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16 October 2001
"Very mind-blowing" is the best way to describe SHOGUN ASSASSIN. Yes, it's a combination of two previous films put together, but its non-stop storyline, and its unreleting gore factor, puts the viewer into an unfamilar journey never before taken.

Nice voice-overs by the Shogun (Yagyu clan member) and the narrator (The infant, Diagoro, who gives both a comic and haunting view on his road to never-ending violence) and for those who thought the babycart was full of genius weaponry, should check out the third episode-BABY CART TO HADES, which may contain the first example of the Gattling Gun put to use!
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"...But nothing man can never do is wipe out the blood stains of the poor folk who fell here"
16 October 2001
Without a doubt, one of the most overlooked films of all time. Watching THE GREAT SILENCE today, many of today's viewers may find some "cliche'd" scenes, along with some distracting dubbing. But this flick packs much more than one can bargain for.

-Plot: Bounty Hunters are collecting paychecks by snabbing up bandits in late 1880's Utah. A master gunfighter, "Silence", is out to collect dollars by killing those same bounty hunters who prey on the helpless marauders. "But who are the REAL bad guys?" is a question that carries throughout the entire film. As I mentioned before, there may be some moments in this film that seem dated and familiar, but let's focus on the un-familiar.."Silence" is mute, his throat slashed by bounty killers. Not only that, but he ALWAYS draws his gun in self-defense..Never draws first. And instead of arming himself with the traditional .38, "Silence" packs a Mauser C-96 (aka "Broomhandle") drawing fear into those who stand in his way. What else? Well, since Capt. Kirk brought forth headlines by kissing Lt. Uhura on STAR TREK, director Sergio Corbucci goes all out for a full interracial love scene (Unthinkable at the time) . What else?? This bad-boy takes place in the cold, desolated snow-bound hills, where a lot of violent stuff just seems to always happen..In fact, the blood-red violence appears much more graphic than ever in the white-frozen snow. And of course, there's the much-talked-about ending that is bound to slap EVERYONE in the face.

Here, Klaus Kinski proves that he was one of the most intense actors ever to appear in the 20th century. Just watch his movements/expressions during the last climactic scenes. Oh yeah, Ennio Morricone's incredible music is presented through-out. Want more? Please watch this film...If you can get a hold of it!
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Crude and lewd..But to the point
9 October 2001
Ever since Bengt Enkerot approached Max von Sydow in THE SEVENTH SEAL and said the immortal words, "I am Death", it appeared as though cinema and its movie-goers had admired a new formula involving the supernatural...DJANGO THE BASTARD may not be in the same league as the mentioned Ingmar Bergman classic, but it may be responsible for elevating the "Avenging stranger" genre to new heights. In this Sergio Garrone-directed flick, Anthony Steffen bears the Django name (No relation to Franco Nero's DJANGO) and has a score to settle with some old Confederates that are responsible for many deaths, including...Django?? Did he survive? Or is he "A devil from hell"?

As I stated up above in the one-line-summary, yes there is some crude filmaking here, but there is also some effective stuff as well. Just watch the opening minutes involving a Grim Reaper-esque, Django, walking into town, camera angles panning from above and below. Stopping at his feet, then to have a man-made cross suddenly emerge from his cloak. The cross bearing the name of his first victim, planted into the earth with one stroke! Also kudos goes to the actor who played the demented, Luke Murdock. I got a kick out of that guy!
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Traffic (2000)
The Drug war never looked better
21 February 2001
The best film of 2000, followed by CROUCHING TIGER....

Just want to sum up a brief summary by saying that this was one of the best flicks I've seen on the big screen in recent years. Only flaw I began to detect in TRAFFIC was that it almost resembled a TV series, but hey, that's what it's based on, huh? By the way, its kind of ironic that Benecio Del Toro, Steven Bauer and Miguel Ferrer pop up in a drug film knowing that they had once done something VERY simliar back in the late 80's on a mini-series called THE CAMERENA STORY. Also, its finally nice to see a great actor like Del Toro to finally get some recognition out here in movieland.

I could'nt end this review without giving praise to my favorite moment(s), the cinematography! The constant dark, blue gloom of Ohio. The warm, orange blossom of San Diego. And the scorching, yellow inferno of Tijuana.

Great stuff
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The Warriors (1979)
"Who are the Warriors?!?!?"
31 January 2001
Though I do happen to like a lot of Walter Hill's films, THE WARRIORS is still the one that I am quick to point out as my favorite. Its best to view this film as some sort of surreal, comic-book fantasy, rather than some real-life situation. Because it sure helps a lot out better this way when viewing this movie.

