
14 Reviews
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Mindless Fun
28 May 2001
Only Paxton and Glenn give strong characterizations in this movie, but the action sequences are a lot of fun to watch unfold. This movie is best viewed when you're not in the mood to think too much. The script could have used another draft and could have easily fallen apart if not for the capable hands of director Campbell. The sense of awe K2 should bring to the viewer is curiously missing. Still, this is a decent action film that is worth a look.
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Good, but maybe just a little too uneven
20 March 2001
We can all count on the Coen Brothers giving us an offbeat presentation, and this is no different. There were moments in this film where I felt like a smile was glued to my face. But every once in a while, a scene would come along and be completely disturbing (animals crushed under cars; KKK meetings). It came along too abruptly. Perhaps they were sticking to the formula in Homer's "The Odyssey" by juxtaposing the pleasant with the horror. But I always felt that Homer's book had more horror than pleasantness to it which made the transition more welcome. Still, it is an interesting film to sit through if only because you will not be able to predict what will follow from one scene to the next. And Clooney is very good here as well. His best work since "Out Of Sight." Now, if I want to smile all the way through, I'll listen to the outstanding soundtrack. GREAT MUSIC!!!
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Catch-22 (1970)
5 March 2001
With a cast like this one, I can't imagine why there isn't even a DVD edition in the planning stages. This is a solid entry into the anti-war genre and contains an excellent performance from Alan Arkin. He is capably supported by the rest of the cast. There are images in the film that will stick with you long after you're finished watching it. Very funny, but also very sad. HEY PARAMOUNT!!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? THIS MOVIE LOOKS AWFUL ON VIDEO!!!
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Catch-22 (1970)
7 December 2000
This is a film that really needs to be put on the home video market in a widescreen format. With this much talent both in front of and behind the camera, there has to be someone who can make this happen for this movie. Catch-22 has a strong enough following to warrant such a release. I'm sure devotees of the book have their own opinions about the movie (never read it) but, as cinema, I was glued to it at 2am and could not get myself to go to sleep till it was over. I am big on seeing the film makers intended aspect ratio and the current video version of this film is terrible.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Should Have Been Better
26 November 2000
HOW CAN YOU HAVE AN EPILOGUE FOR FICTITIOUS CHARACTERS???!!! I really wanted to like this movie. There were some good performances and Shyamalan has a great eye for directing. But his script was way too slow-paced. One great sequence has Willis playing the role of guardian angel to a family held captive by a madman. Other than that, his realization didn't amount to much within the movie's timeframe. And by the way - film makers should restrict epilogues to fact-based movies only. In a work of fiction, it doesn't work, especially in the fashion it is presented in here.
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Hope Floats (1998)
29 July 2000
Yeah, Hope Floats all right. And so does human excrement, which is precisely what this movie is. The opening of the film (I'm practically at a loss for words here) is so bad, I'm shocked the scene even made it past the first draft of the script. Bullock's sweetness is her strong suit, but it would be nice to see her in a more dimensional role for a change.
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Good, but Best Picture?
25 July 2000
There is a lot I liked about this film. I thought it was poetically directed, and the story WAS moralistic and well-written, the acting was very good. However, most of the characters got on my nerves for the entire film. I can appreciate the film makers courage in creating a story about the immoral thoughts and ideas that anyone and everyone experience to some degree or another. But the satirical, over-the-top approach to this material didn't appeal to me all the time. I suppose I am old school in wanting to see Best Picture winners to make me feel uplifted. This film has an important message about wasting no time expressing yourself to the ones you love but ultimately, it left me feeling cold and a little bitter.
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Well Done
3 July 2000
A fitting tribute to fishermen who put their life on the line on a daily basis. Wolfgang Peterson has made a terrific action/drama. That final wave is an image that will stay with me forever. Not a great film, but definitely worth seeing on a big screen.
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Titanic (1997)
Jaded, All Of You! :(
23 June 2000
Every time a film becomes such a huge participant of pop culture in this country, the backlash will surly soon follow. People can trash it all they want - this film was successful on all levels. AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT! Cameron has smartly avoided the spotlight the last few years, not involving himself in any major feature film. Have the feeling he knows his critics can't wait to tear him down? And by the way, I agree the love story is relatively weak. But the film DOES justly honor the memories of those who died in this tragedy. Want an accurate depiction of what happened to some of the real people who were aboard, read the book "A Night To Remember."
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4 June 2000
Oh man, was this one fun to watch. One of the reasons some bad films are viewable is because you can sense how much fun everyone had making this film. This is such a case. It is real bad. The actors play it straight and that only adds to the fun with all the ridiculous goings-on. And you can't beat this logic: these oversized man/salmon creatures are coming up on land reeking havoc. So how does Doug McClure intend to catch these things? He heads to his boat and out to sea armed only with a fishing pole. I was sold. If you watch to laugh rather than be scared, you'll have fun with this one.
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Dumb Fun!
25 May 2000
I don't care what anyone else thinks, this is action-packed cheese in 100 minutes. It is so bad and at the same time so much fun to watch. Some of the dialogue is hysterical. Put that with a ridiculous story and you really aren't wasting your time sitting through this one. Stallone is pretty bad at delivering his comic lines and that makes it SO much funnier. Bottom line is that you can tell everyone was having a lot of fun making this one and that is its main appeal.
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Trespass (1992)
What Hill Is Good At
19 March 2000
This is a film independent film makers should take a look at if action films are of any interest to them. Not for the seen-it-all, heard-it-all plot and profane dialogue, but for Walter Hill's staging and execution of the action. The film has a terrific pace to it and the camera always shows an interesting angle. The locations are at a minimum, very cost efficient and capably creating a claustrophobic atmosphere. Very well done. Good, moody music score, again, by the great Ry Cooder.
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Surprisingly Well Done
9 March 2000
This is a movie that should be put on video. It is very well done and very accurate. I haven't seen it since it originally aired on network television, but I still remember it very well. I remember the character played by Donnelly Rhodes kept passing his opportunity to escape to other survivors. It was heart-breaking to watch that play out. I remember Richard Masur's character trying to swim out to assist the survivors. I remember the woman who lost her husband and baby trying to find her will to survive. I was young when it aired and I remember people making a big deal about it the days leading up to it because it was so effective and accurate. I know I'd love to see it again.
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The Shining (1980)
Best Haunted House Movie Ever
11 February 2000
I remember going to see "The Empire Strikes Back" in May of 1980 and seeing the trailer for this film. I was only 6 years old so my first reaction to Jack Nicholson was to be completely terrified of him.

