
65 Reviews
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Stranger Things (2016– )
Season four review-very minor spoilers
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stranger Things started out well, now, like "The Handmaid's Tale"; they have continued the show far longer than they should have. Season 4, for the most part, is terrible. Each episode is too long, with fillers like long, long heartfelt dialogues or monologues. Bringing El back to the institute was another poor choice. How many times can we watch her being tortured, reliving the past and crying. Also, these SciFi shows have to quit with the nosebleeds. That got old on The X-Files. The action was all over the place, which made it confusing. I liked the parts with Hopper, but the rest, not so much. I challenge anyone to attempt to recap this season. It may have been OK at half the length, but it was too drawn out, for no reason except to get to nine episodes.
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My Policeman (2022)
We'll told story
4 February 2023
This is a well told story of what was once forbidden love. We're lucky that our society as a whole has progressed from that era, although things are still far from perfect. The film traveled back and forth through time to tell the story of the three individuals. Because of societal pressures, none were able to live the lives they should have had.

The movie is leaves much unsaid. There are gaps in the timeline, we don't know how Tom, Marion and Patrick lived their middle years but we suspect they were less happy than the characters deserved to be.

The acting was consistently excellent, from all the actors, young and older. My Policeman is well worth watching. It deserves Oscar recognition.
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B&B (2017)
Difficult to see, cinematography ruined the film
29 January 2023
I wanted to watch this because I've seen Callum Woodhouse in "The Durrells" and "All Creatures Great and Small" and wanted to see how he'd handle a more serious role. He did well, in a supporting role, but I had great difficulty in following the film. I admit I watched it on an iPad and not a TV, but the real problem was with the lighting. Almost every scene was too dark to see what was going on. I turned the brightness up, but still too dark.

As to the plot itself, it was rather convoluted. Yes, there were plot twists but the development was poor. It really could have been much better, which was disappointing because I was hoping for something more. Good actors were put in a mediocre movie.
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Daredevil: The Perfect Game (2018)
Season 3, Episode 5
Good season and this episode had a lot to offer
15 December 2022
Matt, Karen and Foggy are all in trouble. Not to give much away but they have psychos coming at them from a couple of places.

Fisk is the big manipulator, using the FBI to achieve his goals. He has Nadeem totally fooled.

We learn more about Dex and it ain't good. Let's just say that he should not be an FBI agent.

I know you are supposed to hate Fisk, and I do, but I may be in the minority when I say that part of the reason I don't lie to see him onscreen is the terrible acting from DiNofrio. He has two basic emotions, very subdued or yelling. People have complained about Karen, but her acting is perfect. She has a lot of subtly Things are so messed up for our heroes, that it will be interesting to see how they get out of everything. The next episodes should be interesting.
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Daredevil: The Path of the Righteous (2015)
Season 1, Episode 11
Awesome episode with a big surprise.
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the ways that Wesley could be eliminated, I would never have thought that he'd be shot to death by Karen. That was an awesome ending to the episode.

It also seems that Fisk's world is crashing down around him, with Vanessa in a coma and now Wesley dead.

The big mystery is who poisoned Vanessa. I suspect that it was Leland.
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Black Swan (2010)
Dancing toward insanity
13 August 2022
This was an excellent film..Natalie Portman certainly deserved an Oscar. He performance was remarkable. You could feel he descent into insanity. The film did a great job of mixing reality and delusion.
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Slow pretentious and boring
13 August 2022
This is probably the most boring movie I have ever attempted to watch. As a gay man I thought there could be some interest. It moved along at an agonizingly slow pace and the main characters were mainly sulky and bored. There was meant to be attraction between Elio and Oliver, but it never came through. The family was just there, no character at all.

I have to admit that I stopped watching about 1 1/2 hours into it. It didn't seem to be progressing at all. Two hours was far to long for me to watch.

I've seen other Merchant/Ivory films that I enjoyed, such as Maurice, but this was just dull and pretentious.

I do think that Timothee Chalamont has good screen presence. He was waste in this movie.
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Seeing Lucy in a different light
7 March 2022
We know that Lucille Ball had to be a shrewd businesswoman to be as successful as she was. This movie highlights her skills well. We see her in an entirely different light than her "crazy redhead" persona. It was an interesting point of view. It is not a perfect film, but Nichole Kidman and Javier Bardem really nailed their roles. Lucy and Desi were icons of an entire generation, so it had to be quite an undertaking to play these roles, Nichole and Javier deserve a lot of credit for doing it so we'll.
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Agatha Raisin: Kissing Christmas Goodbye (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Nice to see Agatha and her friends again
25 December 2021
It is nice to see Agatha and her friends again after a long absence. We've been through a grueling couple of years, so it was a lot of fun to watch the pure escapism of Agatha Raisin. The show had a magical Christmas spirit, which we all need about now. Looking forward to more Agatha Raisin.
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Mayor Pete (2021)
Excellent documentary
19 November 2021
Amazon did a great job on this documentary. Although we know the end of the story, the film makes you feel like part of the campaign, cheering Pete on all the way. We get to see the excitement and challenge of campaigning and realize that it took a lot of courage, and, yes, audacity, for Pete to run for president. We also get insight into his life with Chasten. These are genuine people who one would welcome as friends. The movie is well worth watching. Pete was a refreshing voice of optimism after four years of vitriol.

