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See it for yourself!
31 March 2002
Since most of the entertainment consuming troglodites of middle America have less a brain on their shoulders than an empty husk, "Death to Smoochy", a film attacked by the 'critics' who nobody really likes but everyone trusts, will more than likely flop at the box office. Typical, but sad. "Smoochy" is brilliant, brutal, funny, and edgy the way no other comedy has been in years. We have not seen a film like it in some time (with the possible exception of "Novocain"). It never moves the easy way out. The jokes are like comedy hits to the skull: rapid paced and sometimes painful to watch. Just take the pain and enjoy the ride.

Most film these days only seem to take a few months to reach "cult" status, but if "Smoochy" ever finds it's niche, it may take a while. Never fear, you haven't heard the last of Rainbow Randolph!
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One of my new favourites.
4 February 2002
"Food of the Gods" is amazingly bad in almost every sense. The script is just senseless, the special effects are laughable, and the violence is obviously overdone. But who cares? The acting's pretty good, and it's FUNNY. Just watch this and try not to laugh. It's so ridiculous that it becomes pure, guilty entertainment. It's not a movie to admire, to study, or to praise, but it it's much more entertaining then such films as "Pearl Harbor", which spent $2 000 000 to produce something that was just as terrible, but not nearly as fun.
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Happiness (1998)
A complete waste of time
27 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers

For about 5 minutes, I loved "Happiness". If judged only on Jon Lovits' opening scene, this would be an amazing film. The opening words are shocking, brutal, and totally truthful, things the film loses very quickly. Instead of going for an emotional structure, the film delves into the same sick, overblown, gross spewing of bodily fluids that occupies many comedies these days. In those films, they are played for laughs. Here, they serve no purpose other than to shock; to make the audience feel like they're watching something insightful and interesting. During the manipulative moments of suspense, like when a suburban pederast hovers over a young boy with a sick depravity in his eyes, we should feel terrified. Instead, I felt very cheated. All that this film has done is taken an ordinary human drama and inserted numerous shots of ejaculation that make no effort to spare the audience any sense of taste. In teen comedies, this is disgusting. Here it is considered art. I had just about had it in with film a good part through, but I stuck it out until the end. After all of the ignorance this film shows to humanity, we see the aftermath of a suburban father raping a small boy. After everything else, we aren't subjected to a rape scene, thank God, but for all that apparently went on, there is no soul left in the film. After all that, one of the final shots is of another boy ejaculating off a hotel balcony. I do not want to see that in any film, but this one has the nerve to end itself with Micheal Stipe singing "Happiness, where are you? I haven't got a clue..." with the kind of chipper, country folk styling that always makes me cringe. With this, the film fools you into thinking that it was actually about the way people find happiness, making you forget all the sick scenes that came before. Well I wasn't fooled, folks, and you shouldn't be either.
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Decades ahead of it's time
14 November 2001
Dalton Trumbo's brilliant yet forgotten war story is a must for anyone seeking out surrealistic classics.

It tells the story of Joe, a ridiculously naïve young american (at one point he says "all a man with one arm can do is sell pencils" in all sincerity) who is shipped of to war without any idea of the ramifications. Not soon after, he lies almost dead in a hospital, able only to think to himself and bob his head occasionally.

The real idea of the film doesn't come in the plot however. It comes between the lines, at moments in which the films dialogue seems either overly melodramatic or incredibly trite. That is why it's best to watch the film either intoxicated or very late at night. I chose the latter. At that point, the full bizzare, dreamlike value of the film takes form. It's bound to make you think twice about the idiotic Saving Private Ryan-esque 'glory' of war. The line "What is Democracy?" "It's got something to do with young men killing each other, I believe" pretty wells sums it up.

Oh, and it's really not a film for people who think "boringest" is a word. I see you, Stefan Maric.
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Eraserhead (1977)
The last movie on earth
13 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers

Henry Spencer walks through a massive wasteland of human excistance, on his way to his girlfriends house. When he gets there her father says to him "We're having chicken tonight. Little damn things, smaller than my fist, but they're new!" That line pretty much folds out the concepts of Eraserhead for us. Bizzare, meaningful, senseless, symbollic, all depending on who's watching. To most, Eraserhead is the ultimate example of disgusting drivil, making the audience turn their heads and stop watching. To others, that is the ones who'll rightfully give any movie a chance, will no doubt find Eraserhead one of the most fascinating movies of all time.

