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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Rocking Show That IS So Incredibly Addictive!!!
11 August 2013
I learned about this show from what was trending on Yahoo in the top ten. I heard never heard about it. So, I thought I would give it a whirl and see what was up with this series. HOOKED from the get-go. Watched the first three episodes back to back. Then finished the rest in the next few days. Could not stop thinking about what was going to develop next in the storyline. Some reviews about the show, say the characters aren't well developed. It appears a bit differently to me. The actors are top-notch in their craft, and they are able to do that with the excellent script given them to show that these women in prison are multi-dimensional.

Granted it is a show that may not appeal to all audiences, it does deal with some very real issues that one would expect to have in a prison drama. But, if you are aware of this part of the story, you are in for a awesome viewing experience. Kudos to Netflix and Jenji Kohan for bringing us all incredible TV. The only thing is we have to wait till 2014 for Season 2, can't wait!!!
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"If crime showed on a man's face,there would be no mirrors"
21 December 2012
The setting for this movie is 1895, Devil's Island. The story unfolds around Christmas time and what a delightful tale it is to be seen. Michael Curtiz directs a cast that makes you feel like the characters in the story are family. I know a bit offbeat and with a bit of dark humor at times. The movie shines with real heartfelt emotion. It truly is one of my favorite movies, not just at Christmas time but anytime. If you are a Bogart or Ustinov fan you deserve to treat yourself to this little gem.Aldo Ray is simply wonderful as the muscular backup to our three angels. Basil Rathbone is perfect in his character. If you see the movie you will know what I mean. The song "Sentimental Moments" is such a sweet little song. I wish it this were in circulation on TCM or other channels.It is a Christmas classic in our house, maybe it will be yours too!
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The Artist (I) (2011)
With Pleasure!!!
28 January 2012
There are so many wonderful aspects of this film, not sure where to start! First, I can say this film is an instant classic. There is no doubt about that as a fact. The production values are spot on, it feels like you are immersed in the world of the 20's.

The Cast performed in what might seem simple, performing their role without speaking. Au contraire, their faces, body language and nuances speak volumes. The other big supporting character in the movie is the Music. The Music brings so much emotion and depth to this great picture.

Some reviews here say the story is overrated. I am not sure they saw the same pic I saw. The story is wonderfully played out from beginning to end. A quick side note, if you see this movie and enjoyed it you may wish to watch some of the Silent era films on TCM. Every Sunday night they broadcast a silent film. The films pull you into another world, another aspect of the human condition. You see these films without voice sound but there is wonderful Music and acting that will make you laugh and tug at your heart as any great film from today would do to you. Again, "The Artist", C'est Magnifique!
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Santa Claus (1959)
Santa Claus found thanks to TCM
10 December 2010
I grew up in the 60's in Houston,Texas and one of the TV stations there would air this every Christmas. I could not remember the name of it specifically in this day and age but it was playing on TCM on Dec.10th and as soon as I read the description of this movie I had a feeling it was the movie I saw in those times. Now, I grew up watching movies on TV it was the entertainment of the day. I did not know much about movies as a kid but even as a kid of about 6 or 7 I could not figure this flick out then and not sure if I did now after watching it again. However, thank God for TCM for putting together a piece of the puzzle from a hazy memory from childhood. It just seemed hokey then, but it is incredible pure camp stuff as a I view it today. I just wonder how many pharmaceuticals were taken during the making of this film!!!
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A Man for All Seasons
20 November 2010
This is an amazing tale of a person who lived and made his claim to fame in the early decades of the 20th century. There were so many apt points he made about politics that are spot on about our current political world. We could sure use someone like him now to take a bite out of the polarization we have now about political issues. He maintained that we all care about each other and that as long as we have that the U.S. will never go down. We could definitely benefit from such ideas today. Great movie, great cast. Will Rogers Jr. portraying his dad. Jane Wyman as the love of his life. Great family and feel good movie. I viewed it on TCM, if you get the chance, don't miss it!
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Temple Grandin (2010 TV Movie)
HBO's Temple Grandin deserves all the accolades and more
2 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This HBO production is a stellar achievement in storytelling. This a great culmination of many great talents coming together. First, there is the story of Temple Grandin and her unyielding and devoted mother. From these people unfold the inspiring story of her life. Then, the director, producers, the actors,all the great support staff who brought it to life as well. Also the musical score provides a great backdrop that links with the visuals in the movie to give you a wondrous effect of how "Different, but not less" her mind views the world.