I suspect that all the low ratings come from trolls who probably didn't even watch the film. Anyone who did would at least recognize that it is very well made.
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Always Jane (2021)
Good insight into a transgender woman and her family-minor spoilers
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, that if you start watching, stick with it and watch until the end. As a gay man, I never felt that I had my own " coming out" experience, but I think it must be more difficult to come out as trans. Coming out is never easy, and it must be much more difficult to be trans than to be gay.

The first two episodes are almost overly cheery. Jane is lucky to have a very supportive family, and, in episodes 1 & 2 it seems like they were always perfectly OK and gender dysphoria was no big deal. It is only in episode 3 that you see that there were, indeed, painful moments for the family and certainly for Jane. Jane had a long journey and was lucky to have her family with her on that journey. The emergence of COVID coincided with the time of Jane's surgery, which made the hospital stay more difficult. Again, the support of her family, even from a distance, helped her through. The Nourys are truly a loving family, including the Grandpa and the dogs.

The series is well worth watching and conveys a positive message. Our society would benefit from more understanding of individuals and their differences.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Household (2019)
Season 3, Episode 6
Even more unbelievable than the last episode
18 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now we're supposed to believe that Nick was a driving force behind the whole thing, when none of his previous behavior is consistent with that idea. Now it appears that Commander Waterford is going to have to do some kneeling of his own to advance his position. He seemed to be on the top of the food chain, now we find that Washington DC is still the Capitol and apparently still named Washington even though the Lincoln statue has been destroyed. Lastly, how is it that June gets to wander around on her own? The plot gets less credible all the time.
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The Handmaid's Tale: Unknown Caller (2019)
Season 3, Episode 5
Interesting but now I'm feeling manipulated
18 August 2021
I'm starting to feel manipulated. The story arc is going in one direction until suddenly they throw a curve just to extend the plot, maybe? Yes, the Waterfords are despicable, but I don't even think Serena would be that low. We'll see what happens in the next episode, but I hate being jerked around.
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Death in Paradise: Pilot of the Airwaves (2021)
Season 10, Episode 1
It's nice to be back in St. Marie
4 August 2021
After a miserable year of the pandemic, it is nice to be back on the beautiful island of St. Marie, with the familiar faces and situations. It was good to see a favorite character return. Unlike some of the reviewers, I like Neville. Yes, his neuroses are overplayed, but he is still quite a likable character. I can see potential romance with Florence in future episodes.

I do miss the Ruby character and hope she returns.