We follow Henry, and basically only Henry, as he operates in his grey coloured world. He is both innocent and confused throughout his daily life, forced into situations beyond his control, much like our own suburban mishaps (meeting your girlfriends parents and embarrassing yourself). Henry's life can be viewed as a complete mockary of our own. His problems are our problems, only given some LSD and thrown off a cliff. He slowly drives himself over the edge as he stares at the angel in his radiator and contemplates suicide.

When Henry reaches dinner at his girlfriend Mary's house, we learn that he has impregnated her, thus giving in to the most primitive of human temptations, lust. That is Henry's sin, and his punishment from God (The Man in the Planet, possibly) is a deformed baby. And when i say deformed, I mean DEFORMED. Henry and Mary are soon both living in Henry's closet-esque apartment, but in contending with the screeching baby, Mary leaves Henry alone to deal with it. And rightfully so, since it's his punishment. The baby cries through the night, but once it stops Henry tries to leave the apartment. The baby cries louder as Henry tries to run, escape if you will, so basically they are both stuck together.

Henry later destroys his sin, and thus is free to live with the angel (the lady in the radiator) in heaven (the radiator). He faced his punishment and ended it himself, becoming free from it.

That is Eraserhead from the mind of a 15 year old. Go see it and tell me what you think. Hopefully it will be totally different.
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Pi (1998)
Useless confusion
21 April 2001
"Pi" is unlike mainstream movies of all kinds, but for good reason. There's just no point in all this drivel, and Aronofsky treats the audience like idiots. Just like mindless cultists, people will follow this film down its narrow-minded path, searching for its devine meaning, but there is none. On the surface, Max searches for the meaning of life through a long number, like he's really going to find anything. In the core, there's nothing there; Max finds no interesting answers to any of the non-questions he searches for, just like anyone watching this over-indulgent garbage. There have been alot of good indie films about the meaning of life, but this is scraping the bottom of the manipulative barrel. Lack of color and a techno soundtrack don't make a film inventive, and the director would have you believe the plots very complicated, but in truth it's just very dumb.
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The Cell (2000)
A total piece of garbage.
20 January 2001
"The Cell" is far and away the worst movie of the year. Not only does it drop us into a plot ripped straight out of every serial killer movie of the 90's, but it doesn't even bother to give us any interesting characters.

Let's do a comparison study:

"Silence of the Lambs": A half-retarded serial killer (Carl=Buffalo Bill) is hiding his latest victim away in an isolated space (The cell=the well), so a woman (Catherine=Clarice) has to talk to another psycho (uh..Carl=Hannibal) before she dies. Anything else? Oh yeah, both killers liked to throw their victims in rivers too.

"Seven": Climax? (Desert=Desert).

The only problem is those movies were thought provoking and scary. "The Cell" is just disgusting. I read a comment that said we shouldn't be knocking movies that bother to spend good money on special effects. Hey, buddy, it's called HOLLYWOOD. Although usually they have to cash in a good script in order to meet the payments. Case in point.

The visual effects are much more depressing then scary or imaginative. Shots of dismembered bodies are literally hanging from the walls, and stomach-turning shots of torture abound. What person is their right mind could find that imaginative? It's just a huge, headache-inducing mess from start to finish.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Give me a break.
19 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoiler** (But everyone who knows anything about movies knows the end anyway)

Since I'm all of 15, I can't begin to imagine what kind of impact Citizen Kane had on motion picture history at the time. Frankly, I can't see any clear reason why this is the 'finest motion picture ever made in America'. Nothing about this film holds up today. The 'ingenius' camera work is merely shining a bright light over someones head. What's the big deal? Someone explain it to me please! At no point in this movie was I moved to feel for Kane in any way shape or form. Wells script is merely an altered version of William Hearsts rise and fall. Even if it wasn't intended to be a movie of the week style exploitation, (you know the drill-'Citizen Kane: The William Randolph Hearst Story; Sunday at 9:00 on ABC) that certainly the way it looked to me. Nice plot twist at the end too. Rosebud was his long-lost SLED. Maybe if I didn't know the end before I watched it that would have seamed a clever way to symbolize his lost childhood. Or not.

