
2 Reviews
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3 September 2012
Honestly, the whole Snow White story revolves around Snow White being more beautiful and likable than the Evil Queen.

If I was Charlize Theron and went up to my mirror and said "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" and my mirror came back with "Actually my Queen, it's this girl called Snow White now", I'd say show her to me, see Kristen Stewart's face, laugh uproariously, slap my mirror upside the head and go back to the business of being evil with a spring in my step.

Kristen Stewart is neither more beautiful than Charlize Theron, nor is she more likable. Even if she managed to pull off that feat (mostly by Charlize making herself not likable as opposed to any 'acting' that Kristen might attempt) there is still the issue of beauty, which is what the story is centred on, as it gives rise to the jealousy of the Queen that sets everything else in motion.

Seriously, when is anyone going to realise how crap Kristen is.

Incidentally, if you look on the DVD cover, there is a picture of her in a coma with the poison apple lying next to her. Literally the only difference between that picture and the picture of her on the front is that her eyes are open. It's like her cosmetician slipped 400 times with the botox needle and managed to get every single muscle in her face.
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Totally Hilarious
29 October 2002
I have been a big fan of the Powerpuff Girls for a long time now. As far as I can see all they are meant to be is some rock em sock em cute entertainment for the kids and also, as a bonus, some very very funny entertainment for the adults as well. There are many jokes for the adults that would go nicely over the kids heads but retain their humour for the adults.

Anyone who would go to see this movie is either a) a kid or b) an adult with kids or c) just an adult fan. I fit into the last category and saw it with a friend of mine and haven't laughed so hard for quite a while. The kids in the cinema were also laughing a lot, just at different times to us.

Anyone who goes along and says "This movie is only to market some toys" kinda missed the point of some harmless yet funny entertainment. Of course it's there to market the toys, companies are there to make as much money as they can and if they are providing a good entertaining product then who is to deny them the fruits of their labour.

All up this is a hilarious movie about the genesis of the Powerpuff Girls which has never really been covered beyond the opening credits and as such was interesting for the completion of a storyline and also very funny for the foibles of 3 pre-school aged girls with super powers trying to come to terms with their place in the world.

Many funny moments such as the game of tag through the city (causing massive destruction of course) as well as many many funny monkey jokes, corny as they are.

Enjoy the movie, it doesn't answer any of lifes deep questions, but does fulfil one of lifes deep needs. That of laughter!

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