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A Woman's movie about Men
7 June 2017
I went into this movie knowing it's plot being about the difficulties of losing a loved one, but what I couldn't believe was how anti- feminist it seemed.

Starring great actresses like Alia Shawkat and Janet McTeer, who did some fantastic jobs in their roles, this movie is centralized on their female characters and their obsession with their men. They never seem to stray away from the concept that their lives are solely based on men. I never found a single moment in the movie where two women ever spoke of anything besides men, and how important men are to them. When the women lose their man, weather their boyfriend or son, everything is just gone. At the same time, the father of the son is saddened by the loss of his son, but it doesn't take away from his own life, and he seems to go on easily.

This is the first time I've seen a movie based on mostly female lead characters that fails the Bechdel test. Their lack of personal lives made me feel little for those characters. Even with the wild cinematography and great performances, I couldn't help but want to yell at the screen that the women in this movie are more than just the men in their lives, but the moment it looks towards that direction, the movie is over.

Not one that I was happy with. Perhaps I should have just gone to see Wonder Woman.
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Citizenfour (2014)
The worst documentary I've ever seen.
1 March 2015
I do not understand why their direction of being watched by the government holds any meaning, at all. Yes, we are being tracked. Yes, if the government wants to get into my e-mail, or listen in on my phone calls, or know my financial information, they can.

Who cares?

This movie, in my opinion, was senselessly dull. Every scene was either showing how the government is watching out through electronic systems, or Edward Snowden asking about things like how much he should shave this morning. Nearly the whole thing takes place in a single hotel room, where he just keeps on jabbering on about useless information. He doesn't bring it down to any single force, he does not show any real form of horror coming about through the systems he's talking about, he's just showing off how paranoid and delusional he is about the government systems.

Which makes the overall point of this movie very sad. If you are truly impacted emotionally or mentally about these goings on, then stop worrying about it, and just live your life. Don't give up your 2 hours of time to watch such a drab documentary, do something that will make you feel better. Go for a walk or do something with your family.

Stop being paranoid about a system that can help in stopping illegal activities before they happen. Don't worry about what you say on the phone or in text, and don't plan out any acts of terrorism on your country. I can't believe I even have to say all of this, but seeing the praise that this documentary is getting shows me that you people have to take a step back.

Quit worrying, and just enjoy your life.
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Earth to Echo (2014)
A fun little romp
15 June 2014
We got in for an early screening of this movie, not knowing quite what it would be, just that it had kids and a cute little alien. Even not being kids ourselves, we were extra happy throughout it. It really goes from the children's perspective, as they record what they see with small cameras attached to their bikes and their glasses and their hands. The plot was nice, and we had a few good laughs throughout.

It's a great one to bring the kids to, or just a nice movie to check out. The first person and sci-fi elements made you feel like you were a part of it, and you had to help the little alien out.

Granted, it's not perfect. Sometimes there are things that the kids do which really feel like it's something kids shouldn't be doing, and the plot it fairly predictable. But still, if you want just an easy going time, it'll work out well.
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There are only 2 things that make a movie; Sex, and Violence.
26 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
And that's what this movie has in it. Lots of naked scenes from Elizabeth Olsen, obviously trying to make her way into Hollywood with the nudity that men have been wanting for years from her twin sisters. After she gets naked on screen, she's raped, then she's naked again, then more sex, then an orgy... I could hardly stand the movie since the majority of it is based just on sexuality. The characters really go nowhere, constantly trying to understand each other but with no development towards their goals. Even the end of the film leaves you in a blank.

If you feel like asking yourself "huh?" or just seeing the 3rd Olsen nude over and over, then watch it, but if that's not what you're going for, I recommend you don't waste your time.
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Perhaps the last good Gangster movie
26 June 2013
The direction of a 1940s gangster flick has been greatly overused in the past few decades, and this movie still holds the mark of cliché as it tells the story of the up-and-comer against the horrific gang boss.

On that, however, it pulls off the style quite well. The characters are very driven, and the storyline pulls you in. Any time you feel it's moving a bit too slowly, it pulls out another action scene to push you back to the edge of your seat.

Im not a fan of these kinds of movies, so if you're in the same boat as me, then Gangster Squad makes for a good watch... just be ready to take in a bit of cheese, here and there.
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From 1961: The History of Obama
3 October 2012
I heard about this movie coming out some time ago, just before the US elections are happening, which is a perfect time for a presidential documentary. First I should say, I am not an American, I'm a Canadian, but I do have quite the interest in American politics. Also, like the vast majority of Canadians, I'm more of a Democrat. Sure, if there was a leader in the Republican field, that was far superior to the democrat candidate, then I would be fully behind the republican, but for the past few decades, I've been far more on the side of the Democrat candidates.

I found a lot of this film to be really interesting. The first half of the movie goes into who Barack Obama really is, a history of his life, and his father's life. There were so many tidbits of information that I never knew before, and it was really great to be able to find that information.

