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Shōgun (2024–2026)
11 May 2024
Absolutely breathtaking. The cinematography is purposeful as well as beautiful; nothing is superfluous. The performers are, without exception, masters of their craft. No one flounders. They delivery monologues with a look. of them soars. I havent read the book or seen the 1980s film so I came into this blind and was swept away.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about such a sweeping epic is that it DOESNT feel grand. It's rich and detailed but nothing feels overwrought or dramatic in an unnecessary way. Everything feels graceful.

I'll toss out there that the treatment of women in this series is also incredible; nuanced, strong, and unapologetic.

Yes you're going to need to read subtitles, but if that's not normally your thing, it's absolutely worth it.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
So much fun
23 September 2023
This was such a fun ride! The disjointed mind of a madwoman finding herself and telling the story of her independence. It's a visual explosion (literally and figuratively) and it was so fun to see an action movie with a female lens. I didn't expect how deeply rewarding that would be.

Of course Margot Robbie was incredible, but Rosie Perez *really* shined as Det. Montoya. She gave the movie something of an anchor. I wish there had been more development of Huntress and Black Canary, but I guess you've gotta save something for the sequel. Cassandra Caine's character was an interesting choice but it works and she serves as a sort of Pre-Ivy side-kick for Harley.

The soundtrack was also killer. Definitely one of my favorite DC movies of the century.
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A surprising delight
2 September 2023
I didn't have high hopes for this, expecting something cute but lacking in personality. So I can't begin to say how delightfully surprised by this completely realized, charming series.

A young but hungry music professional, Nora, discovers that the struggling music label she works for represents the celebrated classic rock band- Dr Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. Together with superfan Moog and competing music producer JJ, Nora has to to keep the band on track long enough to finish 12 whole tracks.

These beloved characters have spent decades relegated to the background but in this gem they are brought into vibrant color, kicking and screaming to the 21st century; discovering cell phones, online gaming, and social media. The jokes are laugh out loud funny, the cannon references are so much fun, and we *finally* get the Mayhem's origin story! Each character has their own fully formed personality and I've utterly fallen in love with each of them.

Lilly Singh brings her trademark laughs and utterly embraces the madness of the Muppets. I didn't know I could love her more.

At only ten episodes, there's no reason NOT to give it a try.
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Wolfwalkers (2020)
Another stunning accomplishment from this studio
16 July 2023
Like every other movie from this studio, Wolfwalkers is an aesthetic treasure. The art, perspective, and storytelling are all breathtaking and rooted in Irish history, fables, and faerytales.

In this story we meet Robyn, a young English girl who has moved to Kilkenny with her father, a hunter hired by the local Protectorate to eradicate the wolf pack that is preventing the village from expanding. Everything changes when Robyn meets Mebh, a wild girl who lives with and can speak to the wolves. Together Robyn and Mebh must find Mebh's missing mother, the matriarch of the wolf pack, before the Protectorate's soldiers destroy them all.

While this movie is animated it's not necessarily a cartoon for small children. The content is firmly pg (some injured animals and battle violence), but the pace is going to be too slow for a lot of little ones. This movie will be more appreciated by precocious tweens and above. If you enjoyed 'Song of the Sea' from this production company, you'll probably enjoy Wolfwalkers.
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Pinecone & Pony (2022– )
Absolutely loving it
8 July 2023
I started watching this show as a fan of Kate Beaton (the author of the source material) and it is so much fun!

Pinecone and her trusty (round) steed Pony are part of a training group for young warrior and (as you can surely guess) along the way she learns that being a warrior sometimes means being a good friend/ a thoughtful person/ sharing your feelings ect.

The cast is identity diverse and it's never brought up as a thing; It just is. The main adult characters are all involved, caring figures committed to helping the kids grow into better people, be it a warrior, wizard, or whatever. The main adult characters are all involved, caring figures committed to helping the kids grow into better people, be it a warrior, wizard, or whatever. The children are treated as full fledged people with valid thoughts and feelings that are worthy of respect. Which I find is a refreshing change from how children tend to be portrayed.

As far as the plot goes, children will have tons of fun watching the adorable characters go on everyday adventures. It's mostly plot arch free so you can watch when or where ever in the series you like!
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A delightful romp that falls a bit short
8 July 2023
I love this franchise and was really rooting for an appropriate ending to Indie's story. Dial of Destiny....mostly gets the job done.