The show is predictable, which is a comfortable feeling. I can escape and enjoy the show for its entertainment value and find it to be a short vacation on an island paradise. I hope it stays on for years to come.
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Llamageddon (2015)
I tried to watch it, really.
10 February 2021
I thought maybe it would be funny, bu, nope. Not even good enough for MST3K. The animation at the beginning was OK, the rest was terrible. I didn't expect any Oscar quality performances, and, on that score, I was not disappointed. The llama was the best actor.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Excruciating and exhausting to watch
3 February 2021
I realize the artistry of the film and both actors were extraordinary, but, honestly the movie exhausted me and was excruciating to watch. I get that the black and white photography was supposed to add to the moody atmosphere but the film was downright bleak and would have been bleak even in color. As others have said, it went on seemingly forever without actually going anywhere. Pattison deserves an award for the hard work he put into the role. It really was a tour de force. Some of Defoe's monologues were poetic and delivered exceedingly well, but they also came off as pretentious. It seemed like the director was aiming to get awards for his brilliance, but, sadly, that attempt at brilliance was far too obvious. He was successful in highlighting the talents of the two actors, but the story was rather pointless. After watching it, I read that it was the same director who did "The Witch", which was another overly long movie with an unsatisfying conclusion. Both films, despite the hype they got, were disappointing.
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The Boys: The Bloody Doors Off (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
This is the episode for backstories
21 December 2020
We get some more insight into Frenchie and all of Stormfront's origin, so it moves the story along. We also finally meet Lamplighter, who, before this, was only mentioned. Also more reveals of what Vought is doing, and it ain't nice. So the stories are be more fully developed and the evil characters are even more sinister than we knew before. You never really know where the series is going, which keeps it interesting.
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The Boys: The Female of the Species (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
The story moves along with one of the best episodes
13 December 2020
The story is developing well. We're starting to see more character development. This episode begins to humanize The Deep, after his less than gracious introduction. We see he cares about things, especially dolphins, and has some insecurities. Home lander, on the other hand, is an insensitive, egotistical arrogant jerk who care about nothing but himself (kind of reminds me of a certain prominent political figure, also with blond hair). I don't think Homelander is going to improve. Queen Maeve is also showing her humanity. Stillwell is just as callous as Homelander. As the show goes on, I wonder if any of the Seven will defect to the other side. After all, Butcher is the coolest character on the series. Hughie is growing into the job and Frenchie is great. The show could go anywhere from here. So far, I'm really enjoying it.
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Very informative and moving
1 December 2020
This is a very well made documentary. It is both informative and moving. Through Craig, we learn much about octopus lives and through his connection to the octopus we feel his compassion. It gives the viewer a new appreciation of the world in which we, and other animals live.
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Some very funny moments, but mostly not
14 November 2020
I would have to say that, overall, Subsequent Moviefilm was a bit disappointing. It had some very funny moments, but most of the time it was not all that funny. I had trouble believing that the people being filmed weren't aware of what was happening. Why would these people allow cameras into their businesses? Would two Q-anon followers actually invite a stranger (and presumably a cameraman) to stay with them? What about the Reverend at the pregnancy clinic? Wouldn't he question the cameras? Other people, too, behaved too normally, without questioning anything. I have read that Jeanine Jones, the babysitter, thought she was in a documentary, so her part was not as unbelievable as the others. She came off as a very caring and sweet woman. The movie was at it's best when skewering the Trump Administration and associates. That was where it got funny, and right on the mark. Giuliani was laughable in several ways. We have all heard of the "shirt tucking" scene, but his assertions on Trump's handling of COVID were absurd. Rudy has become a walking punchline, both with this movie and his press conference at the Four Seasons Complete Landscaping ( between the crematorium and the porn store). He just can't get any more ridiculous. I would say that the Moviefilm is worth seeing for several good jokes, but, honestly, overall, it is jot great.
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Hereditary (2018)
Interesting, kept me guessing
27 October 2020
This film kept me guessing throughout as to where it was headed. Also, we're the things that happened real or delusions? In that respect it was quite interesting. The acting was excellent. Tony Collette got some well deserved praise, but the standout performance for me was Alex Wolfe who seamlessly ran through a range of emotions from confused, angry, vulnerable and sad. The pacing was oddly slow. I realize that was probably to build tension, but it made the movie overly long. Some scenes were very drawn out. On the whole, it was interesting as a character study. As far as tone, I found it to be more creepy than frightening. It is worth watch.
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Dystopian, yes, but we are worse off now in some ways
11 September 2020
I've only watched two episodes, but I'm finding it interesting. Yes, it is dystopian, but they were lucky enough to avoid a 2020 pandemic and we weren't. So predicting the future is tricky. They did have the terrible misfortune of a second Trump term, which, of course, brought disaster. Since we have not yet had the election as I write this, I fervently hope that we can avoid that particular tragedy. The show is realistic and quite believable. Consider it a warning. It is not completely depressing, because the show has some humor and plenty of humanity. I'm not sure where they are heading but I assume things get worse. I'll review again when I finish all six episodes.
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Good documentary, clever nerds
27 July 2020
This was a fascinating documentary. I was hesitant to watch it because of the animal cruelty. The actual acts are not shown, but there is enough to make you realize what will happen, so be forewarned. It makes me wonder how such extreme stuff gets on to Facebook. Don't they monitor this stuff? If not, why not? That aside, the investigation is fascinating. It's amazing that these self proclaimed computer nerds were able to gather so much evidence that they could actually determine the guy's location. Not to spoil anything, but they also did a great job of psychoanalysis on the perpetrator. It is equally amazing that the police didn't take them seriously. I knew about the case but only from some old news reports. This is disturbing subject matter, but still well worth watching for the investigation. As others have said, yes, the mother is crazy too, although probably not a killer, just in denial about her little boy.
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Best in Show (2000)
Always makes me laugh
22 March 2020
I spent a lot of time at dog shows and I have to say this movie and quirky characters get it right. The writers knew ther subject. There is a lot of back biting at dog shows, and not from the dogs. I am not one to rewatch movies, but I've seen this several times and still laugh when watching. Fred Willard is hilarious. He relly makes the film.
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Brings me back to my childhood.
18 December 2019
I loved watching this film as a kid. It seemed to be on TV every year around Christmas. The stories were amusing, touching, or both. It is worth repeated viewings.
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