
69 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
26 March 2024
I will not compare this to the original as this would be it's own movie that shares "some" of the original context.

The acting was flat at best. While I though adding McGregor would be a good fit, he was so far over-the-top cartoonish (which may be part of who he really is... but the movie was not supposed to have McGregor but his character, it was comical at best... and not good comedy at that.

NOTHING about this movie had a good development in character or writing. Some of the fight scenes were good, and Dalton's sarcasm was okay.... but for someone who directed Swingers, I did expect more.
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The Munsters (2022)
Painful to watch
3 October 2022
I really don't know what criteria people use to rate this flick. It was just bad, and was cartoonish at best....and not even that. For someone who can shock his audiences I'm not sure who the audience was.... the people who remember the TV show? Or the generation who has no idea who the Munsters were.

The appeal of the original show was it was an unordinary family living in current society. This is a unordinary family just living in the unordinary society....which is just normal, it just isn't funny.

The jokes are just so incredibley campy it makes it less funny....if that is even possible.

This has to be in MY top 10 worst flicks ever seem.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Without a Clue
22 July 2022
1st other than the title, and a few character names this story has little to noting to do with the book. Michael B. Jordan is a really good actor, but completely miscast in this role. This is nothing but a very 2- dimensional shoot-em-up movie, unlike Tom Clancy books that sometimes are overly descriptive, but great story lines.

Now I see the movie Rainbow Six is in development. I can only hope they rethink how they want to do the movie and stick to the book and character development.
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4 September 2018
I think the story of Walt Disney would be a great one to tell. However, this movie proved to be otherwise. While the story was not that bad, it did gloss over a lot of things that could've been told. The acting was stiff and forced and didn't seem like the actors were non believable, better acting could come from a community play. To top it off, the music was very generic and cheesy. I hope this movie was just used to test the market to see if a bigger budget and much better movie could be made where the audience would be interested in the topic.
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Mrs. Roboto
12 January 2005
Lets start off by asking: "Who really bought the idea that a character played by Nichole Kidman would be married to a character played by Mr. Sara Jessica Parker".

Were these women robots or were they just altered by a chip or 2 in their heads? I don't get it. You have one lady that can act as an ATM but yet when Mr. Parker (aka. Ferris Bueller) screwed with the computer system they went back to normal.

Either way the movie sucked ... well hell it sucked the money from my pocket to rent the damn movie so I don't know which is worse at this point.
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Hellboy (2004)
Help, My Kittens!!!
29 July 2004
THANK GOD, I waited for this to come out on DVD. I think my subject line pretty much says what I thought of the movie. "Oh come on, a lady happens to drop her box of kittens as Hellboy and the other freak creature fought?" Good thing that Hellboy was there to save them, fish man and fire girl may not have been up for the task.

Now I hear that Hellboy 2 has been announced? If there are any fight scenes going on near a blind man who is confined to a wheel chair holding a box of new born puppies, we can all rest assure that Hellboy will be there to save them as well.

Maybe next time I get the urge to see a lame film as this, my girlfriend will just remind me of the box of kittens.
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Stupid funny!!!!
19 October 2002
I have to admit that this film was so incredibly stupid that I laughed out loud at times. Who the hell else would come up with the guy's tongue having a face of it's own....... well I guess Steve Oedekerk would. Just watch the damn flick.... you will laugh too.
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Heat (1995)
9 June 2002
Don't know what to really say about this film. It was cool and all especially the gun battles (which make any action movie good)...........but that's about it. Just watch the damn thing and make up your own mind.
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Lame Ass piece of crap!!!!!
12 May 2002
Do I have to explain that my "One Line Summary" doesn't?? I was smart enough this time not to see this in the theater and waited till it was out for rental so I wouldn't have to waste as much money.

All this movie was is a BAD rehash of BAT*21 and a very bad one at that. Can someone explain this to me? Why is it that in every movie where there is a really mean bad ass guy who is either a terrorist, Russian Mafia bad guy, or some extreme psychopath...... they are always wearing that Adidas style sweat suit. I guess it is a comfort factor or it makes them look like they are that much meaner than they really are, cause they are not the biggest guy, just the meanest. (Trust me on this, watch for it next time you see it in a movie or T.V. program).

I don't know how anyone can take Owen Wilson as a serious actor. Now I realize that I am sitting here at my little old computer and Owen Wilson makes a HELL of a lot more money than me at doing what he does compared to what I do and I am probably a little jealous. Stick my ugly ass in a movie like that and I can come off as good as he did..... HELL, I would come off better.

