
211 Reviews
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Succession (2018–2023)
8 April 2023
It is a review solely of the first series of ten episodes which is as much as I could get through.

It is pretty dull and uneventful ordinarily, however relative to the amount of praise and awards which it has received it is the single widest gulf of how awful a show is, in comparison to the acclaim.

It drags along with absolutely nothing happening. You could watch the first 30 minutes of Episode one, with the last 30 minutes of Episode ten and follow it fine. If you gave someone an outline of the show, then were asked after 7-8 episodes in. "What has happened so far?" It is a struggle to come up with any answer.

It bares similarities to Big Brother or Love Island, maybe accounting for the popularity. What little plot there is, appears made up as it goes along and seemed to have been decided by drawing character names out of a hat and three of four of them one episode will slyly conspire to overthrow the company whilst a few others will contest it. Two episodes later, it is the exact same plot again but a different crop of names have been pulled out to fulfill different roles without any logic or explanation why.

None of the traditional traits of popular TV are found. No twists, no cliffhanger endings to tempt you to watch the next episode. Just the same storyline recycled with different characters. They are the most loathsome group of characters ever put into a show, which I know is exactly the point and they do it well. There is quite literally, not a half decent, mildly likeable one amongst them. Some and their habits are absolutely grotesque, children beaten and it is surprisingly a 15 certificate. The core of them are a combination of drug addicts, sex workers or both, which must be a ridiculously extreme portrayal. It is a real stretch of reality that in 2018, none of their actions, comments etc have ever been recorded or leaked. It is unique for a show not to have a single character to root for or subconsciously watch to see succeed.

The dialogue is mumbled along, Cox seems to only have about three stock phrases, one of which is **** off. There have been the same conversations with the same characters, three or four times over in ten episodes. Connor and his girlfriend about their status, Roman with anyone, Shiv and Tom's discussions occur over and over again.

I really cannot find a redeeming quality to keep watching beyond the first series. I am all for giving films that start slowly, a bit of time to get going. Even a couple of episodes for a TV show. But if a soap opera cannot engage after ten hours then it is hard to envisage going back to it.

1/10 for the first five episodes, 3/10 for the next five so 2/10 overall.
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John Wick (2014)
Average shoot fest
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not good, not bad. Just run of the mill shooting with a bit of fighting.

I don't know why you needed to see, what ended as the final scene, at the start. It added absolutely nothing and to have skipped it, would have improved the film. Instead you spent the entire time, knowing how it would end up.

It starts off ok, first 30 minutes sets is up very well, but then any character development or storyline is disregarded for endless shooting (of any men at all but no women) with a bit of fighting thrown in. There is next to know acting or dialogue in the latter half of the film. It was like watching someone playing a computer game for the last hour.
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26 March 2023
There is definitely an element of popularity in the film, through viewers keen to not come across as not understanding it and as with multiple examples before this, with unique arty films, publicly praising it makes you feel a better and more intelligent within yourself.

This was another such example. In one way, it is impossible to follow, you need 5-6 viewings before you would even start to pick up everything that is going on. But then on the contrary, becausw of that and the overall premise being fairly straightforward it also makes it quite easy to broadly follow, in that you are not required to 'get' every aspect of it.

The bigger problems with it, were parts of it were just ridiculous. Sausages for dings, fighting with dildos. It just seemed like a first draft of a film before a few more revisions.

The producers also needed to excerise the "less is more" philosophy. It just dragged on and on, like a concert, with the singer coming back on stage. It could have ended threw times in the 30 minutes before it did, without losing anything.
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The Chain (1984)
27 February 2023
Reasonable entertainment for a free film on the ITV Player. A good cast to pick out people from nearly 40 years ago.

There is not a great deal to it, we are merely privy to a day in the life of a group of people moving homes, mainly involving a removal firm. There is a gradual movement from the perceived bottom of the ladder to the top.

It doesn't invoke much of any emotion and a couple of the characters do not offer anything at all, but it is never dull, good for location shots and a film way ahead of it's time, with the social and economic issues still prevalent now. It is recommended to anyone.
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Shut In (I) (2022)
Not good
11 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I try not to leave poor reviews and find positives where I can, but this film was so bad it was difficult not to.

The 10/10 reviews are laughable. That is faultless. People are are measuring this and giving it a rating exceeding the Godfather and Shawshank Redemption?

As for the film, it started OK, the premise is a good one and the acting good throughout.

But the plot line became farcical. You are locked in a room, your children are outside, and even before the child abuser enters, the mum spends most of the time slumped on the floor, pondering life, like a man watching a passing seagull. It's a brittle wooden door. It didn't need the A-Team to make a lorry to try and get out. Keep kicking a panel repeatedly, running at it, cut it with glass or the screw driver. Failing that, make it a metal door to keep it realistic.

Then eventually, when she did get out and grabbed the kids, every decision was baffling. You get as far away as you can, not make a Sunday roast, with a half dead child abuser on the floor.

