
7 Reviews
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The Menu (2022)
Taylor-Joy is hot. The Menu is not.
4 December 2022
What others are raving about in this movie escapes me and I saw it twice to see if I missed anything on the first go around. Taylor Joy's unique face was the only respite from a grueling snore fest.

There was nothing even remotely interesting about this far fetched tale. Even the dishes weren't that interesting. Premise was weak the characters were all dull. Every one of them.

There were maybe two laughs throughout the entire thing. There was one, count it, moment of blood, but it didn't really count as gore. It was shock value just for shock value and even at that it wasn't as shocking as what the makers were surely hoping for. Stunts were terrible. An attempt to break a window looked fake and fell flat.

This is the first movie ever where I am going to repeat what I've read before and always laugh deridingly at, and that is, The Emperor Has No Clothes.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
God Almighty, This is Bad and We're in Trouble
12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
One of the most pretentious, bloated, sihtcoms (because it has to be a joke) I've ever had the displeasure of making myself watch in the hopes it would get better. It never did.

We're desperately in trouble as a people if for solely religious reasons anyone is rating this any good. It stunk to high heavens and not entirely because of the aforementioned religiosity, but because it never figured out what the heII it wanted to be. This thing couldn't decide if it wanted to be a crime story, a romance novel, a documentary, a political allegory, or even between vampires or zombies so it could be a horror tale. Instead it throws in some of everything and spouts relentless religious babble and gobbledygook in drawn out sermons that like the movie itself, jump from topic to topic and never really say anything interesting or worthwhile.

Just awfully boring.
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Ravenous (1999)
Not again.........
31 March 2000
Well...... Sorry but this film I found particularly typical and uninteresting. I have seen a fair share of gore films but this one really takes it. Although it gives excellent suspense, it is so typical gore with a slight lack of storyline. For instance the constant flashes between the film and blood-dripping bodies. It has been done before and better.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
2 January 2000
Well. What can I say? This film is rather typical and has the same amount of violence as many other action-thrillers. (But perhaps a little more?) Despite this, it was very enjoyable and in my opinion deserves 6.5 stars-slightly more than it actually got. I never realized that Travolta was such a good "bad guy" actor and almost deserved an Oscar! But Christian Slater was just as good as the out and out good guy, along with Terry Carmichael as his side-kick. The ending was short but effective, because of the pleasing lack of sentimentality and sexism. Keep up the good films, because I certainly enjoyed this one.
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Oh come on!
1 January 2000
I simply cannot believe that this film is rated under an 8.

It must have taken ages to get the Hooch's parts right, and it was so funny and even made me cry! You might be thinking that this is a rather unprofessional or unmanly comment of me, but I loved this film. And I'm only 14.

A G-R-E-A-T M-O-V-I-E!!!
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Tremors (1990)
A little gem.
28 December 1999
Handymen Val and Earl and the small community of "Perfection" find themselves trapped, as smelly monsters from underground just will not give up in this witty and exciting adventure from director Ron Underwood.

The genre is well-worn, yet Underwood manages to produce something original. The chemistry between Ward and Bacon is strong, and many laughs are had from their buddy-bickering. The husband-wife weapon fanatics are also very funny, and a glorious shoot-out between them and one of the "graboids" provides a welcome breath of fresh air.

It is the score, however, that must take first prize, and it is about time one did. It accentuates the action and the wide open spaces beautifully. Most notable is the theme introduced as Val triumphantly taxies through the town on the CAT.

A great movie!
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Moonraker (1979)
A great film worthy of more than the rating!
20 December 1999
This is a truly great film. It has a low rating 5.2/10 and even less in others but in my opinion was the (second) most enjoyable "Bond" film that i have seen. I have seen all of them all except the most recent and they are all good in their own right, but this is one of the best. Not only that, but it stars Roger Moore who was the best "Bond." Thank-you.
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