All in all.... THE MOVIE SUCKS!!!!!!!
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Ohhhh GOD!!!!
15 April 2002
Why oh why oh why????? do I see these stupid movies. The tag line for the movie was "What Would You Do If You Lost Everything?"

It should be more like "What Would You Do If You Lost You Ticket Money Seeing This Lame Ass Movie?

I'm sorry it sucked. Actually why should I apologize..... they should say sorry to me. I am out the ticket money.

It was like they were trying to put a film together really fast so they could make some quick cash. There was nothing to the movie that left you wondering, thinking, or anything. It did it all for you.

Either way, not only do I want my money back, I want the time I spent sitting in the seat back so I could watch the movie.

At least it was not as bad as Godzilla,,,, or Superstar.
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Training Day (2001)
Cool Flick!
21 March 2002
I have always been a fan of Denzel Washington and this just re-affirms my beliefs that he is just "THAT GOOD" of an actor. I really didn't expect the movie to end the way it did, but it made it that much better of a film and I would suggest this film for anyone who likes a good crime drama movie.
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Better than I had hoped.
19 January 2002
1st I will not compare this to Saving Private Ryan, because you are dealing with 2 REALLY important issues here. Different wars all together, and the fact that Saving Private Ryan never happened, this did.

First I read the book and couldn't put it down. I was amazed and shocked by everything that these guys had been through and had to endure for 18 hours what was suppose to be a 1 or 2 hour mission. When I first heard that the movie was coming out my first reaction was to go to this web site and see who was directing it and see who was staring in it. I wasn't too thrilled to see that Jerry Bruckheimer was going to produce it. Most of his films have been nothing more than flash, no story line, good kick ass movies. but that is it. I didn't want to see this movie make light or glamorize what happened on Oct3-4th 1993, but rather keep the integrity of everything that happened, like the book had.

When the film came out several weeks before the rest of the country did in New York and L.A., I started to read some of the comments made. You can actually tell who read the book and who didn't. Those who didn't expected to see more action, didn't think that the Somalies came out of the woodwork like vermin ("right 235SCOPE"). Had they read the book they may have understood that most of the stuff that happened in the movie, even some of the funny comments, were in the book.

I have spent quite a few years in the military myself, so I have been there and done that, but my experiences don't EVEN pale in comparison to what hell the members of Task Force Ranger went through.

For people who have NOT read the book, or have not even been there don't judge this movie by the events of what happened or even how they happened. Judge it by the direction or the acting. I though the movie was awesome. I loved how it did keep the integrity of the book and didn't diminish the events of what happened. I will always remember the names of at least 2 of them. Randy Shughart and Gary Gordon were 2 members of Delta who posthumously received the Medal of Honor for going into almost certain death.

See the movie, decide for yourself, but remember...this did happen.
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Top Gun in a Car
30 December 2001
I originally saw this movie when it came out in 1986 under its original title, Top Gun. Come on, you have the same basic premise. You have a wild out of control guy who can do anything inside of car instead of a fighter jet. He meets up with a hot lady. He is tamed by a mentor and brought under to control to hone his talent. Don't forget about about the tragic event that makes him rethink his current situation if he can still do it. Last but certainly not least, he has the rivalry between him and another driver as to who really is "The Best".

The movie did have it's share of cool driving shots, but this is what you get from a Tony Scott film, go figure,,,, guess who directed Top Gun?

If all you want is cool action and nothing to the movie, then this is your movie.
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Unbreakable (2000)
Not captivating enough!
4 July 2001
According to of Northampton, England if anyone doesn't understand this movie we should stick to Disney, and this was better than The Sixth Sense. I am sure you think Howard The Duck should have been put up for an Oscar too. Well buddy, this movie was about as easy to understand as a Disney movie so I can understand how your small brain would think so.

There was no "Twist" to this movie! There was nothing to twist to! There was nothing that would lead you to believe what the "stunning outcome" would have been like in The Sixth Sense. In that movie there were small clues left all over the film to make you realize before the movie was over.

I am not going to try and compare the scripts of The Sixth Sense, to this movie because it's like comparing an apple to an orange, two separate movies.

Bruce Willis's acting in the film was less than par as well. I am am fond of his acting but it seems that the whole movie he had no emotion, and was boring. He didn't have anything there to make me sit and want to watch the whole movie uninterrupted. He is a much better actor than what he did in this film and probably knows it too.
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Dude, Where's my sense of picking out a good movie??
1 July 2001
I'm sorry but this film just plain sucked. I couldn't laugh at any part of it because there was nothing to laugh at.