It could have been so much better but lost its' way, trying to string out 90 minutes.
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Overrated at 4/10
26 November 2021
I struggle to see how it was rated as high as 4. It was actually OK for the first 15 minutes, seemed interesting, as if it may go somewhere. Unfortunately it did, downhill.

The decline started almost at the second that the cat arrived into the story. If they could have rewritten the story, without the cat involved in any way at all it would have been OK.
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Remove the flashbacks
26 November 2021
I had no idea that it was based on a true story until the end of the film. Prior to then, I was wondering why the plot had him an an ice hockey player and what benefit that was.

Now knowing that he was, I am not sure that it complimented the film in anyway and would not have worked any worse if they had ignored it, as they would, had he been a postman or milkman.

It wasn't a bad film. Not as bad as some reviews have it, but the flashbacks added nothing at all an dif anything made it worse.
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Parallel (II) (2018)
Great start, went downhill very quickly.
12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The opening half was excellent, brilliantly contrived idea, with a good plot to go with it.

As with so many films, it went rapidly downhill and for the same reason as so many before it.

I have absolutely no idea why one of the characters had to start killing the others and turn it into any low grade slasher film.

The first death fair enough, that went with the story but a complete transformation of one of not more of the other characters added nothing.

It also was not always easy to know which reality the plot was in at the time.
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Coherence (2013)
Where do you start?
9 November 2021
Impossible to even cover the surface of this film, in a review.

It is a monumentally huge subject that could easily be a 24 episode TV series, but condensed to a 90 minute story, which didn't necessarily do it any favours.

It was fascinating, really good and oddly had nothing irritating about it or the characters which is unusual for 90 minutes occupied entirely by 8 friends at a dinner party.

It was as good and interesting as the time permitted but you will end up with nine questions left unanswered for every one that was. The biggest one being where had everyone else on the planet got to for the night.
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Dune (2021)
Generally Dull
9 November 2021
A film nearly three hours long to tell a plot which never reached anything beyond mildly interesting. Then with another 3 more hours to come in Part Two.

It was not bad enough that you couldn't make it through to end, there was just about enough with the effects to keep you watching but if you had the bingo card, you could pretty much cross off the lot by the end of it: Explosions, a traitor, near death avoided and a man leading thousands into war with a motivational speech as he runs along and minutes later there only a handful of people left, including him.

If you are a big sci-fi fan and enjoys the novel, I am sure that you will enjoy it.

The actors seemed a bit bored with it at times. The cinematography I am sure will be complimented but as it often is, seems to be preferable to a good plot for many viewers.
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Boss Level (2020)
Pretty good.
5 November 2021
Good idea for a film, it kept me interested all of the way through. As a couple, they did not seem remotely convincing and I was not 100% certain why they were that determined to kill him when the world was ending.

That aside, very good, surprisingly amusing at times, comes together fine and I did not mind the ending.
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Not that good.
5 November 2021
There are a few amusing scenes but that is all the film really is. A few good ideas for scenes, mainly in the first 30 minutes and last ten, but little else and some cobbled together story to stretch it out to 90 minutes.
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2 April 2021
A good film, slightly under marked on here. It is always exciting and keeps you engaged where it will go next.

The main issue is times given to the parts of the story. In a way the film ends at the most interesting part and given the true events could easily have gone on another hour.

It either needed an extra half an hour, it better an additional hour, with a slightly reduced ount of time on the prison, where it dragged a little.

But for what it did give, it was good and recommended.
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The Captive (I) (2014)
20 August 2020
The fact that I give it 6/10 when there was so much wrong with it, shows how good it could have been.

I have no issue with films jumping around in chronology but there seemed so little thought in many of the scenes that they were placed in the order that they were for no logical reason and could easily have been the opposite and no altered it at all.

For a 110 minute film, so many of the characters and stories are under developed and then other which have no consequence bare overdone, including the main villain whose motives are not explained.

It is still good and watchable but could easily have been a lot better.
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Game Night (I) (2018)
20 August 2020
One of the best and funniest films that I have seen in ages. I was not expecting too much, chose it more for the murder mystery plot. That was good too, but the characters and the humour was the highlight. Everyone in it added to the film and hilarious scenes throughout along with a few twists. I rarely rate anything a 10/10. I can count on the fingers of one hand the film's which I have seen that are funnier than this and either from Monty Python or Airplane.
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7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Usual crock of reviews with most votes either 1, 9 or 10/10 when to anyone sensible it is none of those and to call it either a faultless classic or worst film of all time is daft.

Nor is it a film that you will "either love or hate" - I was neither way, it is ok, but definitely worth watching. I have seen a few of these types of films recently, including two Escape Rooms and it is better than anyone of those.

What was good and slightly unusual for these films is that generally the characters were not too annoying and you could root for them rather than the opposite.

As a spoiler those that made it to the end are the ones which you expected from the start, but there are a few other twists along the way, moments that you are not expecting and it never drags.

I am not sure where any laughing and funny scenes, with one possible exception in the lift, but not being funny did not hinder it at all.

The only faults I could find were that the scenes with the Japanese children needed explaining as to who was who and the force field around the area was given away early. It is quite Americanised in parts of the language but easy enough to follow.