For years, I have been trying to find the Sol Yorrick novel on which this is based on. After all this time, no avail. Then finally, I came across an article published by one of my favoite mag's, that explained the inspiration for the motion picture. Now it all can make perfect sense. THE WARRIORS, guilty of a crime that they did'nt commit, are on the run from the toughest of what society has to offer. Besides the 100+gangs/families that are out there, there is still the law-enforcement on the streets that are quick on the draw to apprehend them. And to give a description of the gangs that they encounter are: the LIZZES, who can be related to the SIRENS in Homer's THE ODYSSEY, and the BASEBALL FURIES who can be related to the UnDead, due to their facial appearances, all add up to a monumental struggle for THE WARRIORS who just want to get home & clear their name from the villainous ROUGES.

As for the bad news, I recently caught the re-released film on DVD. And while it is great to look at in it's original widescreen format, there is absolutley no special features that can redeem the whole project. Out of all the countless films that I have seen over the past few decades, THE WARRIORS is one of the very few movies that I cared about for what happened behind-the-scenes.But sadly, all we get is a theatrical trailer. Hopefully a SPECIAL EDITION can be released down the road to let WARRIOR(or Bopper) fanatics, like myself, be fulfilled.

"You Warriors are good..Real good!"

"The best"
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Not bad..Not bad
22 January 2001
Besides the (supposedly) homosexual theme that was present throughout the feature, regarding Kenobi & Lobot, this would be the type of film I would make when I was 6 years old...And that's not supposed to be an insult. I liked what I saw in KFKBA, the music, especially "HEART LIGHT" for some reason, and the sub-plots (notably Mace Windu AKA Sam Jackson) were cool. A fine feature from a...Cool kinda guy!
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Cappuccino (1998)
A nice Indie!
22 January 2001
Yes, Temptation is a powerful risk.. And what better way to explain this side of the story in a black & white, low-budget, indie! No, not a bad type of "B-Movie" but an involving, character study involving a poor guy who seems determined not to take a step in common pitfalls in life...Yet, a FINE and mysterious woman named Cappuccino enters his life and here his troubles/resistance begins!

Even though some of this story may become predictable to many others, Its impact (well executed, by the way) succeeds on a worthy level, which can keep a viewer glued to the screen..
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A 2nd look...
18 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, Ok...Now that the shock value has slightly diminished from my last review, I decided to review the film once more and Well... the film still stands as one of a kind.

To begin things off, I first heard that this film was linked to have created the "Blaxpoitation" boom of the 70's. I can't argue with you on that. BUT hardly does this film connect in the same league as it's others do. Yes, there is the militant, social commentary regarding the African American standpoint of the time, but here it is represented to such a raw, dirty (literally) and striking attitude about freedom and liberation towards America's system.

*Possible Spoilers Ahead*

In no other film will you find: A) A young Sweetback quickly evolving from boy-to-man the way you do here B) Deliberate beatings involving both innocent suspects and authorized persons of the law C) An up-close encounter featuring a friend of Sweetback who is reluctant of helping him..while sitting on the toilet D)The way Sweetback is able to replenish himself of a wound via.....well, you'll see.

Technically, the film gets a bad rep for looking & sounding like crap at times, but in my view, this HELPS due to the film's nature. Also, An early EARTH, WIND, AND FIRE helped create its soundtrack, which can surely sound monotonous at times, especially when the "Sweetback" theme is played. But there are moments when the music becomes monumental. Most notably during the "C'MON FEET" segment which excites the chase between Sweetback and the police. He (Sweetback) begins to get tired from the constant running, and the law is hot on his heels. Yet he refuses to give up and...Just keeps on running while the police continue to run into another false mishap. And then there is the final, "ADRESS SPEECH" as I call it, when an exhausted and wounded Sweetback seems on the verge of giving up. Instead, the film's chorus of voices seems to resurrect Sweetback into not submitting, not giving himself onto the law, knowing that he does'nt stand a fair chance in court, and is able to regain his feet and keep on runnin'.

This is my kind of film-making if you ask me. So if you've got a tough stomach, a patient mind, and want to see something in cinema that you may not ever see again..Be my guest.
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A cinematic masterpiece, anyone?
9 January 2001
The first time I watched this film, I started to think about what all the fuss was about. But in time I soon realized that I was'nt just watching a good ol' regular western, but a treasure in cinematic art.