I'm just rambling, but someone please tell me what the big deal is with this movie? It's competing with "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" as the most over-rated movie I've ever seen.

Go rent Casablanca, a true classic, instead of this sappy drama.
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A brilliant and faithfull adaption.
17 January 2001
"Slaughterhouse 5" is perhaps the best book-film translation I've ever seen.

Let me safely say that Kurt Vonneguts 'Slaughterhouse 5' is my favourite book ever. It is incredibly funny and moving above any book I've ever read. But it is also a very complex and philosophical story with many deeply rooted undertones. As such, I strongly urge people to READ THE BOOK before you see this movie. A great many points are left unexplained to the viewer, assuming they have read Vonneguts version. As I read it beforehand, the movie didn't insult my intelligence by putting Vonneguts ideas in plain view. Instead, it relies faithfully on the viewers interpretations, not unlike the book.

Once again, unless you have a mind open like a 7-11, READ THE BOOK. Take my advice, and be immersed in the greatest story of the 20th century.
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The Mummy (1999)
Let's bury this movie.
16 January 2001
"The Mummy" is horrible in every possible way. After seeing this, I stopped blaming people who say they lost faith in Hollywood.

I've never seen such a mind-numbing, racist, overblown waste of time since "Batman and Robin". What do people like about these movies? They're fun? Is frying ants with a magnifying glass fun?

In my short life, I've probabley seen about 300 movies with a spot of dialouge not unlike Brendan Frasers line "Oh no, we're in trouble", when faced with a huge disaster mere seconds away. I've found better pieces of acting in my stool sample.

What a cliche ridden, poorly acted, one joke piece of garbage. This is the kind of movie that "Mystery Science Theater 3000" should feature. And their making a sequel? Who's staring? Corey Feldman?
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15 January 2001
#22? What's this?

In a flashy, but extremely unbelievable martial arts outing, a jumpy band of swordsmen (and swordswomen) do battle over a flimsy-looking sword called "Green Destiny". Does anyone else think we lost some things in translation?

By jumpy, of course, I mean this is like watching a 12th graders first green-screen course. Sure, it's interesting to watch a lengthy chase scene over some rooftops, but COME ON! They're jumping over lakes and hopping on 1 inch-thick branches! Now I'm not familiar with Chinese culture, so I don't know what "wu-dan" (or whatever it's called) is, so maybe the movie should have filled me in? Is this common knowledge now? Is (A)"wu-dan" a martial arts system that somehow allows people to become lighter than air? Is (B)the whole movie some kind of elaborate fantasy that isn't intended to obey the laws of physics? Is (C)this just a boring, cliche ridden martial arts movie with no creative storyline or characters?

My guess is (C)
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A total piece of trash.
15 January 2001
"Batman and Robin" is maybe the worst film I've ever seen. American culture has already destroyed Superman, so why not take Batman down too?

Where do I start? Ice skates in Batman's boots? Ahh! Everything about this movie is atrocious. The plot gives me the feeling the writers put the script through a paper-shredder and handed it out to the cast. Or maybe everyone made it up as they went along. Who knows? Enough with the villain-who-fell-in-acid routine, ok? Didn't that happen to the Joker AND Two-Face? Ahh! Why doesn't this city have a police force? What in Gods name's with this guys plan? Freeze the city with my big, freezing gun? These are the kinds of stories I wrote back when I was in the 2nd grade.

No Batman movie has ever come close to the dark, dramatic imagery of the comic books, or even the animated series, but Tim Burtons attempts at least had a nice, twisted sense of style. Even "Batman Forever"s colourful, neon wonderland was demented enough to have an excuse, but this is just ridiculous. Everyone who was involved in this movie needs to be hit in the head with a large piece of wood. The fact that movies like this are even made is tempting me to move to a communist country. One that doesn't allowed freedom of speech so I never have to be in contact with gobbledygook like this.

