
12 Reviews
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If only all movies could do this...
20 March 2004
This movie is amazing. I know I say that about all the movies I like, but when you go into a theatre and can be absolutely transformed, and your emotions are taken on such a rollercoaster ride...that's when you know you've seen magic. That's when you realize you've been involved in an incredible movie experience. The story is complicated and messy, and is all about relationships and all about losing someone you love when they don't go anywhere. And it's jarring and it's emotional and it all takes place on Long Island! and when you watch Jim Carrey, you're amazed by how good an actor he really is and Kate Winslet is charming and schizophrenic and everyone is so well cast and everyone is so mesmerizing.

I want to watch this movie again and again. The cuts were frenetic, and there are time jumps and audio distortion and things don't sync up and it's all on purpose and it's so smart! Me and my friends Mikey and Jay seemed to be the only 3 people in the whole packed theatre who LAUGHED during the movie because we understood it. And other people hated it. Look, you just need to see it and experience it. Find yourself getting lost in the story and it captures you and makes you think, and Charlie Kaufman is so good at what he does. And you relate to Joel and Clementine even if you don't want to because even if you've never been in love, their story makes sense, and all the things that happen in a relationship that f*** it up make sense. And to have nearly the entire movie take place in Joel's dreams and have everyone be tainted by his perspective is so brilliant. Oh my god.
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One Hilarious Foray into the Art of Caricature
9 May 2003
If you know anything about Rob Zombie, you know that his music, art and style is a carnivalesque mix of horror and humor. I walked in to see House of 1000 Corpses with that in mind, and I was anything but disappointed. The movie plays like a Carnival Ride: music, color and gore highlight the kitsch and glory of the simple story. If you've ever seen a 70s horror movie (think particularly Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Hills Have Eyeswithout the cannibalism, and others in that genre; not creepy Last House on the Leftor psychosexual Toolbox Murders type of stuff), then you know what's going to happen, and Zombie plays on that assumption throughout.

During the open, we see that the movie takes place in "The late 1970s" - our first clue that cliche will be used with irony. Zombie lovingly caricatures aspects of splatter-films with a 21st century MPAA rating system that goes beyond the classic 70s splatter film. Every moment, every mise-en-scene, serves as an homage to earlier horror films, and his use of timing and pacing gives the theatre-goer their shivers and shakes. This movie would have had buzzers in the seats if the theatres were equipped. In particular, his use of daylight as well as nighttime, indoors/outdoors, and underground shots bring horror everywhere, and its ultra-rural locale strip it of the reality factor that can often be an obstacle in creating a fun horror flick. Not to mention, the cast of extras that give the film extra flavor, serving the same purpose as the mannequins who jump out at you in the horror house. He explains only what's pertinent to the story, and leaves all the rest as part of the filmic landscape. There are tons of loose ends, but at the end of any ride, you don't need full resolutions in order to have been entertained.

Finally, irony drips into every facet of the film. His use of every sort of cliched, and his use of collaging of old sideshow ads, and old clips of pornography stars mix gloriously well. It's refreshing to see a movie do irony so well, and it's too bad more people didn't "get the joke."

My only reservation were some parts of the script that could have used tightening, but they're not worth mentioning here.

Bottom line: If you want to see a contemporary thriller-horror a la The Ring to get your fear on, don't see this movie. If you'd like to see a fun breakneck paced carnival ride of a movie, complete with its own hilariously murderous clown, watch my seat while I get the popcorn.
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Happiness (1998)
The worst movie I have ever seen
18 November 2002
I was furious when I finished watching this movie. The production value was fine-- I expected nothing less from Solondz, whose work I had enjoyed up to this point. I had thought that he had the delicate balance of humor and tragedy after seeing Welcome to the Dollhouse. I was wrong. This experiment in suffering only goes to show that Solondz is a one-trick pony, and his trick is to make his audience uncomfortable. Every character in Happiness is laced with a cliched and sinister sexual repression which turns the women into frigid and pathetic dolls and the men into sexual predators. We are asked to sympathize with a serial pedophile and rapist who drugs his son's friends before he rapes them. We are asked to feel for the doormat kid sister who has the world turn against her throughout the movie. What's worse is that Solondz has an arsenal of talent that he squanders. Camryn Manheim is a fabulous actress: why cast her as "generic fat person"? Philip Seymour Hoffman can do so much more than just ejaculate on a wall and look creepy. Solondz barely took advantage of the actors he had, and was left with a shoddy story.