At the same time though, D'Souza, the maker of the documentary, has many scenes where he's talking about himself, and putting words into people's mouths. The direction of the title of the movie, showing what America will be like if Obama gets his second term, is hardly put forward, and when D'Souza does put forward his ideas, they really hardly make sense, and they're so extreme, that I doubt they will ever happen in the united states.

After seeing that movie, I just had to go back in time a few years, and watch Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9-11" and... oh my god... if anyone thinks, in any direction, that Obama isn't a good president, then look back just a few years and take a peak at what George Bush Jr. had done... it's freaking insane, and horrific. Looking at what has happened, I would say that Obama is the greatest president the US has had in a long, long time... perhaps going back to Ronald Reagan, perhaps even going back to Kennedy. I highly doubt that any republican would be able to beat out Obama for a second term in office, and one thing is for sure, this movie didn't make me doubt that, at all.

But one thing that D'Souza says about Obama is true. Many parts of his life up to when he got into office are quite a bit of a mystery to most people, so if you'd like to know more of the history of Obama, I highly recommend watching this movie.
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Match Point (2005)
A Chilling Second Half
22 April 2006
Going into this movie, knowing quite a few of Woody Allen's films, I thought that there would be a little romance, but overall it would be mostly a comedy. Comedy usually seems to be what Woody is all about, but I know understand, it isn't in times like these.

The first half of the film seemed to be bland, and generic. Every shot that was made seemed quite basic, and the plot made me prefer to make out then continue to watch. I kept to it though, and when in the second hour, when the twists started to come it made me shrivel up. Everything got so tense as all of the facts that seemed bland from the first half started to come out, and all of the reasoning for them would just hit you in the face. This film became much more intense then many that I've seen, and it blew away all the reasons that I haven't been interested in romance movies.

There isn't nearly as much comedy in this film as comes from a regular Woody Allen film, but he did quite an amazing job on this deep, romantic drama. If you're with your lover, though, try to keep away from each other's lips so you'll understand the entire film. Trust me, you'll thank me for that by the end.
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Birth (2004)
I can't believe my Eyes!
26 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It really strains me that there's such a positive response to this movie... "In the style of Kubrick"? How? Where? The majority of the shots were very bland, and long, almost as if a news crew had shot them, and the performances didn't have any emotion behind them at all, mostly behind the boy, who was on screen almost as much as Nichole Kidman. It was like the director was saying to this boy, "Now I want you to look like there is nothing in your mind at all, like you just woke up in the morning." Beyond the boring cinematography and the stale acting, there's the script. Half of the lines in this movie were Cameron Bright saying, "I am Sean", or some mild variation to it. There's no more to be learned from the characters in at least the first half hour then what I learned from the back of the box for the rental.

*Spoilers - Just in case someone does want to still see Birth* And finally, is the big plot hole that ruins the whole idea of the movie, when Clara tells the young boy that its impossible for him to be Sean, because she was having an affair with Sean, and she was his lover. Then, the boy just says, Well, I guess I'm not Sean. Whats the explanation? Sean's crazy, and he goes to seek professional help. It makes everyone look like a fol, and ruins Anna's life. What would of worked, is if the young Sean's dad made him do this, because he was in love with her. Now that would stir real emotion, rather then the whole thing just being foolish... "Oh well, it looks like it was all just a dream..." The single most unoriginal and boring ending that a movie can possibly have.
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The Terrorist (1998)
A beautiful, sad portrail of other's lives.
5 October 2001
I thought "The Terrorist", a story about a young girl chosen for a suicide mission to serve her country was an excelent depiction of life in other places... the use of children in this movie was a great way to further the remorse... to think that for things like guiding people through landmine-staked forrests and assasinating powerful leaders they use children, its disgusting, but so full of truth that you simply can't deny it.

A large portion of the emotion left in this movie was seeing the main character experience her most precious moments over again, and seeing what they were like... even that was convincing enough to not want to go forward with her suicide mission. The truly sad part is, though, when we look at ourselves (meaning us from first world nations), and see that we have extrodinarily more complex and wonderful lives then those portrayed in this movie, but even with that in mind, even the most cold-blooded killer would rather remain on this earth, even in its horrible conditions, then simply die when given the choice. How can people commit suicide, you must wonder. We really do have a great deal of wonderful choices and ways of being in this life, and its a glimpse on another, much more sad lives that much us really understand it.

Overall, this movie was about love, compasion and the will to live in even the most cruel environments. It's a very sad movie, but it gives you a much lighter perspective on everything people like myself have to deal with. Life isn't that tough, you know, and if you need to be reminded of that, see this movie. It was a beautiful, compeling film, and I'd suggest it for any film buff out there, because it might be a little slow for the average viewer, but overall, an excelent piece of film.
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