
6 Reviews
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A Personal Treasure
25 February 2003
It is hard to find movies about the Jewish experience in America that are positive. At best most are cynical journeys from belief to assimilation. At worst, they depict Jewish as consisting merely of someone with a New York accent eating a bagel. There are few (I can't actually think of another one, but I'll be optimistic) films in which a person is depicted as being happily, actively Jewish, religiously, not just culturally. This film is a happy exception. Rabbi Belinski encounters many different kinds of people in his journey. He is confronted with many new cultures and pressures, but never abandons his beliefs. He may learn to ride, but not on Shabbat. He is happy to make friends with anyone who will respect him in his "differentness" just as he respects them. It may not be the greatest comedy or human drama, but it is near and dear to my heart.
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A Wonderful Surprise
8 April 2002
I usually have pretty low expectations for "children's movies" not to mention animal adventures. This film turned out to be a fabulous surprise in every way. Sure, I came to it solely to finish out my search for Russell Crowe films; but I came away extremely moved by both the story, the breathtaking visuals of Australia and the lack of heavyhandedness so usually present in these films. This film provided a mesmerizing, compelling film experience. Oh yeah...Russell looks absolutely gorgeous..... Try'll be glad you did.
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Gosford Park (2001)
Fluff in the Country
27 February 2002
Anyone who loves an evening of British intrigue on Masterpiece Theater will have fun at Gosford Park. Just be prepared to be clueless as to who anyone is or their relationship to anyone else. I fail to see any greatness in the direction of Mr. Altman when he can't handle simple matter like introducing characters. The actors in this film can, for the most part, do these characters in their sleep. I sincerely doubt they needed much directing. The great Maggie Smith is, as always, the delight of the piece. The one jarring note is the character of the police inspector - far too much the clown to be believed. On the whole though, a pleasant jaunt. Just sit back and enjoy your visit.
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Shrek (2001)
I Laughed I Cried It was Better Than Cats!
23 May 2001
Shrek is a welcome addition to the animation genre that recognizes that "for children of all ages" doesn't mean dumbed down. A clever, creative romp through the world of the Fairy Tale, Shrek is a visual wonderland that never smirks at its own wit, nor loses its heart. Its not often that any film these days moves its audience to applause midway through...yet mine did. My one caveat is that I wish Hollywood would take its own advice, and stop judging people by their looks. Its nice to plug this film as encouraging children to see people for what's if only the entertainment industry would do the same.
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Proof (1991)
Australian Filmmaking at its best.
21 November 2000
Proof is a perfect example of why I love Australian films. They can't be pigeonholed in to categories (drama, comedy, action etc) but usually explore many facets of the human experience. The acting of the 3 stars is the best, and a feast for Russell Crowe fans. Here is the young actor displaying all the range and power that would come to full flower in Romper Stomper, LA Confidential and Gladiator. This is a haunting character study that will give the viewer much to explore over repeated viewings...and provide a light with which to examine the demands one makes of personal relationships.
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Gladiator (2000)
Definite thumb up!
8 May 2000
This is the kind of movie that people mean when they say "They don't make them like that anymore"... A true "Wow" film, transports you to a different world long turned to ruins and dust. Russell Crowe answers the age old question "what do women want"... a man of honor, strength, integrity, intelligence, with a light in his eyes and passion in his heart. The violence is real enough to be taken seriously, but the film does not linger or wallow over it. While much has been made by some critics about how audiences cheer the violence in the Coliseum, they/we are also cheering the clear underdogs, fighting for survival in a world not of their own making. When Maximus wins against the odds, and still shows honor and mercy, he is a hero well worth cheering. I was struck by the similarities to a hero in our own day. Over the weekend I saw Cal Ripken Jr get a standing Yankee Stadium! Proof that a true hero is still recognized.
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