This story would not have turned out to be the inspiration that it is had Temple's mother, Eustacia followed the advice of the day. That being to institutionalize your child. I am sure at times it was a very long and arduous road to go down, that of raising a child with these difficulties. Child rearing is challenging on all levels, but from just the small glimpse you see of Temple as a child you get a feeling of her mother being the person who would not give up on her child no matter what the conditions might be. That in itself is an admirable tale, of unconditional love.

To quote a phrase from "Forrest Gump", people say they don't believe in miracles. To which Forrest replies,"But they do, they happen everyday!" This in essence is so true for Temple Grandin. The story portrayed here in the movie is a true tale, not one of fiction as is the case in "Gump". She had "miracles" so many times in her life. There were so many roadblocks to hinder and stop her but between her determination and the right combination of people with true and understanding hearts, the miracles happen for her. I do not bring up "Gump" as a story that is similar to Temple because they are not similar in anyway.It is just that the quote brings the wonder of daily miracles into perspective. Grandin's story is true and that brings this tale to a level beyond amazing. Clare Dane's performance is nothing short of astounding. Julia Ormond and David Strathairn bring so much heart to their roles. Temple Grandin is an amazing person. She has her BS,a MS and her PhD as well. Lectures about autism and animal husbandry. Published as an author,a professor at Colorado State Univ.,she is in short to me nothing but a hero for never giving up and "Opening New Doors!".
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The Pacific (2010)
Episode 10 of the 10 part series is "10"
17 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had the pleasure of watching all of "The Pacific". It is an outstanding production with top notch acting and production values. I did not understand how the graphic sex scenes fit into the scheme of it all. Now, some will say how can you watch someone have their leg blown off and soldiers with their entrails over the battle field and be offended by a sex scene. It's just that if you would like to watch this in a setting with young viewers(14 and above because of the graphic violence) it can be an uncomfortable situation watching these scenes with them or your mother as well!

My grandfather served with this very group of Marines on these same Pacific islands in the tank core. I wish I could have seen a production like this in the 70's or 80's and I could have a much deeper understanding of how this affected him in his life. Episode 10 although not the most physically graphic of the series had the most emotional affect on me. You see how much of their heart and soul was there on the battlefield and then how do you put the pieces together and have a "Normal Life" in peacetime. When the soldiers come home after such hardship they are treated not so very well and this was termed the "Good War". It is a tough road they face. Trying to fit in with society, finding a new occupation other than the brutality of war and survival. At this time in history, there was no diagnosis of PTSD. These guys were pretty much on their own returning home.The war had many personal devastating effects on my grandfather as it did for millions of others who served our country with all their heart and soul. I was moved by Sledge in the last episodes depicting him smoking the pipe. My grandfather was very much like Sledge in the simple comfort of this small relaxation. I was especially moved by the end credits. The actors who portrayed these individuals and then the photos of the real characters. Of note, when Snafu first appeared I was not particularly taken with him. Snafu grew on me very much though and your heart went out to this man who had to find a way to make it through this ordeal. I hope you do get to see it all. There was a incredible moment of humanity in episode 9 by Sledge's character. It was one of the most powerful I have ever seen in any movie. So, these men and women who gave so much should always be remembered and shown extreme gratitude for their actions. There are not enough words I can say for the gratitude that is due them all and our all those who have served from when this country began to those who walk the line today. Bravo Series, from Hanks and Spielberg.
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Curiously, I wanted to really like this movie
22 January 2009
However,the film falls so short. The movie is a complete study of what it is like for two movie stars that have no chemistry. I love movies and have been a fan for over forty years. Now after seeing this movie, I know what it is like to watch a movie and see people trying to act like they care about each other. There is just nothing between Pitt and Blanchett. The two leads in this story are incredible actors and bring much to their craft. It seems the lack of chemistry is more in the direction of the movie and ineptness of taking the story to a level that moves you. The cinematopography is nice and the soundtrack is average. There are some points in the movie that they try to convey but they come across as just so-so. Not the epic, this movie is being portrayed as being.