After growing up seeing countless westerns like, HIGH NOON,THE WILD BUNCH,HOW THE WEST WAS WON, THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES,etc. It was clear that THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY had left more of an impact on me than the rest of the genre ever did. And now that I have watched it numerous times over the past few decades, (Theres the proof that I never get sick of watching it!) It's dawned on me that this flick will go down in history as one of the greatest masterpieces of film.

So...Where to begin? First off, I knew I was in for something different when the first 15-or-so-minutes of the film opens with no dialouge. Plus the first appearance of "The man with no name" ,which occurs much later than everyone would be led to expect, gives new meaning to the phrase of "grand entrance". THERE'S MORE! Lee Van Cleef's "Angel Eyes" is the epitome of evil..Enough to qualify him as, The Bad. But Eli Wallach's performance as "Tuco" aka The Ugly, is the big scene stealer! Just about every line that comes out of his mouth brings a chuckle of laughter out of me.

Sergio Leone's camerawork still amazes me. Never before have you seen such close-up emotion on the faces of the gunslingers and soldiers, combined with the backgrounds of Spain (Many shots strongly resemble different parts of my native California!) Of course I could'nt end this review without giving more praise to the musical score by Ennio Morricone.Easily the most definitive western music ever! The theme sounds glorious during the "Tuco on Blondie's trail" scene..Just ONE of my many favorite moments from this classic.

"When you have to shoot, Shoot! Don't talk"
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Gremlins wrecking havoc on Nazis
9 January 2001
During the early 1940s, It was pretty easy for allied nations to mock Adolph Hitler and his Nazi ways. But shortly after a year when this cartoon first appeared, footage of the concentration camps was released world-wide to stunned individuals. All of a sudden, Hitler and the Nazi party were no laughing matter.

So maybe this was why I never saw this toon air on my television during my youth years. Yet I recently caught it and *shocker* enjoyed it! Mel Blanc did an amusing job imitating Hitler plus the Gremlin theme song is pretty catchy! Along with the energetic directing by Bob Clampet (Nearly all of his toons had some anarchy in them) and the familiar faces of Warner Bros. animators & execs, put on the bodies of the gremlins,make this cartoon memorable.

It's best to watch it with an open mind,forget what Hitler stood for, and enjoy watching the "Gremlins from der Kremlin" .
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Disappearing Acts (2000 TV Movie)
Enjoyed it!
11 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
A Well-made adaptation of Terry Mcmillan's novel brought to life by Wesley Snipes & Sanaa Lathan as lovers, Franklin and Zora. Both give in very believable performances as both lovers and commited workers to society.

Even though the novel went into more depth of the quality time that was spent between both Franklin & Zora, I was left dissapointed by the book's ending. Even though the film practically ends the same way, there is a VERY nice twist *Spoiler* (involving a family member) that had a brought a huge smile to my face and all of a sudden I did'nt want the film to end.

Much like the previous film made by the same director Gina Prince, LOVE AND BASKETBALL, this is a movie that I sure won't mind seeing again.
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Whiteboyz (1999)
Pretty nice flick!
29 November 2000
I get the feeling that this film might've been advertised as a comedy, but yes, it does border on some serious issues that should be acknowledged.

Still, there are several scenes in WHITEBOYS that had me busting up, most notably Flip's daydreaming sequences, which has him imagining about being accepted by urban thugs just because he's "down" with hip-hop.

Overall,I ended up being impressed by this film. Well acted, well written, and well filmed. I would'nt mind catching it again!
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A Kung Fu Gem!
29 November 2000
This is one of those few martial arts flicks that have stood the test of time! Even though much of it's action is'nt as eye-popping like Jackie Chan or Sonny Chiba's work, there's still something very special about 5DV.

First of all, the plot: Poison Clan leader's life is failing him, he sends his last pupil out on a mission to track down the FIVE DEADLY VENOMS, students who have each been instructed a different kung fu style in form of a creature. Once his pupil has gathered knowledge of their whereabouts, the film begins to take off as thrilling mystery as to "which Venom is which"? And "which Venom is now a villain"?

Add another legendary flick for the Shaw Bros. on this one!
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How it all started...
8 November 2000
Finally, fans get to see the blueprint of how/why the classic horror films of the late '60s and early '70s revolutionized cinema. All thanks to America's turbulent times.

Since so much went down during this era, (The End of the Cold War,Civil Rights Movements,Kent State,Manson,Vietnam,political assassinations,Watergate,etc) It just seemed apparent to young filmmakers that "the world is gonna end, Let's just make this movie and go out with a bang"- type of mentality. As we would later know, It would all pay off, spawning a new type of horror film for a new generation.

