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Tokyo Vice (2022– )
4 April 2024
Ok, before I start, let me be honest and state that I am a devotee of " The Wire". For me, It's set an impossible bar for anything else .

Tokyo Vice is not The Wire, but in itself, it is also an astonishing piece of storytelling. Beautifully filmed, a beautiful cast and for me, a very rare window into the most culturally advanced society on Earth... Japan.

The main protagonist is a tenacious , young American journalist who embraces Japan fully and his tenacity lifts wide open a window into the Yakuza. I do not know a great deal about the Yakuza, just the standard stuff but you soon understand its crime with culture. The story is gripping. The plot lines and sub plots all work together to feed the main story.

Tokyo Vice never pretends to be The Wire or even The Sopranos. But it is simply unmissable. This is an absolute diamond of a show. You owe it to yourself to see this.
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27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A take of the Bhopal (preventable) tragedy from the viewpoint of the Railways. At the time whilst it was broadly reported as an afterthought in the West, the scale of this tragedy still hasn't been measured.

I cannot attest to the factual accuracy of this show anymore than American lawyers struggle to attest Union Carbide were 1000000% culpable for this disaster ( spoiler alert: They ABSOLUTELY were).

The acting is top notch the story relentless, gripping and unforgiving. I am finding myself hopelessly addicted to anything coming from India on Netflix because of the sheer polish and attention to detail and quality... " The railwaymen" ticks every single point.

For me, the overarching message of this production is that the West simply does not care less about the lives of people who aren't from the west, and they are merely fodder for profit. To this very day, that attitude by America, the UK etc towards India remains unchanged to this very day.

The Railwaymen is not just unmissable, it's also extremely important series that highlights the dust America tries to brush under the carpet.
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Not all heroes wear capes..
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As democracy and it's understanding and importance of it becomes diluted and even a threat to average Americans, it's a godsend that democracy still has guardian angels.

A fascinating insight how a group of republicans mobilised themselves to play their part from saving America from an unthinkable prospect of a second term for Donald Trump. This is an extremely powerful little series that shouldn't be understated what democracy means for motivated Americans. Throughout Trump's entire term this group relentlessly took on Trump's ace card for mass recruitment by exploiting the absence of critical thinking skills..TWITTER...and turning it against him.

Highly recommended.
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6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Let's be honest that the Handmaid's tale is becoming a reality, so will this. This isn't a dystopic view of America. It is what America actually IS. Normal human beings will find this uncomfortable to watch. Sub normal human beings will be triggered. And you can see clearly from the anger reviews that normal human beings are fast becoming a minority whilst the rabid far right extremists are flourishing unchallenged.
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The Layover (2011–2013)
Missed opportunity..
24 February 2022
This is a terrific premise and whilst largely entertaining ( and of course, a few inaccuracies, which I can attest to having visited the same locations myself), this could have been so much better with a decent central host. Anthony is a poor choice, he doesn't seem worldly, travelled, particularly interested in where he is and dangerously attempts to play his " I am American so therefore I am superior" personality in locations where America is clearly inferior. By FAR..and sees as such by those unfortunate enough to have to engage with him on his travels.
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A Place to Call Home (2013–2018)
I stumbled upon this quiet by chance..
17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Iv'e never seen an Australian production before, and I must admit, I wasn't especially excited to see this...

But my goodness, I loved each and every single second of this. The characters are engaging, easy to get to know, and heroes, goodies and baddies abound!

Sarah, in particular is an angel..she seems perfect in every way. Abby is the daughter I wish I had, Jack, George and Roy, men of honour and integrity, and then the selfish Elizabeth who does her level best to place her personal needs above and beyond that of her family at any cost.

I don't want to spoil this for anyone, but this is a whimsy, enjoyable drama, and the love the characters have for each other is so strong and uplifting.

In these difficult times, I highly recommend this is uplifting and entertaining.
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Horribly wasted opportunity
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I'll say that this film is beautiful.

