movie wrong. Many folks came in expecting the next Star Wars and were disappointed, to say the least. It's not like Star Wars. It's kinda like a live action comic book. Visually stunning, awesome use of color that just jumps out at you, and non-stop action, lots of it done with tongue firmly in cheek. Plot? Well forget the plot, it's the weak point of the film. But hey who ever said comic books had to have strong plots? Willis, Jovovich, and the rest do a fine job. I especially like the casting of Jovovich, she exudes innocence, vulnerability, sex, exotica, intelligence, and kung fu machismo all at the same time. So turn off the cynicism sign as you watch and just enjoy the ride. Great stuff!
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Contact (1997)
Boring, pretentious, overrated...
28 October 1998
This way overlong movie gets its point across about halfway through and then continues for the rest of the movie to hammer it home. Over and over in monotone.

It tried to be an intelligent sci-fi movie, and I respect that, it isn't done enough these days. But it failed, and although I give it an A for being daring enough to try that route, it gets a D for execution. It evolved into a preachy, simplistic, unrealistic, and boring film.

It seems like a lot of folks like it simply because it tried to be intelligent, but put rose colored glasses on when looking at the result.
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