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Fargo (1996)
What is not to understand?
27 July 2000
This is definitely one of the best films ever made and certainly one of my favourites, but I've read alot of negative reviews here. One main whine among commentors is that they dont get it, stating they dont understand why people think it's funny. This is a DARK comedy, a BLACK comedy. The people who say this isnt funny are the same people who said Dr. Strangelove wasnt funny when it appeared.

Why is it funny? The main comic quality i found, rests on Steve Buscemi's character ("How the F--k do you split a f-----g car you dummy? With a f------g chainsaw?") that still kills me. It's a display of every possible aspect of movie emotion. Comedy, romance, anger, greed... it's all here. As everyone knows, it isnt for everyone. But some people got it, and thats whats important.
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15 July 2000
Warning: You might want to read the book or see the movie before you read this.

Now this, along with Catcher in the Rye, is a book that should stay that way. Lord of the Flies is an intirely emotional and mentally deep book, one full of simbalism that just couldnt transfer well on screen. Ex. The book explains just what the 'Lord of the Flies' is, whereas the movie doesnt. In the book this explanation comes in a semi-hallucination to my favourite character in the book, Simon. Simon is a very deep character, as is Ralph and even Jack. Without this character development, the boys transition into madness is muddled and unclear. Where is Simons conversation with the pig and the fly? Why do we see the parachuter before the boys realize what it is? In the book, we know about as much as they do when they first see it, hightening the suspense. Why does Ralph not talk to the sailor at the end like it was intended? Where are the shelters in the movie? Keep this wonderful novel on paper. It doesnt belong on the screen. And if you are going to make it into a movie, find some better actors.
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Crash (1996)
11 June 2000
I had the experiance of catching crash on late night TV. I didnt know what to expect. On one hand after i watched it, I felt unsatisfied and unmoved as I have with alot of Cronenburg movies, but dont think i wasnt shocked. Not as much by the sex mind you. But by the desperation by which these people live. The sick thing is the lengths they will go for sexual feeling. They're grabbing for some kind of brillant sexual peak that ultimatley leaves them scarred and broken.

I dont really know what to think about Crash. It has it's twisted moments. Namely the scene in which Vaughn stops to admire a car wreck with his camera, burning with desire. He somehow remains entranced even when he finds a former companion trapped inside.

This isnt for everyone, but if you think film cant find some kind of connection between sex and auto wrecks, think again.
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21 May 2000
In bringing out the dead, we follow Frank Peirce (Cage), a paramedic on the brink of madness, over 3 nights on the graveyard shift in New York. As he bounces from partner to partner (Goodman, Rhames, Sizemore) he slowly declines into his own personal hell. He is haunted by ghosts of former nights, with a nagging belief that they all watch him when they die in his care. He is particularly troubled by a young homeless girl named Rose, who he now sees everywhere. In a subconsious act of redemption, he latches onto a dying old man and his drug-addeled daughter (Arquette). Cage is amazingly convincing as Peirce, as is everyone here in their roles. The camera plays against the soundtrack perfectly, as happy songs play during happy moments (and vice versa) as it should be. Scorsese ventures into new territory, but carries the best of his past with him. Go see this, espesscialy if your in a bad mood.
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The Insider (1999)
30 April 2000
The Insider is completely unworthy of all the praise it's been getting. 7 acadamey award nominations that could have gone to movies like Magnolia or Man on the Moon. First off, like I've probably said before somewhere on this site, when you make a movie the number one goal is entertainment. If you want to make a movie with a political point, people are gonna have to want to watch it. If they stop it half way through then you've failed. I've never walked out of a movie and i rarely turn one off before its done, but this was so BORING and without any form of emotion other than anger. All we really see is Al Pacino (in a role he's played a million times before) and Russel Crowe, who looks like a small water animal who cant fight for himself, banter at each other for some kind of betrayl. If its not each other its somebody else! What a waist of time.
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Cube (1997)
It's gonna go places
18 March 2000
I have a feeling about Cube. This is the kind of movie that in 20 years, someone is going to catch on late night TV. Then a while later someone else is going to catch it on late night TV. There both going to recommend it to friends. Then those friends are going to see it and recommend it to two more friends. Then those.... oh i think you get it. We are in the midst of a cult classic people!