Here in this documentary, you can learn the inspirations for:

Tom Savini's realistic make-up discoveries,Tobe Hooper's "boogeyman" thoughts for TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, David Cronenberg for using sex as a life-threatening weapon, and why Wes Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT has a scene that looks similar to a disturbing sight involving a Saigon police chief and a Viet Cong suspect.

THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE is not just recommended to fans of the genre. But to those who wonder where it all came from.
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Best film I've seen in a looong time!
24 October 2000
Gina Prince-Bythewood's LOVE & BASKETBALL is not only the best sports film I've seen, but it's also the best love story that I've ever seen!

Since I bought the film on DVD, Ive watched it 7 times and counting and its safe to say that this film will become one of my all time favorites.

All I have to say is that I can't WAIT untill the beautiful and talented Sanaa Lathan will re-team with Gina Prince-Bythewood for Terry Mcmillan's DISAPPEARING ACTS next month, for more!

LOVE & BASKETBALL (easily) 10 out of 10
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Django (1966)
11 September 2000
If you've already seen Leone's FISTFULL OF DOLLARS a million times like I have, then you might be a little dissapointed when watching this one, since it's basically the same thing. Only difference here is that there's a little bit of gore which can upset a few people. And the dubbing is pretty awful, It sounds like the same guy who voices over 3 other characters in the film.

I could go on about some other distractions, but I'm not here to pan this flick.As a matter of fact, I LIKE IT! You have to realize that this film was a stepping-stone for the action genre that has continued to this day. So give credit where credit is due!

Perhaps my favorite part of the film is the opener, Django himself, walking (What? No horse?) through a dark,cold,muddy world, dragging his good ol' mysterious coffin and being accompanied by the music of the title song (A catchy tune which sounds like a combination of Elvis and the Moody Blues).

What follows next is common in "Spaghetti-land", so If you love these films or have never seen any, be obliged to take a peek at this flick.
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Still among the greatest...
4 September 2000
Since I've yet to own a DVD player, I just recently bought the '99 VHS version with "15 minutes of additional footage". Well, that mysterious footage did'nt appear on my tape for some reason, but I am still satisfied with what I saw. It was as though I was put back into the blasting theatre when I first saw this gem on the big screen, T2 still reigns as one of the greatest sci-fi/action masterpieces ever seen.

Honorable mention should go to Brad Fiedel who composed a solid musical score ever put to a motion picture.
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Dead Homiez (1993)
well made for its time
18 August 2000
A well filmed, well cut, picture that shows the world what inner-city violence was all about. Thankfully, the gang violence had toned down since this film was last shot, which was during 1993 inside of South Central L.A.'s gang sets.

But what is so compelling about this flick is that it shows you REAL gang members who were sharing their tales to you, as well as having some REAL incidents brought to life on the screen. This is not a standard-type movie, a half-documentary and half motion picture is what it is, and it all runs through so smoothly. Getting you to know the gang "colors" red flags for the bloods/pirus and the blue rags for the crip sets. The narrators are former OG's (old/original gansters) who break it down to the YG's, (young gangsters) as well as you, the viewer, of what went down during the gang-banging lifestyle, Incidentally, a few of these narrators had wounds to show which can be slightly disturbing.

This film was finally released on video a few years later in 1997. Apparently several of the participants of this flick didn'nt make it to see the final cut. Nonetheless, this is a film that should be seen, noticed, and acknowledged about the consequences and the prevention that plauged many lives in Los Angeles and across the nation.

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strange and memorable
9 August 2000
Yes, this film does require a few viewings to understand what just might be going on. And the more you understand the story, the more you get pulled into the film's vision.

I have not read the book nor the original screenplay, but Bryce (Rip Torn) may have a lot to do with this whole movie, after all his character is one of the first to be introduced in the film(If you blink you'll miss him) This might explain how Newton (David Bowie) soons carry his similar characteristics. The hunger for Earth's cultural-consumer corporation and idealistic propaganda, as well as odd, sexual behavior.

As for the rest of the movie, it is well-done, not to be taken seriously, yet this is a flick that can plant images and thoughts into your mind about what happens if a cosmopolitan "ALIEN" such as Newton could drop into the earth's atmosphere.

Like I said, re-view the film (Restored version) and decide for yourself.
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X-Men (2000)
Worth the wait!
16 July 2000
Seeing the X-MEN come alive on the screen sure was something special! Enough praise should go to director Bryan Singer who seemed to have a lot of pressure making this project since a lot of die-hard fans did'nt think it would be made right, thinking that it would be another weak comic flick.