All in all, worth a watch if you are fans of the genre and want better films than most of the slasher ones around.

A low 6/10.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A film rather symptomatic of the times. Whilst it was inevitable almost all ratings would be either 1,2,9 or 10, it is surprising that there are so many higher scores.

Even allowing for it being a time when people can revel in spending three months sat in a house, watching people sat in a house, the fact that it can stimulate enough people to give it 9/10 is staggering. I made it through to end easily enough, but is hard work.

There are 15 minute stretches with little or any dialogue and the scenes are often standalone and a confusing mess put together in an incoherent way. You can't help get the feeling that there are parts of scenes put in, on the spur of the moment, without any thought behind them. The scene with the disfigured guy went nowhere, as did each of the motor cyclists. Take them out of the film and it is not any different.

It is odd to see those praising the film, claiming that you need to watch it in a way that you do not watch anything else and to not look for a plot, or answers, or coherence. Why? They are pretty crucial factors to challenge the intellect of a viewer rather than exploding cars and pointless fighting. Unfortunately Under The Skin achieves the difficult by being even more drab than those.
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Escape Room (II) (2017)
3 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It started ok and with potential, if you disregard the completely pointless opening 20 minute drive, drunk man, restaurant scene and unnecessary friend that was not even in the Escape room.

From the moment the deaths came, it seemed to be made up as it went along, with completely bizarre turns. The first couple who I was glad to see go, oddly wanted the door closed to solve their puzzle, another girl had her hand cut off, but nothing more came of that, presumably she died.

The clues to answer, if you can call them those, are so tenuous and offer nothing for the viewer to play along with. The cast seem to take turns in working out a puzzle which must have been created whilst drink or watching 321.

Then the end, for reasons unknown the girl is naked in the cage but nobody else is, it was a 50/50 shot that her or the guy would walk out but ended that it had to be her. As for who was doing it, why, where, what relevance those at the start had, unfortunately you have to do the scriptwriters job and answer it yourself.
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Prevenge (2016)
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Intriguing how many of the reviews here is 'dark comedy' or 'black comedy' when no matter what type of comedy you term it, there was not one scene even close to amusing.

It was not a bad film but slow and giving more questions than answers. There did not seem to be any police involvement in the story at all until one scene near the end. Surely they could have tracked her down after the first couple of killings.

The acting was good, but it would have been worthwhile to see a little more of the climbing incident which was the basis for the film as there were victims involved in it and others not.
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Quite Good
28 March 2020
Reasonably good film and difficult to criticise it too much for unrealistic behaviour as I don't think that anybody knows how it would occur in their office.

The ending was good.
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Horrible, Horrible film.
23 December 2019
This film was dreadful in a way that I have never known another film to be. Usually it will be for the plot, the acting, the production etc. Generally they were all ok, but the message and the direction which the film took was appalling.

The first half of the film was fine, a bit OTT about avoiding carol singers but mainly fine with amusing scenes.

It then took a ridiculous and abhorrent turn from the moment of the daughter's phone call. I was really hoping that they would get to go on the holiday, but thanks to a horrible crop of bullying neighbours, a disgusting commercialised overtone and a spoilt brat of a daughter, it took the worse possible turn, became so unrealistic and became one of the worst Christmas messages that a show can give.

Whatever the opposite of a 'Feelgood film' is, here it is. It will leave you thoroughly depressed that the good guy misses out, albeit that one part has a good outcome.
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15 December 2019
It is better than suggested on here. There is a lot of crap on the Hallmark and Christmas channels that average 5 or 6/10 and this a lot better than those.

It is not great by any stretch but the production and acting is much better and although it took too long to get to the ending, there are more than enough laughs to make it worthwhile.
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7 December 2019
The fourth of these Groundhog Day Christmas based films that I have seen and by a little way the worst.

It was different to the others in that days were not exactly the same but the premise was and unlike the others, as each day began with the music playing the sighing and gradual boredom increased.

Right from the first thirty seconds of the first repeated day it took an unusual course and there was just too much in the film that was unnecessary, characters that served little purpose, the camera work and insertions of music were more irritating and there was not really any character that you were that interested in.

We made it to the end though to see what happened and there was nothing majorly awful about the film.
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Chasing Christmas (2005 TV Movie)
4 December 2019
A peculiar film which had a decent premise and an interesting variation on a Christmas Carol but the acting primarily by the two main male characters was appalling and the Christmas Past character was absolutely unbearable. He seemed to run at walking pace yet put miles between those chasing him.
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4 December 2019
There are two different reviews that you could write for the film. One up until then minutes from the end, which would not be very good and one of whole film which is better.

The problems with it, is that it is so slow in parts and struggles with really only three characters in the entire 90 minutes, bar three others for a minute each.

The tone is all over the place as it seems to want to be a comedy at times, but lacks a single funny moment in the entire film, it can deal with very serious issues in between those and there is a part sci-fi element to sit, which is not explored anywhere near enough.

The ending actually feels very rushed, as a few parts come together brilliantly, but with little time to absorb them and having gone through a lot of tedium to get there.
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