This film was a love letter to fans, full of Nazi punching, adventure, and travel. It repaired the travesty that was Mutt Williams and instead gave us a Goddaughter played by Pheobe Waller-Bridges. SHE is the legacy character the franchise deserved. However, in a depressing but predictable turn of events, they squander her character, failing to explore her in any significant way. It was an infuriating waste.

Rather than focus on character arch and plot, we get chase scenes....repeated...overly scenes. Every scene is go-go-go, action-action-action. It makes everything feel one-note. They absolutely could have nixed a couple in favor of fleshing out the characters.

The plot gets overly fantastical for my taste, but Harrison Ford and Mads Mikkelsen sell it. Overall I had a good time watching and it felt like a mostly appropriate conclusion to the franchise.
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Harriet the Spy: Face the Music (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
An unexpected but welcome lesson in a young show
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching this show casually for the nostalgia and was really surprised that only 6 episodes in they tackled racism and white privilege/ignorance. This was a gentle episode to begin introducing children to the idea of personal experience and racism in America; it's not scary, they manage to avoid making Janie seem 'othered', and it ends the episode on a note that allows parents to continue the conversation in their own way.

In this episode, the kids all fall in love with a song by a (white) artist, Vic. Harriet's dad gets them backstage tickets to a show where they discover that Vic's song was actually written by his black guitarist, Redd. Harriet wants to tell Vic off for how unfair that is and how Redd deserves more credit (and money) for his work. Janie intervenes, pointing out that this aggressive tactic could have negative consequences for Redd. Harriet can't understand this line of thinking and is sure that wouldn't happen, resulting in her and Janie getting into an argument and parting ways.

In the end, Harriet goes to talk to her dad who supports Janie's conclusion. He goes one step further and he tells Harriet it's her job as Janie's friend to listen when Janie talks about her feelings and experiences. That Harriet should be open and believe her and Janie is the only one who can speak to her own experiences.

The episode ends with the two girls listening to Redd's self released album and saying there will be a lot more to talk about later but for now (ect friendship). It leaves the door open for parents to continue the discussion with their kids in the way that works best for them and their experience.

Overall a solid episode on introducing social issues to kids.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
A delightful experience for fans of the original.
8 July 2023
To hate this movie you really had to go in to the cinema ready to pick it apart. Some of the critiques I've read are so nitpicky it's absurd. This remake 95% following the original animated file and the changes they've made were for the best. If you enjoyed the original, changes are you will enjoy this remake. I found it to be a lot of fun and one of Disney's most successful live action remakes.

There were a few scenes where the acting felt a bit clunky and the new songs felt a little unfinished, but I fell in love with a lot more than I didn't. There has been a ton of criticism about the design of Ariel's companions, but they're not THAT bad. It reads as a little odd, but I don't know that they could have done better and still kept it realistic.

Some of the changes were really for the best. They shifted the location from Europe to the Caribbean, allowing for greater diversity and making Sebastian's accent more appropriate. They created scenes that help sell the idea that someone could fall in love without ever exchanging a word; Ariel's passion for discovery and experience allow for exchanges between her and Eric that seem much more genuine. These scenes are also FUN.

Javier Braden and Melissa McCarthy really came out and delivered. When the casting was announced I was kind of scratching my head with those two, but they were fantastic. Bardem brought the King of King Triton, exuding strength and power. McCarthy was a BIG surprise for me. I did not expect to fall in love with her, but she went above and beyond to honor the original voice actress while letting her signature style shine through.

On the smaller side, I like that they fixed the loophole of Ariel signing her name in English underwater and I appreciate that the sisters got a bit of an upgrade, h having them be empresses of the 7 seas was a fantastic promotion. (Though I would have LOVED for them to have a song.)

Overall, was The Little Mermaid remake a stunning cinematographic achievement worthy of an Oscar? No, but it was a wonderful movie that took me right back to the enchantment of the original and I had so much fun watching it. I would certainly recommend giving it a try.
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The Menu (2022)
A delightful, thinly-veiled class critique.
2 July 2023
I was surprised by how much fun I found this movie. It was marketed as a horror, but it was really an uncomplicated thriller providing an uncomplicated critique of wealth and performative class (lightly touching on sexism in the food industry).