It's cinematography and acting are stunning.

The story is one that absolutely has to be told.

But they really really dropped the ball by making it only 90 minutes long. This film needed to be at least 3 hours long. Over half of this film was spent trying the viewer to feel as much pain as possible whilst Barrack 9 were being tortured. The escape it's self was literally them jumping under a fence. Their interactions with others were rushed and very unpolished, and ultimately the very message of the film became mostly an afterthought. It's bitterly disappointing that this film couldn't be more, show more, engage more, tell more and deliver more.
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Man v. Food (2008– )
This NOT a food show
23 October 2021
Nope. Not a food show. This show is actually like a cartoon version of "The Wire", in that it is actually a microcosm of America. Whilst the wire takes a deeper dive into complex social issues, Man Vs Food pulls no punches, makes no attempt to brazenly show the world just how absolutely DISGUSTING American society is. Greed, sloth, self entitlement, extreme capitalism, zero regard for others and a blissful and absolute lack of remotely knowing how the world perceives America, and why that is critically important in the current political climate.

Just when you think it isn't possible to stoop even lower, America will always be the very first to say " hold my burger..."
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When America looks in the mirror...
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When America looks in the mirror and doesn't like what it sees, the easiest thing for it to do is to blame ideals and beliefs that are in essence the core of decency.

YES it is extremely uncomfortable viewing for Trump supporters who have arrived at this juncture fuelled by inner racism and an embarrassing inability of any critical thinking skills.

YES they are funny to watch..but the REAL DANGER is that these people are ridiculously powerful. Imagine if you will, giving 5 year olds nuclear missiles and codes to play with...that's how dangerous Trump supporters are.

An uncomfortable watch because reality is uncomfortable.
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Neerja (2016)
10 April 2021
Neerja... the courage of a lion against Pakistani cowardly terrorists

This is a must watch film for anyone who believes in doing what is right no matter what.

Granted those events occurred in the mid 1980's, but even today Pakistan has prided itself on being the terrorist hotbed capital of the world. It's simply astonishing that civilised countries allow travel to and from it. That It protected Osama Bin Laden is proof enough that Pakistan isn't intellectually developed enough to be considered a country that belongs to the greater global community.

She died unnecessarily and Pakistan is responsible for not just hers, but millions of other murders.
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Passionate fans?
6 April 2021
Try looking OUTSIDE of continental North America if you want to see where the REAL die hard fans are.
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The Illegal (2021)
Made for Suraj Sharma..
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The actual ethos of this film is incredibly important. Many overseas workers are treated poorly by their employees. But the film it's self is absolutely made for Suraj Sharma.

It's a script that he was simply born to act...he has now played the droopy, impotent, apologetic, awkwardly entitled nervous Indian in every single role he's ever played, from "Homeland" to " Million Dollar Arm" and his frightened, depressing character persona returns in abundance for this film. Such a shame as this script really had something going for it.
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This film is accidentally deceiving...
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A slick, well written, part documentary part documentary drama on a very interesting story about the wealthy buying prestigious college and university places for their children...

Or is it??

What this film accidentally becomes is a beautiful metaphor for what America is and what it stands for... Greed, money, power, corruption, lies and the eradication of poverty by merely eradicating the poor by removing any opportunity they have to escape poverty through Education.

This film is essential viewing for anyone who has any doubts of what America has become.
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An essential watch...
6 March 2021
All those soccer moms who tearfully ask " why do they hate is so much ?"

This film will go a VERY long way to answering that. America's flouting of it's own legal system in the very worst possible way. Is it any wonder that justice in America is never ever delivered where justice is merited?
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It would be easy..
6 February 2021
It would be too easy to be swayed by other reviews written here by far right bigots who lack both the courage and moral fibre to own their own racism. Instead, take this film for what it is.. a difficult subject about something that was once swept under the carpet but has now re emerged.

