
18 Reviews
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18 March 2002
I don't get it. This is essentially a Lifetime movie with Halle's breasts thrown in. Everyone in it is good, but hardly Oscar-worthy. I got tired of somebody having to die every 20 minutes and all the morose faces. The opening offers such great potential, but the movie itself stops short before realizing it.
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Jacob's Ladder (I) (1990)
Give it another try
11 November 2001
I saw this film when it first came out and went away more than a bit confused. After 10 years passed and numerous, more popular films, have aped the ending and style and after a decade of realizing Tim Robbins is the greatest working actor today, I decided to give it another try. Not only did it make a lot more sense, I came to really appreciate the incredibly powerful performances, beautiful dialogue and excellent direction. Wish a couple of the deleted scenes had been included in the film, but it's still a thoughtful and intelligent film that packs an emotional wallop. Oh yeah and TIM ROBBINS ROCKS!
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The Coens continue to defy expectations
31 October 2001
What is the new Coen Brothers movie? A black comedy? An homage to film noir? A showcase for some really bad hairpieces? Essentially, what you get is a beautifully shot and constructed film, more in the vein of BARTON FINK and BLOOD SIMPLE than the last couple Coen flicks. There are several moments of pure, orgasmic moviegoing pleasure--the fight between Billy Bob Thornton and James Gandolfini ranks as one of the Coens' best scenes ever. However, the movie hits that point about halfway through where it veers off into foreign territory and never quite comes back. As soon as Katherine Borowitz shows up, babbling about space aliens, the tight little thriller verges into obtuseness. Still, even an average Coen Brothers film beats any other movie out there.
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Joy Ride (2001)
Steve Zahn is THE MAN!!!!
6 October 2001
This movie is about the equivalent of those other trucker versus man movies like DUEL and BREAKDOWN but it's got something neither of those had--Steve Zahn. He is simply the coolest. As usual, he's the screwed-up but loveable wiseass who causes trouble for the more clear-minded individuals. This movie is surprisingly funny, largely because of Zahn's physical antics and hysterical expressions. Plus, I love how he manages to talk Paul Walker into doing ANYTHING simply by punching his arm and saying: "DOOOO IT!" I'd say more but I have a sudden urge to rent HAPPY TEXAS and SAFE MEN again.
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Woefully overlooked
4 October 2001
A beautiful movie that can make the simplest scenes incredibly powerful. No, it's not subtle filmmaking. Instead, it's passionate and exciting and touching. I'll remember so many moments from this movie--John Turturro standing up in the audience, Emily Watson standing up for herself, the destruction of the masterpiece mural, Bill Murray's onstage breakdown. A wonderfully crafted movie that actually captures what it means to celebrate art.
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Derek Zoolander: Male Model (1996 TV Short)
Pure Stiller, Pure Brilliance
25 September 2001
The ZOOLANDER movie is pretty damn good, but you shouldn't miss this great short, which was largely improvised and originally aired on the VH-1 Fashion Awards. Stiller's gift is that he can make fun of something--in this case, male models--while also exhibiting a true affection and knowledge of the subject. Poor dumb Derek genuinely means well--he even wants to open up a model school to teach kids his patented "looks". Hopefully this and the other short will be available on the ZOOLANDER DVD at some point because everyone needs to see it!
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The Vagina Monologues (2002 TV Movie)
No One is Indifferent to It
25 May 2001
I have a strong suspicion the comments below were written by a man. This show definately isn't for everyone, but to call it revolting only makes Ms. Ensler's point--that there is such a ridiculous stigma and mystery attached to a woman's sexuality. Men talk freely and frequently about their equipment, I find it amusing that the idea of a woman discussing hers is considered so tasteless.

It didn't leave me wanting to start a revolution--I didn't feel like marching in a parade after seeing this, I didn't want to shout VAGINA from the rooftops...instead, I enjoyed some often hysterical, sometimes tragic and overall witty dialogue.

And it is funny, there's no way around that. The list of different moans is worth the price of admission alone. It's educational as well--did you know the clitoris is the only organ that serves no purpose other than to give please and contains twice as many nerve endings as the penis? As Ms. Ensler says, "Why want a handgun when you can have a semiautomatic?"
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Memento (2000)
"I can't remember to forget you"
23 March 2001
To quote the great Keanu Reeves: "Whoa". Give yourself over to this hypnotic, challenging movie and you'll have a great ride. Try too hard to figure it out or second guess it, you'll ruin the fun of watching a truly original work unfold. It's so great to see Guy Pearce in another good role since LA CONFIDENTIAL. Joe Pantaliono is reliable as always. And even though the story is told backwards, it still manages to surprise you. A clever film that doesn't sacrifice the humanity at the heart of the film for cheap shocks, this movie is more than a mere gimmick. Pearce will truly make you care about this character, rooting for what essentially boils down to a revenge fantasy. You could poke holes in it all night long, but why bother? Just lean back and enjoy one of the best mindf***s captured on film.
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Not what I expected--and that's a good thing!
