
7 Reviews
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17 April 2006
This release proved the value of film: the potential to provide effective visual imagery when making points about the real world. Jello Biafra and two from DOA are among the cast and add to the potency of this film. Why isn't this film in every DVD store on the continent? Additionally, there was a fine soundtrack that accompanied this film. The release of this film coincided with the first gulf war courtesy of the elder Bush war-criminal. Amidst a very strange and civilian-slaughtering time, this film gave viewers a frightening taste of the ultimate power freaks. It was also good to see a film of this quality made with such a small budget. Ricochet was further proof that a film need not have an extremely high budget. This was independent cinema at it's finest. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia.
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a masterpiece
10 April 2006
This is a film that one is not likely to hear about from the media or music press. However, Phil Ochs was the prototype (without him, there would have been no Dylan), who actually lived his beliefs. He was in the streets opposing the war and standing for social change. Ochs sang beautifully and with sincerity. This film was excellent by providing as reflective a picture as possible. Filming scenes in the real Folk City club in Greenwich Village and finding an actor who could sing and speak like Phil resulted in a fantastic release. This film deserves to become widely available worldwide. The late Phil Ochs left a legacy that warrants permanent access and appreciation. This film is one of the best offerings. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia
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JFK (1991)
high truth for once
10 April 2006
It was commonly said that one must be off-balance to believe that a conspiracy was behind the assassination of JFK. However, when considering the magnitude of cover-ups, lies, related killings and the subsequent coup, what could be less rational than believing the corporate media's presentation of the 'single bullet' theory? Actually, I did see the magic bullet theory in action once. It was during an episode of one of the Looney Tunes cartoons. The bullet, which had a mustache and a hat, stopped completely in mid-air, looked around for the new direction of the intended target, made a right-angle turn, then continued in pursuit at full speed. While that did not necessarily vindicate Arlen Specter and the Warren Commission, it provided a humorous look at their incredible insult to the intelligence of the American people. This film was very well-made and was a rare moment of being offered reality instead of Disneyland. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia
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greatest comedy of the 80s
7 April 2006
This was one of the greatest comedy in all of the 80s. At a time when many 'comedians' could offer nothing more than to bash the homeless and other already oppressed peoples, Bobcat had the guts to challenge the pillars of state and church. It was refreshing to see a comedian during that dark era use material that included the most corrupt president in history (prior to W. Bush of course), Sylvester Stallone, Rev. Jimmy Swaggart (prior to the moral-crusader's legendary sex scandals), censorship, music warning labels, and the war on drugs. But it was not strictly the subject matter that makes this worthwhile. The humor and delivery show Bobcat at his best. He did comedy in a way that would make pioneers Lenny Bruce and George Carlin proud. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia
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good but dumbed down
7 April 2006
This was an overall good release but there were numerous flaws. The worst of which was the dumbing down of the characters, especially Abbie Hoffman. It made for good cinema and fit the mainstream's mental picture of Abbie, but was quite misleading. Abbie's last wife, Johanna Lawrenson, was grossly misrepresented as apolitical and little more than a bubble-headed groupie. Both were excellent organizers and people. Talking to both was inspiring. It's sad that a film from a better source misrepresented them. However, that said, the film has value for providing a visual picture of the times and occurrences of Abbie's life. Abbie was one of the most significant of the 60s cast of characters and this film contributes to keeping his legacy alive.
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Bob Roberts (1992)
highly recommended
7 April 2006
It was funny that this film contained so many ingredients, from Bob Dylan's work to the total political idiots (Quayle, Santorum, W. Bush), to the crazed Taliban- types in the Christian right-wing. While the messages contained many layers, not the least of which was the Iran-Contra scandal which was complex enough, somehow the film commanded attention and maintained humor. The degree of manipulation of the followers as well as the public at large provided a strong and funny picture of the impact of propaganda and the corporate media. This picture is now more relevant than ever. The extreme direction and antics of Bob Roberts has almost normalized in this age of a criminal regime. Forcasting the future and providing hysterical humor are the best of many assets of this film. It is very highly recommended. Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia
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5 Stars
6 April 2006
This is one of the funniest satires I've ever seen. It's even funnier than Mondo Elvis. Everyone but the truly fanatical fans are likely to laugh their heads off. They showed marketing and commercialism to it's logical extreme. How much can the corporate entertainment industry bleed a major source of revenue, even after the star dies? It's a fantasy come true for monopolies, Clear Channel, WEA- types who could easily engage in such tasteless exploitation. After years of worthless books and other media offerings about everyone from The Beatles to Kurt Cobain (99% of which is from Bush-like fantasy writers), it was good to get a good laugh about one of the most overexposed stars in modern history. We haven't seen a deceased drug addict provide this much humor until Rush Limbaugh and Bush's niece. - Rev. Bookburn, Radio Volta, Philadelphia
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