I definitely found myself giggling from time to time at the predictable yet somehow still satisfying downfall of the pseudo-bourgeoisie.

This is a good movie for people who like scary movies but are also bad at them; very light on the gore, no cheap jump scared, super unlikely to leave you with nightmares. I think people who have worked in the food industry might find this particularly entertaining.

Is 'The Menu' emotionally groundbreaking? Not at all. But it's a unique concept that is a perfectly great way to spend a weeknight with some take-out.
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Utterly awful
1 January 2023
So very *very* bad. I cannot warn you away from this trash hard enough.

I enjoyed the first Kingsman. The second one was bad, but had it's moments. This ....was utter garbage. I was roped in by Ralph Fiennes and while he brings his expected level of performance and professionalism, it was like throwing gold in a sewer.

As a money pit Hollywood comic book adaptation, it's horrendous. As a piece of media that references a historical event, it's disgusting.

The only detail of the whole movies that was even remotely pleasant was the idea that the world is kept safe by a network of domestic servants willing to remain invisible in order to save the world.

Steer all the way clear.
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Encanto (2021)
Fantastic look at what it means to be a family
16 January 2022
I can't figure out why this movie has received such harsh critique, it was fantastic! Frozen *wishes* it were this meaningful.

In the first minutes of the movie we see a young mother and father (among others) forced to flee a growing danger in their village. In her grief, mother Madrigal is blessed with a miracle; The land rises up to create a safe haven for the refugees and from then on each Madrigal child is blessed with a special power, a gift, that they use to give back to their community.

This sounds like a dream come true, but when the third generation of Madrigals sees the birth of Mirabelle, a girl without powers, everyone is left wondering if the miracle is fading. A fear that only grows as Mirabelle begins to see their safe haven cracking and falling to ruin.

This movie was visually stunning and examines how grief can shape a family's legacy. It also looks at the roles we take on in a family and how those roles can be both a gift and a burden, (but this is Disney so with love and understanding, heart-warming lessons, you get the idea)

This movie brought both the feels and the laughs. (I giggled constantly.) The music was a little over worked at times, but the animation was spectacular. It all came together to make something truly unique for Disney and really really special. I can't recommend it enough.
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The Owl House (2020–2023)
So much fun
10 August 2021
Grown @$$ woman here; This show is so much fun. Designed for ages 6-12, it takes a familiar concept (human goes to witch school) and makes it feel unique and new; the animation is crisp, colorful, and attractive; the plot arc is fresh, and the characters are a lot of fun.

I started watching this on a whim and binged it all in a matter of days. I laughed so hard! I can't wait to see what's next.
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The Dresser (2015 TV Movie)
Charming, but doesn't lend very well to the medium.
22 November 2017
I have never seen the play, but based on the movie I'm sure it is a deeply moving piece beautifully crafted for minimalist theater. A somewhat meta-King Lear, Anthony Hopkins and Ian McKellen are masterful and charming in this adaptation. However, all the trappings of a film feel unnecessary. There's something just a bit off about watching a movie both celebrating and mourning the desperation, obsession, and beauty of the theater. This movie was not at all bad, but it's something that needs you to emotionally connect and watching it on screen creates a degree of separation that hinders that connection. If The Dresser were to show up on stage I would see it in a heartbeat, but I can't say that it's something I would ever watch on film a second time.
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Doctor Who: The Crimson Horror (2013)
Season 7, Episode 12
Sooo very bad
20 August 2017
What in the name of all that is holy HAPPENED? This episode might have been the most awful of the entire modern incarnation; We have no idea why there's a 19th century Scooby gang, the doctor is dipped in candle wax, and then they add in some Stepford Wives for good measure. Seriously, wth is going on? The plot of this episode was held together with duct tape and Jesus and the duct tape was discount.