I like the premise of the story but the movie fails to capture me emotionally, and please there is not the slightest bit of similarity between this and "Forrest Gump". It is not fair to compare one story against another so that each can stand on it's own. However you might see and love it. If that is the case, enjoy! It was just a "curious" disappointment for me as a person who loves a good movie.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
A beautiful fable for now and the future
8 April 2002
I believe everyone has a right to their opinion about films or other topics. However from a lot of the comments I have read about this film, I do not think many got the gist of the message from the author and the film maker. This film is a great modern fable, a fable in the dictionary is defined as a brief fictitious story that teaches a moral. There are many morals defined in this film but foremost is integrity and a simple goodness.

I have a half brother who grew up in the Southern U.S. and on one occasion we were discussing this film and he said he felt it portrayed Southerners as dimwitted. I disagreed with him and informed him that the author himself was a native Southerner. The setting is central to this story in that it lets the tale unfold tying in factual events with the fable before us.

The film is wonderfully directed by Robert Zemeckis, the film is his opus and is acted by a great cast on all levels. From the children who were Forrest Gump and Gump Jr. by Haley Joel Osment. Say what you want but I feel Tom Hanks deserved the Oscar award. Gary Sinise is synonymous with Lt.Dan whenever you hear those words. Sally Fields is the loving dutiful mother in her challenging situation. Mykelti Williamson as Bubba gives you a real sense in the story that Gump had a genuine friend, he moves you with his character. Words don't grasp the full performance of Robin Wright Penn as Jenny. Jennys' tenderness and pain are palpable as exhibited by Wright.

I feel that much of Gumps' appeal is his downright sense of doing the right thing regardless of the people and situations around him and we see that in this film. That being the case maybe we all wish we could be just a little more like that, trying to maintain innate goodness and not the trade-offs we often make as we go down lifes highways.

The movie has it all too,drama,comedy and it challenges societal norms as well. Then there are the almost endless quotes from the movie that have slipped into everyday speech. They are too numerous to say at this point.One of the toppers for me in the movie is when Forrest is in a quandary about life and wondering as Lt.Dan said we all have a destiny and his Mom says it is where we are all just floating around like a feather in the wind. Forrest's character terms it very well with this quote,"I think it is a little bit of both." From my experiences in life it does appear to be that way. So if you have not seen the movie,see it soon you are in for a real treat. If you did not like it, give it a try again and hopefully you will see it for the great story it is!
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They fought not for God....Country...But for each other.
12 March 2002
This was the core message of this movie. The first half of the movie disappointed me in that it felt like the old Hollywood of old a.k.a. WWII movies, Yo-ho bravismo. I think the director was trying to show Col.Moore as a thinking officer and I believe he was and is, and I am a huge fan of Mel Gibson and his works but the performance comes off and as too forced. Sam Elliott who is always great,comes off very good and believable in his role as the Sargeant Major.

One other critique is the set in the movie. The set gives alot of mood to the feeling of terrain and geography. Vietnam era movies such as "Platoon" and "Apocalypse Now" succeed admirably in this area. But in the words of Austin Powers in "The Spy Who Shagged Me", quote: You know what's remarkable is how in no way does England resemble Southern California. I feel he could jump in here and say the same about this set.

But overall,the movie conveys powerful emotions. The dogged determination of the North Vietnam troops. It is a tad graphic at times but I feel it is justified to make the viewer relate to the story. The story makes you honor and respect those who gave their all for us and that we are forever touched by their lives lost. 7/10
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