I am a big fan of Stephen King's novel of which this film is based on. As different and as simplified as this movie is from the book, this is still an exceptionally spooky horror film. I think Stanley Kubrick did a great job by NOT explaining every supernatural vision portrayed here. The best aspect of his films is that they demand not only repeat viewings but also open up situations that can be debated among viewers long after the film is over. Kubrick does not take the position of someone who knows all about the supernatural - he is just as human as the rest of us. He can only explain as much as we all can see. What it all means is something that creates great conversation although people tend to become frustrated when all the answers are not provided for them.

Whether or not you liked this movie, there is no denying that you will never forget it, especially the images Kubrick creates - the blood pouring out of the elevator, the two little girls, the lady in the bathtub, Jack Torrence's repetitious novel and Jack and his trusty axe chasing a little boy through the hedge maze. And pay attention to the opening credit sequence as Jack drives to the Overlook Hotel - it appears as if the glaring sun in some shots are lined up with Jack's car, as if pulling him towards his dark destiny.

And it's time to give credit where it is due - Shelly Duvall is excellent. The first few times I saw the film, I found her quite annoying. Upon watching it again recently I began to realize that she has many childlike qualities which make her relationship with their son much stronger than what she has with her husband. This gives the films climax more credibility. The rest of the cast is great as well - Danny Lloyd, people claim, is too bland in his role but I think he translates perfectly the insecurity of a child his age having the power he has - capable of conjuring up images that no one should have to bear. I have always been a fan of the late, great Scatman Crothers. Here, he was given a dramatic role and I think he gave his best performance. And, of course, Jack is Jack at his (appropriately) over-the-top best.

But this movie works because of Kubrick, the wonderfully creepy music and the sets for the hotel. I've never seen such ordinary rooms appear so frightening. His use of wide-angle lenses in tight areas make you feel the characters tremendous sense of isolation.

This is not your typical film viewing experience and that is what is so fantastic about it. Films that actually make you think and debate with others - a perspective that many film makers today have all but deserted for "safe, throw-in- everything-including-the-kitchen-sink," story structure. I believe this is a primary example of why our society has become lazy in the way our minds think. We want all our questions answered at the push of a button on our keyboard.

If you want to be truly spooked, you near to obtain that fear of the unknown. "The Shining" will do just that. I promise.
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