You are wondering why I watched it then................ cause someone held a gun to my head and made me or cause I was drunk. The worse part is that I don't drink anymore (or at least didn't until this movie).

Well I guess it's back to AA for me,,,,, I just have to stay away from the baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad movies.
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Great Pic.
28 June 2001
Not the biggest fan of basketball but I have always admired Michael Jordan for the way he has conducted himself not only on the court, but off the court as well. He has always had a great sense of class and style that to this day has never been duplicated by very many people in any professional sport.

I thought that the documentary was well done and pretty insightful. I only wish they would have done a lot more of the wide angle shots which are usually associated with any of the IMAX productions. None the less I would recommend this film to anyone who either likes basketball or not, it is at the very least a very upbeat and moral boosting film.
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Harrison Rules!!!!
16 June 2001
Despite the fact that this movie is a chick flick, it is still none the less a great movie. Harrison Ford being my favorite actor was awesome in this role and it was one that separated him from the some times typical ruff character he often plays (so well I may add).

This movie like Mosquito Coast gave Ford the opportunity expand his acting abilities and let people see of just how good of an actor he is.
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16 June 2001
Never thought the making of a movie would be so in line with the story it portrayed. I am surprised the damn thing was ever made with as many problems it had.

I thought they did a great job of explaining of how Orson Wells originally wanted to make the movie but it was eventually thrown out.

The movie is pretty much in tune with how the U.S. military works. As chaotic as it may seem from an outside point of view, when it all comes down to it, everything seems to work itself out.
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funny funny funny funny movie.
16 June 2001
This was actually a pretty funny movie. I did enjoy the flight sequence with Jim Backus (aka, My Magoo, Mr. Howell). Don't have a lot to say other than that.

"Here's to all that gorgeous sn@#ch in FLA"

Whoops, wrong movie.
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Deliverance (1972)
Good LORD!!!
12 June 2001
The only things I will say about this movie is that I will never want to go on a float trip again, EVER!!!!! And if I do, I will bring an automatic weapon with me with plenty of ammo.

This movie was good, Really good. Not for the "purty mouth" scene but for the whole thing together. If you do watch this movie you may just want to take a shower after seeing it, cause it really is that disturbing.
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The Haunting (1999)
15 May 2001
This movie was one of the greatest movies ever made,,,, it had everything to make a movie great. Incredible acting, awesome special effects...... oh wait I must be thinking of a good movie. Well this wasn't one of them, it just plain sucked.

What I want to know is, what kind of bone head would think that this movie was a 10. When I casted my vote there were 206 out there, god knows what goes on in their head. Now as for any other vote, a 8 or 9 was even too high, but a 10??? Come on, what made this movie sooooo good to give it a 10? I know these are the same 206 that thought that Jean Claude Van Damme is a great dramatic actor.
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
It Blew Dog!!!
22 April 2001
This movie just plane sucked,,, It a;; started to fall apart,,, about the time that the first scene was shown to just about the last credit. It's like they didn't know if they wanted to make an action flick or a comedy or some little drama about why doesn't he like me they clump all the crap together and come up with what they did.

The best way to describe this film was the Sprite commercial,,, of how they did every little bit of merchandising the there could be,,, but when it came to the movie, they had not quite panned it out yet but it will be done by the end of the week.

Just save your money and watch it on NBC like I am doing if you have nothing else to watch.
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The 6th Day (2000)
Why???? Please tell me why??
10 April 2001
Why did I rent this film? Can someone please answer that? This movie just plain sucked. I think if it sucked anymore it would have sucked the chrome off a trailer hitch through 50ft of garden hose.

I don't know what the hell I was expecting when I actually rented this film thinking it would be a little o.k. but it wasn't even that.

The only cool part were the Whisper helicraft.

Just do yourself a favor and save your money.
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too too funny
9 April 2001
I originally saw the trailer of this film and I didn't think it was going to be that good. Good thing that a friend of mine took me to see it (***Note: NOT the same friend who took me to see Super Star).

I never realized you could milk a cat:-)
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Pitch Black (2000)
Too Bad it SUCKED!!!!!!!!
9 April 2001
I guess I must be one of the very few who thought the movie sucked. The acting was horrible, the special effects were basic and not captivating for me to even really want more. I kept looking at the timer to see how much longer the pain would go on.

There was no character development, no story line that keeps you wondering. HELL, YOU KNEW WHO WAS GOING TO LIVE AND WHO WASN'T!!!!!!!!! If you didn't then you are an idiot,,, it was just that predictable. Now that I think about it, I don't know why I voted as high as I did. I guess I was smoking some real harsh crack.
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