It's not a perfect film, but well acted and gets the message across without ambiguity.
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The end of an error
20 January 2021
Just like his presidency, this film only has one obvious parallel...both are unmitigating mistakes. There really is nothing new here to see. If you are pro trump, this is a feast for your lazy critical thinking skills. if you are a normal human being, you'll find it toe curling.
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Perfect for Trumpets
20 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget, low IQ, zero fact based drivel engineered to feed the insatiable appetite of narratives and lies to a hungry Trump base. There's a reason they lack critical thinking's because they'd rather allow garbage like this do the thinking for them.
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Oh Dear..
24 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great study of how the founding fathers wanted the set up to be, but ultimately this serves only as providing one sided, without context "factoids" for right wing nutters to use on Facebook. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
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Utterly depressing..
15 July 2020
If you're the type that thrives on sorrow and abject misery, then you'll probably enjoy this. utterly, utterly depressing.
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Greyhound (2020)
A missed opportunity
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A decent enough film but the whole experience felt rushed and an impatient method of telling the story. Not much character development and straight into 90 minutes of virtually non stop cat and mouse with enemy submarines... which was very well done and showed how visceral war in the Atlantic was. But disappointed that Hanks of all people would drop the ball on giving the Navy its very own Saving Private Ryan. But if the message was to give the viewer how tense and frightening warfare on the seas is, it did that very well.
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Our Girl (2013–2020)
"Band of Brothers" meets "The Simpsons"
8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers matter what you thought of season 1 and the film...DON'T treat this too seriously.

Season 1 was easily the best, a good feel of 'military' with a cute little romance, touchy feely stuff thrown in. Mollie was so amiable and very likeable as the lead medic., as were her company.

Season 2 and onwards it sort of all falls apart in terms of grit or even attempted reason...don't get me wrong, Georgie, the new medic is hotter than the very depths of hell and absolutely gorgeous...but despite her smouldering good looks and decent acting skills, Michelle Keegan's role was pretty insulting. Jilted, she decides to Jilt someone else..she goes off mission endangering herself and her company whilst creating and managing several love triangles along the way...but it's ok..just please please please don't take it seriously. The acting is actually very good, the characters are likeable, the plots hysterical and completely over the top but it's OK..this is a FUN show and should be treated for what it is. The bad language is alarmingly frequent and pretty severe, which sort of clashes with it's love triangle type story lines, it could have been toned down without spoiling the flow of the show, but it's fairly clear the makers believed they were trying to give an authentic account of army life with a cartoon type script.

So..yes, it's pretty much "Band of Brothers meets The Simpsons"...but that doesn't make it top notch entertainment. Throughly enjoyable
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Peaky Blinders (2013–2022)
14 April 2020
Pound shop version of " The Sopranos " but set in the early 20th Century. I didn't even bother with season 5.
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Brexitannia (2017)
Very well done and a warning..
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The most divisive subject that has split Great Britain in 2 and a powerful warning of how dog whistle politics has motivated the working poor and intellectually lazy to find blame where blame doesn't exist.

A chilling reminder of not only how beautiful democracy is, but also how deadly democracy can be when placed in the hands of those incapable of independent thought and are willing to throw themselves into the arms of the oligarchs and wealthy who, in actual fact could care less about them, but manipulate them to achieve their own wealth objectives.

The values this country fought to preserve by fighting in WW2 eliminated in a single swoop.

A must watch for future generations.
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Biased Character assasination
2 September 2019
I could care less about American politics, but this film was nothing short but a vile, baseless character assassination. You can tell who the lunatics are with their '10' votes. Grade this film on its has absolutely NONE.
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Awesome idea..
9 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A documentary about baseball cards is such a cool theme and I couldn't wait to see this.

But ultimately this film is flat and dull, just like the dislikable weakling it's centred on.

I can only conclude the over the top reviews and praise has come from people directly associated with this venture. It's a 6 out of 10 at very best.
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