
12 Reviews
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Passable historical drama
9 July 2011
I had high expectations when I started watching the movie, but its background as a TV mini-series were soon painfully evident. Flat lighting, choppy editing (several scenes became confusing, as it was evident that something had been cut), and poor pyrotechnics. The battle scenes were OK, but not as spectacular as some claim. The explosions are just huge fireballs, looking like something from a poor WW2 action movie. The main male leads are rather good, but the "love at first sight" scenario is a silly cliché. Izabella Scorupco is pleasing to the eye, but not much more. The version I watched (the Scandinavian DVD release) has the Polish over-dubbing of other languages than Polish. This was the first time I encountered that particular feature, and hearing a male voice with all the enthusiasm of a weather forecaster doing the dialogue of both male and female roles was a bit distracting, to say the least. The scenes with feasting were taken out of the book "How to stage period feasts Hollywood style", but at least they didn't have food fights or dogs prowling the tables. It is recommended to read up on the historical background before watching, as anyone not familiar with Eastern European 17th century history will soon find him/herself confused. All in all, it is a rather passable historical drama made for TV, but don't expect greatness.
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Stauffenberg (2004 TV Movie)
Rushed and shallow look at the conspiracy
4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched this movie three times over the years, and it is hard not to compare it to "Valkyrie". I'm aware that the respective budgets differed a lot, but good scripts don't have to cost millions, and "Stauffenberg" could definitely benefited from a better script. First off, the movie is very rushed. From the first scene to the start of the conspiracy, it is just 16 minutes. The co-conspirators are given just a short scene, and the whole idea behind the coup (the "Walküre" plan) isn't explained; the plot is much better portrayed in "Valkyrie". The morning of 20 July starts 30 minutes into the movie, with the remaining hour following the events of that day. This is here that the poor explanation of the plot results in further confusion. As it appears to have been thrown together in such a slap-dash fashion, the viewer is left with the impression that the plot didn't have a chance of succeeding. Other problems are poor casting (a pathetic Goebbels) and an overly melodramatic scene in Tresckow's HQ, where a woman who has survived a massacre describes the event in a way meant to be emotional, but which is just cringe-worthy for being so over the top. This version might be for those who think that German dialogue in WW2 movies tops the need for a good script, and for those who cannot stand Tom Cruise.
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Epic in the wrong way
8 August 2010
I watched this movie at a film festival years ago. It was the "director's cut", AFAIK, and the three+ hours playing time honestly felt closer to four hours. Now, I'm no stranger to historical drama, romantic movies, or epic movies, but this movie bored me out of my skull. The story drags along at a snail's pace, with the few dramatic highlights hardly making a blip on the radar. The main characters fail at stirring any sympathy for them or their relation. The sets, costumes and cinematography were decent enough, but it couldn't compensate for the turgid pace. It is probably the most boring historical drama I've had to misfortune to watch.
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Juno (2007)
Don't believe the crappy reviews
26 August 2008
Gee, it seems like this movie has ticked off a lot of people. I must've seen another movie, as the "Juno" I saw was fun, witty and touching. That might be because I'm not an uptight prude... ;-) Anyway, while Juno might be just a bit too smart and wisecracking for her age, one should view this movie as a comedy with a serious core. But just as "Garden State" has divided the viewers, it seems like some people have a problem with quirky humor coupled with serious themes. Those who want their comedies (or drama) nicely defined and without surprises, featuring predictable people like themselves, should watch something else. I for one don't regret watching it, and I'll view it again.
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Amélie (2001)
Life as it ought to be lived
28 August 2002
I've read the comments here, and it seems that they can be divided into the gushing, the indifferent, and the ugly. Why do some people despise "Amelie"? It is too bad that the people who regard it as trite are those who would benefit most from viewing the world like Amelie. What kind of people are they? Cold-hearted, or just devastatingly mundane? Well, this isn't a review of the reviewers...

I've seen "Amelie" twice in the theatres, and bought the DVD the day it was released here. It is a sheer delight, Audrey Tautou is one of the sweetest women I've ever seen, and the story so full of quirks and good-heartedness that I rank it among the most enjoyable movies I've ever seen. Those who want kitchen-sink realism or popcornivorous action fare, beware! It left me with the same feel-good smile on my face like "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Smoke", which might seem odd, but there's something that the three movies share - a deep love for humanity and the small joys of life.
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Good start, ugly end
24 May 2002
The first 1½-2 hours of "The Dirty Dozen" are generally good, with some highly entertaining moments, but it is the ending that turns it into a disgusting display of macho bloodthirstiness. As several have commented before me, it is the gasoline-and-grenades scene, where a large number of women are incinerated together with the real targets for the operation that gets me. Someone commented that "they deserved it". People thinking that are likely to be the ones voting for the next Hitler, as they are devoid of any empathy. Perhaps director Aldrich did that scene in order to show the thuggish Dozen as what they really were - murderers and rapists. A truly repulsive movie, and typical for the brain-dead "war" movies churned out by Hollyweird in the 50's and 60's. 2½ hours wasted.