12 March 2001
When I heard the premise of this film, I was afraid the movie would be a one-joke film. When I saw the preview, it looked like it was going to rely on shock value to keep the audience interested. But I went to see it anyway, and was pleasantly surprised. The shocks are pretty much up-front: one contestant has a baby, one IS a baby (only 18), one is pregnant with her first baby...etc. But the script doesn't rely on cheap thrills and doesn't start to take itself too seriously. The result is a surprisingly funny and fascinating film. Brooke Smith, who I haven't seen since she was trapped in a well in SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, is perfect. Her Dawn is tough, unapologetic and real. I wish there had been more about the game itself--who is behind it, why this is Dawn's last round--but it's a high compliment to say this film left me wanting more.
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Tempting Fate (1998 TV Movie)
A precursor to SERIES 7!
12 March 2001
When I heard the plot outline of the new SERIES 7: THE CONTENDERS movie, I remembered this little t.v. movie. There's a similar game show in the film, but it's more a story about not being able to go back and rewrite your life. A very unique tale for an unhyped television movie, but well-done and quite entertaining. Had some nice surprises and solid performances by everyone involved.
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Benjamin Bratt was made for the big screen
22 February 2001
This just shows you that people can continue to surprise you. I never thought much of Benjamin Bratt on LAW AND ORDER, but he really shines on the movie screen. Can we keep him and send Helen Hunt back to TV? He's dashing, romantic and hysterical--a perfect foil for Sandra Bullock, at her best. Everyone in the film is perfect--Candice Bergen took what could have been a stereotypical role and had a lot of fun with it and Michael Caine deserved an Oscar nomination for this more than CIDER HOUSE RULES. Just flat-out fun.
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Requiem for a Dream
14 January 2001
After being underwhelmed by PI, I wasn't to eager to check out this movie. I had heard so much about how disturbing and hard to watch it was, I almost felt like I was resisting the story at first. Like I was a little let down--sure, this stuff was depressing, but it wasn't THAT bad. An hour and a half later, I walked out of the film and turned to my friend and said: "Man...that was some film". You see some awful things, but they're shot so beautifully and the editing is so frenetic, you can't look away. Even during the TITICUT FOLLIES-inspired nose-feeding scene, you are captivated. Even those who would compare Aronofsky's style to the school of MTV quick edits can't deny he has a way with actors. Jared Leto, Marlon Wayans and Jennifer Connelly will probably never do better work in their lives. And Ellen Watching this in a theater the same weekend her wonderful EXORCIST performance was re-released just reminds us all she is a national treasure. In the end, many disturbing things happen to many people but nothing tears at your heart more than the simpleness and reality of her character's descent. She is absolutely perfect.
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Even a "bad" Coen Brothers movie beats most "good" movies
31 December 2000
A little bit of a mess and a big disappointment. Talented actors bluster their way through stereotypes, beautiful scenery highlights the lack of a cohesive story and any promise of greatness fades faster than George Clooney's accent. However, much like LEBOWSKI, O BROTHER has moments of sheer brilliance that make it worth a viewing. The dialogue, while superficial, is fun and fast and there's real chemistry between Clooney, John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson. Feels more like the Coens had clever ideas for scenes and had to come up with a makeshift plot to string them on. Still, the Coens are entitled to a little self-indulgence for being the most consistently original and daring filmmakers working today.
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Search no further...absolute perfection
18 December 2000
Everytime this movie comes on tv, I stop what I'm doing to watch it, even though I own it on tape. It's a beautiful film about love, family and the gifts that make us unique. This movie nails what films about "child prodigies" such as LITTLE MAN TATE just didn't get; how gifted children need to feel ordinary in many ways. The cast is superb and it's great to see Joe Mantegna in a role where he can hold the screen without having to shoot anyone. It really has nothing to do with chess, but it somehow manages to make even this game as exciting as the Superbowl. A haunting experience that just gets better every time.
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Everything a concert movie should be and more...
22 September 2000
This is one of the few stand-up performances that actually justifies "concert" movies. With just a pack of cigarettes, a microphone and his incredible talent, Denis Leary takes on an arsenal of subjects with wit, passion and scathing commentary. Why isn't this man a bigger star? If his movies could capture even an ounce of the intelligence and charisma he displays prowling the stage in this one-hour special, he should be making more money than Tom Cruise and Jim Carrey put together. Even when he turns reflective and introspective, he doesn't let sentiment get in the way of his hilarious act. The next time you're complaining there's no funny movies to rent, take this home--no excuses!
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
On it's way to being one of the best shows ever...
5 June 2000
Ruthlessly, laugh-out-loud funny and just plain fun. Some people find this show unrealistic, but I find it a very honest portrayal of successful and beautiful career women in modern New York. The first season broke new ground with some hysterical plots and the second season continued to get increasingly revolutionary. One of the best things to happen to television in a long time.
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Mystery Men (1999)
Great Cast, Fun Flick!
31 July 1999
How can you go wrong with this awesome cast? There's something in it for everyone and it's so nice to see a summer film that is honestly unlike anything else out there. This is a genuinely fun flick that took the traditional superhero storyline and turned it on it's head by coming up with 7 of the biggest losers you can imagine fighting crime. Everyone in it is absolutely perfect, from the lead characters to small roles by people like Eddie Izzard and Pras.
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The Best Woody Allen Film Woody Never Made
19 June 1999
Did We See The Same Movie? I am stunned that people didn't like this film--I thought everyone loved it! It's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen and only gets better with repeated viewings. A friend of mine called it "the best Woody Allen film Woody never made" but I think it's better than that. It's sharp and biting, but it has a sweetness and affection for it's characters that really charms.
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