Well this die-hard fan was pleased Big time! At first I was skeptical about Hugh Jackman (who?) playing the one and only , Wolverine. After seeing a few early publicity stills of him, I was'nt really impressed. But all that changes once you see this picture, this is a strong candidate for breakthrough performance of the year.

Yet I do agree little with some of the other comments here regarding the other characters. While Professor X and Magneto shine on the screen, the other X-men and Brotherhood of the Mutants rarely have much to do. Yes, Sabretooth is much more than just a roaring henchman, But lets face it , not everything can be perfect in films so I'll let this one slide.

That's just about it! There are no other flaws that turn the film into a mushy,predictable flop. It all runs so smoothly. The action, the special fx, the sound(Be sure to catch this flick at a new theatre with special surround sound or you'll miss Professor X lurking around in your brain!)and the story. Of course there will be more story to tell when the sequel(s) come around, and I wont mind catching all of them, as well as THIS one for a second time :-) **** XMEN4EVER
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Shaft (2000)
The Man!!!!!
17 June 2000
This was a tight update flick about the legendary urban icon! I don't need to say much about how Sam portrayed the one and only SHAFT, Let's just say if you have been waiting a number of years for the right man to fill his shoes, then your wait is over.

Yet its not just Sam alone, an excellent cast supports the background under the direction of the talented John Singleton. Its good to see Mr. Singleton back behind the camera after the ultra-grim ROSEWOOD. Here he seems at home telling an action-packed tale of how ugly and raw the city can always get. And how one man can always try and set it right for the people. Yeah, I know, that might sound like the same thing, but this film is different. It packs a harder punch than the original film and manages to be both frighteningly realistic and flamboyantly entertaining.

My only problem was that Vanessa Williams didn't have much to do with her role, you would expect a better relationship to blossom between her and Samuel. But my guess is that the writers had a "been there done that" thing in mind and trimmed down the romance. No big deal.

Plus an added bonus (I dont know if this was intentional or ironic but..) If you take a closer look at this film, you'll notice some scenes that might look familiar. Scenes from FOXY BROWN,CAR WASH,THE MACK,SUPER FLY,SWEET SWEETBACK'S BAADASSSSS SONG, THE HUMAN TORNADO, and a bunch of others are used in this film. I won't go over what scenes they are, but if you are familiar with those classic "Blaxpoitation" films, then you'll see what I'm talking about :-)

So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a ticket and enjoy a great flick!!
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Was'nt what I expected, but still a good one
22 May 2000
I heard that this was a remake of Bruce Lee's CHINESE CONNECTION starring Jet Li. I had to see this one!

Maybe times have changed, but FIST OF LEGEND was a much tame version of that film. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE COMBAT SCENES, but The classic rage of Bruce Lee in that film was missing here, which really would have been necessary since Li displays unbelievable martial arts strength! i.e, the face-cheek pulls. Ow!

Nevertheless, Jet Li is finally getting more deserved appreciation from fans worldwide. If you've never seen him in action, Pick this one up or LORD OF WUTANG.
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The perfect comedy drug
16 May 2000
We all know how funny it is to make joking remarks about films, even if they happen to be your favorite good ones.

But when you watch this guy and a couple robots make jokes about the worst movies ever made, You cant help but to die laughing.

MST3K is truly one of the greatest and memorable shows of all time!

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The Young Ones (1982– )
One of the coolest and funniest shows ever
16 May 2000
Thank you BBC! For replaying this long lost, but never forgotten series! I agree with another commentor here who said that its a big surprise that THE YOUNG ONES does'nt have a huge cult following. Which is a shame because so many guys are missing out on great cutting edge comedy.

Vivyan,Rik,Mike,and Neal will always be the funniest guys ever to blast out of TV comedy. How about a millenium reunion?

my favorite episodes:Bambi,Demolition,cash, and baby
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What's Happening!! (1976–1979)
My favorite!!
16 May 2000
Believe me, WHATS HAPPENING came out on a perfect time. There was'nt a better TV show to grow up on! Who could ever forget 1)Raj, the wise, bird-cracklin nerdish dude who could never sit in a chair the right way! 2) Rerun, the round, always-in-step party mover 3) Dwayne, the not so smart, heckling nervous breakdown "They cut off your fingers and your toes, man!" 4) And good ol' bratty sister Dee, who reminded you of everyone's sister!

WHATS HAPPENING is really missed by this commentator. Come on TVLAND, give us some RERUNs! RERUNs!
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