What else can i say? The acting is great, the special effects are great, the suspense is the best ive seen in years.... ok ive written alot of reviews on this site and I'm running out of adjectives.

Anyway, I loved this movie! Go see it!
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it could have been a masterwork
14 March 2000
Any fan of thrillers, and (if it wernt for all the sex) Hitchcock, will probably enjoy this. I did to a point. What point? Well..... Have you ever seen a movie that was ruined by one scene? One brief spot of dialouge that sticks out? The final conversation between Victor and Bill. I'm just going to say that it destroyed the whole thing! It took all the mystery away! I left Eyes Wide Shut feeling empty and unthrilled, unlike i was for the first 3/4. And no, it's not boring for all you impatiant whiners who cant sit through a good.... well anything by the looks of it. 7/10 for one scene! could have been a 9!
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Falling Down (1993)
explain to me something
25 February 2000
Explain this: Why is this movie NOT on the top 100 on this site? This is a masterpeice of modernized war that shows how it is almost impossible to do anything so simplistic as going home to your family. It shows us that nowadays you cant walk down the street without being disgusted, or angry, at what you see. What would happen if someone did something about it? They'd blow it to bits, thats what. Im going to go watch it again. Goodbye.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
14 January 2000
Taxi Driver is the kind of movie in which I'd like to have been beside the screenwriter while he was typing it out. It feels like it was written half out in one sitting, the other half two months down the line. We begin with Travis Bickle as a young, somewhat unthreatning character. He is unvilont, doesn't lash out or raise his voice, like he was uneffected by Vietnam. The odd thing is, somewhere along the line, he breaks down. But we don't see that as clear as we should, because we can't tell if he's disturbed to start with. All of a sudden, this calm little 'vigilante' lashes out in a violent way. What happened? He hates the city? He doesn't have to stay there. If he doesn't know that, is that why he's 'crazy'? Who knows. Then why, you ask, do i think its one of the ten best movies of all time? Because Mr. Bickle did what I would do if I were just a little bit crazy, and got away with it. Don't I just wish.
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Clerks (1994)
it's funny
12 January 2000
The camera is distorted. Alot of the acting isn't convincing. It's incoherent.

But man is this s**t funny. Kevin Smith offerd us his first work in 'the jersy trilogy' despite the large flaws, it's the brilliant script that holds it together. Every piece of the convienience culture is picked out and sent to the front lines to be mocked, although like Randall says, it means nothing.

The convienience store isn't a place of enlightenment, or leisure, or entertainment. It's just a store!
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Magnolia (1999)
simply the best movie of the year, and possibaly the decade
7 January 2000
Things happen. Before you try to explain them, you must realize that they happen.

Know that, and you will know Magnolia. You will know it is one of the most brillaint movies of the decade, and it towers over anything this year. The climax is shocking and perfect unlike anything you will ever see in cinema.

Paul Anderson has done what few directors can do. He's created a movie that puts forth a point first, then it entertains perfectly in the midst. Don't like that kind of movie? Fine, go watch senseless action or romantic comedy.

Kubrick did it, and now Anderson has done it. Magnolia is unmatched.
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powerful moviemaking
21 November 1999
From the opening shots of the mountain town to the loving musical number in the finale, we are thrust into one of the best movie musicals of all time. The seamless plot has our young heros on a mission to save two juvinile Canadian actors from their exicution in a perfect 'Les Misarable' homage. The voices are terrific and the most is even better. (The rollicking "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" being my personal favorite.) Granted, without spoofish songs it would not be the same, but hey thats what its all aboot.
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9/10 a point
12 October 1999
This is definetly one of Kubricks best and one of the best war films ever made....for the first half. After the bathroom scene and we finally head to Vietnam, the film seems to waver a little and concentrate on characters that should have been more developed int the first half, but wern't for one reason or another. It's defonitly a must for war movie and Kubrick fans but not for the casual movie watcher.
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