Save yourself 45 minutes of waste and just skip this one. It adds nothing.
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Up All Night (2011–2012)
Will Arnett and Christina Applegate are Golden!
27 September 2011
I love this show. Will Arnett and Christina Applegate are hilarious as new parents adjusting to life after the 20-something party years. Will plays a stay at home Dad trying to stay sane while his wife becomes the primary breadwinner as a television executive for a talk show on the down slide, Ava. Ava (played by Maya Rudolph) is the shows one weakness. While Maya Rudolph is a fabulous actress, Ava is a one note character that makes the show somewhat awkward. This show is really unique. There have been tons of shows about families with lots of kids and parents that have been together for ages and there are lots of shows about young love, but what happens in between? This take on the family sit-com reaches to capture a younger audience, but is still likely to trigger memories in the 40+ demographic category. Check it out on hulu. I can't wait to see what's next.
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The Booth at the End (2011–2012)
Completely Engaging
3 September 2011
This has been a fantastic show! Twenty minutes flies by as you watch individuals come to seek out their hearts desire by making deals with a creature that could as likely be an angel as a devil. Tasks and deals begin to intertwine and form a cosmic game of chess, but the man in the booth at the end is merely keeping score.

Not only is this an engrossing series, but a masterful accomplishment of screen writing. The entire show is filmed from a booth in a diner. If someone had simply told me about this show I'd be convinced it couldn't work, but the concept of storytelling is given new life in this small screen format. Each contracted party returns to the diner to update the scorer of their progress and through their updates we learn how deals have gone horribly wrong or transformed into unforeseen joy. I cannot recommend this enough. I hope for more.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
an addictive show for some great entertainment
15 January 2008
Buffy starts a little rough with shaky talent and a lot of raw actors but the story line is interesting enough so you watch. After a season of great looking eye candy the actors seem to get into the swing of things and the writing can really come out. While most shows only run for a few seasons it wasn't until probably the third season that this show really starts getting deep and grows into the cult phenomenon that it's become. (Definatly watch the first few seasons for the delicious fun.) The actors grow and even become frustratingly different at times. Joss whedon is no slump at good characterization. Which makes this show different from a lot of other series out there. As the series goes on it becomes darker and more complex (to be honest I almost wish the last season didn't exist) not because it was bad per say but just because by that time the characters have grown out of the fun loving teenagers we meet at the beginning and have turned into warriors. By this time you know what the shows basics are (girl fights vampire, learns life lessons along the way) but this show breaks the basics of other television drama and for that I give it a solid B, B+ perhaps.
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Wow- definitely not cutesy animation
9 August 2007
This is one of those shows where you just aren't sure whether to love it or hate it but one thing is for sure. It's definitely not a children's animation. Decapitation, sexual fantasy, guns, jokes about the poor are just the beginning. This show is OUT there and i think i love it. But i recognize that it's crap. Like the 80's - it's terrible but god how we love to look back on glam rock and love ballads.

So basically, talking animals (a horse, an English bull dog, a monkey, a rat, and a sparrow) are created in a lab and set free by a misguided animal rights extremist. The animals then have to go from a life of luxury designed especially for them to one of utter poverty in a confused world where none of the other animals talk. They learn that meat comes from *gasp* other animals, That humans wont accept animals that talk, And that making money is harder than it looks. The rat has an over-sex-drive, The horse is an author, the sparrow is a wanna be singer cynic, the bull dog is a lady of breeding, and the monkey is a brain dead weirdo.

It's worth a couple episodes. You'll be in love, or so disgusted you have to turn it off or keep watching just to see what happens.
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If you've never seen the original
2 August 2004
I'm writing as a person who has never seen the original, so i cant compare it with the original but I thought it was pretty terrific movie. I cant say it's my favorite performance of Denzels but Liev Shrieber was great. It was a very intense movie about a mothers obsessive pursuit to put her son in the white house. A global technology center implants mind control devices into an entire military platoon to make them believe that one of there own (Shaw) had been a hero in times of trouble. Even Shaw himself is brainwashed into believing it. But the human mind prevails in the form of a R.E.M cycle. Only two members of the platoon are left alive to tell the tale- The Cptn. and Shaw- and it seems that The captains days are numbered The story unravels in a fast past mind blowing pace. I thought it was a great movie- I have never seen the original so am judging the movie by itself. It WAS a bit graphic in some parts so the emotional movie goer may want to give it a second thought or wait till it comes out on video but for those of you with a passion for thrilling dramas- this may be a great movie for you.
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