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U-571 (2000)
Stupid, stupid, stupid
16 April 2001
First, I must confess a cardinal sin as far as amateur movie critics go: I didn't watch the whole movie. It was so stupid that I couldn't stand it. True, it doesn't aspire to tell a true story, or to rival "Das Boot", but never the less: it was about as stupid as a Steven Seagal movie. The script should have been tied to a depthcharge and sunk in the deepest part of the Atlantic. Ugh!
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Great movie, shame about the Region 2 DVD
18 December 2000
"Mad Max 2" is my favourite action movie. I've watched it at least 30 times. The simple but well-executed plot, the music, the editing, pacing, stunts, vehicles, costume and Mel Gibson's low-key acting make this a prime example on how to make a rousing action movie with a bit more depth than the average actioner. 10 out of 10!

That said, I must warn those intending to buy the Region 2 DVD version (Europe, the Middle East, Japan). The running time is 87 minutes, 5 minutes shorter than the UK video version. The result is unwatch- and unbearable. Several scenes are cut or shortened, for instance a classic like Toadie's fingers being cut by the boomerang, as well as just about every scene with violence, nudity or shock effects. AVOID this version - it is stunted, neutered and a travesty of the original movie. Warner Brothers: restore the movie and re-release it on DVD - the current version is just a poor shadow of the original.
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Air Force One (1997)
Air Farce One
22 October 2000
It should have been named "Air Farce One". Granted, it had a few good action sequences, but all in all, it was disappointing. Ford and Oldman do what they can with a lame script, and I pity the master behind "Das Boot", director Petersen, that he had to work with a movie about as stupid as "Armageddon". This kind of flag-waving actioners are usually considered too stupid outside of the US, but I was pleased to see that some of the American reviewers here thought it was too stupid, too. Memo: if you are going to make a "President saves the day" movie, make it real implausible (like "Independence Day"), and if it to be an actioner, try to surpass "Die Hard", not imitate it.
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As it should have been and sometimes was
23 September 2000
While born three years after the events in the film, I could still relate to the plight of being a teenager on the threshold to adult life. I think it takes a pretty insensitive person not to be captivated by this excellent movie (boring? - because just one car blew up, or what?!). This was the 3rd or 4th time I saw it, and it is just getting better. It is unusual to see filmmaking of this caliber coming from Hollywood (not least when considering Lucas' latest offering - blech!), but like movies like "The Year My Voice Broke" and "My Life as a Dog", "American Graffiti" tells us something about where we came from, without being dull or preachy. ***½ out of ****
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Wonderful drama
2 April 1999
I saw this film in 1997 and have hunted for it since. It´s one of the best I´ve ever seen - at the same time very moving, sad, ugly and beautiful. Stephen Rea is one of my favourite actors and perfect for this role, I think. This film touches you. It makes you think. Extra points for the end, which is lovely and surprising, like a haiku poem. It makes you leave the film with a glad feeling.
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Love it or leave it.
21 March 1999
I went to see "The Thin Red Line" with the knowledge that it would be deliberately paced and philosophical. I didn't expect another "Saving Private Ryan". I went away filled with wonder. While not a perfect film, it was one of the best I've seen in a very long time. For some reason, I found it reminiscent of "Das Boot", "Stalingrad" and "The Mission". Many have mistaken it for a war movie, when it is a movie set in a war. OK, it was a trifle overlong, with a few flashbacks, voice-overs and nature scenery shots too many, and both Travolta and Clooney felt out of place, but the overall effect was stunning. I have never seen war portrayed in this way before, with soldiers on both sides being scared s***less and desperately trying to execute their orders despite seeing their comrades die. The footage is from the soldier's point of view, crawling on the ground, noticing irrelevant details, being confused in the midst of combat. The portrayal of the Japanese was superb - not the usual American racist bespectacled, buck-toothed gook shouting "Banzai!" and dying for the Emperor. At first, the enemy is faceless, firing machine-guns and charging, then seen up close as scared, humiliated and very human (still, we must remember that the Japanese atrocities were among the worst of the war). While it is futile to compare it with "Ryan" (it's like trying to compare "Star Wars" to "2001"), I will still do it, as so many has already one it. The greatest failing of SPR was the big slump in the middle, the sappy patriotism and the stereotyped characters. The attention to detail was impeccable, but the end result was still slightly disappointing. TTRL is visually stunning and very violent, with strong performances all over the line. The pace (or lack thereof) requires that the viewer detach him/herself from expecting the standard rhythm movies have, which is certainly hard, especially if you think "war movie". TTRL is a movie that makes you think, something which obviously isn't appreciated by the "Armageddon" lot, and therefore very satisfying if you are fed up with the standard Hollywood fare. I can understand that some people feel cheated (that movie trailer appear to have been misleading), but try to _watch_ and _think_! I read through some of the comments, and feel that the review made by the Bosnian veteran was most valid. If an ex-soldier feels that the film has something to say, I think that's praise indeed. My own experiences from my (peacetime) military service makes me agree. "The Thin Red Line" isn't for everyone, but if you don't want to be treated like "Everyone", you are in for a real treat.
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