There are two things that make a story successful. One is how you tell it, and Solondz did an average job at that. The other, which is probably the most important, is to have a story worth telling. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how good the sound is and how much film you shoot on. If the story is terrible, there is no hope for the movie.
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Girl (1998)
Boring Parlay into the world of the Groupie
10 July 2002
This movie was mindless, and Swain was thoroughly unbelievable as a smart girl. In reality, the movie reeks of Gidget goes to the Rock Show. Performances were boring all around: Reid as cranky rocker grrl is flat, while bit parts by di Rossi, Phoenix and Blair go unnoticed. The worst of all, though, was Swain. She's so unlikable that you just want to roll your eyes in every scene she's in. And then we remember that this isn't just supposed to be a star vehicle. For a legitimate movie about music and growing up, it fails. For a nasty mark upon the careers of these New Hollywood actors, it wins.
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Solid film
26 June 2002
I was really impressed by the solid characterizations and the comfort Holofcener has with the story and the script, even among the uncomfortable issues it raises. Finally, a feminine anti-hero film that does not attempt to make any statements about Women or Men, but just gives roles to women that are refreshingly human. The characters are often unsympathetic, but that makes it work so much the better. Shooting in HD video is the best choice over regular DV, and it is almost believable to be film. A solid film and worth seeing!
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May (2002)
a devilishly fabulous treat!
20 February 2002
This movie was AWESOME!! I saw a midnight showing at Sundance, and had a *fabulous* time with it. You cringe, you laugh, you shriek and beg for more. May is so deliciously disturbing that it's probably the most entertaining movie I've seen all year. The story centers around the title character and her very quick transition into psychosis. The best part is that the more psychotic she gets, the more socially suave she becomes. Lucky McKee's script is hilarious and very good. He knows his characters and breathes life into them well. The colors are perfect, too: bright and rich all around. Angela Bettis is *great* in this role. She has just the right amount of naivete to make it work. Sisto and Faris are all right, but it's Bettis that makes it work. Her mannerisms and quick transitions give May the perfect twitch. She's just on the brink of normalcy. It's awesome. One note: this movie is NOT for the weak stomached. The gore is absolutely necessary to make it work, so deal with it if you don't like bloody movies. Definitely watch this movie with friends.
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a fun and silly soap opera
25 August 1999
It's been a while since I've seen Swans Crossing, but it was an integral part of my TV childhood. Every morning at 6:30 I would wake up to watch this half hour soap opera because I simply could not miss it. Looking back now at the stars in it, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Mira Sorvino, it is funny to remember how silly the show had seemed. Ms. Gellar has not chosen much different roles (Cruel Intentions) but that's okay because Swans Crossing was good fun. It's too bad it still isn't shown as I would love to get my hands on a copy of the show.
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KaBlam! (1996–2000)
one of the funniest cartoon sketch comedies around!!!
15 May 1999
This is as fun as Liquid TV, better than cartoon sushi, and has a lot of the same animators. Favorites would be Life with Loopy, Sniz and Fondue, and Prometheus and Bob. Check it out on Nickelodeon!!!
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The Evil Dead (1981)
was that scene necessary?
7 February 1999
I found myself asking that question numerous times, during the movie. Watching it with a die-hard Ash fan, though, made the movie a lot more fun. It's too bad that all movies can't be watched in Mystery Science Theatre mode...

The movie was an attempt to say the least, and is funny when it should be scary.. The effects are laughable; the script is humorously pathetic as well.. But was the tree scene entirely necessary? Was the grave scene? Was any scene? No, but it was still amusing, and a should-see for horror movie lovers and, of course, Bruce Campbell lovers.
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John Leguizamo: Spic-O-Rama (1993 TV Special)
john leguizamo is one funny mo-
28 January 1999
This was the first ever movie I saw John Leguizamo in and i thought that it was so funny. He really is one of the most hilarious and witty comedians around. He has no shame, and I think that is great!
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klaatu verata nict...
9 January 1999
This movie was so good.. so funny! Taking lines from classics such as The Day the Earth Stood Still, it was hysterical, the best in the trilogy of Evil Dead movies.. bruce campbell is funny, and i swear that the bad guy looks just like gwar!!! take your time and see this!
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this was a fantastic film
3 January 1999
I have nothing but praise for this film. I felt that this was a fresh twist of the Romeo and Juliet story with more to it than just Shakespeare's famous play. Paltrow's performance was magnificent as the object of desire for young Will Shakespeare. Joseph Fiennes plays Shakespeare with an intensity that I applaud. It was refreshing to see Rupert Everett and Ben Affleck in the film as well, playing their smaller roles with perfection. And of course, Dame Judith Dench plays the Queen amazingly. The acting was masterful and the plot was interesting. I suggest this to anyone who likes a good love story.
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